Chapter 133 Ancient Sage Mu Heng
"Old Ancestor, do you see?"

Tai Jing asked.

In fact, Qufeng Sect's attempt is very obvious, it is to want the ancestors to help them fend off the top ancient sage of the Red Flame Lion Clan.

To this end, they all contributed half of their family fortune.

In fact, Qufengjiao also wanted to seek the protection of a certain supreme orthodoxy.

It's just that the supreme orthodoxy refused.

Because there are no saints alive in that supreme orthodoxy, if you want to block the top ancient saints, you have to take out the bottom-of-the-box Godless Weapon.

But now the situation is delicate, if they use the big killing weapon of emperor soldiers, I am afraid that the impact will be serious, and they don't want to end up fighting with the ancient peoples yet.

And is there any treasure in the Supreme Dao Lineage?I don't care about the little things that Qu Fengjiao offered.

On this level, the Bahuang Sect has a current saint, but it has an advantage that the Supreme Taoism does not have.

"Add another third, and you're done!"

Fang Quan glanced at the things Qu Fengjiao offered, thought for a while, and then said.

Among the things that Qu Fengjiao offered, there were also what he needed.

Moreover, the golden age is coming.

Sometimes, the stronger the family background, the more treasures and treasures you accumulate, and you can gather more luck in the dark.

"Okay, I'll go back to Qufengjiao now."

Hearing this, Tai Jing didn't say much, turned around and went to discuss with Qu Fengjiao.

In the end, Qu Fengjiao agreed, and took out some of his wealth.

The formation masters of both sides worked overtime, and an interoperable teleportation formation was preliminarily established that day.

After the teleportation formation was opened, Qu Fengjiao directly sent a large number of precious materials and treasures.

"Master Tai, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Yu Fuzi, the leader of Qufeng, also came to the Bahuang Sect through the teleportation array at this time, and greeted Tai Jing politely.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Master Yu."

Tai Jing also clasped his fists slightly and replied.

"The Primordial Ten Thousand Clans are approaching menacingly, my Qufeng Sect is in danger, and I will trouble your Sect next!"

Yu Fuzi couldn't help sighing.

"Don't worry, since my patriarch agreed to your request, if Qu Fengjiao is in danger, he will act appropriately."

"However, there is a prerequisite, that is, the Bahuang Sect has not been attacked."

Tai Jing replied.

"That's natural!" Yu Fuzi didn't have any objection when he heard that.



On the Lost Emperor Star.

The fact that Fang Quan slaughtered the three ancient sages is still spreading and has been hotly discussed.

And let everyone understand.

The human spring saint is far more powerful than people expected.

And it was at this time that they suddenly realized a certain fact!
That is.

Fang Quan was sanctified in the most difficult age!
Why is he the only saint?
It's not that everyone can't break through, and he is the only one who breaks through, so naturally he is the only saint!
Then why only he can break through?
That is naturally because he is stronger than anyone else!

"It turns out that we all underestimated Quan Sheng, the only saint in the world, who is still strong enough, no less than a top saint!"

"Unfortunately, there is only Quansheng alone, and there are more than one top ancient saints of the ancient tribes."

"It's said that the golden age is coming, but why don't I feel it at all?"

Some people wondered, because there are thousands of miles around, and it is almost unheard of where there is a peerless arrogance.

It still looks like the Dharma-ending era, and everyone is mediocre!
How can this look like a golden world?

"This is called the calm before the storm. When the time really comes, you will know the horror of the Golden World!"

"At that time, the saints are afraid to go everywhere, and the top saints are not worth mentioning!"

Someone was dismissive.

"Is it really that exaggerated?" Someone exclaimed.

While everyone was talking about Fang Quan.

The Bahuang Sect is in retreat.

Fang Quan also faintly felt some kind of vague fortune flow.


There were also some abnormal changes in his disc ancient treasure.

"The third seal..."

The disc ancient treasure was about the size of a washbasin, one and a half feet high, off-white, uneven throughout, but the surface was quite smooth, as if it had been polished.

At this time, the third exquisite and mysterious seal appeared on the ancient treasure of Yuanpan!
"This breath, this feeling, is it the power of will?"

Fang Quan felt the breath of the third seal, and frowned slightly.

This feels like a seal in the direction of the Avenue of Will.

However, he is not interested in wishing together.

He has also read many books about the power of will, which mentioned it.

There are many wonderful uses of wish power, but while enjoying the benefits of wish power, you may also need to bear some karma, and there may be some unknown crisis.

Fang Quan is also more inclined to tap his own potential rather than relying on his will.

"It seems that I have made a great reputation in this battle, and there is a gathering of wish power in the dark, which touched the seal of wish power on this ancient treasure."

Fang Quan speculated.

The ancient vow power seal of this disc is also extremely exquisite, with that kind of supreme energy flowing.

However, this time, he does not intend to take this opportunity to comprehend the way of wish power, but to feel the supreme magic in it a little bit, and it is enough to get some inspiration from it.



In the ruins of Wanxuan Sect.

A man with a strong body and a golden beard and hair was lying in a pool with extraordinary aura at this moment.

A fierce and terrifying Holy Dao Qi emanated from his body, so powerful that it suffocated people and made all the surrounding creatures tremble!

He is the top Old Sage of the Scarlet Flame Lion Clan, Old Sage Mu Heng!
"Ancient Sage Mu Heng, Ancient Sage Dazheng of the Ancient Elephant Clan has sent a message, inviting you to join hands to suppress the killing clan, Sage Quan."

A subordinate is now reporting.

The appearance of a top sage had a great impact on their fortune preheating plan of the ancient tribes.

The immemorial ten thousand races were born ahead of time, just to suppress the fate of the human race.

Because the ancient races have been silent for too long, and the human race is almost the master of the heavens, the fortune in the dark is too strong.

If the Golden World is opened, it will be somewhat disadvantageous to their ancient tribes.

That's why they were born ahead of time, knocking down some human race's orthodoxy, and pulling back that kind of fortune of the heavens a little bit.

But now a top saint stands in front of them, and the other party gradually gathers the fate of the human race in the dark, and he may benefit the most.

At the same time, it is difficult for the ancient ten thousand race's plan to suppress the fate of the human race to achieve much.

If this top saint can be destroyed, he will naturally be destroyed!

"Heh, to kill a saint of the human race, do we still need to join hands?"

Mu Heng Gusheng showed disdain.

"Command, gather immediately and attack Qu Feng Sect!"

"By the way, meet that Quan Sheng and see how capable he is!"

Old Sage Mu Heng ordered directly, and he didn't even bother to pay attention to the invitation of Old Sage Dazheng.

He has his own arrogance, and he doesn't bother to bully the few with more.

Even one-on-one, he is not afraid of any holy realm!
As for the union of Qufeng Sect and Bahuang Sect.

How could he not know?
Therefore, he doesn't need to go to the Eight Desolation Sect to challenge, just attack the Qu Feng Sect directly, and there is a high probability that Quan Sheng will show up!

"it is good!"

The subordinates responded, and then immediately went to deliver the order.


A team of less than twenty strong men from the Red Flame Lion Clan assembled.

Mu Heng Gu Shenggao sat on a golden chariot, with holy power permeating all directions, marching towards Qu Feng Sect in a mighty way!
In fact, there are two ancient sages in the Chiyan Lion Clan, but they have already split up to deal with another human clan orthodoxy.

The Scarlet Flame Lion Clan is also quite a powerful clan among the ancient Wan Clan, not much inferior to the Royal Clan.

The ancient sage Mu Heng fought in such a way that he did not hide it, and the direction was directly directed towards Qu Fengjiao.

Qu Fengjiao was naturally the first to discover it.

Yu Fuzi should immediately notify the Bahuang Sect and ask Quan Sheng to act!
"Old Sage Mu Heng, what level is the top Old Sage?"

Fang Quan got the news and murmured slightly to himself.

Since he became a saint, he has actually rarely fought, and he still doesn't know what level his own strength belongs to.

At this moment, there is also a faint fighting intent in his eyes, and he also has a bit of desire to fight against Old Sage Mu Heng.

He thought about it for a while, but without any delay, he immediately set off and came to Qufengjiao.

When Fang Quan appeared in Qufengjiao, his holy aura was naturally released, which oppressed everyone and felt a sense of suffocation.

"Senior Quan Sheng, please!" Yu Fuzi said respectfully when he saw Fang Quan.

"Do what I can."

Fang Quan replied lightly.

Then, he climbed on top of Qu Feng Sect and looked down at the vast land.

at the same time.

A fierce and powerful immemorial holy prestige also descended.

Sitting on the golden chariot, Ancient Sage Mu Heng saw Fang Quan immediately, and then grinned.

Without any hesitation, he immediately took a step forward!
The shocking power of the top ancient sage then exploded, extremely violent, releasing boundless terror, that kind of horrifying aura undulating like a vast sea, making people tremble!
"Human Spring Saint, take me first!"

Old Sage Mu Heng smiled coldly, exuding an invincible aura around him, which naturally gave people a sense of mental oppression.

A burst of hot and boundless energy suddenly spewed out, and the world instantly turned into a big furnace.

Old Sage Mu Heng waved his hand, and a blazing white flame burst out, containing boundless and terrifying fiery energy, and the void was distorted, as if it could burn everything in the world!

Fang Quan's expression changed slightly as he felt the heat.

This feeling is indeed completely different from those ordinary Old Sages, giving him a rather strong sense of crisis!
 Within 24 hours yesterday, the number of updated words was 14519, and I will try my best to update so many words today.In addition, for the second part, the current subscription for Chapter 1 is 2970, Chapter 2 is 2326, and Chapter 3 is 1374.To be honest, it has exceeded my expectations.I will also try to speed up the progress, but sometimes I am used to water, there is no way.At present, the second part has not yet written a few climactic plots that satisfy me, but it is coming soon, and it will be a few days, so let's just keep going.After the National Day, the schedule is completely messed up. I am very sleepy now. I need to adjust it. I will update it as soon as I wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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