Chapter 108 Yongwang
"Okay, I understand. After 3 years, I will go to Xianyu myself."

Li Yun listened to King Xiang's explanation, and after thinking about it, he also agreed to lend the ancient artifact.

The person in the fairyland who wants to borrow him to originate ancient artifacts is King Yong.

According to Xiang Wang.

King Yong is an older and more powerful Immortal King than him. Even if he is not a giant, he is not much worse.

Now that the ancient artifacts of origin are in Li Yun's hands, it does play a key role in helping him understand the way of origin, and it is unlikely to be lacking.

However, the conditions given by King Yong are not bad.

There is also something that Li Yun is very interested in, and it may be of great help to him, so it is not necessary to lend the ancient artifact.

"Okay then, I will reply to King Yong for you."

Elephant King said with a smile.

Then Li Yun chatted with King Xiang for a few more words and left, returning to Silent City.

He is now guarding the silent city.

This city gate was also a city that Xiang Wang Zhenlu had fallen to in recent years.

It was later recovered.

Li Yun is guarding here, and he can reach the gate of the Elephant King relatively quickly through the teleportation array, and he can also take care of his Xiaozhen road.

After all, he doesn't have the majestic appearance of an immortal king, and he can cross this vast world at will.

Any true road is extremely long and vast.

Only the existence of the Immortal King can radiate such a vast range.

As for why Li Yun went to Xianyu to lend the origin artifact to King Yong after 3 years.

Mainly because he needs to assist the Elephant King against the Evil King.

And 3 years is enough time for the Elephant King to basically recover from his injuries, and then there will be no problem fighting the Evil King alone.

But even if King Xiang recovers from his injuries, it is impossible to join forces with Li Yun to kill the evil king.

A god-king of origin is far from easy to kill, but the evil king may not start wars too often.

And during the time when Li Yun was guarding the silent city.

His son and daughter-in-law Li Guan and Sang Linying.

After a long detour, it took hundreds of years, and finally arrived at the silent city where he was, and reunited with him!

in fact.

After connecting to Xiangwang Zhenlu, Li Yun had not deliberately searched for Li Guan and Sang Linying, but someone had already come to tell him the relevant news.

Emperor Xuan of Huanggu Zhenlu also has some friends in Xiangwang Zhenlu, and there are naturally many powerful true immortals among them.

These people knew that Emperor Xuan was looking for someone who might be called 'Ziyun', and they also said that he would definitely not be weak.

After learning that Li Yundao's name was Ziyun, these friends of Emperor Xuan were also surprised, wondering whether the existence named 'Ziyun' that Emperor Xuan was looking for might be Li Yun, the invincible true immortal.

Although Emperor Xuan said that 'Ziyun' would not be weak, it wouldn't be so strong.

But they still took the initiative to find Li Yun and told him about Emperor Xuan, Li Guan, and Sang Linying.

Then Li Yun got in touch with Emperor Xuan.


There is a vast and boundless lost land between Li Yun's Xiaozhen Road and Huangguzhen Road.

There are also two origin sacred soils in it, which are the origin sacred soils of Equator King and Key King.

Generally speaking, the origin god kings set up a separate origin god land, and will not share the same origin lair.

There is no teleportation array connection between Li Yun's Xiaozhen Road and Huangguzhen Road.

If you don't rely on the teleportation array, but cross it with your real body.

Even for Emperor Xuan, it may take two or three years to get here.

And the premise is to cross in a straight line.

It is still impossible to hit the sacred soil of origin or individual powerful city gates of origin in the lost land.

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a big battle, and in the end, the ancient king may have to save people.

The Lost Land is the territory of the Origin Protoss. It is full of the gates of the Origin Protoss, and there is also the Origin God Land.

Except for the Immortal King, no one dared to rush indiscriminately.

If you take a detour, it will take longer.

Back then, it took the envoy Teng Lan a hundred years to cross from the sacred land of the origin of the evil king to Lingxiao City.

Moreover, Emperor Xuan couldn't leave the ancient and true road for too long.

So Emperor Xuan didn't come to meet Li Yun directly after confirming Li Yun's existence.

However, Li Guan and Sang Linying can leave the ancient and true road.

Without them, there will be no impact on the ancient and true road.

But it took hundreds of years for Li Guan and Sang Linying to detour and arrive at Ziyun Xiaozhen Road without any danger, and then reunited with Li Yun.

In Mexico City.

Li Guan and Sang Linying arrived here.

Even though they have experienced hundreds of battles and lived for tens of thousands of years, they still inevitably feel a sense of excitement at this moment!

Because they are finally going to see their father and their relatives!

At the beginning they heard the news about Xiangwang Zhenlu, and heard about the little Zhenlu named 'Ziyun'.

They also froze for a long time.

Although they also find it hard to believe that their father has become so powerful.

But they were still instantly excited, and had a rather strong intuition telling them that this might be their father!
The result is true!

Li Guan and Sang Linying entered a certain hall inside Mocheng, and finally saw the figure who was unfamiliar but still familiar.

Now that person is unparalleled in aura, overpowering everything, overpowering everything, and can even shake the Immortal King.

Already far beyond the father he remembered.

But Li Guan could feel the echo at the blood level in an instant, and there was no doubt that it was his father!
"Good! You are all still alive, great!"

Li Yun looked at Li Guan and Sang Linying with emotion, and also missed them very much.

After Yu Tian was born, Li Yun became a grandfather for the first time, and the family spent a rare time together.

Thinking about the pictures of the past, compared with the tragic situation on the ancient road today, it seems like a lifetime away!

But fortunately, they are still alive.

"Father, it's good to see you..."

Li Guan also sighed.

Then the three of them talked about what happened after they separated.

Li Guan and Sang Linying also know the current situation in the Beidou world.

When they heard that Yu Tian had now become an emperor, they were also deeply relieved, and they were even more excited, wanting to be reunited with their son.

But there was also a little anxiety, because they had been separated from their son for too long, and they didn't know if his son would blame them.

Li Yun also knew that Li Guan and Sang Linying encountered many dangers on the ancient road at first.

Fortunately, the Lord of Heaven opened the way, and when they moved forward according to the guidance, some dangers had been swept away by the Lord of Heaven.

So in the end, it was safe and sound enough to avoid many gates of origin, and arrived at the end of the ancient road.

"Father, Lin Ying and I are ready to break through to the real fairy, and I feel that the opportunity to become a fairy has arrived."

Li Guan said to Li Yun, his expression was determined, and his body naturally exuded the iron-blooded aura of years of fighting.

He borrowed some treasures from the ancient road, some of which were gifted by Emperor Xuan, and some he exchanged with his military exploits.

Now that he has accumulated a profound background, he is somewhat sure of becoming an immortal.

"Don't worry about becoming an immortal, accumulate more, so that when you become an immortal, you may be able to break through the limit of the first level of immortality at the same time, which will be more beneficial to your future growth!"

Li Yun replied.

But Li Guan still insisted: "Father, Lin Ying and I already feel that we have reached a bottleneck, even if we continue to accumulate, there will be no qualitative change."

"It's better to become an immortal as soon as possible, release your potential as soon as possible, and start practicing at the level of immortality earlier."

"And it can also play a little role in the true road battlefield."

When Li Yun heard Li Guan's words, if it was the first words, he might have agreed.

Because what Li Guan said is right, it makes sense, and it is indeed time to become a fairy.

At this time, it is indeed a waste of time to continue to procrastinate.

"It's still not in a hurry, I have already agreed with King Xiang to open the Honghuangchi for you once."

Li Yun said at this time.

"Honghuangchi?" Li Guan and Sang Linying heard this, with doubts on their faces, and they didn't know what Honghuangchi was.

Although he has been fighting on the ancient and true road for a long time and knows the existence of Xiang Wang, it is impossible to know Xiang Wang very well.

"Honghuangchi is a place of supreme good fortune built by King Xiang with a lot of treasures, and it is specially used to polish the foundation of the younger generation."

"It contains a kind of extraordinary prehistoric power originally created by Xiang Wang, which can help you baptize your body, sort out your morals, and strengthen your foundation."

"It can also allow you to grasp a bit of prehistoric power."

Li Yun said briefly.

After learning about the situation of Li Guan and Sang Linying on Huangguzhen Road, he has already asked King Xiang for the right to use Honghuangchi.

Not many people can use this Honghuangchi even if they are the descendants of King Elephant.

Because it is indeed of infinite value, it costs a lot every time it is used.

However, with Li Yun's current help to the king, it is impossible for the king to be stingy with this little thing.

"It's so good?"

Li Guan and Sang Lin were also quite surprised after hearing the video.

Because they have been working under the Desolate Ancient King for so long, they have never heard of the Desolate Ancient King's similar things.

Maybe there are some differences between the fairy king and the fairy king.

The ancient king may be a little more solitary, and it seems that he has no descendants, and he has not established any orthodoxy.

So I am too lazy to spend treasures to build something that is obviously used to train younger generations.

"After going to Honghuangchi, don't rush to break through the real fairy."

"In tens of thousands of years, I'll take you to the Immortal Realm again. King Yong also has a similar land of creation, which can also allow you to practice."

"In this way, it may be possible for you to break through the limit of the first level of immortality and reach the level of a powerful true immortal while breaking through the true immortal."

Li Yun continued.

For your family members, if you have the ability, you should think more about them and pave the way for them.

If both Li Guan and Sang Linying can become immortals, they will break through the limit of the first level of immortality.

Then if they want to break through the limit of double immortality, the probability of becoming the ultimate true immortal will be much higher.

Human potential and fortune are always limited.

If one breaks through the limit of the first level of immortality after becoming an immortal, it will definitely consume most of one's potential and luck.

Then it will be more difficult to break through the limit of the second level of immortality, and the chances will become slim.

On the contrary, if one directly breaks the limit of the first level of immortality when becoming an immortal, it will not be too difficult to spend a lifetime to break through the limit of the second level of immortality.

As long as one becomes a supreme true immortal, there is still a slight chance of becoming an immortal king.

In fact, more than half of the immortal kings in Eternal Land and Immortal Realm broke through from the top true immortals.

Although it is difficult for one of the 1 Supreme True Immortals to break through successfully.

But the number of Supreme True Immortals is still much more than that of Invincible True Immortals, and there will always be extraordinary people who will break through successfully.


After hearing the video, Li Guan and Sang Lin were even more shocked.

It was already good to be able to practice in the good fortune of King Xiang, but he could still practice in the good fortune of Yongwang in the Immortal Domain?
Before I knew it, my father had reached such a height!
It is almost completely possible to communicate with characters like the Immortal King on an equal footing?
The Immortal King's good fortune is always used when he wants to use it?
"A little bit of preparation, and I'll send you to Xiangwang in a few days."

Li Yun looked at Li Guan and Sang Linying, smiled like an old father, and said in relief.

Seeing your loved ones still makes you feel relaxed and releases some suppressed emotions, which is also beneficial to cultivation.



A blink of an eye.

1 years passed.

Li Guan and Sang Linying also practiced for 1 years in Honghuangchi of King Xiang.

When they come out again, there has been a qualitative change compared to before!

"This prehistoric power is indeed incredible, it is worthy of being written by the Immortal King!"

Li Guan sighed sincerely.

Because they know very well what kind of good fortune they have got inside.

Before, they felt that they had reached the bottleneck, and even if they accumulated more, it was impossible to produce a qualitative change.

The slap in the face came quickly.

They are still a little weaker, their vision is low, and they don't know that there is such a thing as the good fortune of the fairy king.

This Honghuangchi can almost be said to forcibly raise their background and foundation to a higher level.

Today's Li Guan and Sang Linying have reached a level comparable to the emperor of the world.

In the past, they were at most the level of the Emperor of Heaven, not yet the level of Emperor of Heaven.

"Later, I can go to Yongwang's Fortune Land to soak for a while..."

Li Guan has already begun to look forward to the fortune of King Yong.

And he has already found out clearly that King Yong is a king older than King Xiang, although he is not a giant, he is not much different, and he is much stronger than ordinary fairy kings.

King Yong's fortune must be even more extraordinary.

"Daughter-in-law, you said that if you can visit the good fortune of the great fairy kings, will you be invincible immediately when you become a fairy?"

Li Guan thought about it greedily, but he just thought about it casually.

"If you think too much, there is always a limit to everything. Soaking in an Immortal King's fortune has basically reached the limit."

"Even if we go to Yongwang Fortune Land again, I don't think the harvest will be too great."

"I guess my father may want us to become immortals in the Immortal Realm, and the Yongwang Good Fortune Land is second. After all, the supreme law of the Immortal Realm is the most complete."

Sang Linying said angrily.

"I also know that I just want to be stronger."

Li Guan sighed slightly.

After learning about the 'Bane of Origin', he also felt the pressure and longed to be strong, so that he could better resist the Origin Protoss.

silent city.

Li Guan and Sang Linying returned here.

Li Yun saw them and understood their situation at the moment, so he nodded in satisfaction.

The effect of Honghuangchi is indeed good. The physical bodies and Taoism of the two people have been sorted out, and the background and foundation have been raised to a higher level.

Become an immortal is basically stable, but whether you can break the limit of the immortal method by the way still depends on a bit of luck.

"Let's stabilize it first, and the next big war can also sharpen the foundation of the current Taoism."

"When you go to the fairyland, you will become immortals."

Li Yun said.

When Li Guan and Sang Linying heard the words, they said yes, and then they talked about family affairs before leaving.

Li Yun's cultivation also did not stop.

He is still continuing to refine the "Origin of Township", and this Tao has only reached its original state initially, and it is still quite a bit worse to go back to the "Tao of Origin" that can evolve in all ways.

However, the next step is water grinding. It doesn't need to expend too much energy, just gradually dig out the remaining original state.

He has already begun to study the 'Origin of Cutting Path' with all his strength.

This way of origin is too complicated, with too many complicated branches, which need to be sorted out one by one, traced back to the original, and seek points of overlap and divergence.

Therefore, Li Yun's progress is not fast. After ten thousand years, he has only completed half of it.

However, he continued to study, consume all kinds of perception, and engrave it on the door panel at the same time.

Nowadays, the door panels are becoming more and more extraordinary, and they are constantly accumulating the "origin" heritage.

Even sometimes the reverse can give him some inspiration.

Because there are many insights on the door panel that he missed or didn't use yet.

However, various "origin" patterns merged on the door panels, and many changes have naturally occurred, as if they have begun to evolve on their own.



In a blink of an eye.

2 years passed.

It was the time when it was agreed that Li Yun would go to Xianyu and lend Ziyun Yin.

During this period.

Elephant King's injury has basically recovered.

The frequency of battles between Xiangwang Zhenlu has been low, because it is impossible for Xie Wang to defeat the combination of Xiangwang and Li Yun, and he will even be suppressed in turn.

The Elephant King also took the opportunity to slightly expand the True Path and compress the Evil King's territory.

However, it is still very difficult to eradicate the origin of the evil king, the sacred soil.

Li Yun has also returned the 'Zhan Dao' to its initial original state, and began to show the 'power of origin'.

Moreover, all the "way of origin" must have something in common and can be integrated.

Therefore, the 'origin of township' and 'origin of Zhan Dao' also began to merge a little bit.

And after the fusion, the backtracking progress of the two ways of origin is much faster, because they can be confirmed and made up for each other.

"Are you ready, let's go."

The Elephant King looked at Li Yun, Li Guan, and Sang Linying, and then sent them to the end of the true road.

There is a teleportation array here, which can return to the eternal soil.

Li Yun and the others have to enter the Eternal Land first, and then go to the Immortal Realm, which is the fastest and most direct way.

But there is actually a roundabout way to go to Xianyu.

That is to go to a lower realm at will, or even return directly to the Beidou realm.

Then wait for King Yong to confirm their location, and reopen the Feixian Road, so that they can also enter the fairyland.

But this is more troublesome.

Moreover, opening up the Feixian road in the lower realm also violates the laws and regulations set by many figures in the fairyland.

At the beginning, the Eternal Land was captured by the Protoss, and it also affected many lower realms.

In order to prevent the origin protoss from harassing the fairyland through the fallen lower realms, the fairyland will cause them trouble.

Therefore, all Feixian roads were simply cut off.

In this case, the Origin Protoss would at least have to send a God King to forcibly open up the Feixian Road and attack the Immortal Realm.

And the combat power of the god king will not be wasted on things like invading the fairyland from the lower realm.

Even if a god king really invaded the fairyland from the lower realm, there is a high probability that it will be detected in advance, and there is no possibility of attack.

This can stabilize the rear of the fairyland and reduce a lot of unnecessary Feixian Road battlefields.


Their Immortal Realm may also have to create an ancient road battlefield like Eternal Soil to suppress many intersections in the lower realm.

Then he ignored his head, causing half of the eternal soil to fall, and the ancient road battlefield was also sluggish, dragging down too much power.

Li Yun came out of the teleportation array and arrived at the Eternal Land.

Then it passed through a huge space node, and finally arrived at the fairyland.

"Is this the Immortal Realm, the place that countless people in the Beidou Realm longed for..."

Looking at the vast and boundless world in front of him, Li Yun felt emotional.

Here, there is a nine-fold sky, majestic and terrifying, capable of suppressing the eternal world.

Ambilight is everywhere, the sky is full of fairy clouds, and the auspicious colors are coming.

Even every sand and stone has an extraordinary charm, which is not ordinary.

Because this world is supreme, everything will become extraordinarily extraordinary after being washed by the supreme aura of this world for a long time.


This is just one of the very ordinary transit continents in Xianyu.

They haven't entered the hinterland of the Immortal Domain yet, haven't reached the normal life planet in the Immortal Domain, let alone the Immortal King Dojo.

But even so, this place is already extremely extraordinary.

"Father, the Eternal Soil and the Immortal Realm seem to be somewhat different."

Li Guan said at this moment that they passed through the Eternal Land and arrived at Immortal Realm.

Although the eternal soil is also magnificent and infinite, it does not lose to the fairyland.

But it seems to be slightly different from Xianyu

"Immortal Realm is just younger, and half of the Eternal Land has been swallowed up by the Protoss. The supreme order has been destroyed, and it is not as perfect as it used to be."

Li Yun sighed slightly.

That's why he asked Li Guan and Sang Linying to come to Xianyu to break through the real immortals.

At last.

The three of Li Yun arrived at Yongwang Dojo soon.

Because Yong Wang personally guided them, he built a temporary passage for them with the power of the Immortal King, and they could cross the boundless fairyland in an instant.

Yongwang Dojo.

It is an equally vast and boundless continent.

There is no sky here, and you can see the starry sky in the fairyland when you look up, and you can see the bright galaxies that exude a magical charm, as if they contain some kind of secret.

The land here is magnificent and thick, giving people a sense of magnificence and majesty, and there is an eternal and immortal atmosphere.


Li Yun also saw King Yong!
He looks like a young man, dressed in a long gown, with a smile on his face, gentle and friendly, with a bit of refined temperament.

At first glance, it looks like a teacher.

But no matter whether it is Li Yun, Li Guan, or Sang Linying, they can feel the kind of transcendent aura from Yong Wang, which transcends time and age, surpasses eternity!

"Little friend Ziyun, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

King Yong didn't have much airs, and greeted Li Yun.

"I have seen Senior Yongwang!"

The three of Li Yun replied politely.

"You're welcome, sit down, drink a cup of weak tea first, and then talk slowly."

King Yong smiled gently.

He also delved into the way of origin, and entered the Immortal King Realm with "primitive".

He has studied many ancient artifacts and gained a lot of inspiration.

So after hearing that someone had obtained the ancient artifacts of the former Taiyuan King, they were also curious and wanted to study it.

And in exchange.

He can also ask Li Yun to take a look at his "Secret Land of Creation", and maybe he can get some insights.

The 'Secret Land of Creation' is a place that most directly received the 'Light of Creation' when the Immortal Realm was formed in the past, and it still has aura of light remaining, which is extremely extraordinary.

King Yong first entered the Tao by virtue of this.

(End of this chapter)

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