Chapter 134

Fang Quan took a step forward, and layers of void ripples shook out of his body, floating like a teleportation, leaving behind a string of phantoms.

He cast Void Speed, intending to directly avoid the flame of Old Sage Mu Heng.


Old Sage Mu Heng showed a disdainful smile, and with a wave of his hand, the fiery atmosphere around him suddenly shook.

That flame also shifted direction instantly, still sweeping towards Fang Quan!

It seems that Fang Quan's moving direction has been accurately grasped!

When Fang Quan sensed this situation, he was also slightly startled. The sense of crisis engulfing his whole body still didn't dissipate, but became stronger instead!
Is this the top ancient sage!

A method of this level of Void Speed ​​does not have much advantage over the top Old Sage.

Since there is no way to hide.

Fang Quan can only fight head-on!
He holds the Eight Desolation Sword in his hand, and when the sword body is moved, a bright sword light cuts out, with the sharp edge of the sword, and the vast, majestic and shocking power of the Eight Desolation.

The passing of the sword light aroused layers of ripples in the void, as if passing through the void, extremely swift and violent!

Jian Guang slashed through the fire, and slashed towards Old Sage Mu Heng with unparalleled sword power.

However, the scorching white and dazzling fire was not extinguished by the sharp edge, and it still pressed against Fang Quan with unparalleled power!
Fang Quan frowned, and slapped out his backhand, shaking out a mighty force of the eight wildernesses.

But still failed to blast all the flames.

There are still remnants of the blazing fire falling on him.

Zila!The incomparable heat instantly boiled his flesh, followed by a smell of burnt meat.


Ancient Sage Mu Heng also failed to defeat Fang Quan's Jian Guang. A long wound was cut on his left shoulder by Jian Guang, and a bunch of blood splashed out!
"Very strong!"

Ancient Sage Mu Heng said in a deep voice, frowning slightly, looking at Fang Quan, showing a bit of dignity at the moment.

Their means of attacking each other's means of defense, the damage is overflowing.

That is, neither of them can effectively defend against each other's attacks.

In this case, it can basically be said to be evenly matched.

If you continue to fight recklessly, it depends on who can resist more!

Generally speaking, the physical body of the ancient race is much stronger than that of the human race!

Ancient Sage Mu Heng smiled coldly, murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes, and fiery fire burst out from the sky.

Immediately continue to take the initiative to launch a stormy offensive towards Fang Quan!
With his body of the Scarlet Flame Lion Clan, how could he be afraid of going shopping with a top saint of the human race?
The two began to collide violently.

Fang Quan dodged the fire with extreme speed in the void, and it was effective, but it was impossible to dodge all of them, and Mu Heng was able to capture his position with his keen sense of smell.

Moreover, Ancient Sage Mu Heng's speed is not much slower than him, he grasps the power of wind and fire, and moves extremely fast!

Boom!The collision of the two peak holy realm powerhouses caused endless and terrifying waves to shake out, shaking the world and spreading in all directions, creating a vast and terrifying scene.

"I'm afraid this situation is not good, so be prepared to meet Quan Sheng!"

Yu Fuzi looked at the battle in the sky and said solemnly.

To be honest, Quan Sheng is already extremely powerful if he can withstand the offensive of Mu Heng.

But if he fights with a top ancient sage of the Taikoo clan in this way, he is afraid that Quansheng will lose in the end.

After all, no matter how the physical body and vitality of the ancient people are generally many times stronger than that of the human race.


If Quan Sheng retreated to Qu Feng Sect and fought while maintaining the formation, there shouldn't be too many problems.


After a long time, the war in the sky lasted for a long time.

The two top saint realm powerhouses seem to have fought for real fire, and they will not back down from each other. There is a feeling of dividing life and death.

This made Yu Fuzi feel even worse, and at the same time he was a little bit puzzled.

Naturally, Quan Sheng would not be a fool who would fight to the end.

If you feel that you can't hold on, you should retreat in due course instead of fighting to the death.

But since Quan Sheng didn't retreat, can he continue to fight?
Fang Quan swept out with a sword, and the sword light suddenly appeared, resplendent and extraordinary!
The sharp sharp edge immediately left a deep wound on Mu Heng's body, and the blood splashed out instantly, spilling down the sky and the earth, and the crimson blood pervaded the ancient sage's supreme aura.

Similarly, pieces of flesh and blood on his body were constantly burned by the fiery fire.


He used the 'Seal of Life' that he had just learned from Yuanpan's ancient past, and continuously pressed out the deep vitality from his body, recovering from his injuries at a high speed.

Although this way of life will consume the life essence accumulated in the body, it may even overdraw the life.

However, it can be made up for later.

In the life and death shopping, there is no need to care about this consumption!
Moreover, Fang Quan has practiced so far, and he has many opportunities, his foundation is extremely solid, and his life is inherently tenacious, so this consumption can still be supported.

boom!The battle continues.

The injuries on Mu Heng's body are also getting worse!
And the more he fought, the more he discovered something was wrong!

"It's so strong?"

Seeing that Fang Quan's power did not decline at all, Mu Heng was gradually startled.

His injuries were already quite serious, if he continued to fight, he might be in danger of falling.

But the injury of the top saint of the human race on the opposite side seems to be less serious than him?

Surprisingly better than him, the top ancient sage of the Primordial Clan?
Fang Quan was silent, and his sword was faster than a sword. He was extremely sharp and deadly!

At the same time, he continued to use the Dao of Life to recover from his injuries.

He is currently in very good shape.

The fighting continued for a while.

The monstrous flames, the majestic and sharp edge of the Bahuang swordsmanship, sprinkled in the sky, filled all directions, making anyone terrified!
It was a battle between the top holy realm powerhouses, and the emission of a ray of energy was terrifying, and anyone present who touched it would die immediately.

Everyone watched nervously.

But the Red Flame Lion Clan side is more confident in Mu Heng's ancient sage, thinking that Mu Heng's ancient sage can win to the end.

The people of Qufeng Sect were a little worried, but they could only trust Quansheng.

And in this case.

The two strong men continued to fight for a while.

By this time, they have finally decided the winner!

And the winner is Fang Quan, whom most people present did not expect too much!

Ancient Sage Mu Heng suddenly erupted with a somewhat stronger power, and immediately sent Fang Quan back.

Then he turned and retreated, calling to his men at the same time: "Retreat for now!"

To be honest, he didn't really want to send an order to retreat.

However, no refund!
He really couldn't hold on anymore.

His injuries at the moment are extremely heavy, and if he doesn't retreat, it is really possible that the opponent will consume him to death here.

He also doesn't understand why a human race can resist more than his ancient race.

But the fact is, he can't help it.

No matter how hard he tried to save face, he would not take his own life as a joke.

The Chiyan Lion Clan and other strong men were immediately amazed when they heard what Old Sage Mu Heng said!
In this situation... could it be that Mu Heng is invincible?

They didn't think about it, and they didn't disobey the order, so they started to retreat immediately!

"Do you want to go..."

Seeing this, Fang Quan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he immediately chased after him.

At the same time, he raised his sword and swept it away, and a ray of extremely strong sword light immediately slashed towards some strong men of the Scarlet Flame Lion Clan!
The sharp and majestic kendo is full of edge, which makes people tremble!
Those powerhouses of the Red Flame Lion Clan also felt an extremely intense crisis in an instant!

That is the attack of the top sages, even ordinary ancient sages are hard to resist, let alone them?

However, a cold snort came out!

The ancient sage Mu Heng stopped, turned around and crossed the sky, shooting out flames all over the sky, and the fiery air filled the air, causing everything to boil and distort the void.

He blocked the sword light for his men, covering their retreat a little.

However, this also made his injury a little bit worse, but it was not a big problem.

While retreating, Old Sage Mu Heng continued to resist Fang Quan's attack.

The two chased and fled, while a fierce and terrifying battle broke out.

Old Sage Mu Heng retreated [-] li.

Fang Quan chased for [-] li, constantly wounding the ancient sage Mu Heng, causing the aura of the ancient sage Mu Heng to decline, his injuries were serious, and he was almost on the verge of falling.

But he has always been at the peak of his power and power, and he has not seen his anger decline.

Along the way, the battle fluctuated in all directions, and anyone who saw it was shocked!


The situation of this battle has also spread throughout the Lost Emperor Star, throughout the various traditions of the human race, and throughout the ancient times!

Let them all know too.

The top ancient sage, Mu Heng, was actually no match for the clan Quan sage, and was chased and killed for a full [-] li!

It wasn't until they escaped into the ruins of the Wanxuan Sect and even had two other ancient sages of the Red Flame Lion Clan come back to help them that they finally forced back the Human Race Quan Sage!

"Sage Quan is too strong! He was able to beat Ancient Sage Mu Heng so badly!"

"Even the ancient sage Mu Heng can't beat Quan Sheng, so who else is the opponent of Quan Sheng among the other ancient sages of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Clans?"

"Although the human race has only one sage, it can overwhelm all the ancient sages!"

There are discussions everywhere on the Lost Emperor Star.

Most human cultivators feel excited.

In any case, with the support of Quan Sheng, it will be difficult for the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clans to continue to be arrogant.

The cultivators of the Eight Desolation Sect were even more excited!
With Quan Sheng sitting in the town, which of the ancient peoples would dare to come here to play wild with them?
after this war.

Fang Quan also returned to the Bahuang Sect and began to recover from his injuries.

In this battle, he actually consumed a lot, and his injuries were not serious, and he still needed to recuperate.

And soon.

As the situation of this battle spread throughout the Lost Emperor Star.

He faintly felt a kind of fate of the human race coming to him, and there was also an endless aspiration of all beings.

"The fortunes of the human race converge on me. If the Golden World opens, will I have any additional benefits?"

Fang Quan pondered slightly, and tried to deduce it.

However, his calculation level is limited, and he cannot spy too many things in advance.

However, no matter what, there will be no harm.

And this time.

Tai Jing came to him again.

"Old Ancestor, Donghe Sect, Ziqi Sect, Li Sect... and other thirteen major sects all want to establish a teleportation formation with us, and are willing to donate a large number of treasures!"

"They want to ask the ancestor for your protection."

Tai Jing said.

After the battle between Patriarch and Ancient Sage Mu Heng, all religions of the human race, especially those threatened by the ancient races, couldn't sit still.

Fang Quan frowned slightly when he heard this.

But he finally replied: "Sure! But the premise is that the Bahuang Sect is safe!"

"I see, Patriarch, I will reply to them right away."

Tai Jing didn't say much, and the ancestor agreed with the ancestor's consideration.

And if you think about it, it doesn't seem to be too bad.

At least a large number of treasures can be obtained, and the prestige of the Eight Desolation Sect will be greatly increased, almost as good as those of the supreme orthodoxy.

There is no deep reason why Fang Quan agreed to protect those great religions.

He simply didn't think it was too troublesome, so he agreed.

As for the so-called righteousness of the human race, defending the ancient race for the human race and so on, he does not have such a feeling of self-importance.

Anyway, if the Old Sage attacks, he can kill him with just a few shots.

If the top ancient sage comes, then he will fight, if he can't fight, he will retreat, and if he can't fight, he will kill.

If a large number of ancient sages come to besiege, then he can't really go up to die, he should retreat or he will retreat.

With his void speed, no Old One can stop him.

Even if all the Primordial Clan came to besiege the Bahuang Sect, then he could escape to sneak attack their lair, and it would not be a loss to change his home directly!


Establishing teleportation formations with many great religions will also allow the Eight Desolation Sect to have more retreats!
Anyway, it won't hurt anyway.



The defeat of Ancient Sage Mu Heng still had a great impact on the ancient tribes.

Especially after learning that many great religions have opened up teleportation formations with the Bahuang Sect, it also made them somewhat restrained and did not dare to start a war directly.


The sages of the Primordial Clan also began to conspire to kill the situation, and prepared a space-confusing magic circle, intending to confine the void and directly abolish Quan Sheng's kind of void speed...

(End of this chapter)

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