The great emperor in his later years, flatly pushed the current world

Chapter 122 Am I above the Immortal King? I've Standing in It!

Chapter 122 Am I above the Immortal King? I've Standing in It!

Ying Longwang and many giants and god kings sat cross-legged in front of the origin passage.

They are accepting the guidance of 'Vision'.

Guide them beyond everything and reach the end of origin!

Everyone's expressions are solemn and pious, trying to realize the supreme artistic conception that can transcend everything.

Each of them can find the most correct path in the guidance of this 'Vision'.

Including Ying Longwang.

At this time, King Ying Long had a golden light flashing on his body, rhythmically like breathing.

There was a bit of intoxication on his face...

Because he finally felt the sense of "climbing to the sky" that he dreamed of from the guidance of "Vision"!

One step to the sky!
Taking that step, he has really stepped into that indescribable path of detachment that can transcend everything!

feel it all.

It also made King Yinglong unparalleled respect and admiration for the guidance of "Vision".

Because 'Vision' said he could take this step right away.

As a result, he really felt this step, as if he couldn't follow his words.

This kind of power is truly omnipotent, beyond any existence.

in a blink.

10 years have passed since they returned and waged war against the Eternal Earth.

The golden light on Ying Longwang's body gradually became more hazy, with a hint of detachment.

He also gradually exuded a terrifying supreme aura that made the god kings and giants around him tremble.

"The aura mechanism of the ancient king..."

Blade King felt the aura emanating from Ying Longwang's body, his eyes were slightly trembling, and even he felt a sense of trembling.

He is the first rising god king of the origin god race, and he once fought against the ancient king.

Therefore, I also know how powerful the ancient king is, and I know that the ancient king has the kind of super aura to take the "first step to the sky".

Although the ancient king swept the origin protoss that time.

But there was an accident later, and they didn't really kill all the people of the Origin Protoss.

The Blade King survived because of this.

"Looks like it's coming soon. If you take that step, who else in Eternal Soil and Immortal Realm can resist?"

King Qiao glanced at King Yinglong, sensing the progress of King Yinglong, and said to himself.

In less than 50 years, King Yinglong will definitely take that step and reach the realm of the ancient king.

At that time, it is estimated that everything will be almost ended, and the "wishes" will spread all over the world!


25 years after the Great War.

There is bad news from the Eternal Lands.

King missing!

Somewhere in a magnificent and unsurpassed secret world.

The sky here is colorful, full of gorgeous rays of light, exuding aura containing infinite dao rhyme, as if evolving to the highest heaven.

The earth is sprayed with fairy mist, filled with rich undead substances, and a majestic breath of vitality is transpiring, like a place of eternal life independent of the world.

And most notably.

It's still a strange mountain here.

This strange mountain and river exudes a certain kind of extraordinary aura, containing the artistic conception of "primary", and it feels like returning to the original world at a glance.

This is the retreat place of King Ziyun.

The strange mountains and rivers were the "Secret Land of Creation" of the former Yongwang, and there was a bit of "Creation Light" in it.

After King Yong disappeared.

King Ziyun was not very polite, and temporarily borrowed this "secret place of creation" from King Yong.

Feeling this 'light of creation' in different realms can also get different inspirations.


King Ziyun seems to have followed the old path of King Yong and disappeared...

Four figures suddenly appeared in this secret world.

Every figure exudes extraordinary brilliance, and there is a terrifying aura that can overwhelm all causes and effects, spanning endless time and space.

They are the Dharma Bodies of King Hao, King Daming, King Shiqin and King Da respectively.

After learning that King Ziyun was missing.

They were also very surprised and in a bad mood, so they even sent their law bodies to investigate.

"Oh! Is it still like this..."

Daming King sighed deeply, his face couldn't help showing a bit of fatigue.

Also worried about the future situation.

The aura of King Ziyun has dissipated, and with the power of these giants, it is impossible to trace the cause and effect of King Ziyun.

This shows that Ziyun King is indeed missing.

This situation is exactly the same as King Yong.

It was exactly the same as the disappearance of King Yinglong in the past, as well as King Qiao, King Taikun and King Jinpeng.

However, King Yinglong, King Qiao and King Taikun who were originally missing have returned as original creatures.

I'm afraid that one day...

King Jinpeng, King Yong, and King Ziyun will also return as original creatures.

By then, will the Eternal Soil and Immortal Realm still exist?


Not until then.

King Ziyun is missing, and their Eternal Land lacks a large top-level combat power, and it is the most deterrent combat power.

Because King Ziyun has mastered the 'Prison of Time and Space', he can kill god kings and even giants, which is a great killing move in war.

In the previous battle, Ying Longwang and other giants were finally forced to retreat.

Most of the reason is that King Ziyun threatened them too strongly.

Now Ziyun King is missing.

Eternal soil is more difficult to block the origin protoss.

"Let's prepare early. If the origin gods know that King Ziyun is missing, they may launch a war at any time."

"Perhaps, this time, Eternal Land has to give up and withdraw from the Immortal Realm..."

King Hao also sighed slightly, his brows were furrowed tightly, his expression solemn.

Now he also began to feel powerless against this 'scourge of origin', and even had a faint sense of despair.

The origin protoss has been getting stronger and stronger for a long time.

It seems impossible to exterminate it.

Even, it is they who will be exterminated in turn!
"Perhaps, turning into an origin creature is also a way out..."

King Shiqin suddenly sighed at this moment.

As soon as he said this.

King Hao and the others looked slightly sideways.

However, they couldn't say anything.

They fought against the Primordial Protoss.

It's just that they don't want all the creatures in this chaotic time and space to become original creatures.

I don't want the world where I live and cultivate to become another abnormal appearance.

The original creatures are by no means normal creatures, nor are they in a living state that King Hao and the others can accept.

If it turns into an original creature and loses its own thoughts and will, even if it still has life, what is the difference between it and death?
But King Shiqin's words actually revealed his sense of despair.

The origin protoss is too strong, and it is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that they are struggling now and it is difficult to change the final outcome.

In this way, it is better to turn into an original creature.

At last.

King Hao, King Daming, King Shiqin and King Da still left this secret world.

However, they concealed the news of King Ziyun's disappearance a little bit.

At least don't panic the people at the bottom.

They also began to make preparations to evacuate the eternal soil and retreat to the fairyland.


the strange thing is.

After the disappearance of King Ziyun, the Yuanyuan Protoss did not directly launch a war.

This surprised King Hao and the others.

King Ziyun's goal is very big, and King Yinglong and others will definitely be able to sense his disappearance.

But the Dragon King and the others still didn't come to attack them.

Although the situation is unknown, it is impossible for them to want to fight.

On the origin lair.

King Ying Long is still comprehending that "one step to the sky" carefully, and he is about to take it completely.

At such a critical juncture, how could he stop to attack the eternal soil?

As for the disappearance of King Ziyun.

He did know and didn't care.

Whether King Ziyun is missing or not, it will not affect the final outcome.




Li Yutian entered that secret world, feeling the remnants of his grandpa's aura here, and his face couldn't hide his sadness...

After he learned that his grandfather was missing, he didn't believe it at first, or he didn't want to believe it.

But that's what it is.

His current mood is hard to describe, as if everything in the world has collapsed.

"Am I the only one left..."

Li Yutian murmured, thinking of his parents, his second uncle and third aunt, and his grandfather.

At last.

He sorted out his emotions and decided to find a wife first.

Anyway, let's continue the incense of the Li family...



At first.

The war is over.

Li Yun immediately started retreating to heal his wounds, while reviewing and comprehending the feeling of "one step up to the sky".

Before he fought against King Taikun, he took that step for a short time before he could finally suppress and kill King Taikun.

Now he needs to sort out the situation of taking that step before, and understand the feeling in detail.


Even though he was severely injured, he still gritted his teeth and separated a slightly stronger Dharma body into the original passage to realize the supreme artistic conception in it.

He also brought over King Yong's creation secret, and got some different inspirations from the light of creation.

And after 5 years have passed.

He has already regained the mysterious touch of "one step into the sky".

A layer of hazy light emanated from his body, as if very unreal, giving him a feeling of transcending endless time and space.

He kept comprehending and sorting out his own situation in detail.

At the same time, it is compared and confirmed with the supreme artistic conception in the original channel.

According to their own feelings.

He was moving towards what he thought was the right path, and the hazy light on his body became more and more solid, and at the same time more illusory.

An extraordinary aura emanated from him, as if it was indescribable, giving people a very detached feeling.

that's it.

20 years passed.

Li Yun suddenly felt something at a certain moment.

The flawless and perfect hazy light on his body suddenly merged into his body after a flash, and no longer showed any aura.

The door panel turning in the palm turned into a 'point', which escaped into the door frame above his head, and then completely spread out and merged into the door frame.

The door frame immediately emitted brilliance, hazy and illusory, and then a brilliant and extraordinary passage appeared...

"If you take the first step, you will become the ancient king. If you stand in it, what kind of realm will it be?"

Li Yun said to himself, his eyes were clear and his expression was calm.

The sense of 'reaching the sky in one step' was magnified to the extreme at this moment.

He has seen everything, mastered everything, and reached the limit of everything.


At this moment, he has already taken that step.

Perhaps, he took more than one step...


Li Yun stood up, stretched out his hand, and a wave of supernatural energy radiated out.

The hazy brilliance of the door frame suddenly became brighter, exuding an incomparable aura, very illusory, as if it had transcended the endless years.

The passage on the door frame also instantly inflated several times, with brilliant brilliance swirling in the passage, exuding the power of the 'source' that surpasses all causes and effects!
At last.

Li Yun stepped into this passage step by step.

This is not the origin channel, nor the original channel, but... Ziyun channel!





There is no time, no space, no cause and effect.

There is nothing here, no concept exists.

Nothing has yet been born.

But suddenly.

A figure appeared, with a hazy light permeating his body, untouched by cause and effect, impervious to time, space and time, transcendent.

He is Li Yun, standing in the darkness of nothingness.

He looked around, comprehending everything carefully.


He saw something.


With a wave of his hand, the brilliance of his body bloomed, and everything began to flow.

In the darkness of nothingness.

Suddenly a 'point' appeared!
Incomparably thick, it exudes an immeasurable and transcendent primordial chaotic energy.

Even Li Yun, who is in this state now.

At this 'point', they all felt the supreme sense of oppression that could overwhelm everything.


This 'point' exploded with a bang!

Endless chaotic air gushes out, frictions and entangles, and a series of calamity lights that can destroy immortals and gods are born, sprinkled into the depths of nothingness!

More cosmic seeds were born one after another.

Time was born, space appeared, and the universe evolved creatures.

This piece of chaotic time and space was formed and began to breed everything.

Standing here, Li Yun was not affected by any chaotic energy.

He is like a bystander, transcending time and space, going back to the "original" starting point, and witnessing everything here.

"The place of origin, I can finally see clearly!"

Li Yun sighed slightly.

He also gained some insight and inspiration from this scene.

His unclear, unstable, and seemingly non-existent realm is also solidified a little at this moment.

He just watched silently.

Everything around is passing by quickly.

It seems that thousands of years have passed in an instant, and an era is at the fingertips.


A finger protruded from the ground of origin, and the finger was entwined with a dense black air current, like a dead air, with a kind of aura that was like death.

Many mottled brilliance appeared on the fingers, like mold spots, very strange, but exuded a kind of vitality.

It was in stark contrast to that black dead air.


The finger is still sticking out.

to the end.

A huge palm covering the place of origin appeared.

The entire palm exudes a black dead air, and there are also mottled and gorgeous mildew spots.

"This is……"

Seeing such a scene, Li Yun frowned slightly.

Although he was just watching, going back to the past time and space on the way to transcend everything.

He can't interfere with everything here.

He can only witness it all happen.

But he had seen the situation in the place of origin at this moment, but it was very vague at that time.

It is very clear now, and he can also feel... the breath of the original creature!

Li Yun still stayed here.

I want to see if the original creatures appeared from here.

But soon.

A figure flew out from the palm of his hand, the figure was hazy and indistinct, transcending everything, above everything, exuding a peerless aura that could penetrate endless time and space.

When this person appears.

Li Yun couldn't see the place of origin clearly, and everything here was covered up.

"Huh? Who?"


The figure paused for a moment, turned its head, and looked directly in Li Yun's direction.

Suddenly, a tyrannical force erupted from him, and even the chaotic airflow that could crush the fairy king in the land of origin exploded instantly.

An invisible wave spread out, affecting everything.

Even the brilliance radiating from Li Yun's body was somewhat impacted, and there was a wave of waves.

"I see!"

Li Yun suddenly understood something, and a bright light burst out of his eyes in an instant.

He responded too!

A similar wave came out, crushing everything it passed through, causing time, space and time to stop in an instant.

There is an unparalleled domineering spirit!


The figure on the moldy palm snorted coldly.

Another shot eliminated the fluctuations caused by Li Yun, and at the same time dispelled the influence caused by Li Yun, returning to normal time and space.


Li Yun then disappeared, and there was nothing to see here.

Some people cover everything here, and in his state, he can't see through everything.

But he also knew what he wanted to know.

"Not inferior to my existence, where did the quasi-true god come from?"

The figure on the moldy palm frowned slightly, feeling suspicious. He also couldn't see through Li Yun's karma and real body.

But he can feel that the opponent's realm is not inferior to him, and he is a quasi-true god.

I don't know where it is the quasi-true god who wandered from here.

But if the other party wants to interfere with their plan, there is only one dead end.

The quasi-true god has not really transcended everything, and can still be killed!


Li Yun walked out of the place of origin, stepped on the river of time, continued to cross time and space, and observed all kinds of causes and effects.

The turbulent and terrifying Chaos Realm Sea.

There is a vast world that is gradually growing, greedily devouring the pure chaotic energy around it, gestating the supreme origin, and evolving the supreme law.

Strands of undead matter falling from the sky and the earth, that is a gift!

It is the gift of this vast world to the living beings, giving them longevity.

Endless creatures obtained immortality, groping for the path of cultivation, and then the first true immortal appeared.


a moment.

This vast world has grown to a certain limit.

In the sea of ​​​​chaotic realms, magnificent and magnificent 'Lights of Creation' suddenly emerged.

A series of indescribably magnificent brilliance bombarded this vast world, and occasionally one or two mysterious ancient artifacts would fall from the brilliance.

And after receiving the baptism of this light of creation.

The vast world has reached the realm of eternity and has grown more than ten times stronger!
True immortals were also born one by one.

Then the first Immortal King appeared!
It was a man with a majestic figure and peerless power, straddling eternity and looking down on the eternity.

"The ancient king?"

Watching the birth of Eternal Earth, Li Yun also gained a lot of insights.

He also saw the ancient king, the first peerless person who set foot in the fairy king realm.

He even witnessed the rise of the ancient king with his own eyes, and became the strongest fairy king in all ages!
With the emergence of the ancient king.

One by one, the true immortals also gradually found their way, and then broke through the shackles and reached the realm of the immortal king.

Among them are some ancient fairy kings such as King Yinglong.

King Yinglong often fought against King Shigu.

At first, they were basically evenly matched.

But later.

The ancient king took that step by relying on his talent...

A layer of illusory and hazy light emerged from his body, exuding a transcendent aura, untouched by cause and effect, beyond the years.

Li Yun watched the rise of the ancient king, and also saw some of the mysteries of the ancient king's path, and he was also inspired.


Although the ancient king only took a step, he did not stand in it.

But he still got a bit of power beyond everything.

He immediately felt something.

He raised his eyes and searched around, and suddenly a terrifying power erupted from his body.


King Shigu yelled angrily, he faintly felt that he was being watched, which made him very uncomfortable.

Although this feels vague, but with his current state, it feels impossible to be wrong!

"Worthy of being the ancient king..."

Li Yun sighed slightly, then waved his hand.

Time and space passed, karma was washed away, and everything began to flow.

He also set foot in another time and space.

King Shi Gu looked dignified, and the feeling of being peeped had disappeared at this moment.

But he was pretty sure it wasn't an illusion.

"Is that the realm above the Immortal King..."

King Shigu thought for a long time, still with a dignified expression, but sighed suddenly.

He actually thought that he had still reached the realm above the Immortal King.

But now it appears that is not the case.

Because his realm has not really undergone a qualitative change.

Exact words.

Perhaps, he just took the first step.

And just peeking at his existence, maybe it is the realm above the real fairy king!
He only took the first step, and the opponent was already standing in it...

"At least, there is that level of realm!"

The ancient king's eyes suddenly burst out with brilliance, and a terrifying aura permeated the air.

Although being peeped by unknown beings.

But he also seems to have confirmed the fact that there is indeed a realm above the Immortal King.

He was not afraid that he would not be able to reach that level.

I'm afraid that there is no higher realm at all, and that the fairy king realm is the limit.

And as long as there is a higher realm.

He will be able to set foot in it!


If King Yinglong challenges King Shigu again, he will only be hanged and beaten.

after that.

The first 'Bane of Origins' erupts.

The ancient king swept away the Protoss of Origin and entered the secret place of Origin, but in the end he fell on the passage of Origin...



Li Yun saw the truth about the disappearance of the ancient king, which was not far from what he had guessed.

After the ancient king.

The disaster of origin broke out for the second time, and the origin gods invaded the eternal soil.

At that time.

The Immortal King of Eternal Earth is not very united, although they are all willing to work together to expel the Protoss of Origin.

But it's all about self-protection, and they don't want to really go shopping.

But even so, at the beginning of the war, the Eternal Land still had the initiative and advantage.

But who would have thought.

In the Protoss of Origin, there are strong people emerging one after another, and several giants appear one after another.

By this time, it will be even more difficult for the Eternal Earth to destroy the Origin Protoss.

Later, he wanted to use the power of the fairyland to destroy the origin protoss.

As a result, the disaster of origin also broke out in Xianyu.

Then the Origin Protoss will become a climate completely, and it will be difficult to destroy it.

Li Yun went back in time and space and years, and took a quick look at the past.


Then he saw the Ziwei Realm, saw one hundred and eight fierce lands, and saw his familiar Beidou Realm.

I saw someone stepping into the primitive ancient road, gaining immortality, rising all the way until becoming a fairy.

Later the road was closed.

But the era of flying immortals in the myriad realms has begun, and it is still possible to fly immortals and live forever.

But soon, Feixian Road was also closed.


He saw that a great emperor in the Ziwei world began to cut himself into a restricted area, in order to seek another kind of longevity and wait for the reopening of Feixian Road.

The Beidou world is similar.

But later, there were also changes in the Ziwei world, and it closed itself.

Li Yun also saw Emperor Xuan rise from the Beidou world and step into the ancient road.

The same is true for the later Emperor of Heaven and Lord of Heaven.

He also saw Suigu the Great being hunted down by the Ancient Supreme.

At last.

He saw himself, and also saw the beauty that he missed until now... Wan Yin!
(End of this chapter)

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