Chapter 132
The Bahuang Sect is located among the beautiful mountains.

It is a magnificent and blessed place where the dragon energy of the earth veins is at its peak, there are Lingquan waterfalls, white mist is filled, and fairy flowers and spirit grass are everywhere.

But at the moment.

The rumbling power came from the sky, mighty, terrifying and frightening!
That was the army of the Desolate Cow, Gold Wing, and Purple Sparrow.

And the three leaders are all Old Sages!
The person on the far left is a man, seven feet tall, with a burly physique, his muscles are as dark as iron, and his momentum is majestic and majestic, just like an ancient giant.

That is the ancient sage Fanku of the Desolate Cow Clan. His eyes are like copper bells, and his forehead has two horns. The ferocious divine power of the ancient times is extremely strong, and the mountains below tremble faintly under his divine power!

The one in the middle is Mingyuan Ancient Sage, with wings on his back, a faint golden light emerges, exuding a boundless holy power that suppresses the world, like the lord of the sky, looking down on the earth!
The one on the far right is Sage Qing of the Ziguangque Clan.

She was wearing a long purple dress, graceful and graceful, her satin-like purple hair fluttering in the wind, her delicate and beautiful facial features showed a calm and peaceful expression, and a purple pattern between her eyebrows added a touch of immortality.

At first glance, this is a peerless beauty.

But no one dared to look more, because she was a powerful ancient sage, exuding ancient divine power, a ray of energy was enough to crush the mountains, it was terrifying!
The three ancient sages came to the Eight Desolation Sect, and they were so powerful that they shocked the world and attracted the attention of the world!

"Fang Quan! Get out!"

The ancient sage of Mingyuan immediately scolded, called Fang Quan's name directly, and at the same time did it directly!
His wings spread out, nearly a hundred feet long, almost covering the sky and the sun, and then he suddenly raised his wings, and the fierce and incomparably ancient Shengwei erupted!
A mighty and terrifying hurricane burst out from between the wings, and the hurricane waves were overwhelming, like countless ancient heavenly knives slashing down!

Bang bang bang!
The power of the Eight Desolation Cult's protective formation erupted, and a majestic and heavy momentum rose.

This shocking ancient gale fell on it, causing huge vibrations, causing many buildings and mountains in the Eight Desolation Sect to collapse.

All the cultivators of the Eight Desolation Sect were horrified.

It was the first time for them to feel the power of the ancient sages of the ancient myriad races!

"Old Ancestor! The ancient sage is really here, and the guardian formation may not last long!"

Tai Jing hurriedly went to Fang Quan to retreat and shouted.

However, a light voice came from inside: "Wait a moment."

"Wait a minute?" Tai Jing was suspicious and anxious when he heard this.

It's such an urgent time, what else is there to wait for?

Fan Ku Ancient Sage also shot to bombard the guardian array.

He is an ancient sage of the Desolate Cow Clan, with surging and terrifying immemorial divine power, his punch is earth-shattering, as if it is about to crush the earth, it is extremely frightening!

And not only the Old Sage made a move.

The three major ancient clans also brought no less than ten semi-sages, and they also began to bombard the guardian formation.


The mountains of the Bahuang Sect trembled, and the terrifying aura made the weak disciples tremble in shock.

All the elders can only do their best to maintain the guardian formation and delay the time when the formation is destroyed.

Fortunately, they had already prepared for it, and all kinds of inside information of the religion had been prepared.

Just wait for the ancestors to come out and lead them to start the decisive battle!
As for the outcome of this battle, most of them are also prepared mentally, and even have the consciousness to die in battle!
The Bahuang Sect is a very decent and traditional human orthodox system.

No matter the origin of the recruited disciples, as long as they meet the requirements, they can join.

After joining, they will be cultivated fairly, and there will be fair competition among disciples.

The teacher preaches and solves doubts, and the brothers and sisters take care of the brothers and sisters, and there are strict rules to ensure order.

There are disciples they cherish, teachers they respect, and friends with deep friendship.

They have deep feelings for each other and have a strong sense of belonging to the Eight Desolation Sect.

The Eight Desolation Sect gave them such a good life, and they were willing to protect the Eight Desolation Sect.

The three ancient sages and many semi-sages of the ancient tribe continued to bombard the guardian formation.

Suddenly, at a certain moment.

Boom!There was a sign of collapse in a certain part of the guardian formation, and the mighty power of the ancient saint poured down, making everyone's hearts tremble!
But fortunately, in the end, the guardian formation quickly recovered.

But the guardian formation is not far from a complete collapse, because the successive bombardments of the ancient saints have caused damage to the formation, and it is impossible for them to repair the formation quickly.

"Old Ancestor still hasn't made a move yet?" Someone wondered.

"Maybe the ancestor is preparing something."

Some disciples thought solemnly.

at this time.

Fang Quan is re-sacrificing his holy weapon, which is the Eight Desolation Sword!

He wanted to engrave some of the Dao of the Void on the Eight Desolation Sword in order to better unleash the power of the Void Seal.

Because the sacrifice is still a little bit finished, if it stops at this moment, the holy soldier may be damaged to a certain extent.

The guardian formation can still last a while, but it has not yet reached the most urgent time.

Suddenly, a faint void wave came from the Eight Desolation Sword, and at the same time, it was compatible with the sharp edge of the sword.

"It's done, let's do it!"

Fang Quan didn't delay any longer, holding the Eight Desolation Sword, stepped out with one step, and directly appeared on the Eight Desolation Sect, filled with the majesty of a surging saint.

Then, he swept his sword across!
A ray of bright sword light suddenly cut out, there was a majestic and vast divine power, and there was also a faint wave of void.

Jian Guang is as fast as lightning, extremely fast, as if he can travel through the void!
And the target of this sword light is Mingyuan Ancient Sage of the Golden Wing Clan!

Mingyuan Ancient Sage suddenly felt a strong crisis at this moment, but he reacted very quickly, and he had the extreme speed of the Golden Wing Clan.

He retreated suddenly, and only a phantom was left on the spot amidst the flashing golden light.

But Jian Guang was still too fast, as if he was about to slash him, but he just avoided the vital point.

But he still slapped his palm swiftly, stirring up endless wind, containing the terrifying power of the holy way!
The sword light collapsed, but the arm of the ancient sage Mingyuan was almost cut off, only a layer of skin was connected, and the bright blood spilled, shocking everyone!

Because this is the body of an ancient sage, the body of the Taigu clan is a divine weapon, extremely powerful, how can it be hurt by ordinary attacks?

The ancient sage Mingyuan was shocked at this moment. He thought that this human Quan sage could kill Kuisu with his extreme speed.

But now it seems that its frontal attack power is also extremely powerful, with a faint prestige of a top saint.

Fan Ku Ancient Sage and Qing Ancient Sage also changed slightly, surprised by Fang Quan's strength.

They even thought that if this sword fell on them, could they avoid the vital points like the ancient sage of Mingyuan?

"A top saint?"

Old Sage Qing frowned, and for the first time showed a dignified expression, just with the sword just now, she felt a bit like a top saint.

But the situation does not allow them to think too much.

Fang Quan came out straight away, he moved his steps, and ripples in the void radiated from his body, and his whole body seemed to have really escaped into the void, with the supreme speed that is so far away!
Almost in the blink of an eye.

He appeared next to Qing Gusheng, and then suddenly slashed out with a sword!
The torrential and powerful Eight Desolation Divine Power exudes, it is a magnificent divine power that seems to contain the vastness of the universe, with a strong sense of oppression!
The sharp sword light flashed, the sharpness was peerless, unstoppable!

From the right abdomen to the left shoulder, Qing Gusheng's graceful body was directly chopped off by this sword with a long wound with deep bone visible!

In an instant, blood gushes out, red light fills the sky, and the astonishing ancient holy energy pervades the world, shaking the world!


Qing Gusheng let out a long cry, and tried his best to cast the ancient secret method. Purple light flashed on his body, and a strong vitality emerged, wanting to recover from his injuries.


That terrifying edge poured down like a vast ocean, eroding the vitality of Old Sage Qing, making it difficult for her to recover!
Fang Quan didn't stop with his sword, and then swept out with another sword, and took Qing Gusheng's head straight.

That kind of sharp and peerless holy edge.

At this moment, Qinggu Sheng faintly felt the breath of death!

The strength of this human spring saint exceeded all of their expectations.

Is this the level of a hundred years of sanctification?

Moreover, she felt that this Human Race Quansheng was very young, his spiritual aura was extremely fresh, and there was almost no rotten air, and his age would probably not exceed a thousand years old!
Doesn't he look like an old saint who lived for thousands of years before barely breaking through?
They all far underestimated the strength of this saint.

Don't blame them though.

Because there is only this saint in the human race, he has no record at all, because he has no opponent at all.

If they want to find out their strength, they really have to fight before they know.

But they never imagined that they would be so strong!


Ancient Sage Fan Ku struck swiftly, punching down from the sky with a bang, with a majestic power that shook the sky, trying to prevent Fang Quan from beheading Old Sage Qing.

Ancient Sage Fan Ku still blocked the sword in time, and at the same time used the momentum to hit Fang Quan.


With a flash, Fang Quan dodged the attack of Ancient Sage Fanku with the supreme void technique, and at the same time walked around behind Ancient Sage Qing, and swept out with a backhand sword.

The extremely sharp sword light slashed out, cutting Qing Gusheng's neck open, leaving only a few layers of flesh attached.

However, Ancient Sage Fan Ku was not as fast as Fang Quan, and he had no time to stop him.


Seeing this scene, the ancient sage Mingyuan knew that they would not be Fang Quan's opponents, and immediately ordered the Golden Wings to retreat.

Seeing the retreat of the Golden Wing Clan, Ancient Sage Fan Ku's face darkened.

But he also knew that it was impossible not to retreat, they were indeed not the opponents of the Human Race Quansheng, first of all, they were not as fast as the opponent!

The opponent already has the power of a top saint!

Ancient Sage Fan Ku also made a decision immediately, chose to retreat, and joined Ancient Sage Mingyuan directly, preparing to retreat to the sacred mountain of the Wild Niu Tribe first!

Although Ancient Sage Mingyuan was faster than Ancient Sage Fanku, he was not as fast as Fang Quan. If Fang Quan chased him alone, he might not be able to escape.

Now it is best to advance and retreat together with Fanku Ancient Sage, and we can join hands to retreat to the sacred mountain of the wild cow tribe.

After Ancient Sage Mingyuan and Ancient Sage Fanku chose to retreat, they basically gave up Ancient Sage Qing.

The ancient sage Qing has been seriously injured, and it is difficult to sustain the power of the ancient sage.

At last.

Fang Quan made up two more swords and killed Qing Gusheng directly!

The blood of the ancient sage sprinkled the heaven and the earth, and the rich and terrifying holy energy filled the air, containing a terrifying atmosphere, which made any living beings feel trembling.

see this scene.

Everyone was shocked!

"Sage Quan slaughtered an Old Sage!"

Someone was shocked and exclaimed.

It was also the first time for them to see how powerful Quan Sheng was.

Normally, Quansheng has no opponents of the same level at all. They only know that Quansheng is a saint of the human race, with invincible power.

Now that Quansheng really fights against opponents of the same level, he really shows his strength!

Even the Old Ones can be easily slaughtered!

But it doesn't stop there.

There is something that will shock them even more!
After Fang Quan killed Ancient Sage Qing, he didn't stop, and went directly to chase and kill Old Sage Mingyuan and Ancient Sage Fanku.

Chased all the way for a hundred thousand miles!

He fought with Mingyuan Ancient Sage and Fanku Ancient Sage.

Although the two ancient sages resisted with all their strength, they continued to retreat towards the sacred mountain of the wild cow tribe.

But Fang Quan has the prestige of a top sage, and in the end he beheaded these two ancient sages to the ground!
The blood of the ancient sages stained the sky red, and a terrifying aura erupted, making all spirits tremble!

Mingyuan Ancient Sage, Fanku Ancient Sage, all fell!

this battle.

Too many people have witnessed it with their own eyes, and they are extremely shocked!

It turned out that those ancient sages who seemed to be so high above the world as if they were going to overwhelm the world were also so fragile?
Three of them were killed by Quan Sheng in one day!
"There are top saints in the human race?"

Some Primordial Clans were equally shocked when they learned about the situation of this battle.

In fact, they don't pay much attention to those ordinary human race orthodoxy, even the Bahuang religion with saints in charge.

They are only afraid of those supreme orthodox traditions.

They actually don't pay much attention to this war scene now.

The real start will be when all the ancient existences of the ancient royal family and the supreme orthodoxy of the human race are born and jointly open the golden world.

The battle between the current Tianjiao and the ancient Tianjiao, and the suppression of the current world by the ancient protectors.

At that time, the mere ancient saints and ordinary saints will become commonplace.

But if it is a top saint, then it will be extraordinary.

The existence of this level is still very tricky!
Fang Quan is sometimes a casual person of Buddhism.

But he is also a person who sees things very clearly.

Doing things is often done!
For example, he went straight into the sacred mountain of the Desolate Niu Clan, broke through the big formation here, and killed and looted it all!
The Taikoo tribe clearly came here to destroy the Eight Desolation Sect, so naturally he would not be polite at all!

Anyway, it's a death feud now, so what else does he have to worry about?
And he also knew that the ancient royal family would never be born easily.

Just based on these ancient sages of the ancient tribe, how many people can do anything to him?
However, there are still ancient sages in the sacred mountain of the Ziguangque clan. If they defend it according to the formation, it will be difficult for Fang Quan to break through quickly, and other powerful ancient sages will come to help soon.

If he falls under the siege of a large number of Old Sages, he will also be very dangerous.

He finally backed away.

And the sacred mountain of the Golden Wing clan also simply evacuated directly, and he also saw an empty mountain when he went there.

At last.

He returned to the Eight Desolation Sect.

And this battle also caused a great commotion in the Lost Emperor Star!

No one thought of it.

The human spring saint is so powerful!Almost at the level of a top saint!
Such a saint spans the world, standing in the middle of the human race's orthodoxy, and greatly affecting the situation of the ancient and human races!
Become a powerful existence that none of them can avoid.

"Huh? That Ancient Sage Qing actually has such a treasure?"

Fang Quan was sorting out the three ancient holy relics and the details of the sacred mountain of the wild cow tribe.

A rare treasure was unexpectedly found on the ancient holy relic.

It was a thread, black and white, exuding a kind of supreme aura, which made people faintly feel trembling.

It turned out to be Heiwen Immortal Gold!
Although there is only an extremely small wisp, it is fairy gold, a rare and rare supreme fairy treasure!

At this time, Tai Jing suddenly came to him.

"Old Ancestor, Qu Feng Sect wants to seek your protection, and wants to build a teleportation array with us."

"For this reason, they presented a large number of spiritual treasures, including some ancient treasures with unknown powers."

"But there is a problem. The top Old Sage of the Scarlet Flame Lion Clan seems to be preparing to attack them..."

(End of this chapter)

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