The great emperor in his later years, flatly pushed the current world

Chapter 118 The giant returns, Li Yun is furious

Chapter 118 The giant returns, Li Yun is furious

that day.

Yongwang practiced in the original channel and realized the original artistic conception.

At the same time, he suppressed the original channel with his Immortal King Tool.

In this way, relying on its own echo with the Immortal King Tool, it is also possible to withdraw at any time.

But the premise is that he can't go too deep into the original channel.


The sense of detachment in the original channel that transcends all causes and effects and does not belong to any period of time and space will still make him lose his sense of touch with the Immortal King Tool.


In the end, King Yong couldn't help but go a little deeper.

Because he feels coming!
The feeling of breakthrough!
He has lived for a long time, and he has been the Immortal King since the "Original Calamity" broke out completely.

He delved into the way of origin, in the process of tracing the way of origin.

Gradually discover some imperfections in his own way, or what he thinks is not so good.

He corrected and made up for the flaws one by one.

Slowly accumulating, his Taoism is getting closer and closer to the 'correct' path of origin!

to this day.

He also finally had that sense of perfection.

King Yong couldn't help but go a little deeper to catch that touch.

At last!
His body shook violently, and a more powerful power emanated from him!

As if in the river of endless years, his body became more majestic and taller, closer to transcending everything.

"After a long time of polishing, I finally reached this point..."

King Yong couldn't help but sigh slightly in the original passage.

He was always echoing with his Immortal King Tool, without losing contact with each other.

If he wants to leave, he can leave at any time.

But right now!
An unusual movement appeared!
"Huh? That is?"

King Yong's face changed slightly, and he suddenly felt something, and there was an indescribable tremor in his heart.

There is a bright light in his eyes, like the original light from the beginning, containing the supreme power comparable to the giant of the fairy king.

The massive amount of original matter in the original channel was immediately dispersed.


King Yong was stunned, as if seeing the scariest scene he had ever seen in his life!

It was a distorted and messy phantom, like a mess of clouds.

But there are a few fingers and tentacles surrounding it, and there are more than a dozen mottled light spots on it, like mold spots.

This mass of things didn't exude any extraordinary power, only a feeling of incomparable fright.

Almost no hesitation!

Yong Wangdang turned around and prepared to leave.

He trusted his intuition, this strange thing was terrifying!
Even if he is now comparable to the giant of the Immortal King, he must not be touched!


King Yong still couldn't leave.

The mass finally pounced on him and engulfed him.

King Yong tried his best to resist. With his power as a giant of the Immortal King, he is extremely powerful, and he can be the strongest group of existences in endless years.

But he couldn't use any strength when facing this mass of things, and he could only be swallowed in the end.

Until the moment before losing consciousness.

King Yong suddenly understood why so many giants had sunk into the original channel in the past.



In the sea of ​​chaos.

There are two vast supreme universes.

Although these two supreme universes are still quite different from Eternal Soil and Immortal Realm, they are already extremely extraordinary.

Because the supreme laws of these two universes are flawless enough to give birth to all kinds of geniuses and supreme opportunities.

These two supreme universes are the secret places of origin.

It is also the most fundamental base camp of the Origin Protoss.

The two secret places of origin compete with the eternal soil and the fairyland respectively.

The space nodes that enter these two origin secret places are also on the origin lair of Eternal Soil and Immortal Realm.

for so long.

The origin protoss has also been building a third origin secret place.

The more secret places of origin, the more powerful they can cultivate, and naturally there will be more genius seeds who can be promoted to God King.

However, their secret place of origin cannot be the same as the normal universe.

It is necessary to open up the origin channel and carry out "origin transformation" to assimilate the universe.

this day.

The origin channel of the third origin secret place was also successfully opened.

And after that grand, huge passage that almost runs through the entire universe is opened.

Something even more terrifying happened.

Let the original creatures around feel unparalleled horror!
Three figures came out of the passage one after another.

Each of them has a terrifying aura, which makes any living being feel the trembling from the soul, as if they are facing a supreme existence beyond the universe.

"The long wait is finally back!"

One of the figures sighed slightly.

He is a man with a stalwart body and vicissitudes in his eyes. There is a faint golden light emitting from his body, which contains a certain kind of supreme dragon power that can make any existence tremble.

"It's a pity that the ancient king is still stubborn..."

The man shook his head again and said.

The other two figures beside him were silent.

They have already set their ambitions and gained 'faith', and this time they come back to prepare to convert all the stubborn creatures here.

These three exist.

Although it is not any of the current Immortal Realm, Eternal Soil, and Origin Protoss.

But if a fairy king or a god king saw them, they would probably be able to recognize their identities at a glance.

"On the eternal soil, my origin family is actually a disadvantage?"

A certain existence couldn't help being slightly surprised after learning about the current situation of Eternal Land and Immortal Territory.

"The third secret place of origin is still a little short of perfection."

"Go and fight the eternal soil, and I will harvest some suitable sources of the universe to fill the third secret place of origin, and also make this channel more stable."

"It seems that there happens to be a universe that is evolving toward the highest level, and that origin is the most suitable."

Another existence said calmly, its eyes were deep, containing supreme majesty, like a master standing on the river of time!
The three supreme beings who have just returned.

Not at all ready to sit idle.

After tidying up the situation a bit.

They contacted the god kings and giants of the origin protoss.

Then there was no hesitation.

Start the battle directly!
A loud bang!
A heaven-penetrating terrifying power appeared, shaking the vast world of Eternal Land, reaching up to the nine heavens and descending to the nine secluded worlds.

Time and space trembled accordingly, and all living beings and spirits fell into panic!
A golden light-filled, majestic and peerless figure stands in the sky, looking down at the eternal world.

There is a bit of nostalgia in his eyes. He once rose in this world, transcended eternity, and became one of the strongest.

Returning today, he has a "magnificent wish" to transform the creatures of this world, so that they all have the opportunity to transcend eternity!
"King Hao! Are you still there?"

A voice came out of his mouth, powerful and powerful, containing the unparalleled power of a real dragon, as if surpassing any living beings, just like the ancestor of the dragon!
The sound waves rolled out, stirring up ripples in time and space, and immediately alarmed all the supreme figures in Eternal Land.

Almost instantly.

All the major figures in the Eternal Land showed their might.

This is how a big battle started.

The great immortal kings, giants, and origin god kings and giants appeared one after another, entangled and collided with each other.

In the eternal soil set off a stormy sea!

When King Hao appeared, his dharma was so powerful that it straddled the sky and the earth, and the overwhelming power spread out, stirring up all kinds of causes and effects, and stirring up waves in the river of time.


When King Hao looked at the peerless existence that radiated golden light on the opposite side.

He also showed an unbelievably shocked expression.

"How is this possible? You haven't passed away yet?"

"But! How could you be assimilated?"

King Hao looked at the other party, frowned, with a shocked expression on his face, and said in a deep voice.

The one who shouted at him.

It turned out to be the Dragon King!

This is a terrifying existence at the same time as the ancient king, and it seems that he is not much worse than the ancient king, and he is the strongest and supreme figure!

But later.

King Ying Long studied the origin of ancient artifacts and wanted to find a 'shortcut to origin' to reach the realm above the fairy king.

Then he disappeared, and later generations believed that he had fallen into the original passage.

And when Dragon King Ying disappeared, the first "disaster of origin" had not yet erupted.

The protoss of origin have not yet appeared in the vision of Eternal Soil and Immortal Realm.

At that time, the origin protoss were still dormant in the first origin secret ground, accumulating strength.

King Hao had just risen at that time.

If you have to say it, he and King Ying Long can be considered as contemporaries.

But what shocked King Hao the most.

It's not that King Yinglong returned from the original passage, but that he was assimilated into an original creature!

He could feel the perfect and pure 'originating energy' in King Yinglong.

King Ying Long has undoubtedly become a god-king of origin.


The existence of the Immortal King level has transcended eternity, even if there is no origin artifact, it is enough to resist the erosion of the origin material.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to be assimilated!
But the facts are in sight.

King Hao had to admit this fact no matter how unbelievable it was.

"At that time, I admired you very much!"

King Ying Long looked at King Hao, with a look of nostalgia on his face, and said: "Now that it's been so long, you have reached this level, and you are qualified to fight with me!"

Even if he exists like this, after a long time, seeing the old people and the old place again, it is inevitable that there will be some feelings.

King Hao frowned deeply, with a dignified expression.

Ying Longwang returned and became the origin giant, so the power between them and the origin protoss was out of balance again.

All the supreme figures appeared one after another, straddling the sky and the earth, suppressing the eternal years.

King Da and King Shiqin also appeared.

All three of the four great giants of Eternal Earth showed up, except King Ziyun.

But King Hao, King Da and King Shiqin have all heard the news simultaneously.

The lower realm, the hometown of King Ziyun, was also suddenly attacked by a terrorist existence, and he had already gone to check.

Although the Eternal Earth also appeared here, King Yinglong.

However, Eternal Soil has several powerful gates that can resist giants.

If the battle is based on the city gate, there will be no problem in a short time.

And it is also necessary to confirm who the existence that appeared in Beidou Realm is.

Now it originates from the Protoss side.

King Blade, King Luo Long, King Zuo Chui, King Yuan and King Tianmang also showed their dharma appearance one after another, intimidating all the immortal kings.

Plus Ying Longwang's words.

There are six giants in the Origin Protoss, and there are three giants on the Eternal Land.

This gap is too big!


at this time!

Another extraordinary fluctuation appeared.

The faces of King Hao and others changed instantly.

"Sorry, I went to see my homeland, and I came a little late."

A very peaceful and elegant voice sounded, not exuding any frightening power, but also exuding peerless aura.

Trigger layers of time and space ripples, touching the cause and effect of all kinds of years.

no doubt.

The person who made this voice is also an unimaginable terrifying existence.


A handsome and extraordinary figure walked out of a certain space.

It has a slender body, a gentle smile on its face, and a faint sound of mysterious order emanating from its body, making the surrounding creatures suddenly feel peaceful and peaceful.

"King Joe..."

King Hao looked at the handsome man in front of him, and instantly recognized his identity.

Also a giant known to have sunk in the Primal Passage.

After a long time, he also returned from the original passage and was assimilated into the original creature.

And the strength is even higher, comparable to the strongest existence in any time and space.

After King Qiao appeared.

The gap in strength between the Eternal Earth and the Origin Protoss was even greater.


Xianyu also already knows the situation here.

Someone will come to support.

Even Xianyu may have to make certain adjustments, and even give up some places before it is possible to send support.

"let's hit!"

King Ying Long looked at King Hao and said nothing more.

His body was suddenly filled with golden light, and a powerful and supreme power of a real dragon emanated, with a supreme power that surpassed any level of life.

He raised his arm, and a phantom of a dragon's claw appeared. It was extremely huge, and a terrifying and boundless aura radiated out, which made people tremble.

Ying Longwang does not have the Immortal King Weapon, his strongest way and strongest weapon are his real dragon body.

He is the perfect incarnation of the way of the true dragon, and he was the one who first explored the way of the true dragon. Basically, he is the ancestor of the true dragon.

He patted it down with one paw!

In an instant!
Everything in the world collapsed, the original power of a true dragon, fierce and unparalleled, almost the strongest!
King Hao also frowned, slightly startled.

Yinglong Wang is one of the oldest supreme figures.

He is also his senior, and can even be regarded as his half master.

It is indeed one of the strongest existences of all time.

But now he is not bad at all!
King Hao holds the sword and stabs through the air!
An eternal and sharp killing light flashed out, cutting through everything, unstoppable.

The sword collided with the dragon's claws, shaking out a scene of boundless horror, everything turned into nothingness and was wiped out!

And after King Hao and King Yinglong fought.

Others also started to explode directly.

The shocking power of immortal kings and god kings erupted and collided with each other, causing huge shocks, as if even eternity could be destroyed!
But the Eternal Earth side is at an absolute disadvantage.

It can only be temporarily contended based on the major Xeon Chengguan, waiting for support.

But not for a while.

King Ying Long, King Qiao and others suddenly frowned.


They actually received a call for help from King Taikun!
King Taikun returned with them at the same time, and he was also a supreme giant, no less than any strongest existence.

How could it be possible to ask for help?

But they dispelled the interference of time and space around them a little bit, deduced and traced the root cause, and soon learned something.

"Has such a powerful figure appeared in Eternal Land now..."

Qiao Wang was slightly surprised.

"It is indeed a strong man, and the threat is not small."

"Then take this opportunity to kill them directly. I will go there in person, and you, Luo Long, will come too!"

Ying Longwang said coldly, a terrifying and unspeakable murderous intent emanated from him!

King Yinglong and King Luolong left the battlefield directly and headed towards Beidou Realm.

When King Hao and the others saw this, it was difficult to stop them.

I can only send a letter to Xianyu and let them go to support as soon as possible.

It's just that there are also origin giants in Xianyu, who can restrain some people, and the support is not so fast.



Beidou world.

Long years passed.

Now this place also has the highest artistic conception, and the highest law also has a basic prototype.

Strands of long-lived matter overflowed from the sky and the earth.

The lifespan of the creatures here is already very long.

But that's basically for the strong.

For those who are weak, those with a low level of cultivation, in fact, their lifespan will not be much longer.

Only those who have reached the level of a saint or even become an emperor can be qualified for longevity.

In the Beidou world, even true immortals appeared a little better.

There is a real immortal who established an eternal orthodoxy in Beidou, suppressing one area and deterring all directions.

Someone from Xianyu came to Beidou to play, and almost didn't even notice any difference from Xianyu, it seemed almost the same.


Let's talk about the strongest orthodoxy in the Beidou world.

That is naturally Ziyun Dojo.

That is the dojo of the king of the Immortal King Ziyun King, even if compared with any power in the Immortal Realm or the Eternal Earth, it is not bad at all.


Li You and Li Menggu are also practicing in the dojo.

They also quickly figured out the way, and then kept moving forward.


at this time!
When a person appears in the Big Dipper Realm, he will immediately spread his power, sweeping the sky and filling the starry sky.

This power is indescribably terrifying!
It makes all the true immortals of Beidou feel terrified, as if facing some unimaginable behemoth, making people feel infinitely small!
"This is... the Immortal King?"

Li You and Li Menggu sensed this power in the dojo at this time, and their expressions changed instantly!
Nothing but the Immortal King can give them this sense of terror.

Moreover, they feel that they may be much stronger than ordinary fairy kings.

King Taikun stood above the starry sky, he didn't radiate his appearance, but just looked at it calmly.

His eyes are deep, his face contains supreme majesty, and wisps of supreme aura that transcends eternity emanate from his body, stirring time and space and suppressing cause and effect.

"It's a good place!"

King Taikun said to himself.


Using his palm as a knife, he slashed straight down!

A terrifying wave instantly reached any corner of the Beidou world.

The time and space of the heavens seemed to be frozen, and all creatures felt an indescribable sense of fear, as if they were about to die and the universe was about to be shattered.


There was a loud bang.

The starry sky shook violently, the heavens wailed, and all realms collapsed!

The Beidou world was directly divided into two, and everything here was cut open.

The way of heaven was broken in an instant, and the supreme order also became chaotic in an instant, and then it was suppressed by the supreme force!

Li You and Li Menggu were also extremely horrified at the moment.

They also never expected that there would be a fairy king to attack Beidou Realm!

There are even more things that they didn't expect.

As soon as King Taikun held the sword, he directly collapsed the Heavenly Dao of the Beidou Realm, unable to release any power.

In this way, it will be more convenient for him to collect everything here.

"Kun Xian Ding!"

King Taikun raised his hand, and a square tripod with two ears and four legs appeared, exuding gray metallic luster, simple and majestic, majestic and intimidating.

The Kunxian Ding flew into the starry sky, and the supreme energy was released, suppressing the heavens.

Afterwards, beams of bright light erupted on the Kunxian cauldron, and finally a vast and boundless passage was formed at the mouth of the cauldron.

This is the passage for the Spiritual Sacrifice!

King Taikun communicated with the origin passage of the third origin secret place and opened a temporary spiritual sacrifice passage.

He wants to directly absorb everything in the Beidou world, including the origin of the universe and all creatures here!
Kunxian Cauldron erupted with unrivaled power, shaking out layers of time and space ripples, that kind of mighty power surpassed everything, and the terror was boundless.

Immediately, all the creatures in the Beidou Realm started to fly uncontrollably towards the spirit sacrifice channel on the Kunxian Cauldron, and finally sank into it.

Even the origin of the Dao of Heaven in the Beidou Realm is no exception.

A millstone was also sucked out from the original space.

When King Taikun saw the millstone, he knew the function of the millstone at a glance.

Then, his eyes lit up!
A terrifying fluctuation spread out and landed on the eternal millstone, turning the millstone into dust!
This eternal millstone was obtained by Li Yun from the Desolate Ancient Realm. In fact, it is a treasure created by the Desolate Ancient King.

Later, after Li Yun talked with the ancient king, he realized that the ancient world was a lower realm created by the ancient king a long time ago, but he couldn't care about it later, so he let him wander.

King Taikun personally took charge of the spiritual sacrifice channel.

a few breaths.

He has almost swallowed up half of the Beidou world.

Including the so-called Ziyun Dojo.

When Li You and Li Menggu felt the power of the spirit sacrifice channel.

It is also the power of all the true immortals that exploded. They broke the limit with the first level of immortality. They are powerful true immortals, and their strength is also extremely strong, and they can be regarded as top experts.

But under the mighty power of this fairy king giant.

They also have no resistance.

At last!
Li You and Li Menggu also fell into the spiritual sacrifice channel one by one.

They are also people who don't know anything.

They also know what their end will be.


Even the father may not be able to save them.

They even thought that their father might go shopping with the origin giant in order to save them, and then be seriously injured.

They had already thought of so much before falling into the passage of the spiritual sacrifice.

They feel bad and don't want their father to die for it.

But they can only think so, and they can't do anything.

It was impossible for anyone to predict that the Beidou Realm would suddenly encounter such a catastrophe.

"I'm still too weak..."

Li You finally sighed.

At this moment, he also felt a bit of resentment and unwillingness.

If only he could be as strong as his father?


Li Menggu was worried about his father at this time, wondering what would happen to his father?
And just after Li You and Li Menggu completely fell into the spiritual sacrifice channel.

A figure with supreme power and unparalleled power, comparable to the strongest existence in any time and space, appeared.

Li Yun is here!

After he sensed a change in the Beidou world, he rushed over immediately.

He looked at the current situation in the Beidou world.

With his supreme power, he can see everything in an instant.

He also knew the situation of Li You and Li Menggu...

"you wanna die!"

Suddenly, an invisible arrogance emerged from Li Yun's body, his eyes were icy cold, and murderous intent radiated from him.

Terrifying and boundless power emanated from him, overwhelming and powerful, as if it could crush endless time and space, and shatter all causes and effects.

It made King Taikun feel his complexion change slightly!
(End of this chapter)

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