The great emperor in his later years, flatly pushed the current world

Chapter 117 Groping the way, mysterious existence, Beidou collapsed

Chapter 117 Groping the way, mysterious existence, Beidou collapsed
On the Ziyun seal, a dark and hazy passage was released from it.

There is an unreality to the passage, as if untouchable.

Li Yun maintained this 'primitive passage', exuding extraordinary aura from his body, intertwining and merging with the passage.

He is researching and wants to explore all the mysteries of this 'primordial channel'.


Thousands of years have passed.

He constantly deduces everything with his own origin, and even wants to integrate the Tao into the channel.

Now, he also confirmed some speculations on this channel.


He also vaguely felt something, and seemed to understand why many immortal king giants fell into this passage in the past.

Looking at this 'primordial passage', Li Yun suddenly exuded an extraordinary power, extremely powerful, faintly detached from everything.

A hazy brilliance spread out from his body, and contained a few wisps of life.

These brilliance containing the breath of life merged together, and then formed a humanoid existence, and finally turned into Li Yun's appearance.

This is a special law body!

Li Yun took a look at this dharma body and was slightly satisfied.

The ordinary dharma body is actually a collection of several mana powers imbued with the power of Taoism.

Such a dharma body will not have too much power, not even one percent of the body.

However, the body of an ordinary fairy king is still enough to crush almost all true immortals.

It's just that once the dharma body fights, it cannot last long, and the dharma body will naturally dissipate when its mana is exhausted.

This dharma body condensed by Li Yun.

Not just a collection of mana.

He even cut out part of his own life source and the foundation of Taoism into it.

This will naturally cause a great loss to his real body, and it will also have a great impact on his combat power.

If this dharma body is lost, then his real body is estimated to take about 10 years to recover.

For him, it was also very costly.


The advantage of this is.

This dharma body can possess impressive combat power, which is basically equivalent to an immortal king.

It also lasts longer.

It's just that once it is destroyed, Li Yun will suffer a great loss, almost no less than a serious injury.

"Go in, maybe you can find the road above the Immortal King inside..."

Li Yun pondered slightly.

Then, he controlled this dharma body with the combat power of an immortal king and stepped into Ziyunyin's 'primordial channel'.

That 'primordial channel' is like a vortex, with a dark center, but an unreal hazy luster emanating from all around.

When Li Yun's dharma body stepped into it, it was instantly swallowed up and completely disappeared in this time and space.

at the same time!

Li Yun also felt that he had lost contact with the dharma body in an instant, and he could no longer control the dharma body.

"Is it really so... Time and space split? Between real and unreal?"

Li Yun frowned.

He lost the connection with the dharmakaya, but it was all in his expectation.

He studied the 'primitive channel' for more than [-] years.

Yongwang also studied for more than a dozen epochs, and also collected some research experience of the "primordial channel" from the past fairy kings.

He and Yongwang discussed the Dao many times, and jointly discussed the 'Channel of Origin', which also gained a lot.

He also knew it long ago.

This 'primitive channel' seems to be the opposite of the world, possessing that sense of illusion beyond reality.

It seems that it does not belong to any time and space, it is a place cut off from any time and space.

In short, it is extremely special, extremely mysterious, and contains many secrets.

If you want to explore the secrets of the 'Original Passage', you have to step into it in person.

If you release the Law Body, you will lose contact in an instant, and it is difficult to figure out what is going on inside.

And once the real body steps into the "original channel", there is a danger of getting lost in it.

King Yong also stepped into it with his real body, but only part of his real body stepped in, and he didn't dare to go in completely.

But King Yong only had a little experience of the situation of the 'Original Passage', and he couldn't find out too many things.

"Trace to the root!"

Li Yun gave a soft drink, and an incomparable aura suddenly emanated from his body.

A layer of hazy luster appeared on him, and there was also a sense of unreality beyond any time and space.

He also seems to have touched the primitive state that is separated from all time and space.


His eyes lit up, and he sensed the dharma body again, and he could continue to control the dharma body.

He doesn't need to step into the 'original passage' with his real body, he can also control the dharma body to explore.

Li Yun didn't know if there was an immortal king who could do it in the past.

But he also studied for a long time before he found the feeling of touching the primitive realm.

Now that he tried it, he succeeded directly, which was in line with his expectations.

"This is the original channel?"

Li Yun regained control of the Dharmakaya, and finally saw the appearance of the original passage.

Swish swish!
There are countless unknown substances washing away his Dharma body, causing his Dharma body to gradually collapse.

After some of the substances in the dharma body collapsed, they soon became similar unknown substances.

But after Li Yun regained control of the dharmakaya.

A layer of immortal light emanated from his body, immediately blocking this unknown substance.

This unknown substance does not seem to have any substantial offensive properties, only a primitive nature like chaos.

It seems to be a very basic raw material.

It seems that everything in the world is composed of this primitive substance.

Similarly, if immersed in this original substance, it will also be assimilated.

It will gradually lose its self and return to the most primitive material state.

Li Yun retrogrades the original matter and moves towards deeper depths.

And as he continues to move forward.

From that surging raw material.

He faintly felt a sense of grandeur that could not be described in words.

It gives people an extraordinary feeling beyond everything, very mysterious, but also very tempting!

As if that was the real 'source'!
The "source" evolved by Li Yun himself is extremely small in front of this artistic conception, and it is not worth mentioning at all!
"Beyond the temptation... reach the sky in one step?"

Li Yun frowned slightly at this moment.

He also felt this way in 'Original Passage'.

And this feeling.

In the mouth of King Yong and some supreme beings who studied the origin of ancient artifacts in the past.

Call it 'beyond temptation' or 'one step to the sky'.

The deeper you go, the deeper this feeling becomes, and the more you can't extricate yourself.

As if stepping into the deepest part, you can really ascend to the sky in one step and transcend everything!

Li Yun paused to appreciate the artistic conception and touch carefully.

Extract some insights from it, to confirm some guesses, to explore your own path.

Explore the way above the so-called Immortal King!

in fact.

All the fairy kings are groping for the road above the fairy kings.

But since no one has reached the realm above the fairy king, there is no so-called 'correct' reference.

All fairy kings are exploring the way forward based on their own feelings.

Some people study the ancient artifacts of origin, such as Yongwang and Li Yun, who want to use the so-called "origin" to transcend everything directly.

This may be the most likely way to transcend everything, a 'shortcut'!
But more fairy kings still choose to specialize in their own way, instead of delving into the so-called 'shortcut to origin'.

If one's own way is strong to the extreme, one can naturally transcend everything, crush all kinds of causes and effects, without being restricted by any time, space and time!
And the path Li Yun is taking now is the so-called 'shortcut to origin'.

But it is also the most suitable path for him at present.

time flies.

3 years passed.

Li Yun's dharma body has advanced very far in the 'primordial channel'.

But the power of the dharma body is limited, and in the end it couldn't continue to be maintained. It was overwhelmed by the original matter and completely dissipated!
"It turns out that I have already walked on the right path?"

Li Yun murmured.

He lost a powerful dharma body that contained the source of his life and the foundation of Taoism.

It is also a huge loss to his real body, and it will take a long time to gradually recover.


He explored and comprehended 3 years in the 'Original Passage', and gained a lot!

It is also gradually felt that there may be a road leading to the Immortal King!
"One step to the sky!"

"It seems that the door frame is still needed..."

Li Yun's eyes flickered, and he pondered.


A door panel appeared and circled in front of him, like a point, stirring layers of strange ripples.

At the same time, a pair of door frames hung above his head, giving him a majestic feeling.

He also built this door frame a long time ago, and he originally planned to use it as something like a 'pedestal of origin'.

As the 'source', the door panel becomes the source of everything and releases infinite power.

The door frame acts as a 'pedestal', guarding the 'source', detached from the outside, and not affected by any external force.

Both in one, it seems perfect.

This is the path of origin and evolution that he first conceived with reference to the 'gate of origin' in his body.

But later.

The shape of the door panel has the power of "source", which can release the supreme power that transcends everything.

He felt that the door frame seemed dispensable, so he was ready to give up the door frame.

but now.

I felt the incomparable artistic conception of "reaching the sky in one step" in the "primitive channel".

he thinks.

Door frames also seem to be necessary.

What's more, his original reference, the 'gate of origin' in his body also has a door frame.


Truly above and beyond.

It is to become an indelible and unshakable point!
This point always exists, and cannot be affected by any cause and effect, time and space, or years.

Although the "source" that Li Yun has now has a bit of such a meaning.

But something seems to be missing.

Perhaps the worst one is a door frame that can suppress everything and isolate all kinds of causal time and space?
of course.

The so-called door frame is not an immortal king's weapon either.

This is a manifestation of virtue.

Li Yun also needs an artifact to help him explore the way and manifest his Taoism.

It's not that without the door panels and frames, he wouldn't have this kind of supreme skill.



Li Yun continued to appreciate the artistic conception of "climbing to the sky in one step" in the "primordial passage".

At the same time, start to get inspiration from the door frame of the 'Gate of Origin' in the body.

And imprint various perceptions on the door frame.

He also officially began to embark on the road to becoming the Immortal King.

Although he is not sure whether this path is correct.

But it is already the most correct way he summed up based on his own situation and various experiences.

Although also the 'origin shortcut'.

But he also has advantages that others do not have.

He has the 'Gate of Origin' within him.

He doesn't need his real body to step into the "primordial channel", but he can also manipulate the dharma body to explore and experience the artistic conception of "reaching the sky in one step".

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another 9 years have passed.

Li Yun finally made up for the loss of his own life source and foundation of Taoism.


He cut out part of the source of life and the foundation of Taoism again, and condensed a powerful dharma body.

Then control the dharma body to go deep into the 'original channel' to feel the supreme artistic conception inside.

And at this time.

Li You has become a fairy!
Moreover, Li You still became a fairy in the Beidou world.

Today's Beidou Realm has initially possessed the embryonic form of the supreme law, which can be brewed into a fairy machine, supporting creatures to step into the eternal realm.

Li You can be regarded as the first true immortal in the true sense of the Beidou world.


Li Yun actually didn't agree with Li You becoming a fairy in the Beidou world.

To become a fairy, it is best to stay in the fairyland.

But Li You insisted on becoming a fairy in the Beidou world.

The reason for his insistence is also very simple.

It's simply because he feels that it is better to become a fairy in the Beidou world.

Although it was just a feeling, Li Yun did not deny Li You's feeling, and allowed him to become a fairy in the Big Dipper Realm.

Li You has also reached the level of a heavenly emperor in the world, and is already extremely extraordinary.

Since he has this feeling, maybe there are other meanings.

At last.

Li You successfully became an immortal, successfully broke through the limit of the first level of immortality, became a powerful true immortal, and is expected to become the ultimate true immortal.

There is even an extremely faint glimmer of hope to become the Immortal King.


Many geniuses in the Beidou world finally joined Ziyun Chengguan.

There is no other reason, because Li Yun is willing to vigorously cultivate geniuses in the Beidou world.

He established his own Immortal King Creation Land, and gave the great talents of the Beidou world the opportunity to enter it.

Xiao Gu, Yan Tiannv, Red-haired Pervert, Five Elements Saint Emperor, Ziwei Renhuang, Luo Chengfeng and so on.

These people have all entered Li Yun's fairy king good fortune land, and accumulated a profound background of becoming a fairy.

in fact.

There is a lot of talent anywhere.

But even if they are also geniuses, not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the good fortune of the Immortal King.

And once entering the Immortal King's fortune, it is enough to instantly widen the gap with other geniuses.

Unless it's the kind of genius that is truly monstrous.

Like Emperor Xuan, not only the talent is peerless, but also the luck is superb.

Such a genius, even in the lower realms, cannot be buried, and is destined to rise.



Another 22 years passed.

The earliest batch of geniuses in the Beidou world also became immortals one after another.

The Five Elements Saint Emperor was relatively early, because she had already stepped on the ancient road, and she had also entered the flood pond of the King of Elephant.

Moreover, she has also cultivated the acquired chaotic body, although it is two or three chips worse than Wu Ye's innate chaotic body of primordial nature.

But it is still a chaotic body, extraordinary enough, enough to defy the sky.

The Five Elements Saint Emperor finally broke through to the true immortal, and almost broke the limit of the double immortal law.

Although he was still only a powerful true immortal in the end, he was only one line away from the top true immortal, and the probability of breaking through the invincible true immortal was also relatively high.

Then there are Xiao Gu, Yan Tiannv, the red-haired pervert, and Ziwei Renhuang.

When they became immortals, they broke through the limit of the first level of immortality and became powerful true immortals.

As for Luo Chengfeng, Li Xiao, Qiao Wangxian and others.

Although they were also fortunate enough to have entered Li Yun's fairy king's creation land.

But their talent is actually still inferior, where the limit of talent is, there is also the upper limit.

Luo Chengfeng and the others just successfully became true immortals in the end.

But for them, such an achievement is enough!

If it wasn't for hanging out with Emperor Ziyun from the very beginning, how would it be today?

Among the earliest batch of geniuses in the Beidou world.

There are only two exceptions.

It was Daotian and Jinwuzi!

Although Li Yun didn't have any prejudice against Jinwuzi, because Jinwuzi had never done anything bad, and even made some contributions to the Beidou world.

Li Yun is willing to make good fortune for Jinwuzi and help him become a fairy.

But Jin Wuzi was unwilling to accept it.

In his eyes, Li Yun is killing his father and enemy, no matter what the reason is, killing his father and enemy is killing his father and enemy.

He couldn't accept the gift of killing his father and enemy no matter what.

Therefore, Jin Wuzi did not join Ziyun Chengguan, but wandered in the fairyland alone.

It is said that he also worked hard to join an eternal orthodoxy created by a certain supreme true immortal, and also got some cultivation and good luck.

It may not be a big problem to become an immortal. If you accumulate more and experience more, you have a chance to become a powerful true immortal.

However, his cultivation speed is naturally impossible to compare with Xiao Gu, Yan Tiannv and others.

At least Jinwuzi is far from reaching his limit, not yet ready to become a fairy.

As for Daotian.

He didn't join Ziyun Chengguan, but he also joined the dojo of Immortal King King Daming King, and he is still cultivating hard now.

During this period.

Eternal soil also broke out many wars.

Li Yun and the great immortal kings made plans and initiated a great war, slaughtering five divine kings, including three old friends, Equatorial King, Qi King and Key King.

Although the number of giants in Eternal Earth is less than that of the Origin Protoss.

But Li Yun is strong enough, and has a speed that surpasses all fairy kings, which can make up for some disadvantages.

Now the Origin Protoss has also shrunk the line of defense many times, and their lives are a little bit aggrieved.

But they are not anxious at all.

Don't be in a hurry to counterattack, just be prepared.

Anyway, they originated from the protoss who are inherently undefeated, just wait for time.

In the end, they must be the winners.

Naturally, Li Yun continued to send Dharma Bodies into the "primordial channel" to realize the artistic conception of "reaching the sky in one step".

His morality is also getting deeper and deeper.

The way of 'door frame' is also becoming clearer and clearer, and there is no mistake for the time being.



A blink of an eye.

Another 27 years passed.

The Eternal Soil and Immortal Realm haven't changed much.

There are also many true immortals in the Beidou world, and many geniuses joined Ziyun Chengguan to become immortals.


Li Yutian has finally become a fairy!
that day.

Li Yutian became an immortal, broke through the limits of the double immortality, and stepped into the ranks of the top true immortals in one step.

It also caused a shocking scene, caused a sensation, and shocked the world.

The immortal kings who have made good friends with Li Yun also sent congratulations.

Congratulations to the descendants of Li Yun for the emergence of peerless geniuses who are expected to be immortal kings.

At that time, there will be two Immortal Kings in one sect!

That is an incomparable scenery, rare in the world!
But in fact.

When Li Yutian finally broke through the second level of immortality, he was still very reluctant, and there was a bit of luck.

However, his talent is actually enough, and his background is basically enough.

He is a heavenly body, although he is not too much against the sky, but he is also unique and extraordinary.

Most importantly.

Li Yutian became emperor in the Beidou world, and he was the first emperor to understand the supreme evolution of the Beidou Wandao Dynasty.

It is also because of this that he has accumulated an extremely deep Dao foundation, which is equivalent to raising his talent, and it also complements his Heavenly Dao Body!

Moreover, Li Yutian has been tempered on the battlefield for tens of thousands of years, and he has soaked in several fairy kings.

Now, once he becomes a true immortal, he will directly break through the limit of the double immortality, and reach the realm of the ultimate true immortal.

Although there is a bit of luck involved.

But there is no need to be too surprised.

As for Daotian, who has a faint feeling of old enemy with Li Yutian, he has not yet become a fairy, and he doesn't know the specific situation now.



Another 2 years have passed.

A man came to Ziyun Chengguan, met with Li Yun, and also wanted to ask Li Yun for advice.

This person is Wu Ye, the Primordial Chaos Body who has worshiped the giant of the Immortal King Yuan Ming Wang as his teacher.

"Thank you, Senior Ziyun, for your enlightenment!"

Wu Ye sincerely thanked him.

He recently reached a bottleneck, and then returned to Beidou Realm to re-polish his Taoism, and felt that he had benefited a lot.

Then he thought of Emperor Ziyun, the supreme being who was almost the creator of the Beidou world.

Of course, it is King Ziyun now, and he is a stronger existence than his master Yuan Mingwang.

"You're welcome, your way has inspired me a bit."

Li Yun replied flatly.

What Wu Ye asked him for advice was similar to that of Li You before.

It is nothing more than asking for some ideas from him, and reorganizing the Taoism, in order to achieve the flawless Taoism.

And he was talking and discussing with Wu Ye.

Also got some special inspiration.

Wu Ye's primordial chaotic body is indeed extremely extraordinary, and before he became a fairy, he already had the mood of "climbing to the sky in one step".


If Wu Ye's path has reached the final stage, he may be able to transcend everything and be independent of all causes and effects.

Maybe not yet.

But at least Li Yun can feel it faintly, and confirming with his own path, it is also inspiring.



And at this time.

Li Menggu had become a fairy, and she also felt that she had reached her limit, so she decided to take this step.


When she finally became a fairy, she also successfully broke through the limit of the first layer of fairy magic and became a powerful true fairy.

This surprised her a bit.

Because she herself never thought that she could reach this level.

Although Li Yun was also slightly surprised, he actually expected it somewhat.

Because Li Menggu's background is also very deep.

And she has other advantages.

She has the essence of the innate Holy Spirit.

There is also the assistance of Li Yun, a giant.

Li Yun knew that some immortal kings became immortal kings from the innate holy spirit, such as King Su who was not dead yet.

He exchanged some secret techniques and cultivation experience from these fairy kings.

Then give it to Li Menggu to study and practice.

He can provide whatever resources and treasures are needed.

And Li Menggu is also soaked in the good fortune of the fairy king who can soak.

It is not too surprising to break through a powerful true immortal in the end.



Years fly by.

In the blink of an eye, another 30 years have passed.

And this year.

Something special happened.

King Yong is missing!
The aura of an immortal king completely dissipates, annihilates, and does not exist in the world.

It's still easy to feel.

And after that, Wannian Yongwang never appeared again.

Because of the disappearance of King Yong, the Immortal Domain battlefield was also affected, and some territory was lost.

However, the situation in Xianyu is much better than that of Eternal Soil, and it can be adjusted back soon.

Li Yun and several immortal kings sent their dharma bodies to investigate the last place where King Yong was.

"There are indeed remnants of the Qi machine from the original channel..."

Li Yun felt it here, and couldn't help sighing slightly.

It seems that King Yong is also trapped in the original passage.

I'm afraid that the real body stepped into it, accidentally immersed in the artistic conception of "reaching the sky in one step", and couldn't extricate himself.

Li Yun understood this feeling better than anyone else.

But he is not worried about sinking into it, because even if he sinks, he will only lose a dharma body.

Li Yun experienced it carefully at King Yong's place, checked some of King Yong's handwriting, and got some inspiration.




What Li Yun and the other immortal kings didn't know was.

King Yong was not immersed in the original passage and couldn't extricate himself, but suffered other accidents.


When Li Yun and others sent Dharma Body to check Yongwang's residence.

An incomparable existence suddenly appeared in the Big Dipper Realm, and his power was terrifying and indescribably powerful!

Every movement of his hands and feet shakes the time and space, stirring up layers of time and space ripples, leaving indelible waves on the endless river of time.

Such an existence is no less than any strongest existence in Immortal Realm and Eternal Land.

However, he is not any known existence in Immortal Realm, Eternal Earth, or even Origin Protoss.

And as soon as he appeared in Beidou Realm.

Then he used his palm as a knife, and slashed straight down, filled with a terrifying aura, about to split the Beidou world into two halves...

(End of this chapter)

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