The great emperor in his later years, flatly pushed the current world

Chapter 150 The soul lamp goes out, Fang Quan is dead

Chapter 150 The soul lamp goes out, Fang Quan is dead


The Great Sage of the Tauren showed surprise on his face, he never expected that the joint attack of him and the horse-faced man would be blocked by someone!
Moreover, the other party is just a holy king!

"The only saint in the Dharma-ending era, it seems that he is indeed extraordinary!"

The horse-faced man's pupils shot out bright lights, his muscles swelled and agitated, and his terrifying aura filled the air, covering the starry sky, making people tremble!

He looked at Fang Quan and remembered the description of Fang Quan in the intelligence.

The opponent is the only saint in the Dharma-ending Era, and he is also a peerless genius of his generation. His record is very dazzling and his combat power is extremely tyrannical.

But they didn't expect it to be so strong.

They are saints!

The existence that can cultivate to this level is also arrogance, not to mention that they are stronger than ordinary saints!

"Kill, he can't stop me from waiting!"

The tauren snorted coldly, but did not despise the holy king in front of him any more, but no matter what, their task still had to be completed.

His eyes widened with anger, a cold black light flowed from his burly body, and a dense, icy aura permeated the air, terrifying and frightening!
suddenly!The pair of horns on top of his head inflated and magnified in an instant, and the black light hit the star, covering the vast starry sky, releasing a terrifying aura that made all living beings tremble with horror!
The Great Sage Tauren rushed out suddenly, with the bull's horn facing the front, like a divine cow from the primitive wilderness, crashing into Fang Quan with majestic and terrifying power.

The entire starry sky was shaken violently because of this, and every step he took was like a hoof of a god, shaking the heavens and the earth, shaking the world!
Seeing that the Tauren had started to fight, the horse-faced man didn't underestimate the enemy in front of him any more, and started to fight with all his strength.

He suddenly pulled his right arm back, as if pulling an eternal bow!
boom!The muscles on his right arm suddenly trembled, and that astonishing sense of power exploded instantly, causing the void to tremble violently, and the surrounding meteorites were instantly crushed into dust. The power was too terrifying, incomparably terrifying!

He held the halberd in his right hand, pointing straight at Fang Quan at this moment, like a unparalleled sharp arrow, which can penetrate the endless starry sky and explode the sea of ​​stars!

"Pegasus, falling star!"

The horse-faced man let out an angry roar, and the muscles in his arms swelled again, releasing an earth-shattering explosive force!
He swung his right arm violently, releasing all his strength!
call out!
The array-shattering halberd exploded in brilliance in an instant, piercing through the void, and violently rubbed against the myriad ways of heaven and earth. Thousands of rays of light jumped out like sparks, shining dazzlingly, piercing the endless starry sky!

This arrow!Its light can be seen from more than a dozen star fields, and its terrifying power can be felt!


The cultivators of Fengwu City were stunned at the moment!

They were terrified, feeling the terrifying and invincible power of the two great sages of the underworld, which made them horrified, trembling all over, and trembling in their souls.

In their feeling, it seemed that Fengwu City would be smashed to pieces by that bull's head in the next moment!Was shot by the horse-faced man's arrow!
This is the might of the Great Sage?So the Great Sage who exploded with all his strength was so terrifying?
Fang Quan faced the two great sages head-on, feeling their strength, and frowned.

But he didn't back down, because he felt that he could still block it!
Fang Quan completely let go of his cultivation at this moment, and the realm that had been suppressed for a long time flew upwards in an instant, and his whole body's power also rose a lot in an instant!

He suppressed his cultivation all these years mainly to consolidate his foundation.

But in the current situation, he must also do his best to gather all his strength.


He stepped out!
boom!The starry sky suddenly trembled, like a sky-reaching giant striding forward!

An astonishing power of the Holy King spread out in an instant, filling the starry sky in all directions, and it was also extremely powerful, enough to rival the power of the Great Saint.

"With the help of the Holy Spirit, the Eight Desolate Azure Dragon!"

Fang Quan shouted angrily, a holy light suddenly filled his body, like natural light, pure and flawless, even faintly touched the order of heaven!
What he is casting at this moment is the essence of the sixth seal of Yuanpan Ancient Treasure, which is the seal of the Holy Spirit!
At first, after he realized the power of this seal, he was also shocked!

This kind of Taoism actually interprets the power of the innate holy spirit borrowed from heaven and earth with the Tao!
This is unheard of!

This is tantamount to completely dissecting some of the innate abilities of the innate holy spirit, and finally forming a certain order of the avenue.

As long as you comprehend this order of the Dao, you can display some of the abilities of the innate holy spirit.

Everything in this world, all kinds of things and creatures, can actually be said to be a collection of order.

However, the life level of the innate holy spirit is extremely high, so high that even if there is an emperor in this world, the holy spirit can still prove the Tao and become an emperor.

Therefore, it is absolutely extremely difficult to dissect the life order of the innate holy spirit, even for the emperor and the supreme being.

Throughout the ages, there have always been supreme beings who wanted to study the innate holy spirit, just to analyze the natural and supreme life order from it.

But it seems that I have never heard of anyone who has succeeded.

But Fang Quan felt this life order unique to the innate Holy Spirit on the holy spirit seal of this ancient disc, and it has been dissected into the basic essence of the Dao, which allows him to gradually understand it.

Of course, even if he enlightens, he cannot become an innate holy spirit.

At most, it is only possible to use part of the power of the Holy Spirit by virtue of this avenue order.

Like borrowing power from heaven and earth!

But even that is astonishing enough.

This ancient disc treasure has always surprised him. Those who can leave behind this ancient disc treasure must be peerless and extraordinary, and their realm may be extremely high, which is definitely beyond his guess.

Fang Quan drew out the surging essence and energy from the starry sky in all directions, like the master of heaven and earth, he can control the power of all ways.

He slashed out with a sword!Integrating all of one's own ways and deeds, releasing all one's own power, the power drawn from heaven and earth is also released instantly.

A sword light then emerged, radiant beyond compare, brilliance extremely blazing, that kind of sharp edge, majestic and terrifying, just like an eternal sword!

This sword!It was also shocking, making everyone feel terrified and trembling.

That kind of sharpness pierces through the starry sky and permeates the starfields in all directions. Its power is peerless and terrifying, overwhelming everything.

The horse-faced man's arrow collided with the sword light, a string of brilliance exploded like sparks, and terrifying fluctuations came out loudly.

With a clang, the arrow was instantly cut off, and a deep and smooth cut appeared on the Broken Formation Halberd, which was almost cut off.

The tauren charged above the sword light, the black light poured down, and the terrifying fluctuations came out, undulating in the starry sky like a vast sea, shaking all living beings.


The two horns were cut off neatly, and the cut surface was smooth.


The Tauren Great Sage roared, the sound waves were mighty, shaking the starry sky in all directions.

Not only was his horn cut off, but a shocking wound was cut on his head, and his nose was cut open, deep into his skull!

If it wasn't for the bull's horns blocking most of Jianguang's power, his skull would have been cut open.

The Tauren Great Sage retreated suddenly, he was extremely shocked and furious!
It was completely unexpected that a mere Saint King could be so powerful!

His horn was already the strongest part of his body, yet it was easily cut by the opponent's sword?It's almost the same as chopping vegetables!

"Fuck! Quan Sheng!"

The cultivators of Fengwu City vaguely saw this scene amidst the shocking fluctuations, and they were all horrified and extremely shocked!
They all know that Quan Sheng is definitely strong enough, and he was almost the strongest holy king in the past.

But I didn't expect that after more than a hundred years, Quan Sheng would be so powerful.

Facing the two very powerful saints of the underworld, one against two, not only did not lose the wind, but even suppressed each other!

"It's so strong?"

The horse-faced man withdrew the halberd, and looked at the deep cut above with a shocked expression.

A holy king who is so powerful is really almost the same as those great emperors in the past.

Moreover, it is still one against two!
"Missions are not to be missed, let's cast a curse!"

The horse-faced man immediately transmitted a message to the tauren.

The tauren agreed immediately, and started to do it directly!
"Life and death are reincarnated, your fate is fixed, I am the judge, and today I judge you to be dead!"

The tauren and the horse-faced man cast spells together, a strange black light overflowed from the whole body, and a gray-white air flow was continuously drawn from a certain mysterious space.

At the same time, the more than 1000 underworld soldiers behind them, including several holy kings and dozens of saints, also cast spells together.

However, many of the more than 1000 underworld soldiers immediately turned into black light and merged into the curse cast by the two great sanctuaries.

In less than a breath, more than a thousand underworld soldiers all sacrificed themselves and turned into cursed seeds.

Make this curse instantly turn into black light, covering the starry sky, and the cold and frightening aura permeates. That kind of darkness seems to be able to swallow the soul, causing people to have an infinite sense of fear!
Even Fang Quan felt a little bit of fear in this black light, which surprised him immensely.


Fang Quan felt something bad in his heart, and immediately slashed out with his sword again, the starry sky in all directions shook with a bang, flickering, and the mighty power of heaven and earth was lent out and gathered on the edge of the sword!

A razor-sharp sword light broke through the void and came out, stirring up the starry sky, showering endless sharpness, shaking all living beings!
When the sword light fell, it instantly cut off half of the cursed black light.

But the black light was like a living life, and most of the rest gathered together again, the air was cold and terrifying, and it still gave people an inexplicable sense of fear.

The tauren and the horse-faced man couldn't resist the sword well because of casting the curse, causing them to have an astonishing sword wound, blood gushing out, and they were severely injured.

But they finally finished preparing the curse.


The two great saints shouted angrily, activated the curse, and confirmed the target.

In the end, the cursed black light turned into a swift and fierce brilliance and rushed towards Fang Quan like a living life.

Fang Quan frowned, with a dignified expression, his movements were not slow, and he kept cutting out the sword light, trying to completely shatter this piece of black light.

But in the end, part of the black light still entangled him.

His whole body's skin, viscera, bones and even his soul began to age rapidly in an instant, and his vitality was crazily devoured and eroded.


Fang Quan shouted angrily, and the brilliance of his whole body exploded, resplendent and blazing, and released his hundreds of years of "life essence", and at the same time, he continued to use his own way to extinguish the black light.

In the end, he still held on, at least he wasn't instantly swallowed by the black light.

Even, he was not seriously injured, because there was no injury on his body, but his vitality was seriously depleted, and his power did not decline at all.


Fang Quan instantly suppressed the black light of the curse, without any hesitation, he rushed directly to the tauren, and swept out with a sword!

A bright sword light illuminates the starry sky, and it is sharp and peerless.

A thick arm was cut off by him, it was the arm of the Tauren Great Sage.

Fang Quan cast Void Speed, extremely fast.

The tauren great sage also consumed a lot because of casting the curse. He was injured by Fang Quan's sword just now, and he has not had time to recover.

"This! Even the curse can't kill you?"

The tauren's face was shocked, and they would have to pay a huge price to cast this curse, so they would never cast it easily.

But they have a mission, and they absolutely can't afford to make mistakes. In order to break through Fengwu City quickly, they have to use this trick.

Still failed to kill the other party?
This cursed black light has also integrated more than a thousand soldiers of the underworld, including holy kings and saints!

Even the extremely powerful Great Sage, after receiving such a curse, would find it extremely difficult to sustain it.

While suppressing the curse, Fang Quan burst out with all his strength, wanting to quickly deal with the enemy, and then deal with the curse slowly.

He slashed out with one sword after another, continuously injuring the tauren and the horse-faced man.

He borrowed strength from the stars in all directions, like the ruler of heaven and earth, with overwhelming power, completely suppressing the two great sages of the underworld!
"The task cannot be missed!"

The horse-faced man said angrily.

At last.

The tauren also made up their minds!

"Ah! I'll fight with you!"

The tauren roared furiously, and a surging black light also appeared on his body, and a dense, strange and terrifying aura radiated out.

He casts the curse again, and this time he sacrifices himself!
Anyway, he left a soul seed in the underworld, even if he died, it would be his turn to be resurrected in the years to come.

And his meritorious deeds this time, working hard for the underworld, will also be recorded in the merit book, and he will not die in vain!

When the horse-faced man saw that the tauren began to sacrifice himself, he also helped him, and also sacrificed most of his life!

The black light of the curse reappeared, and it was produced by the two great sages sacrificing themselves, which was several times more terrifying than the curse just now!
Peng!The tauren's body turned into dust and dispersed almost instantly.

Afterwards, a vast and terrifying black light of the curse rushed towards Fang Quan.

Fang Quan's face was extremely gloomy at this moment, and he was ready to retreat, unwilling to touch this curse.

But helplessly, this curse seems to be a kind of causal attack, directed at him, ignoring the barriers of time and space, ordinary things can never be separated!

Fang Quan was cursed again, and his vitality was devoured and eroded, but he still held on because of his deep foundation.

But his complexion was very bad, because he knew that he couldn't last long!
This curse might really swallow him up!

However, at this moment, the seventh seal appeared on Yuanpan Ancient Treasure!

This seventh seal made him see life again!
Fang Quan did not hesitate for a moment.

Holding on to the last moment, he slashed at the horse-faced man, and with a sword strike, the starry sky trembled, flickering, and the mighty power surged.

The extremely sharp sword light cut off the head of the horse-faced man in an instant!


The horse-faced man looked horrified, and he looked at Fang Quan in disbelief.

Although the only saint in the Dharma-ending Age is extraordinary, he doesn't have to be so stubborn, right?
Can't kill both curses?

At last.

Fang Quan took another four strikes to completely kill the horse-faced man.

The horse-faced sage also fell in horror.


Fang Quan did not return to Fengwu City, but quickly escaped into the endless starry sky, he was going to suppress the curse!

And you can't go where there are living creatures, otherwise the curse on him will affect other living beings.


What Fang Quan didn't expect was that it would take him 200 years to go.

Moreover, the world actually thought he was dead.

Because, all the soul lamps he left in the Bahuang Sect were extinguished...

(End of this chapter)

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