Chapter 119 The Prison of Time and Space
On the eternal soil.

An extremely powerful city gate is vast and huge, suppressing the boundless world.

A majestic and majestic momentum like the supreme universe propped up from the city gate, standing upright, exuding an unshakable might of vastness!
With a faint smile on his face, King Qiao looked elegant and peaceful, standing on the summit of eternity, with a kind of indifference to all causes and effects, and indifference to all beings.

He stretched out his fingers and stroked the void, and layer after layer of space ripples appeared, opening up the heaven and earth avenues, shaking out the laws of order.

Strands of subtle Dao of Order emerged on his fingertips like strings.

He is like the lord of all ways, he can fiddle with all laws of order at will!
King Qiao flicked his fingers, and a pleasant and light voice came out, stirring up a layer of soft waves in the void.

This wave is very flat, completely integrated into the universe, making all living beings peaceful.

Everything is normal between heaven and earth, nothing has been damaged.

But King Da, who was at the gate of the city, felt the sound of King Qiao's piano, his brows were deeply frowned, and his expression was dignified.

A majestic momentum that pierced the sky shook out from the city gate, majestic and terrifying, majestic and vast, it can suppress the world, time and space.

Qiao Wangzhiqin Yin Daobo hit the general trend of Chengguan, and there were no terrifying fluctuations or power.

Instead, it penetrates directly, passes through the general trend, and instantly disintegrates a small part of the city gate general trend.

That kind of incomparable Daoqin sound is too extraordinary, it has a feeling of transcending endless time and space, and the extraordinary power can compete!

Such a powerful city gate that can resist giants seems to be of little use in front of King Qiao.

Da Wang looked dignified and his eyes were cold.

She personally controls the general situation of Chengguan, and blesses herself with the vast general situation, making her whole body seem to be covered with a layer of eternal brilliance.


She took the initiative to meet King Qiao, holding a wonderful fairy sword, and immediately slashed out with a sword!
A gorgeous and brilliant sword light cut out across the sky, containing all kinds of mysteries, exquisite and flawless.

The sword light was shining brightly, piercing through the air, reflecting thousands of years and time and space, among which was the figure of King Qiao, who wanted to impose all kinds of causes and effects on King Qiao forcibly!

With just one sword, King Da used his strongest method to make King Qiao bear the temporary squeeze of cause and effect.

This is almost a taboo technique, if you are not careful, you will suffer backlash.

But King Da is very human. She is extremely talented and talented. She has become a fairy king for millions of years and has the prestige of a giant.

Now she is already considered a senior giant, and her strength is even better than in the past.

Even in the face of such an ancient giant as Qiao Wang, she may not be unable to resist him.

King Da cut off King Qiao's piano sound Daobo with a sword.

The sword light is still sharp and bright, reflecting thousands of causes and effects, and its power is unpredictable.

Seeing this, King Qiao was also slightly surprised.

Because he did feel a sense of discomfort from this sword light, and it was quite a threat to him!

"Sure enough, time goes by, eternity is immortal, and geniuses come forth in large numbers..."

Qiao Wang sighed slightly.

When he sank into the original channel, his level of strength was estimated to be similar to that of King Da at this time, or even slightly inferior.

However, he practiced for countless years in the "Wishing Land", planted the "Wishing" and realized his transformation.

Now he is no longer the former King Qiao.

"The sound of detachment!"

Qiao Wang suddenly took out a very strange guqin.

Guqin has no specific shape, just like a hazy light, but the body and strings can still be seen in general.

After the Guqin appeared, it became more hazy and illusory, as if it had escaped from the real world and merged into other time and space.

He plays the piano with his left hand, and his right arm is behind his back. He is unparalleled in style, handsome and detached, as if he is indifferent to everything.

A string of zither sounds followed, stirring up layers of mysterious waves.

This time, Dao Bo already had a bit more murderous intent, faintly making the world tremble and all living beings tremble.

The sound of the piano swayed, and the sword light collapsed in an instant, and the various causes and effects reflected were difficult to touch King Qiao.

Moreover, Dao Bo pressed against the city gate, containing immense power, which caused the city gate to vibrate violently, and even cracks appeared, as if it was about to collapse.

But King Da finally stabilized the city gate, and with the help of the general situation of the city gate, he also blocked King Qiao's attack.


King Qiao is not the only enemy Da Wang has to face.

A furnace of heaven and earth appeared, extremely huge, covering the sky and the sky, exuding terrifying power, pressing towards the city gate like a mountain.

That is the Immortal King Artifact of King Tianmang.

King Da fought against King Tianmang and King Qiao alone. Although it was difficult, with this vast and majestic and powerful city pass, there would be no major problems in a short time.

Her battlefield is actually pretty good.

Even more tragic was the battlefield between King Hao and King Shiqin.

King Hao and King Shiqin were supposed to fight against the three giants of Dragon King, Blade King, and Luo Long King, as well as King Zuo Chui and King Yuan.

King Hao had to work hard when he came up, burning his foundation.

Because Ying Longwang and the others made it clear that they wanted to take this opportunity to join forces to kill him, they also burst out with all their strength when they came up.

With King Hao's supreme power, coupled with the joint assistance of Zhiqiang Chengguan and other immortal kings, he can still resist in a short time.

But if Xianyu's support does not come in time, he is also in danger of falling.

But not for a while.

King Ying Long and King Luo Long left the battlefield directly.


King Hao and King Shiqin are naturally less stressed!

Although they still have to deal with King Blade, King Zuo Chui and King Yuan, there is basically no crisis at all.


This situation is obviously not normal.

King Hao also set aside the chaotic time and space for a while, deduced and checked, and soon knew that something happened in the battle of King Ziyun in the Big Dipper Realm.

King Yinglong and King Luo Long probably knew something, and then they gave up killing him here, but chose to kill King Ziyun?
Could it be that King Ziyun has been seriously injured, and under the current circumstances, it is more cost-effective to rush to kill King Ziyun than to consume him here?

King Hao could not learn more about the situation.

Because he tried to touch some special time and space to contact King Ziyun, but he didn't get a response.

He could only notify the people in the Immortal Realm to go to Beidou Realm to support them.

Current situation.

Instead, King Ziyun is the most dangerous, because he is likely to have to resist the attacks of the three giants alone.



Beidou world.

At this time, the sky in the Big Dipper Realm was broken, the starry sky was shattered, and the chaotic light poured in, destroying everything that remained.


The appearance of a person instantly dispelled the chaotic light and calmed down the starry sky.

Li Yun looked at the current Beidou world and saw King Taikun.

An extremely violent power erupted from him in an instant, like a vast ocean, boundless and terrifying!
Without a moment's hesitation, he immediately slapped it out!
A gigantic palm appeared, crushing everything in this world, exuding a terrifying aura that shocked all living beings, as if it could destroy a world with one palm!
The target of this palm is the Kunxian Cauldron of King Taikun, which is the channel of spiritual sacrifice suppressed by the Kunxian Cauldron.

But it is not to crush the passage of the spiritual sacrifice.

Instead, they want to probe into the passage of the spiritual sacrifice, and want to fish out things from the passage of the spiritual sacrifice.

I even want to go back to the origin of the origin of the Protoss through this passage of spiritual sacrifice!
The origin of the Protoss has always been mysterious.

Even if there is an immortal king who wants to trace the origin of the secret place through some traces of space-time causality.

But as long as the Origin God King notices it, he will immediately intervene and cover everything up.

If the location cannot be confirmed, it is also impossible to forcibly open the space node.

Those secret places of origin are hidden deep in the Chaos Realm Sea.

It is also impossible to search aimlessly in the boundary sea in person.


King Taikun snorted coldly, he is not a dead person, it is impossible for Li Yun to reach out and touch the channel of the spiritual sacrifice.

Otherwise, it is really possible for the other party to confirm the location of the secret place of origin.

King Taikun immediately pressed down the Kunxian cauldron, and then began to close the channel for the spiritual sacrifice.

A giant whose strength was no less than his descended.

Unless someone restrains such existence for him.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to maintain the passage of the spiritual sacrifice.


King Taikun also slapped his backhand.

An equally vast and boundless God's Palm appeared, covering the starry sky, shaking endless time and space, and shaking out unparalleled terrifying power.

The collision between the giants created an unimaginably huge wave, and ripples spread out layer by layer, spreading in all directions, enough to annihilate everything.

That kind of energy is too terrifying, it can suffocate any living beings, it is as small as a speck of dust, and it may be wiped out at any time.


A vast, majestic general momentum suppressed the starry sky in all directions.

This battle fluctuation was not allowed to cause too much damage.

And the gate of the fairyland also collapsed suddenly, and a wider and huge passageway for flying immortals appeared.

Then a celestial stele and an immortal tower appeared on the immortal gate.

The supreme power began to erupt, leading all the creatures in this world into the fairyland.

However, fighting still broke out at this time.

All creatures may not be able to escape into the fairyland.

Li Yun looked solemn and his eyes were cold.

He was already doing these things while facing King Taikun's palms.

He even began to refine the source of the Big Dipper, intending to turn the Big Dipper into a cosmic seed.

King Taikun withdrew the Kunxian cauldron, shaking out a huge and terrifying power.

At this time, he had already closed the channel for the spiritual sacrifice, so Li Yun could not touch it.


Without hesitation, he held up the Kunxian cauldron and charged directly at Li Yun.

Rumble!His divine body shifted position, oscillating endless time and space, causing huge waves, causing the starry sky to collapse and collapse immediately.

A majestic and powerful Fang Ding pressed towards Li Yun.

There is an indescribable majesty permeating the starry sky, as if the eternal ruler.

It was a kind of majesty that could determine life and death with one word.

Li Yun felt this kind of power, and also vaguely felt that his own morality and magic power were not flowing smoothly.

It seems that everything about him has been suppressed, and every word and deed needs to be dominated by others.

This is the power of King Taikun's dominance!

Li Yun snorted angrily.

A pair of door frames suddenly appeared, hanging above his head, exuding a majestic and majestic momentum, as if it was unattainable, unshakable by all causes and effects!
Under the vast momentum of the door frame.

The oppressive feeling of being dominated by others was immediately dispelled, unable to touch Li Yun's body.

this moment.

Li Yun's body was covered with a layer of hazy luster, and a kind of immortal and supreme aura emanated.

As if he has transcended everything, all causes and effects, endless time and space cannot shake him in the slightest.

He seems to have stood at the source, overlooking all time and space, and can reverse the past and change the future...

Although he is still far from reaching this level.

But there is already a somewhat similar mysterious power faintly.

Li Yun has been the Immortal King for nearly a million years.

In these years, he has never stopped sending his dharma body to explore the original passage, and he has realized the artistic conception of "reaching the sky in one step".

He created this pair of unshakable door frames, which is the embodiment of his current supreme deeds.

He has embarked on a path that he believes is correct and can transcend everything.

A full million years have passed.

Of course he couldn't stand still.

His practice is constantly perfected and refined, and he constantly creates his own supreme law.

The only pity is.

He is not the strongest now.

Because he has a dharma body that just fell into the original passage.

The war broke out suddenly.

It is also impossible for the dharma body to return from the original channel immediately.

He could only close the original passage, give up this dharma body, and rush directly to the Big Dipper Realm.

And that dharma body contains part of his life source and immortal king foundation.

So at this moment, his combat power will be affected.

Originally, even if it was affected, it would be enough to deal with the situation of Eternal Land, and the problem would not be too big.

While maintaining the situation of Eternal Soil, he cultivated in the original passage, and continued to move forward on his own path.

But who would have thought that there would be a giant returning?
Li Yun had already fought against King Taikun, and an unimaginable and terrifying collision broke out.

The remaining Big Dipper Starry Sky is almost completely destroyed.

The creatures of the Beidou heavens who had time to retreat into the fairyland have basically retreated in.

The last remaining source of Beidou Tiandao was also extracted by Li Yun, forming a cosmic seed.

This is the end.

The Beidou Realm can basically be regarded as completely destroyed, and it does not exist for the time being...

Li Yun's expression was indifferent, his eyes were deep and cold and murderous.

With his current state of cultivation, his state of mind and will are extremely firm, and nothing can shake him.

The current situation in the Beidou world includes the situation of Li You and Li Menggu.

He also sorted it out in an instant, and had his own decisions and plans.

"Here... to kill you!"

Li Yun said suddenly, his expression was deep and cold, and there was a terrifying murderous intent emanating from it.

The fairy gate has been crushed, and the Feixian passage is closed.

The Beidou world was also destroyed.

What he can do has been done.

Next, he can only fight with a top giant, and try to kill him!

With the Supreme Law that he has polished for millions of years...


King Taikun's expression also changed slightly suddenly, and he felt an indescribable subtle sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis is very special, and even he can't capture it clearly in an instant.

"Prison of time and space!"

Li Yun yelled angrily, and a pocket door swirled in his palm, stirring up layers of space-time ripples containing boundless mystery.

The door frame also hangs above his head, exuding majestic light, transcending all causes and effects, transcending endless time, space and time.


A vast and boundless light of time and space emanated from Li Yun's body.

That kind of vast and majestic feeling seems to create another piece of time and space.

The light of time and space is boundless and unpredictable, and it is about to envelop King Taikun in it.


King Taikun felt something was wrong, and immediately slapped it with his palm, intending to block the light of time and space.

But for a short time.

He can't see through the mysteries of the light of time and space, and can't capture the core of it, so it's hard to isolate everything in an instant.

At last.

King Taikun was still shrouded in this vast and boundless light of time and space.

After being in it, he quickly realized some things.

"Creating its own time and space..."

King Taikun frowned, his expression darkened.

He can feel that this is an extra piece of time and space, which is not affected by the real time and space, and has its own system.

The passage of time here is also extremely fast.

The real time and space passed by an instant.

Perhaps tens of thousands of years have passed here.

"You want to fight me here, and even quickly divide life and death?"

King Taikun suddenly understood Li Yun's purpose for creating this prison of time and space.

The other party wants to share life and death with him quickly here.

With this independent time and space.

Even if he asked for help, it would be difficult to spread the word, because he had to decipher some mysteries of this time and space first.

Even if there is a call for help, it is difficult for help to arrive quickly.

And this piece of time and space flows extremely fast, maybe a helping hand came, and he might be killed by the opponent.


There is a problem with this!

That is!
Why are you so sure you can kill me?
King Taikun also showed cold murderous intent in his eyes. He is an ancient giant who came back from the "Land of Ambitious Wishes" and is now even stronger.

Endless time and space, any existence, who dares to say that he can kill him?
No nonsense.

Li Yun immediately fought with King Taikun, and it was a shopping fight without any reservations!
And this battle lasted for tens of thousands of years.

But in real time and space, only an instant has passed...

 There is another update in the early morning of the night.Now the insomnia has improved, and the problem of being sleepy at night is basically gone.So, reverting to the wee hours of the dead time update...

(End of this chapter)

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