Chapter 109 A Moldy Finger
This is the Garden of the Fairy Queen.

A waterfall flows out of a magnificent mountain, surrounded by fairy mist and auspicious colors.

Under the waterfall is a pool, which has a sense of vastness, sparkling, transpiring with the air of ten thousand ways, and reflecting the infinite mysterious rosy clouds.

Mystical flowers and plants grow everywhere, and stars bloom, like bright stars, revealing the mysteries of the universe and starry sky.

On the wooden bridge and the bamboo house, there is grandeur in the elegance, and the air of the eternal years flows, as if it is immortal.

Standing here, you will naturally feel a sense of the boundless vastness of the universe, which makes you feel relaxed and peaceful.

Li Yun and King Yong tasted tea here, enjoying a rare moment of peace.

The Immortal King does know how to enjoy.

And at this time.

One person walked in.


After this person came in, he shouted, and glanced at Li Yun and the three of them.

Li Yun also took a look at this person.

After taking a look, he was a little surprised.

Because he felt a bit of 'homologous' aura from this person, which seemed to be the aura of a 'true dragon'.

Moreover, the celestial aura on the other party is condensed and transcendent, and his power is exceptionally impressive. He is a true immortal!
"Come on, let me introduce you."

King Yong smiled and said: "This is little friend Ziyun, who has been famous for eternity recently. He has broken the limit of immortality three times. He is powerful and has a profound background. Many people are very optimistic about little friend Ziyun who can break through the fairy king."

"This is my little apprentice, Long Xiao, who uses the way of the real dragon to destroy immortals. Little friend Ziyun also seems to have mastered the way of the real dragon. You can communicate with him when you have time."

King Yong finished his introduction.

Long Xiao also took a serious look at Li Yun, and indeed he could faintly feel the supreme aura of Lingjue Immortal Technique from him, which was very powerful and shocking!

"Fellow Daoist Ziyun, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Long Xiao said.

Li Yun also replied flatly: "Hi, nice to meet you."

He can also feel that this Long Xiao has already started to break the limit of immortal magic three times.

Because the immortal aura in the opponent's body is faintly boiling, and the accumulation is very deep, which is stronger than the general top true immortals.

"Okay, Long Xiao, take these two kids to Yongchu Pool for a dip."

King Yong then said.

"Yes, Master."

Long Xiao agreed, and then took Li Guan and Sang Linying and left.

Yongchu Pond is very precious, not everyone has the opportunity to soak it, even if it is some of the peerless geniuses in the dojo.

But that is also for ordinary people.

In fact, King Yong didn't care much about who used the Yongchu Pool.

"How about my little apprentice, can I enter the eyes of little friend Ziyun?"

King Yong said at this time, with a smile on his face, as if he had another deep meaning.

"Fellow Daoist Long Xiao is very extraordinary, not far from breaking the limit of the three immortal arts, and it may not be impossible to break through the immortal king."

Li Yun replied politely.

"Little friend Ziyun, are you interested in finding a Taoist partner? For example, consider my apprentice?"

King Yong suddenly said this, a little suddenly.

Although it is also a whim, but it is not a casual talk.

In the current situation of Immortal Domain and Eternal Soil, it is very important to make more powerful people.

He is also very optimistic about Li Yun, thinking that Li Yun is indeed very likely to break through the Immortal King, so he is willing to make friends, and it is even better to get married.

Li Yun frowned slightly, and then replied flatly: "I have no intention of being a Taoist companion, thank you King Yong for your kindness."

"Little friend Ziyun, both of you and I want to trace the 'way of origin'. In fact, the process of breeding offspring is also a kind of 'origin', which also has primitive mysteries, and it is worth digging deeper!"

King Yong said another word.

Although there is the intention of getting married, it is not aimless. He himself has gained insights here.

But Li Yun replied flatly: "I already have offspring, so I don't need to breed."

Hearing this, King Yong smiled, and he basically understood what Li Yun meant. The other party really had no interest in Taoist companions.

But he just mentioned it on a whim, it's okay if it doesn't work.


King Yong and Li Yun began to discuss the 'Road of Origin' in depth.

And this discussion.

That is, 7000 years have passed.

Yong Wang has indeed studied the "Way of Origin" for endless years, and has extremely profound accumulation and understanding.

Surprised Li Yun, but also benefited a lot.

However, some of his origin insights and research directions also gave Yongwang some different inspirations.

The two discussed Taoism in the same generation, and both benefited from each other, and they got along very happily.

7000 years of discussion.

Both of them got to know each other a lot, and both of them accumulated a lot of insights because of this discussion. If they can sort out a little retreat, they should be able to gain a lot.

"Thank you little friend Ziyun for lending this ancient artifact."

King Yong got Li Yun's purple cloud seal and said: "Every ancient ancient artifact has a special origin mechanism, which contains a higher level of mystery and mystery. If you can understand it, you will definitely benefit."

"This is a little insight from the ancient artifacts I have studied, and it may also give you some inspiration."

In the end, King Yong gave Li Yun a copy of the Immortal King's Handbook, which contained all kinds of insights he gained from studying ancient artifacts.

Although it is very heterogeneous and a bit weird, it may even be that most of the perceptions are in the wrong direction.

But this letter is still of great value.

Li Yun was also very surprised to see King Yong give this letter.

In his opinion, the value of this letter is immeasurable, because it is the many insights of King Yong for countless years, and it must have great reference value.

"Thank you, Senior Yongwang."

Li Yun and Yongwang have been discussing Taoism for 7000 years, and they are familiar with each other, so there is no need to be too polite.

King Yong was already about to give it, but he didn't accept it, but he didn't give him face.

Naturally, he could also see that King Yong, like King Xiang, admired him very much, wanted to make friends with him, and even hoped that he would become a fairy king as soon as possible and become their great ally.

"You and I don't have to be polite now."

King Yong smiled and said, "Okay, let me take you to the 'Secret Land of Creation'. With your talent, you should be able to gain some insights there."

Hearing this, Li Yun nodded slightly, his eyes sparkled, and he was also very interested in the 'secret place of creation'.

When he became a fairy, he triggered the 'Light of Origin'.

Although it is similar to the 'Light of Creation' when Immortal Realm was formed, the two cannot be the same.

The "Light of Creation" in the Immortal Realm must have other mysteries, perhaps containing a deeper order of origin.

At last.

Li Yun entered a special strange space, where a special world was sealed.


This special world is the place that has been directly bombarded by the 'Light of Creation'.

Now it was abruptly cut out from the Immortal Realm by King Yong with monstrous magic power, and then sealed here.

King Yong went to retreat.

But actually.

The real body of King Yong is not here, and it is only an ordinary dharma body of King Yong who is discussing with Li Yun.

But this does not affect each other's discussion.

Although Yongwang's real body suppressed a fairyland battlefield in other places, it can still be closed for retreat.

The ancient artifact of origin uses the body as the eye, and it can also be studied remotely.

Li Yun was alone in the secret ground of creation, and no one disturbed him.

And as soon as he came in, he could immediately feel the unusual and special aura here, which was an indescribable meaning.

The flowers, plants, trees, and sandstone mountains here are all shrouded in some kind of mysterious aura.

That kind of aura, hazy and extraordinary, makes people feel awkward and uncomfortable, which is very obscure and deep, which touches something but can't find the 'point'.

"This is the 'Light of Creation'?"

Li Yun was amazed, he could feel the magnificence of this aura, and there was a kind of 'primordial' mystery that seemed to be boundless.


He sat down where he was, and began to comprehend and sort out the touch brought to him by the 'Light of Creation' with his heart.

at this time.

The 'Gate of Origin' in his body is also faintly emitting light, which seems to echo the aura of this world.

Many mysterious touches emerged, and Li Yun also quickly began to sort them out, combining the Yongwang Handbook, constantly confirming and tracing back his own "way of origin".

The fusion speed of his 'Suppression Origin' and 'Zhan Dao Origin' has also become faster and more efficient.

Continuously extending out various directions, bringing out various miniature principles of origin, to supplement and fill up the "path of origin".

Let the way of origin given to him become more and more complete.

In addition, the generation and combing of various tactile sensations.

His "birth and death", "birth and death", "truth of life", "all living beings", "suffering" and "true dragon" all gradually trace back to the origin and return to the original.

Like a few clusters of light in the starry sky, they are spreading across the network, and they are beginning to approach each other to form a whole.

Even in the end, it will spread even deeper until it covers the entire 'Origin'!
In addition, he also made a certain comparison and verification with King Xiang's "Prehistoric Law", to see some similarities and differences between the two directions of Taoism and Law.

I found that whether it is pursuing the ultimate to break the surface, or returning to the original and mastering perfection, each has its own strengths and extraordinary features, and there is no real advantage or disadvantage.

Again, what suits you is the best.

There is only the strongest person, there is no way to be the strongest.

But obviously, Li Yun is more suitable for the way of origin.

In a blink of an eye.

2 years passed.

Li Yun felt that the light of creation had been faintly imprinted on the 'Gate of Origin'.

The two reflect each other, and the "gate of origin" in the body also has an aura similar to the light of creation, which becomes more extraordinary.

And it seems to have been saturated, to have reached some kind of fullness.


at this time.

The 'door of origin' in the body suddenly undergoes a strange change!

After the "Gate of Origin" completely imprinted and reproduced the aura of the light of creation, it began to reorganize itself.

But when it reorganized to a certain extent, it seemed that some mysterious aura had been touched, causing the 'Gate of Origin' to suddenly burst into a strange light.

It is very primitive and pure, as if it is the origin of the light of creation, which makes Li Yun feel very shocked at this moment!
At last!
A blurry picture was reflected on the 'Gate of Origin'...

It was a point, as if small, but also as infinite.

But at such a point, there seems to be an endless accumulation of chaotic energy, squeezed into a ball, constantly rotating, and throwing out countless strands of chaotic energy.

But even a ray of chaotic energy seems to contain immeasurable surging energy.

Even the aura shown in the blurry picture made Li Yun tremble in shock!
It seems that even this ray of chaotic air is thick enough to crush the Immortal King!

The chaotic gas rubbed and blended with each other, resulting in various unpredictable changes, and then bred cosmic seeds one after another.

Along with the seeds of the universe, there is also the robbing light produced by the friction of the chaotic air, which is immortal, gathers into a sea, and rushes out in all directions.

Li Yun was suddenly immersed in such a scene.

Because that was the real 'creation' picture, although it was blurry, but that kind of aura made him feel infinitely touched.

The messy aura on the 'Gate of Origin' is also gradually sorted out, and finally gradually formed a certain point.

In the blink of an eye, more than 3000 years have passed.

But at this time the accident happened again!
Li Yun is immersed in the creation picture reflected by the 'Gate of Origin'.

But suddenly!
The 'dot' in the picture suddenly began to vibrate.

The chaotic air mass that deposited endlessly, was extremely thick, and could crush everything unexpectedly collapsed!
A large piece of chaotic air was scattered, but it was quickly reassembled by the influence of the 'point'.

That 'point' is actually huge and boundless, making Li Yun feel small.

But at the moment.

An extremely vague 'pillar' protruded from this 'point'.

Then... the screen ends here!
'Gate of Origin' traces this scene back from the aura of creation here, which seems to be all.

"That pillar, like a finger..."

Li Yun frowned deeply, thinking about it intently, still feeling greatly shocked.

He felt that because of the particularity of the "Gate of Origin" in his body, combined with the aura of creation here, he could look back at such a picture.

Perhaps, in the backtracking picture of the 'Gate of Origin', that 'point' is the so-called 'Origin'!
That kind of magnificence, vastness, inconceivable, shocking, even the Immortal King would be crushed in an instant if he stepped on it.


In such a place, a pillar like a finger protruded out.

It's a pity that the picture is extremely blurred, making it impossible to see clearly.

Also, there seemed to be something wrong with that finger.

There are some fuzzy light spots on it, revealing a strange color, like mildew spots, giving people a sense of horror that cannot be recalled.


The finger seemed to continue to extend, but the picture was interrupted, preventing Li Yun from seeing the follow-up.

"what exactly is it?"

Li Yun thought deeply and had many guesses.

But in the end he chose to hold back.

If it's what he thinks, he can't change it.

Among other things, just that 'point' is beyond his reach.



Li Yun has left the customs. This secret place of creation has not helped him much, and he has gained enough.

And after he left the customs.

It was discovered that both Li Guan and Sang Linying had become immortals!

Seeing Li Yun, Li Guan and Sang Linying shouted in unison.

Now these two people, exuding a strong sense of immortality, have reached eternity, and they have transcended decay and can exist forever in the world.


The only pity is that only Sang Linying has that layer of fairy spirit.

Obviously, when Sang Linying became a fairy, she also successfully broke through the limit of the first layer of fairy magic and became a powerful true fairy.

But Li Guan failed.

At this time, Li Guan's body is also full of celestial spirit, accumulated enough before becoming a fairy, and when he becomes a fairy, he releases it all at once, promoting the transformation of the fairy way.

Now he is only a layer of window paper away from breaking the limit of the first level of immortality.

However, if this layer of window paper is to be broken, it still needs to be polished, and it will take a certain amount of time to break through.

"That's right, the Immortal King is far away from anyone, and becoming an Immortal is actually enough!"

Li Yun smiled gently.

Although Li Guan failed to become an immortal, the immortal law broke the limit once.

But becoming a fairy means eternal life, as long as there is no accident, you will not die.

It is always a joy to have a loved one transcend death.

"Father, are you going back now?"

Li Guan asked, he was actually a little disappointed, feeling that he had let his father down.

But in fact, it is a difficult thing to break the limit of immortality once when becoming an immortal.

Many peerless geniuses in Xianyu who overwhelm their peers will also fail.

Even Sang Linying almost failed, but fortunately, after soaking in the land of two fairy kings, the background accumulation was extremely exaggerated and terrifying, and finally broke through.

"Yong Wang told me one thing, the Feixian Road in the Beidou Realm in the Immortal Domain may be reopened."

"So, let's go to Yuan Pluto first. At first, the Feixian Road node of Beidou Realm was at Yuan Pluto."

"Also, maybe I can introduce someone to you."

Li Yun said to Li Guan and Sang Linying.

He only found out about this after he left the customs.

And it was Yong Wang who told him personally, because this matter involved Yuan Ming Wang.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen.

But it may not be bad for the Beidou world.

Maybe then.

The Beidou world, the original ancient road, and the fairyland are basically opened up.

Practitioners in the Beidou Realm can also enter the Immortal Realm to practice at any time, and feel the supreme order of the Immortal Realm.

You can also go to the ancient road to experience, feel the "scourge of origin", and accept the baptism and tempering of war.

In the Beidou world, you can experience the mystery of the eternal and supreme evolution of the world, and accumulate Dao foundation.

All in all, no harm.

Moreover, he can also go back to the Beidou Ziwei Longevity Realm to see how the old man is doing.

"Yuan Pluto? Reopen the Feixian Road in the Beidou Realm?"

After hearing the video, Li Guan and Sang Lin were shocked again.

They don't even know what kind of king Yuan Ming Wang is, but as long as he is an immortal king, he must be transcendent and peerlessly powerful.

What shocked them and didn't expect it was that King Yuan Pluto seemed to have some kind of relationship with them.

It also makes them have to be amazed.

The level of strength has risen, and the people and things that come into contact with are naturally people of the same level.

With his father's current strength, even the Immortal King can contact and communicate frequently.

"Okay, let's go, you will know when you arrive."

Li Yun said lightly.

Then he bid farewell to King Yong and left.

Ziyun Seal, King Yong naturally returned it to him.

An immortal king would not be greedy for this little thing from him, and the benefits that King Yong gave him were actually more.

After 7000 years of discussing the Dao, it has been regarded as a teacher and a friend, which is mutual.

It is enough for King Yong to gain a lot, and it is his wish to make friends with Li Yun, there is no such thing as whoever loses and who gains.



Yuan Pluto dojo.

It didn't take long for Li Yun and the three of them to arrive here.

This is a majestic, vast and boundless planet, as huge as a universe, with unparalleled aura, as if it can crush eternity and transcend time.

Li Guan and Sang Linying watched it and were also deeply shocked.

These fairy kings are all extraordinary in their handwriting.


They also just learned.

This Yuan Pluto is even stronger than Xiang Wang and Yong Wang, a giant who overwhelms the fairyland and controls eternity!
Such a person is the supreme person who decides the universe of the Immortal Domain, extremely transcendent!

"Senior Ziyun, long time no see!"

At this time, a very ordinary-looking man appeared and greeted Li Yun and the others in person.

"I didn't expect you to be accepted as an apprentice by Yuan Pluto."

Li Yun also smiled when he saw the ordinary man in front of him.

This person is Wu Ye, the Primordial Chaos Body of the Beidou Realm, extremely extraordinary.

According to King Yong.

When Wu Ye was proving the Dao in the Big Dipper Realm, he triggered some extremely obscure chaotic energy mechanism, which made Yuan Pluto, who is also a chaotic body, feel it.

Then traced back the location and found Wu Ye in the lower realm.

After discovering that Wu Ye turned out to be an innate chaotic body with a hint of primordial aura, he accepted him as his apprentice.

By the way, I discovered the relationship between Wu Ye and Li Yun.

In fact, Li Yun's existence is commonplace in the eyes of a giant like Yuan Pluto.

But with Wu Ye's relationship.

Yuan Pluto felt that he could also deepen his relationship with Li Yun, and the original Feixian Road node in Beidou Realm was under Yuan Pluto's jurisdiction.

And he discovered that the Big Dipper Realm has begun to evolve towards the highest level, and it is eligible to become a battlefield.

Even with a character like Li Yun, Wu Ye's achievements in the future will not be low.

and so.

The Feixian Road in Beidou Realm can be reopened. Even if it is invaded by the Origin God Race in the future, at least the Origin God Race will not let the Origin God Race wantonly kill the Immortal Realm from here, thus dragging down the Immortal Realm.

Now that the Beidou world is extraordinary, after the reopening of the Feixian Road, it can also become a special road to the original ancient road or the eternal soil.

Yuan Pluto has decided.

Other Supreme Beings in the Immortal Territory will not have any opinions. As far as reopening a Feixian Road, it will have no effect on the interests of the Immortal Territory.

"Senior Ziyun didn't accept me as an apprentice in the past, do you have any regrets?"

Wu Ye suddenly smiled.

In fact, he once thought that he might be accepted as a disciple by Emperor Ziyun, but he waited for a long time in vain. Emperor Ziyun seemed to regard him as air and almost ignored him.

Alas, wrong payment...

But it's not bad now, having a giant immortal king as a teacher should be somewhat better than Emperor Ziyun being a teacher.

"A little bit."

Li Yun also smiled. At that time, he was so focused on his own path to becoming a fairy, how could he have time to pay attention to Wu Ye.

After becoming an immortal, he felt that Wu Ye's primordial chaotic body seemed to be just like that, and he didn't pay any attention to it.

But he didn't underestimate Wu Ye, and he also believed that he would be able to achieve it.


Li Yun and Wu Ye chatted for a while.

I also accidentally learned about the situation of a few acquaintances.

Back then, Feixian Road was accidentally connected to the universe group in the Beidou Realm.

He also forcibly sent three people up at that time, namely Juexian Tianzun, Wanjianhuang and Bilingdi.

He didn't know what happened to the three of them.

But now I learned it from Wu Ye.

Wu Ye actually found out by accident.

Because he is from the Beidou world.

And there was also a real immortal guarding the immortal gate of Feixian Road back then.

After the true immortal knew Wu Ye's origin, he took the initiative to inform Wu Ye of the situation of the three people.

Because he knew that Wu Ye was valued by King Yuan Ming, and Wu Ye would definitely know about this matter in the future, so he might as well inform him in advance, so as not to get himself into trouble.

After hearing this, Li Yun also sighed slightly, a little embarrassed.

Emperor Bi Ling died.

Wan Jianhuang and Juexian Tianzun are still alive.

At first.

When the three of them entered the Immortal Realm, Wan Jianhuang and Juexian Tianzun were immediately suppressed.

Because Emperor Bi Ling was an innate holy spirit, he was taken as a slave by that genius named 'Zhan Yu'.

It even made Bi Lingdi, who was originally neither male nor female, who was close to a male body and a female appearance, completely transformed into a female body, as if he finally died unwilling to be humiliated.

Although Wan Jianhuang and Juexian Tianzun were suppressed immediately.

But that real immortal didn't kill them either, instead he rushed forward after they escaped death.

No matter how they came up, it was also a matter of luck. With that fairy fate, they finally gave them a chance.

Wan Jianhuang and Juexian Tianzun became immortal soldiers. Both of them have peerless talents. Later, they made up for the loss of self-cutting realm. Now they are also immortals, fighting in a certain fairyland battlefield.

It's just that the Heavenly Venerable Juejuexian called himself a 'juexian', but he finally became a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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