Chapter 138 Agreement to Armistice
Pull the hair and move the whole body!

When the ancient sage Xuanlu used the extreme imperial soldiers, the situation in the world suddenly became turbulent, which may cause the most serious consequences.

But he hasn't regretted his decision yet.

Because this Fang Quan is too strong, one person can sweep away all the ancient tribes. If they don't take action, the situation of their ancient tribes may not be much better!
The mysterious tortoise ax fell from the sky, breaking through everything, that kind of domineering and violent terrifying power, terrifying beyond words, as if it wanted to split the world in half!
And this terrifying power precisely locked on Fang Quan, and suppressed him away, as if to destroy him completely!

this moment!
Fang Quan only felt a frenzied shock, a strong sense of crisis emerged, and the cold rushed straight to his forehead!
He faintly felt a sense of irresistibility.

This is an extreme magic weapon, with unimaginable terrifying power, and it is absolutely difficult to compete with ordinary power!

"Void shift!"

At this moment, Fang Quan's mind was more concentrated than ever, and he tried his best to use the void Taoism, trying to avoid the core power of this blow with supreme speed.

Because he also felt the power of another extreme weapon rushing towards him, it should be that the Supreme Dao Lineage of the human race was also dispatched.

As long as he can resist the human emperor soldiers, he should be able to live!

"Sword out of the wild!"

While Fang Quan dodged with extreme speed, he also slashed out with a sword!
This sword integrated all of his Taoism, and he urged the power of the Eight Desolation Gods to the extreme, and the majestic and powerful power permeated, and there was an aura of supreme law.

The sharp and peerless kendo edge is fused into the power of the eight wild gods, and there is an endless power of the world!

This sword is almost the strongest attack that Fang Quan can unleash. Under the pressure of the Xuangui Shenaxe, he has already squeezed out any trace of his own strength!
The mysterious tortoise and god ax fell, and the violent and ferocious supreme power raged, the sky split open, revealing a vast and bright starry sky, the earth shattered, shaking all directions.

Even the farthest place on the Lost Emperor Star can faintly feel a sense of vibration, this is the supreme power of the extreme magic weapon!

Fang Quan cast void speed, although he couldn't completely avoid the power of the mysterious turtle and god axe, but he still avoided part of the core power.

His Eight Desolation Sword collided with the Heaven-opening Power of the Xuangui Shenaxe, and the sword trembled violently!

The terrifying power spread to him, immediately causing his jaw to rip open, his arm broken, and his whole body suffered heavy injuries under that extreme power, his whole body was cracked and blood spattered.

His whole body also flew out like a cannonball, and a blood line was drawn across the sky while whistling, with strands of saint's blood spilling down!


He is not dead!
He still held on, and even the Eight Desolation Sword was not damaged.

The Eight Desolation Sword incorporates a trace of black-pattern fairy gold, which is comparable to an invincible holy weapon. It already has a bit of supreme aura and can burst out extremely powerful.

The ancient sage Xuanlu couldn't really activate the full power of the Xuangui God Axe, he could only display the superficial power of the God Axe, so the power was limited.

In such a case.

In the end, Fang Quan relied on the speed of the void and the Eight Desolation Sword to block the most powerful blow of Xuanlu Ancient Sage, the ultimate imperial soldier.

"This... is still not dead?"

The ancient sage Dazheng had escaped at this time and hid behind the mysterious turtle axe. At this time, he was shocked to see Fang Quan survived the blow of the mysterious turtle axe!

The ancient sage of Xuanlu was also very surprised, forcibly conquering the imperial soldiers with the cultivation base of the holy realm, there have not been many people like this throughout the ages, almost all of them are peerless figures of an era!

However, this Fang Quan can be regarded as a peerless figure in this era. After all, the other party is the only saint in the human race today. Isn't this peerless enough?
"Is it a holy weapon that has been integrated into the fairy gold?"

At this moment, the ancient sage Xuanlu also saw the extraordinaryness of the Eight Desolation Sword in Fang Quan's hand, and it actually incorporated part of the fairy gold.

And it is precisely with this invincible holy weapon that he can kill Mu Heng and Cang ancient sage in a row, and can resist the power of the emperor's soldiers.

But the main reason is that his realm is poor, and he can't really activate the ancient emperor's divine power of the Xuangui God Axe!


The ancient sage Xuanlu didn't stop, and struck out another axe!
If you can't kill with one axe, then use the second axe!
The supreme power that overwhelmed the world reappeared, dominating the world, and utterly terrifying!
That divine ax slashed down, like opening up the world, everything in the world seemed to be split open!

Fang Quan had nothing to say, he still used Void Speed ​​to evade the core power, and at the same time tried his best to slash out with a sword!
Such a strong crisis, under the oppression of the extreme imperial soldiers.

All the power in his body was squeezed out, his whole body was cultivated to fight for fate, and all kinds of Taoism were used to the extreme, releasing a power beyond usual!
Fang Quan was blown away again, blood spurted wildly, and suffered unimaginable severe injuries. His body was covered with cracks, and blood spilled out, spilling into the vast world!
He also felt extremely weak at this moment, and there was a sense of emptiness when he performed the Dao of Life, he had reached a certain limit.

At this moment, he was truly in danger of falling.

If the Xuan Gui Shen Ax comes again, he is afraid that he will really have to confess!
"Blocked again?"

Old Sage Dazheng and Ancient Sage Xuanlu were even more shocked when they saw that Fang Quan was still alive!

Fighting fiercely against the three top ancient sages, in a state of serious injuries.

He was able to shake the imperial soldier twice without dying!
So strong and tenacious, enough to shock the world!How many people can do it throughout the ages?

After all, that is the ultimate emperor's weapon. It was once an ancient emperor's weapon, invincible in all directions. It once suppressed an era, and its reputation has shaken the ancient and modern.

Such a weapon is invincible and should be able to sweep everything.

But now, he was blocked twice by someone!
Some human orthodoxy also opened the Heavenly Eye Array to observe this battle, and they were shocked and speechless when they saw Fang Quan forcefully overwhelm the imperial soldiers without dying!
"Is Quan Sheng going against the sky? He is too powerful. He deserves to be the only saint in the Dharma-ending era!"

Someone exclaimed.

Quan Sheng also once again refreshed the world's perception of him.

"If it weren't for the suppression of heaven and earth in the age of doomsday, if Quan Sheng could become holy one step earlier, he might also be expected to hit the quasi-emperor realm!"

"It's a pity that the golden age is coming, when all the peerless geniuses will be born, fighting for the invincible way, the existence of Quan Sheng is probably nothing."

Someone exclaimed.

And this time.

Zhu Zheng finally arrived with the Yongle Seal!
The Yongle Seal is shining with golden light, filled with supreme majesty, and surging with extreme aura, competing with the mysterious tortoise and magic axe.

It seems to be touched by Yongle Xi.

The mysterious tortoise and god ax suddenly erupted with a more powerful force, faintly emitting a bit of ancient emperor's aura, pressing across the world, surpassing the ages!

But in the same way, the Yongle Seal also erupted with a similar supreme energy, coercing ancient and modern times, and shocking the common people, that is the might of an emperor!
this moment.

When the two extreme weapons met and touched each other, they both independently activated part of the deep power.

Two incomparable supreme qi collided, and wisps of lightning flashed out from the friction between the sky and the earth, the terrifying breath permeated, the sky and the earth trembled, and all living beings trembled!

"Primeval Clans, are you going to start a decisive battle directly?"

"It doesn't matter if you smash the world and force your ancient royal family to be born early?"

With a sneer on his face, Zhu Zheng spoke indifferently.

He straddled between heaven and earth, holding the Yongle Seal in his hand, blocking all the power of the Xuangui Shenaxe.

Although he is not a saint, just a half saint.

But when the two extreme weapons meet, it is no longer something that half-sages or ancient sages can control.

Extreme weapons are also invincible and cannot be challenged!Even the existence of the same level!

Xuanlu Ancient Sage's expression was slightly gloomy, and his brows were frowned.

"He has crossed the line, he should be killed!"

Xuanlu Ancient Sage glanced at Fang Quan and said in a deep voice.

Zhu Zheng laughed loudly when he heard the words: "Why did you cross the boundary? Where is the boundary? Your ancient races attacked the human race's many orthodox traditions, so it can be regarded as crossing the boundary? Did you see us use the extreme emperor soldiers to kill our ancient sages?"

"Although there are some things that you haven't agreed on, you should know it well!"

"If you don't even have this tacit understanding and don't abide by the rules, then we won't be more polite to you!"

Zhu Zheng snorted coldly.

He can endure the attacks of the ancient peoples on some marginal human orthodoxy, mainly because these orthodoxy have no interest relationship with him.

Moreover, it is not easy for him to take action to protect these orthodoxy, because they are not holy, and if they want to protect them, they have to use the emperor's soldiers.

If such a big killer is deployed, it may cause a scene like today, and if the trouble ends in the end, neither side will be able to end it.

Once a war breaks out, no one will really be able to please.

But this does not mean that they will tolerate the reckless actions of the ancient tribes, some bottom lines still have to be guarded!

"Xuan Lu, why don't we agree to a truce!"

At this time, the ancient sage Dazheng said to the ancient sage Xuanlu: "It will be a few years, and the war will start after the birth of the ancient royal family!"

The current situation is unfavorable for their Immemorial Myriad Clans.

Although they have a large number of ancient sages, the human race has only one sage.

But the problem is that all of their ancient sages combined cannot defeat a single sage on the other side.

This problem is really a bit big!

But they can't help it, they really can't fight, and two top ancient sages have already been slaughtered.

Moreover, this saint also masters the speed of the void, and is not afraid of siege.

Moreover, when ordinary Old Sages go to besiege, they don't have to run, they just circle around with you, and they can kill you one by one.

Such an invincible saint is no longer something they, the ancient saints, can contend with.

Jidao imperial soldiers still cannot be used casually, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

In this situation, an agreement to cease the war is the best choice.

It is estimated that the human race is also willing to cease fighting!
At last.

Xuanlu Ancient Sage thought for a while, sighed slightly, and said: "If you don't fight, then don't fight, we are willing to stop fighting with you!"

"A truce?" Zhu Zheng mused slightly after hearing the words, but he had already vaguely thought about it.

"It's okay, but you are asking for peace, and you have to give enough basic sincerity..."

Zhu Zheng probably talked with the ancient sage Xuanlu.

However, it was just a preliminary discussion. How to stop the war, we need to discuss with several people who are responsible for the supreme orthodoxy.

The same is true for Xuanlu Old Sage, he alone can't make the final decision.



a few days later.

All major avenues of the ancient ten thousand races and the human race jointly issued a statement.

Mutual truce.


The Primordial Ten Thousand Clans returned all the previously captured Terran territory and compensated for the losses. They also had to cede more than a dozen Primordial Divine Mountains and a large number of Primordial treasures.

The armistice agreement stipulates that if one party violates it, the other party can take any retaliatory measures, and even use extreme weapons!

This is the content of the public agreement. As for what is not public, the world is not clear.

But at least what we can know is that the ancient ten thousand races will not attack the human race's orthodoxy for the time being.

Fang Quan also has no objection to the truce agreement between the human race and the ancient ten thousand races.

Because he also benefited a lot, a large amount of compensation from the Taikoo Ten Thousand Clans fell into his pocket.


After all, he is the only saint in the human race.

If they really want to start a war with the Immemorial Ten Thousand Clans, what can the Human Clans come up with to start the war?It's nothing more than a few extreme emperor soldiers.

If seven or eight extreme weapons collide on the Lost Emperor Star.

Not to mention smashing the emperor star, at least those ancient royal families and countless ancient existences of orthodoxy should not think about continuing to sleep, they will all have to be born in advance, and the war will escalate even more.

This is not in each other's interest.



After the armistice.

Fang Quan also continued to practice in closed doors, while recuperating his injuries and repairing some of the damage to the Eight Desolation Sword.

You have to continue to comprehend the seal of void and seal of life on the ancient treasure of Yuanpan.

There are still many subtle contents in these two seals that have not been excavated, as if they contain endless mysteries, extremely profound!

After he comprehends the Supreme Law and accumulates enough.

I will continue to improve the "Eight Desolation Classics", combine with the way of swordsmanship, and try to walk out of my own invincible path!

A blink of an eye.

Six years passed.

After the truce between the primordial myriad races and the human race, the ancient sages indeed no longer ran rampant in the world.

Now it's a battle of those below the Old Ones.

The Primordial Ten Thousand Clans sent out some outstanding geniuses to compete with the geniuses of the human race, gaining prestige, and perhaps bringing back some of their luck.

In the early.

The geniuses of the human race were indeed defeated miserably, and it was difficult for them to compete against the arrogance of the ancient and myriad races.


The golden age is approaching, and some of the hidden fortune seems to have been released.

At least, the suppression of the Dharma-ending Age is gradually dissipating.

As a result, some of the more outstanding human race geniuses also gradually broke through the realm, and gradually caught up with the progress of the primordial ten thousand race geniuses.


In the human race, there are already a few people who have a good reputation.

such as.

Li teaches Taoism, Ye Xunzhao!

A year ago, he fought against a certain semi-sage of the Primordial Tribe, fought fiercely with hundreds of moves, and finally beheaded the semi-sage, which shocked all directions!
The ancient sage of the Taigu clan wanted to seek revenge, but was stopped by other ancient sages in the end!
Because once he makes a move, he will violate the agreement. At that time, the human race Quansheng can also slaughter their ancient pride without any scruples.

And who among their ancient sages can stop the human spring sage?
Unable to stop them, they have to invite the extreme emperor soldiers, and then the human race also knows the extreme emperor soldiers, and finally deter each other, and it is estimated that they will have to negotiate for compensation from the ancient tribes.

Ye Xunzhao is not in the realm of a half-sage, but he is enough to kill a half-sage, which shows that he is talented and powerful, and he is now one of the top talents in the human race.

But he knew very well that if the golden age came, he would probably be nothing, so he took advantage of this moment to show off his prestige a little.

Except Ye Xunzhao.

Ziqi Cult's senior brother, Zhou Zi!

This Tianjiao's record is even more exaggerated!
Zhou Zi was already in the semi-holy realm, but because of a chance, a conflict broke out with a certain ancient sage, and the two fought directly!

But that ancient sage couldn't help Zhou Zi, and was even slightly at a disadvantage.

After this battle, Zhou Zi's reputation skyrocketed, and he was hailed as the No. 1 under the holy spring!
Because he was undefeated against the ancient sage, he naturally already possessed the combat power of a sage.

Some people speculated that even if the golden age came, Zhou Zi would probably be able to have some prestige, so that he would not be obliterated by everyone.

After all, he was able to defeat the Holy Spirit!
The existence of the holy realm is generally far superior to those of the lower realm, and it is difficult to fight beyond the ranks.

And those who can do it must be strong enough.

In addition to Ye Xunzhao and Zhou Zi, there are also some arrogances who are not much worse than them, and they also have a good reputation.

And in this case.

Finally, the second saint appeared in the human race!

That is the Holy Master of the Dao Luo Holy Land, who just broke through the realm of a saint a few days ago!
In this way, Fang Quan is not the only saint in the human race.

Lord Daoluo's breakthrough was mainly due to the end of the Dharma-ending Era. The suppression of heaven and earth gradually dissipated, and he also seized the opportunity to break through.

As such.

The situation of the human race is getting better and better.

And the pressure on the Taikoo Wanzu side is also increasing.



A blink of an eye.

Another year has passed.

at this time.

Bahuang religion.

Tai Jing suddenly went to Fangquan's closed-door retreat with excitement on his face, and reported: "Old Ancestor! My sect has just recruited a peerless genius, who is suspected to be the body of ten thousand dharmas!"

"What? Myriad Dharma Body?"

Fang Quan was shocked when he heard the words, and walked out of the retreat without thinking too much.

Then, he saw a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy.

The boy is not very old, but he is already a bit mature and stable. He has lived alone since he was seven or eight years old.

He also happened to wander around the Bahuang Sect, and was accepted by a certain master's disciple as his subordinate, and was discovered by Tai Jing when he joined the Bahuang Sect with that master's disciple.

Tai Jing has a semi-holy state, and his perception is also very keen.

He could see the extraordinaryness of this young man at a glance, and he could feel the turbulent aura in his body, which was extremely extraordinary and shocking!
"Yes, it is indeed the body of ten thousand dharmas!"

After Fang Quan checked carefully, he confirmed that it was indeed the kind of Wanfa body that is rare in ancient and modern times, and also has the reputation of being invincible!

"God bless the Eight Desolation Sect! Before the golden age begins, we have received a peerless genius!"

Tai Jing said in surprise.

Fang Quan pondered slightly when he heard the words.

He estimated that it should be his existence that gathered the fate of the human race somewhere.

As a result, their Eight Desolation Sect had already accumulated enough luck on the eve of the golden age, so the peerless genius appeared ahead of schedule.



at the same time.

There are still three years before the arrival of the Golden World.

The first royal family among the ancient ten thousand clans has also begun to be born...

(End of this chapter)

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