Chapter 149 Birth of Hell
The Great Holy War begins.

Now all the Taikoo people feel the pressure.

They lost the Tianjiao War and the Holy King War. Even if they won the Great Holy War, they would still draw with the human race, and at most they would split the Starry Sky Ancient Road equally.

To put it bluntly, the Starry Sky Ancient Road is to create a battlefield that belongs only to Tianjiao.

There, all the protectors can no longer accompany Tianjiao, nor can they kill Tianjiao and break the rules.

To put it simply, the Starry Sky Ancient Road is a battlefield where all the geniuses compete fairly.

However, there will be many city gates on the ancient road, and these guardians need to guard the gates and maintain order.

In addition, there are many secret, dangerous and forbidden places in the starry sky.

Many places cannot be entered by arrogance alone, and it is necessary for these guardians to open up some opportunities to get out.

In this case, there are some problems involved.

If the guardians of the human race guard more city gates, they will naturally be able to arrange more opportunities for the arrogance of the human race.

and so.

This time, the competition between the human race and the ancient ten thousand races is to control more ancient road gates, which can radiate a wider range of star fields.

The ancient route of the starry sky has been around for a long time, interspersed with countless dangerous places and secret places containing infinite opportunities.

If the human race can control more ancient roads and gates, more dangerous places and secret places, it will naturally have a greater advantage for the human race Tianjiao.

On the field, the great sages on both sides have already started to fight. They are all great sages who have been born in ancient times and have been born until now.
The battle between the two great sages was extremely terrifying. In the end, the Ancient God Mountain couldn't support a battle of this level, and they had to move to the starry sky to fight fiercely!
On the human side, it is relatively easy at this time.

They have already won two rounds, and they also have a certain probability of winning the Great Holy War. No matter how bad they are, they can still remain undefeated.

"Master, when did you become so powerful?"

Qin Xiu looked at Fang Quan, still feeling incredible.

He knew that his master was strong, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

The current master has given him an unfathomable feeling.

In the past, he thought that he might catch up with Master in the future.

"Cultivate well, and you can reach my level."

Fang Quan replied lightly.

He still stayed in his seat, while recuperating from his injuries, he looked at the starry sky and watched the battle between the two Great Saints.

With his current strength, no one would dare to underestimate him.

Originally, he was somewhat complacent, but seeing the fierce battle between the two great saints now.

He then sank the slightly floating heart again.

Because the two great sages in the fierce battle at this moment are extremely powerful, and they can almost shake the starry sky with one punch and one palm.

Such monstrous combat power is also worthy of being a great sage!
If he were to meet a great sage of this level, no matter how profound his "life background" was, he would probably be killed in the end.

There are still enemies in the world!
Fang Quan first stepped into the path of practice to protect himself.

Even now.

As long as he sees that there are still people stronger than him in the world, he will faintly feel some pressure.

He has such a personality, maybe he won't feel this kind of pressure until he becomes invincible to the whole universe.


The great sages of the human race and the ancient ten thousand races took turns to play.

There are also winners and losers.

But in the end, the human race won one more game.

Therefore, this round of the Great Holy War is also won by the human race.

In this way, the Tianjiao War, the Holy King War, and the Great Holy War will all be won by the human race.

Four rounds won three rounds, and it can almost be said that the human race won completely.

The main reason for the only Holy Realm battle won by the Immemorial Ten Thousand Clans was that there were more powerful Ancient Sages among the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans.

Although they all sent out ten saints, most of the saints on the human race's side had just broken through, so it was naturally difficult to defeat those ancient saints who lived longer.

As for the Tianjiao battle, although the ten strongest Tianjiao are also sent, the base of the Tianjiao of the human race is larger, and the probability of the invincible Tianjiao is also greater. A few more numbers are enough to determine the winner.

The holy king battle was a surprise for the human race. They were not sure of winning at first. Who would have thought that Fang Quan would be so strong that he would still be able to fight several holy kings alone.

At last.

The Starry Sky Ancient Road was divided according to the agreement.

The human race occupies [-]% of the ancient road gates, while the ancient ten thousand races only occupy [-]%.

After dividing.

The guardians of the Dao directly stepped into the starry sky, restarted the ancient road, and repaired the ancient city gate.

Or build a new city gate in a suitable starry sky to suppress a star field.

Probably after more than twenty years of busy work.

The ancient starry sky road has been re-opened, spread all over the lost universe, and connect all the star fields in series, so that all the talents in the starry sky can step into the ancient road to fight for invincibility!

There are many dangerous places, secret places, treasure places, good fortune places and so on in the starry sky.

In the past, some wandering cultivators went on adventures to hunt for treasure.

But now, the major protectors are systematically opening these places to seek opportunities for all the talents in the starry sky.

It is necessary to use the opportunity of the whole universe to catalyze this golden world, so that the surging fortune will become more vigorous and boiling!

Fang Quan.

As the strongest holy king of the human race, he also needs to sit in a city gate, suppress a star field, and maintain order there.

His strength is basically known to the world.

Some of the peerless geniuses of the Golden World began to regard him as their imaginary enemy.

Even, many people already think that he may be the next preacher.

This statement also put pressure on many Tianjiao.


Fang Quan's realm is too high, and it is impossible for him to really end up competing with those arrogance of the golden age.

That's purely hanging and beating children, it doesn't make any sense.



Fengwu City.

Fang Quan guards here, and usually does not have much to do, that is, occasionally to sort out the dangerous, treasured or forbidden places around him.

He still practiced quietly most of the time.

This city gate was built by the gathering of resources from all the major forces in the heavens. There is a large formation to suppress it, and it also comes with a good fortune formation.

Practicing here is no worse than in my own lair of the Eight Desolation Sect.

In a blink of an eye.

A hundred years have passed.

The Golden World has also entered a climax.

The vast majority of Tianjiao have been sanctified, and the competition has become increasingly fierce.

All the dangerous places and treasured places in the starry sky have been scratched, and the arrogances competed for opportunities and fought endlessly.

Up to now, many Tianjiao have fallen, and even some peerless Tianjiao who have already achieved the reputation of being invincible have fallen.


Just at this time.

An ancient, mysterious and terrifying force has been born!
in the starry sky.

In the vast void, a door of light suddenly appeared.

Then, some creatures came out of it, one after another, and finally more than a thousand people came out, dressed in strong and sharp clothes, with a strict formation, like an iron-blooded army.

But the problem is, the faces of these creatures are frighteningly white, their pupils are very hollow, and their faces are expressionless, like dead people!
But they all have a strong aura, exuding a strange and powerful vitality!

"Golden Great World, this time may be enough to touch the tomb of Tailing Patriarch."

At the front of the army, a tauren with two horns on his head and eyes like copper bells looked down at the starry sky and said indifferently.

His body emits a faint light, and there is an extremely powerful energy leaking out, which is enough to press across a starry sky. There is no doubt that he is a great sage who has reached the sky!
And beside him, there was a horse-faced man with a burly body and well-defined muscles, like cast iron, as if full of explosive power.

The horse-faced man is also a great sage, with a profound cultivation base, a condensed aura, and a plain gaze that seems to disdain everything.

"The Tailing Patriarch is one of the few ancient supreme beings who preserved the emperor's body. If I can get his emperor's body, what a great foundation I have in the underworld!"

The horse-faced man said lightly.

They were born in the underworld this time, and they went to the tomb of the Tailing ancestor.

Tailing Patriarch, an extremely ancient supreme, so ancient that it is difficult to study the age of its existence.

It can even be said that the ancestor Tailing was one of the first supreme beings born in this universe.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that when the ancestor Tailing died, he did not undergo transformation, but kept his emperor body and buried himself in the vast starry sky.

In order to obtain the emperor's body of the Tailing ancestor, the underworld has researched and traced it for countless years.

But Tailing Patriarch is indeed a peerless and powerful ancient supreme.

Even after such a long time, the tomb of Emperor Tailing is still relatively strong, and it is difficult for ordinary people to dig it out.

"Let's get started. As long as the starry sky is in turmoil and more creatures die, there is a high probability that the tomb of the Tailing ancestor will be touched."

"As long as the tomb is born, the immortals of the underworld can dig out the emperor's body!"

The tauren said coldly, sharp rays of light shot out from his eyes, and a terrifying aura filled the starry sky.


The two great sages, the tauren and the horse-faced man, led the army to directly attack an ancient city pass.

And at the same time.

About [-] city gates in the Starry Sky Ancient Road have been attacked!

It was the two great saints who led the army to attack.

In other words, the mysterious force of the underworld dispatched at least sixty great saints, as well as many saint kings, saints and other soldiers in one go.

The underworld, if it is not born, it will be so earth-shattering and shocking in the world once it is born!
"Fengwu City? It's quite magnificent. I heard that there is only one holy king guarding it again. Make a quick decision, kill everyone, and then rush to the next city!"

The tauren led the army and arrived at Fengwu City suddenly, glanced at the information, and said with disdain.

Then, he raised his hand, black light flowed, and a terrifying aura pervaded, a dark black two-pronged fork appeared in his hand.

He turned the black fork, as if a black light that could devour everything shot out in an instant, covering the starry sky and covering everything, the horrifying aura was rising and falling, making the creatures of Fengwu City suddenly feel a tremor in their souls at this moment!

The tauren suddenly smashed down towards Fengwu City with a fork, like a pillar reaching to the sky, crushing down with a shocking power like a vast sea, extremely terrifying!
The formation of Fengwu City was instantly touched, the city gates on all sides erupted with light, and the blazing and majestic power spread out, swallowing the essence of the starry sky in all directions, gathering into a majestic momentum, suppressing one side!
However, the force of the tauren's fork falling down was so amazing that the city gate was shaken, the ground was crushed, and the city wall was cracked in many places.

The Great Chengguan Formation, which was strong enough to resist the Great Sage, seemed to be unable to resist the attack of the Great Sage Tauren.

"Oh? The formation is not bad."

"But that's it!"

The Tauren was a little surprised when he found that he couldn't directly break through the formation of Fengwu City with one blow.

His own formation-breaking halberd is specially made by the underworld, engraved with special order symbols, and can look down on the formation and break formations!

A formation that can resist breaking the formation with a halberd is indeed a very good formation.

This kind of formation can indeed resist most great saints.

However, it is impossible to stop him!
The tauren strikes again.

But this time, the horse-faced man also made a move.

The two great sages swung down the formation-breaking halberds together, the power and power shook the starry sky in all directions, the surrounding planets trembled, countless meteorites were shattered, and even some dilapidated and decayed planets split apart!

"Who the hell! Dare to attack the ancient road gate?"

The cultivators in Fengwu City turned pale with fright, feeling the monstrous and terrifying majesty's power, the intense crisis enveloped the whole body, like duckweed, as if they would be killed in the blink of an eye!

But they don't understand that the gates of the ancient starry sky road are controlled by the great forces of the lost world.

Storming the ancient road gate is almost equivalent to declaring war on all the major forces in the lost world!

Even if the Primordial Ten Thousand Races wanted to completely break with the Human Race, it would be impossible to do such a thing!

"Is that... the underworld?"

Fang Quan had already appeared. He looked at the army of about a thousand people in the starry sky, especially the two tauren and the horse-faced man.

With his knowledge and experience, he instantly thought of an ancient and mysterious force... Hell!
"The underworld is about to be born again?"

Fang Quan frowned, his heart sank slightly, and he felt something was wrong.

The underworld seems to have existed since ancient times, and there are records of their birth in many eras.

And every time they are born, they will almost cause massacres, and may even massacre a large area of ​​the star field.

According to speculation, they did this to replenish the creatures of the underworld.

Only killing can make their underworld prosperous!
If there is a great emperor who dominates the world, it is naturally impossible for the underworld to dare to be born.

But now that there is no emperor in the world, almost no one can control such a powerful force.

But every time the underworld is born, all the great orthodoxy of the heavens will join forces to suppress the underworld.

No matter how strong the underworld is, it still cannot compete with the sum of all the forces of the Lost Realm.

But even if the underworld will be suppressed in the end, they have already caused enough killing before that!

Fang Quan's shot was not slow.

He rushed out of Fengwu City, stood in the starry sky, his whole body was flooded with light, condensed and blazing, and the majesty of the holy king radiated out, vast and terrifying, overwhelming all directions!

He holds the Eight Desolation Sword in his hand, and the horizontal sword sweeps away!
An extremely sharp sword light pierced through the sky, radiant and boundless, piercing the starry sky, with peerless sharpness, with a majestic majesty of the wilderness, compatible with the power of a real dragon, pressing out layers of void ripples.

More than a hundred years have passed since the battle between the human race and the ancient ten thousand races for the starry sky ancient road.

Fang Quan has naturally become stronger, and his Taoism has become more spiritual and integrated.

He has blazed his own path of invincibility, and he is constantly improving, making his path even more flawless and stronger!

The formation-breaking halberds of the tauren and the horse-faced man were all knocked away by this sword, and could not be knocked down again.

The large array in Fengwu City regrouped, and the array mages in the city also quickly repaired and made up for it.

As long as there is no bombardment like just now, this formation is still enough to resist any great sage.

(End of this chapter)

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