Chapter 123 Gone
A vast starry sky.

A great battle broke out that shook the heavens.

There are top figures in the shopping, and every time they make a move, the starry sky will explode, shaking all beings.

Three strange metal pieces were suspended above the starry sky, and billions of electric lights floated on them, exuding a terrifying aura that would destroy the world.

There are three supreme figures respectively controlling a piece of strange metal, constantly blasting out the power of annihilation, trying to kill the existence trapped in the strange metal piece.

The trapped person raised his fist and slammed it on the strange metal piece. The incomparable fist power poured down, causing the endless starry sky to vibrate violently.


There was a crack in the strange piece of metal.

This scene shocked the supreme figure who controlled the three strange metal pieces.

However, the trapped people were still bombarded with bruises all over their bodies, without any complete body.

But he has God's blood transpiration, and is a rare god and demon body in ancient and modern times. His vitality is extremely strong, and he can still hold on.

And what no one knows is.

A hazy figure was watching the battle.

"Emperor Suigu indeed lived out his second life."

Li Yun looked at the battle and said to himself.

He looked back on the time and space of the past all the way, but also learned many secrets that were unclear in the past.

Three ancient supreme beings were born holding the Immortal Mie Dao Furnace, and wanted to suppress and kill Suigu Great Emperor.

This kind of killing.

Li Yun also suffered once later.

The difference between him and Emperor Suigu is that he lived, while Emperor Suigu couldn't survive and fell.

But that time he was only a hair away from falling.

"Maybe you can repay some karma?"

Li Yun looked at the battle that was about to end, his body flickered with brilliance, and he wanted to try his hand.

However, he is not going to intervene in this battle.

Even if he is in his current state, if he forcibly interferes with this period of time and space, he will pay a huge price.

Because it will affect many things later, involve endless cause and effect, and shake too many people and things.

If the influence is too great, it may even cause everything to collapse, and he may become non-existent.

Emperor Suigu was chopped off by a sword, and his head was suddenly dislocated. Blood gushed out, dyed the endless starry sky red, and exuded a terrifying aura that shocked all living beings.

Then two more Xeon attacks ran over, completely smashing his body and shattering his soul.

And he couldn't hold on any longer.

Suigu Great Emperor has just fallen!

A mortal source of immortality was extracted from his remnant body, which was what Yao Tianzun needed, and it could be used to refine some kind of life-extending medicine.

The three ancient supreme beings also got what they wanted, including the round of the Great Dao Origin Seal.

But this time.

Li Yun made a move, he raised his hand, and invisible fluctuations came out, calming the endless time and space.

Everything freezes at this moment!
All people and things, all matter, all existence, all come to a standstill!


He stretched out his hand to fish it out, and condensed everything about Emperor Suigu into a true spirit and fished it out.

On the original Tianshan Mountains.

Beside the vast Creation Pool.

Li Yun temporarily borrowed the treasure land of the Emperor of Heaven.

Serve tea here, and prepare to have a talk with Emperor Suigu.

With a wave of his hand, the true spirit of Emperor Suigu restored everything, the body, soul, and realm of Taoism, all as before.

"This is... Primordial Tianshan?"

Suigu Great Emperor came back to life, feeling everything around him, and immediately showed a look of astonishment.

He recognized at a glance that this was the Primordial Tianshan Mountain, but he had obviously died just now, so why did he suddenly appear here?

But he was also very human, so he calmed down quickly and looked at Li Yun who was sitting opposite him.

"Who are you?" Emperor Suigu asked.

"A person who has received your favor in the past."

Li Yun replied lightly.

He briefly talked about how he got a piece of the arm of Emperor Suigu in later generations, and used it to survive the ultimate catastrophe.

After hearing this, Emperor Suigu was surprised.

"People of later generations?"

"Then you bring me back to life?"

Emperor Suigu frowned deeply, feeling incredible about such a thing.

But it also made him understand the existence sitting in front of him at this moment.

I'm afraid it is an unimaginable terrifying existence, at least higher than the realm of true immortals.

"Maybe it's not the resurrection."

"Emperor Suigu has fallen, you may or may not be him."

"If a person passes away, it is impossible to find it again. Even if it is found, it will not be the original person."

Li Yun said lightly.

What he said sounded mysterious.

But Emperor Suigu vaguely understood.

He was silent for a while, thinking about something.

Then, he asked a question that made Li Yun slightly stunned.

"So, in fact, I'm just a copy of Suigu Great Emperor created by you?"

"You can make a lot of me if you want?"

Suigu the Great asked, the heroic face had lost a bit of the initial shock at this moment, and had regained a bit of calmness and wisdom.

Li Yun also pondered for a moment.

Then nodded slightly: "Yes."

He can indeed produce many Suigu great emperors.

Because he can step into any time and space where Suigu Great Emperor exists at any time, and then refine the true spirit of Suigu Great Emperor and resurrect it.

This is equivalent to copying all the information of Suigu Emperor in a certain time and space, and then restoring these information to a normal life.

It's similar to when he sent a true spirit to the Ziwei world when he was in the Beidou world, and the spirit world gave birth to a clone.

This method of resurrection can be said to be resurrection, or it can be said to be not.

Because Emperor Suigu had indeed died, the one in front of him was made by Li Yun.

But even if he made it, there is no difference from the original Suigu Great Emperor. It has everything of Suigu Great Emperor, whether it is memory or thought, it is exactly the same.

For example, the calmness and wisdom shown by Emperor Suigu at this moment are also possessed by him.

There will be no difference from the real Suigu Emperor.

It's just that all past karma will be lost, and it will exist as a brand new creature.

Those who have passed away can never return!

If you really want the dead to return, that can only interfere with the real time and space.

But that would involve endless cause and effect, shaking too many things, and the price would be enough to crush any existence.

"That's right, did my son become a fairy later on?"

Emperor Suigu sighed slightly.

Li Yun chatted with him about future generations, and also about Xiao Gu's death in battle.

He can only bring the Suigu Emperor in front of him to the real time and space he is in.

That won't affect the past, it's just that there is one more creature in his time and space.

As for whether it will affect the future.

He hasn't set foot in the future in his real body, so whatever he does is inevitable and reasonable for the future.


Emperor Suigu was unwilling to be resurrected in the end.

"Thank you for telling me these things!"

"Maybe I'm not the real Suigu Great Emperor, but knowing that the Beidou world will have such a prosperous future, my son will also be famous, so that's enough!"

"The Suigu Great Emperor who has passed away should also smile at Jiuquan!"

"However, since it has passed away, let it pass away..."

Emperor Suigu said calmly, and then took a sip of fairy tea, feeling as if he wanted to become a fairy immediately.

At last.

He only asked Li Yun to take him around the Immortal Realm to fulfill his past wish.

And then decided to return to the lost land.

He shouldn't live with this body and memory, it doesn't make much sense.

Li Yun sighed slightly and waved his hand!

The Suigu Emperor also disappeared in place, and the true spirit also collapsed and annihilated.

"Since it has passed away, let it pass away..."

Li Yun repeated the last words of Emperor Suigu, and he also had different experiences.

Although Emperor Suigu gave up the resurrection.

But now the ending is not bad, and it can barely be regarded as repaying some karma.

After the fall of Suigu Great Emperor.

About 10 years have passed.

A mediocre man rose up in an ordinary era, and the geniuses who competed with him were also ordinary.

Then he was simply sanctified, and the Emperor Zhun Tribulation was also very peaceful, without causing any disturbances.

It wasn't until he cultivated to the peak of Emperor Zhun that he became popular, established his prestige, and was respected by the world.

He picked up a piece of the former arm of Emperor Suigu, and gained a lot of luck from it.

Finally, after 2000 years of precipitation.

Then began to try to prove Taoism and become an emperor!
When the vast and terrifying extreme catastrophe appeared, the heavens shook, and the Jedi in the restricted area also cast their eyes.

Someone interfered with his becoming an emperor, and his Daoyuan Seal was half formed, and he almost fell away.

But he resisted to the end with a piece of the arm of Emperor Suigu.

The visions of the heavens and the earth came out together, the myriad ways resounded in harmony, and the heavens trembled together.

A coercion of the supreme emperor permeates the heavens, oppressing all living beings.

The new emperor stood on the top of the starry sky, ruled the world, and looked down at the world of mortals.

Li Yun watched this scene from time and space.

Watching himself rise slowly all the way, and finally become an emperor.

I also feel quite emotional in my heart, everything in the past is still clear, as if it was yesterday.


Stepping on the gate of heaven, entering the realm of the underworld, beating the city to death, and preparing for a battle in old age.

And during the period, marry the person who is willing to stay together for a lifetime.

Li Yun looked at that beautiful woman, and gradually became in a daze, and many long-lost memories emerged, which made people miss him so much!
The wedding of Emperor Ziyun attracted the attention of the whole world, and all the heavens came to worship!
The man is the emperor of the world, he can look down on the common people, and his power has shocked the past and the present.

The woman is also a peerless beauty, with a world-renowned appearance, dignified and elegant, graceful, and also a quasi-emperor, with a world-renowned reputation.


Several children were born, and the family enjoyed themselves and shared a family relationship.


Looking at these pictures, Li Yun suddenly frowned!

He suddenly felt a unique cause and effect in these three children, and this cause and effect faintly oppressed him!
This is a sudden feeling, and this kind of cause and effect seems to have just appeared.

"Have you discovered my real body..."

Li Yun muttered to himself, and a cold murderous intent gradually emerged from the depths of his eyes.

He instantly understood some facts.

suddenly!He turned his head to look, his eyes bloomed, piercing endless time and space, seeing the eternity of time!
He saw the same cold gaze.

The two eyes met, faintly shaking endless waves, shaking this piece of chaotic time and space.

But soon.

Li Yun withdrew his gaze.

There was a period of real time and space between each other, and the other party also looked at him for a moment when looking back at the past years.

They are not in the same time and space, they just see each other briefly through some kind of cause and effect.

But it also means that something happened in the future time and space, which infected his three children with karma.

Although Li Yun can't know the future, it's actually easier to guess.

He continued to watch his past self.

Family gathering time is not too long.

The three children were also sealed soon one after another.

Even that peerless beauty will end up dying at the end of her lifespan.

"Wan Yin, you go first, in the cycle of reincarnation, I will find you myself!"

The man buried his lover himself and made a promise that has not been fulfilled to this day.

For he lives and never dies,

"Yun, I hope you are well..."

Wan Yin's eyes were affectionate, and there was worry and distress on her face.

Because she also knew how miserable the emperor was in his later years, and knew what her man was going to face.

But she could do nothing but pray silently.

At last.

Wan Yin passed away, and a new tomb appeared.

That man has nothing to worry about anymore, and starts preparing for battle!

Everything also freezes at this moment.

Li Yun looked at this scene and fell silent, hesitant, apprehensive, and excited.

But he finally made a move.

Maybe the one he resurrected is not the original her.

It's just that he created it by means of supreme means.

Even, he can even recreate himself in this time and space, and he has independent thinking, so he can practice on his own.

But that's meaningless, and it's impossible for him to mass-produce existences of his own level based on this.

Even if it is the same self, it is impossible to reproduce the same path.

There is always a limit to everything, and there will be cause and effect to bear.

Every living being is unique.

The creatures he reproduced by his own means also exist based on his 'source', and they are definitely not the original people, and there will be fundamental differences.

Even if he copied Li Guan and a few others out of this, it would be meaningless, because it couldn't be him.


It's all here, how can we never see each other again?
Li Yun made a move anyway, refining Wan Yin's true spirit at the last moment, and then revived it.

"This is?"

Wan Yin regained consciousness, very surprised, looked around, and found herself in a hazy and illusory space.

Moreover, she also saw a man who was very familiar but also very strange.

"Cloud? Is that you?"

Wan Yin looked at Li Yun, frowned and asked, she was completely confused about the situation now.

"long time no see!"

Li Yun looked at Wan Yin and felt that familiar aura, even though it was a dummy he copied with his own hands, it was still nostalgic.

"If you have any doubts, just let me read on..."

He replied, and then took Wan Yin to continue watching his past life.

He briefly explained to Wan Yin.

Wan Yin was surprised, but it was unbelievable that she could understand what Li Yun said.


Time and space turn, and years pass by.

The starry sky right now.

Li Yun has reached his old age and began to go to the battlefield, waiting for the big battle.

Wan Yin looked at the aged Li Yun with worry on her face.

But soon.

Then she saw her husband slaying all directions, suppressing and killing the ancient supreme, revived the second life, and ruled the world again!

Let her breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at such a picture.

Li Yun also solved another doubt in the past.

When he was in his later years, where did the undead matter that appeared out of thin air come from?

In fact, there is nothing special, it is left over from the era of flying immortals in the ten thousand realms.

Due to the changes in the universe, the myriad ways evolve, and accidentally remain in the interlayer of time and space.

And Li Yun happened to be recuperating from his injuries there, and touched the space-time interlayer, releasing this immortal substance.

This kind of thing is very mysterious, no one can predict it, and it is also due to luck.


Li Yun and Wan Yin watched themselves push down the forbidden zone and the Jedi, become a fairy in the world of mortals, evolve into the Beidou Changsheng world, and then set foot on the ancient road to fight against the origin gods.

Seeing himself becoming the Immortal King, he also saw Li Guan and other children being swallowed up by the passage of spiritual sacrifice.

Li Yun just watched his past with Wan Yin.

Wan Yin also regained her composure from the initial shock.

They talked about some things, and although they felt a little strange to each other, they still felt very cordial.

Looking at Li Yun's achievements, Wan Yin felt relieved and joyful.

If all of this is true, then she will die without regret!
"Guan'er...can they come back?"

Wan Yin looked at Li Yun, frowning slightly, her mother's worry about her child was on her face.

Li Yun also looked at Wan Yin, and said in a deep voice, "If you haven't really passed away, you can come back."

"Yes, then please."

Wan Yin felt a little relieved upon hearing this.

Then she thought of herself, and couldn't help asking: "What about me, have I passed away?"

Wan Yin looked at Li Yun at this moment, and she saw deep affection in his eyes and felt the familiarity.

She no longer doubted anything, this is indeed her husband, he has reached an unbelievable state, and he has indeed found himself from reincarnation.

"You have passed away..." Li Yun looked into Wan Yin's eyes, sighed slightly, and said truthfully.

Wan Yin is smart, has her own judgment, and can see some facts clearly.

"Thank you for showing me so much, I hope you can always be well!"

Wan Yin said, revealing a gratified and satisfied smile.

She saw the future, the rise of her husband, and the achievements of her children and grandchildren.

Seeing the strength of her husband, she believed that he would also be able to bring the child back.

In this way, it is enough.

She is a person who has passed away, and it is impossible to truly return.

Li Yun heard Wan Yin's words.

Although he didn't ask, he also understood her choice.

Even in the current situation, they are still very familiar with each other.

You can understand each other's thoughts just by looking at each other's eyes.

"Is there anything else to say?"

Li Yun finally asked.

Wan Yin looked at Li Yun with soft eyes, with a bit of worry and affection in her eyes, just like when she passed away in the first place.

"Are you still going to fight?"

Wan Yin asked.

"Yes." Li Yun nodded slightly with a calm expression.

But Wan Yin could roughly imagine how terrifying Li Yun's battle would be.

Because he is already in such an unbelievable state, how strong is the person who can fight him?

"I wish you victory, and I will pray for you."

Wan Yin finally said that it was still the same as when she first passed away.

"Thank you."

Li Yun sighed slightly.

At last.

The two traveled across time and space, viewing endless scenery.

Li Yun also made up for an unfulfilled wish in his heart.



Li Yun came to the node of his real time and space.

Going forward is the time and space of the future.

The future is unknown to him and cannot be peeped at!

But he kept going!
However, as he continues to move forward, the future he sees may not be real, but the possible future time and space that he deduces with his own supreme power.

Most of these future time and space exist with him as the 'source', and they were randomly born in a single thought of his, like a bubble.


It is also possible that he will go back to several real future time and space.

Especially in these real future time and space, similar characters appeared, standing above the time and space, overlooking all causes and effects.

some future time and space.

Then a figure appeared, exuding radiant divine light, with boundless power, suppressing the time and space here, and the river of time flowing, entangled in all kinds of causes and effects.

If anyone wants to forcibly spy on the real time and space here, they cannot bypass him.

"We finally met again..."

The man also saw Li Yun, but spoke first.

Moreover, listening to his words, he actually knew Li Yun, and had met him before?
"you are?"

Li Yun's eyes were full of light, and he shot over, dispelling the years, tracing the cause and effect, wanting to see everything clearly.

However, hundreds of millions of causal squeezes came, and the endless time and space trembled, crushing his vision, making him unable to see the end.

It seems that as long as he has an insight into the identity of this person, he will detonate endless time and space, and there will be all kinds of terrifying karma.

Everything may be shaken or even collapsed!
"Some things can't be said, I just don't know... have you passed away?"

The man suddenly asked Li Yun.

Hearing this, Li Yun frowned slightly, but he couldn't answer.

But I also heard something special from this remark.

Could it be that he has passed away in later generations?

Such a sentence does not affect too many things.

Because nothing has happened yet, that person doesn't know, and neither does Li Yun.


This real time and space also collapsed, and it won't last long.

Being able to contact Li Yun is only because of a certain cause and effect between each other.

It was just connected by accident when Li Yun traced the future time and space.

Li Yun was slightly silent, and then continued to trace the future.


Let him go back to a real future time and space.

There is also a terrifying figure that surpasses all causes and effects, suppressing this time and space.

"You are...Ziyun...Emperor?"

Words came out from this figure, and eight seals suddenly emanated from his body, circling around his body, exuding incomparable mysterious power.

Li Yun frowned again when he heard that, the other party even recognized him.

Moreover, the eight seals suddenly released by the other party gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, which was very strange.

"Who are you?"

Li Yun also wants to spy on this person's real body, but this person is also a person of later generations, involving endless real time and space, and the cause and effect are extremely heavy.

If he snooped forcibly, he might be crushed in an instant.

"If you have to say it, I'm your successor."

"But, have you passed away?"

The man replied like this, the words did not involve too much information, and could not bring much cause and effect, so it could be said.


Li Yun frowned slightly when he heard the man's last words.

Why do you ask if he has passed away?

Could it be that he really passed away in the later life?


This real time and space will also collapse and cannot be contacted for too long.

But unexpectedly.

In the end, the man said his name, which seemed to have little effect.

"My name is Fang Quan..."


All dissipated.

Li Yun was also silent again. During his trip through time and space, he had come into contact with too much and had a lot of feelings.

It also made him understand his own state more clearly at the moment.

"It turns out that I'm still not detached from everything, I just stand in it and step onto a stand where I can look down on time and space..."



at the same time.

King Yinglong also took the first step above the Immortal King, and then immediately launched a war.

He was imposing and eternal, looking down at the Immortal King, his power and power made even King Hao tremble.

"From today onwards, the real dragon will be honored, and all spirits will be humbled..."

The mantra of the Dragon King spread throughout the Eternal Land and Immortal Realm, shocking the world!
All the fairy kings were horrified, and really began to despair.

"Have I finally reached the end of my wait..."

"The real dragon is respected, and all spirits are humbled? Hahaha, since the ancient king, has anyone dared to be respected..."

(End of this chapter)

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