Chapter 137 Decisive battle?

The Human Race Quansheng was intercepted and killed by the three top ancient sages in the Nine Heavens Sect, and a fierce battle broke out.

The battle didn't last long.

When the situation of this battle gradually spread to all parts of the Lost Emperor Star.

Fang Quan has already slaughtered Mu Heng and Canggu Sage.

The immortal orthodoxy of the human race.

Yongle Dynasty.

When he learned that Fang Quan was intercepted and killed by the three top ancient sages, he was also quite surprised.

They value Fang Quan's strength more, and think that he is qualified to be the protector of the one who will be born.

However, they were not too worried that Fang Quan would really be killed.

The reason why they value Fang Quan is that he is extremely fast in the void, he is almost invincible, at least he can run against opponents of the same level.

really!Not long after, Fang Quan's good news came.

It's just that the good news surprised them even more!
Faced with the three top ancient sages, Fang Quan did not run away, but killed Mu Heng!

Immediately afterwards, they chased and killed Canggu Sage and Dazheng Ancient Sage, and killed Canggu Sage again.

Now it is even more chasing after Old Sage Dazheng, as if he wants to kill Old Sage Dazheng too!

" too fierce!"

Everyone who heard the news was shocked, and even couldn't believe it.

Of all the ancient sages, among all the ancient sages, it seems that there are only four top ancient sages.

Three top ancient saints were dispatched to deal with Quansheng, and two of them were killed directly?

And the remaining one is also in jeopardy!
"Quansheng really wants to use his own strength to overwhelm the ancient peoples?"

People were amazed.

Judging from the current situation, Quan Sheng is too fierce, and there is really a trend of one person sweeping all the ancient peoples!

The primordial ten thousand races were born ahead of time, and they suppressed the human race, and they came aggressively, just wanting to gain a little more fortune in the great world when the golden world comes.

But now, a top saint blocked them all, making it almost impossible for them to advance this plan!

at this time.

Fang Quan stabbed out with a sword, and the light of the sword pierced through the sky and across the sky.

Dazheng Old Sage suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, feeling a strong crisis.

He moved his body almost instinctively, and at the same time punched out with a backhand, the gray divine lines all over his body bloomed with brilliance, bursting out with a majestic and majestic force that shook the world!

That ray of sword light is peerless, and it also contains a kind of supreme aura of immortal gold, which makes its power soar.

Jianguang broke through the fist of Dazheng Ancient Sage, and finally penetrated his right chest, even his heart was breached, blood gushed out, and his vitality was also rapidly passing away. !

Dazheng Ancient Sage let out a mighty roar that shook the heavens and the earth, his whole body was flowing with gray brilliance, trying his best to recover from his injuries.

Then continue to flee desperately towards the core territory of the ancient ten thousand races!

The core territory of the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clans has a restriction left by the ancient emperor in the past to protect them from being disturbed when they are sleeping in the territory.

As long as you enter inside, no matter how powerful Ren Fangquan is, he will never dare to act wild!

But only if he can escape back inside.

"Xuan Lu! Help me!"

Old Sage Dazheng appealed to Ancient Sage Xuanlu again, very urgently, very urgently!

Because he felt that if no one came to save him, he might really die on the road, too late to return to the core territory of the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans.

Many powerful ancient sages of the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clans have received the distress message from Dazheng Ancient Sage, but they are also powerless.

First of all, most of them are scattered and too far away, and it is too late to rush there.

If one or two ancient sages went there alone, it would probably be for nothing. Not to mention that the ancient sage Dazheng could not be saved, he might have to be killed.

The seven ancient sages who had just maintained the air-forbidden formation also fled long ago.

Their strength belongs to the most ordinary ancient sages. It is estimated that even Fang Quan's sword can't stop them, let alone save people.

at this time.

Inside the core territory of the ancient ten thousand races.

Old Sage Xuanlu was standing on a certain mountain top at this moment, and he looked into the distance, which was the direction where Old Sage Dazheng fled.

He frowned deeply, a little tangled, thinking about whether to make a move.

If it is shot, what will be the consequences?
Dazheng Old Sage is a top Old Sage, it would be a pity if he died.

And finally.

Xuanlu Old Sage still decided to make a move!

"Old Sage Dazheng is second. Such an invincible saint is enough to sweep away all the ancient races..."

A cold light appeared in the eyes of the ancient sage Xuanlu, and then he cast the secret method, and there were many gorgeous rays of light on his body, and an unspeakable aura flowed.

Then, the mountain under his feet exploded!

A supreme energy that shook the endless earth appeared, and a feeling of horror, horror, and fear spread from it, making all beings in the world feel an irresistible trembling!
A peerless ax flew out from the mountain, filled with an incomparable extreme aura, boundless terror, exuding an unparalleled aura!

That is an extremely imperial weapon!
The divine ax finally fell into the hands of Old Sage Xuanlu, and since he had already decided to make a move, he no longer hesitated.


The ancient sage Xuanlu held the divine axe and took a step forward, unleashing the supreme power of the extreme imperial soldiers, crossing the world and unfolding the supreme speed, which is several times faster than Fang Quan's speed!
And this divine ax was born, after the supreme aura permeated the earth.

In an instant, it was perceived by many human races of the Lost Emperor Star.

"This is... the Mysterious Turtle Axe!"

The people of the Yongle Dynasty sensed this extreme aura, and their faces changed drastically in an instant.

"The immemorial ten thousand races jumped the wall in a hurry, and started to use the extreme emperor soldiers!"

Someone said angrily!

in fact.

The Immemorial Ten Thousand Clans are coming in a menacing manner, and when one of them is about to sweep away the many orthodox traditions of the human race, a few violent people want to use the Extreme Dao Emperor Army to counterpress the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans.

But the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans also have extreme weapons. Once a war between extreme weapons breaks out, the impact and damage will be too great, and no one will be able to please them.


Although the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans attacked some human orthodoxy, they all attacked some fringe orthodoxy, and did not touch the fundamental lifeline of the human race.

It has not yet touched the bottom line of the human race, so some supreme orthodoxy can still restrain it, and did not use the extreme emperor soldiers to break out a decisive battle.


Who would have thought!

After fighting for so long, the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clans managed not to touch the bottom line of the Human Clan.

But Quan Sheng casually slaughtered two top ancient sages, and touched the bottom line of the ancient people?
Did they actually force them to use the extreme imperial soldiers to suppress Quan Sheng?
In the past, there was only one saint in the human race.

Even the supreme orthodoxy has no saints.

If you want to deal with many ancient sages of the ancient tribes, you have to use the emperor's army.

Now the tide is turning.

The sages of all races in the ancient times can't deal with Fang Quan at all. If they want to deal with him, they have to use the emperor's soldiers!

"Hmph! Since they moved first, we can't just sit back and watch!"

A grumpy old man from the Yongle Dynasty snorted coldly.

Then they discussed quickly and made a decision quickly.

They decide!

Also use the extreme emperor soldiers to fight against the ancient peoples!

"Please Yongle Seal!"

"Please Yongle Seal!"

All the elders shouted, collectively cast the secret method, and awakened the extreme emperor soldiers of the Yongle Dynasty... Yongle Seal!

Zhu Zheng, the current emperor of the Yongle Dynasty, is the first. He has a dragon aura gushing out from him, and his majesty is unparalleled!


A supreme jade seal flew out from the ancestral court, with bright golden light, and the pure white square base was engraved with the emperor's inscriptions, and the charm of the avenue flowed.

On the base is a real dragon, lifelike, exuding supreme majesty!

The Yongle Seal fell into the hands of Zhu Zheng, and there was a supreme aura permeating it, as if it surpassed all Tao and overwhelmed everything!
Zhu Zheng was in charge of the Yongle Seal, and he didn't waste any time. Immediately, he activated the extreme power of the Yongle Seal, opened up a golden road, and rushed directly to the battlefield at the highest speed!

"This... the aura of extreme weapons!"

Everyone in the Lost Emperor Star felt the terrifying aura of these two extreme weapons.

That extreme aura, like the presence of a great emperor, is too extraordinary, like the ruler of the world, able to overwhelm everything!
"Mysterious tortoise and god axe? After being slaughtered by two top ancient sages in the ancient times, they jumped over the wall in a hurry. Are you going to start a decisive battle with extreme weapons?"

Someone said angrily.

The Xuangui God Ax was the supreme weapon of the Xuangui Ancient Emperor in the past. It has a great reputation and shakes the ancient and modern.

To be born today?
"Yong Lexi has also been dispatched, is the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clans going to have a decisive battle with the Human Clan?"

"Aren't both sides restrained? Will some ancient figures be forced to appear?"

Everyone was shocked, thought a lot, and faintly felt as if there was a big change!

"Not only the Yongle Seal, but also several supreme Dao lineages of the human race, all of which have a faint aura of extreme Dao!"

Some powerhouses with sharper perception trembled.

After the Xuangui Shenaxe was dispatched.

All the major orthodox traditions of the human race also responded.

Although the Yongle Dynasty was the first to respond, it immediately dispatched the Yongle Seal.

But other supreme orthodoxy, such as the Zhao Dynasty, Ruyi Holy Land, Wanming Holy Land, Wang Family, etc., all have extreme auras, surging ups and downs, as if they may sacrifice extreme emperors at any time.


Within the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans, there are also several extreme auras coming out, faintly wanting to confront the Supreme Dao of the human race!
It seems that the Armageddon is imminent.

And the fuse of everything was that the three top ancient sages intercepted and killed Fang Quan, but he killed two of them instead, and then the Immemorial Ten Thousand Clans were in a hurry!


Fang Quan was chasing and killing the ancient sage of Dazheng, and then he was startled suddenly, feeling an extremely powerful aura, very domineering and terrifying!
Dazheng Old Sage naturally also sensed it, and his face was overjoyed.

He doesn't care if it may lead to a direct decisive battle between the human race and the ancient ten thousand races, anyway, let's talk about it after surviving!


The ancient sage Xuanlu came with the mysterious tortoise and axe!

boom!An unparalleled extreme power emanated from the divine axe, majestic, vast, and above everything else, with that terrifying aura of the ancient emperor, suppressing the world and making all spirits tremble!
And this is just a simple activation of the power emitted by the Black Turtle God Axe, far from activating its true extreme power.

But even so, he already possessed the terrifying divine power that crushed everything!
It made Fang Quan feel trembling at this moment, and felt an unparalleled sense of oppression!
"Is this the power of extreme weapons?" He was startled.


After the ancient sage Xuanlu arrived, he didn't talk nonsense, he held up the black turtle ax and slashed towards Fangquan!
He is not a top Old Sage, and his strength is not very strong.

He was able to wield the Xuangui God Ax only because he was from the Xuanjia royal family, and he also had a great relationship with the Xuangui royal family, basically belonging to the same clan.

But at this moment, he is holding the mysterious tortoise axe, and the supreme aura is pervading, enough to sweep everything away!
(End of this chapter)

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