Chapter 151 Supreme Battle

Born in the underworld, he broke through dozens of gates on the ancient starry sky road at one time, showing his incomparably powerful strength, shaking the heavens of the Lost World!
Even, for a few powerful city gates, the underworld even dispatched extreme weapons.

A huge war broke out in a small part of the ancient starry sky road, countless cultivators fell, and even a great sage fell.

What's more, the collision between extreme weapons made the entire starry sky turbulent!

The underworld was born suddenly, and aggressively attacked the ancient starry sky road.

The supreme forces of the lost world were caught off guard, and it was not too late to support them.

The starry sky was stained red with blood, and the underworld was basically slaughtering unilaterally. They were fully prepared, planned for a long time, and attacked suddenly.

Almost all the city gates that were targeted by the underworld were breached, and a large number of creatures died, including peerless geniuses.


The underworld has done a lot of carnage and yet they haven't seen what they want to see!
"Huh? Why haven't you touched the tomb of the Tailing ancestor yet?"

The great sage of a certain prefecture said in surprise.

According to the calculations of the Immortal Monarch of the Underworld, with this level of killing, there is a high probability that the tomb of the Tailing ancestor can be touched.

This is also the main goal of their birth and action.

The immortals of the underworld have calculated the approximate location of the Tailing ancestor's tomb, and calculated dozens of locations that may affect the Tailing ancestor's tomb.

As long as these dozens of locations are massacred and turbulent, the vibration of the void plus the flow of the original source of heaven caused by the massive death of creatures.

It is possible to reveal traces of the tomb of Tailing ancestor.

But it's not okay to do that in normal times.

Only now that the golden age is in full swing, the fate of the Lost Realm is transpiring, and all dharmas are flourishing, which will also make the tomb of the ancestor Tailing more active.

"There is a problem with Fengwu City, and a pair of cow and horse saints have fallen!"

Someone quickly began to check the various battlefields, and soon discovered the problem in Fengwu City.

All the great sages in the underworld were very surprised when they heard the news.

They all investigated the situation of the major city gates on the Starry Sky Ancient Road before targeting them.

Most of the forces dispatched were able to crush the city gates that needed to be attacked, so they basically succeeded quickly and slaughtered the city gates one after another.

Even if there is a slight accident, it is just that they did not break through so quickly.

"A mere sage king beheaded us a pair of bull and horse sages?"

The great sages of the underworld were surprised, they knew that Fang Quan was the protector in Fengwu City.

Although he is the only sage in the Dharma-ending Era and is extremely powerful, he is only a sage king after all.

But no matter what, this holy king did kill two great sages of the underworld, but he was also cursed, and there was a high probability that he would die.

"It seems that the location of the starry sky in Fengwu City is very important."

The great sage of a certain local prefecture frowned deeply, and said in a deep voice.

The Immortal Lord of the Underworld calculated dozens of positions, among which there will naturally be some positions that are not so critical, and some positions that are very critical.

If there is no movement at the key position, it will have a greater impact on their plan!
And if this operation fails, it will be difficult for them to do it again.

Because by that time, the major forces in the Lost Realm of the Heavens will have to take precautions.

"The emperor's body of Tailing Patriarch must be obtained! It's too late to go to the starry sky in Fengwu City now, so we can only continue to expand the movement!"

One of the most powerful saints in charge of directing this operation preached.

The failure of Fengwu City was also unpredictable for them.

It must be too late to send people to rush there now, because those supreme forces in the Lost World must have reacted and will definitely send support.

They are sending people over now, and it is estimated that they will collide with the reinforcements of those supreme forces.

Even now, reinforcements from the Lost Heavens have appeared on individual battlefields.

If they waited until a large number of reinforcements from the ancient road arrived, and the tomb of Emperor Tailing had not yet been born, then their operation could be regarded as a failure.

The army of the underworld immediately expanded the slaughter and created greater turmoil, wanting to make up for the failure of Fengwu City, hoping to still touch the tomb of Tailing Patriarch.

And not long.

When the major forces in the heavens quickly began to send out strong men, arriving at the ancient starry sky road one after another.

A terrifying mutation suddenly appeared in the starry sky!

Suddenly there was a dull roar in a certain starry sky, as if a huge monster was breathing, and the ups and downs were enough to make the starry sky vibrate, and there was a terrifying aura permeating the air!

The great sages of the underworld sensed this fluctuation, and their faces were overjoyed immediately!
"Assembly! Request the power of the fairy!"

A group of great sages of the underworld immediately left the battlefield without any reluctance to fight, and rushed directly to the place where there was movement in the starry sky.

They need to get there, and then work together to cast a spell, so that the immortal king of the underworld can descend from a distance.

If Xianjun doesn't make a move, it is impossible for them, the great saints, to obtain the emperor's body of Tailing Patriarch.

Even if that supreme being has fallen, that kind of supreme and tyrannical aura is enough to crush all living beings and spirits.

However, they should have no problem dealing with a mere emperor's corpse by relying on their extreme weapons and the power of the immortal emperor's long-distance descending.

"Huh? What is that?"

After the powerhouses of the major forces in the lost world rushed to the ancient starry sky road, they also sensed this terrifying fluctuation.

"The fluctuation of the ancient supreme!"

Someone showed horror, and he felt an irresistible soul trembling from this wave.

And this kind of feeling is the ultimate aura, the supreme aura.

He also felt this kind of aura in the humane ancient emperor's secret place in the Meteor Immortal Valley on the Lost Emperor Star.

"Could it be! Could it be that the tomb of Emperor Tailing appeared?"

An ancient great sage who has been dusty from ancient times to the present day suddenly remembered something, and said in a trembling voice!

And the huge movement that happened afterwards also directly confirmed his guess.

An indescribable shocking wave appeared, peerless and overwhelming, as if a great emperor was born, giving people an unparalleled sense of terror!

When some strong men went to the starry sky, they saw a scene that shocked them incomparably.

That piece of starry sky, at this time a huge crack in the void opened, and space turbulence was everywhere, strangling everything.

However, through this crack, everyone vaguely saw a figure!
The figure lay flat in it, and the gray and hazy light flowed like a chaotic maze, exuding a terrifying aura.

After just one glance, everyone felt that their pupils were stinging, and even blood flowed out.

People can't look at it at all, even if they look at it one more time, their body, soul and even Taoism will be greatly impacted.

Those above the Holy Realm can hold on for a while.

If you are a person below the holy realm, you will feel as if you have lost your body and spirit just by looking at it.

"It's too scary! Is it really the tomb of Tailing Patriarch?"

"Why do you still have such a terrifying power after being dead for so long?"

"This is the supreme being. It's even more terrifying to die. The aura of the whole body will naturally be revealed. If such an emperor's corpse falls into the starry sky, it may be enough to destroy countless creatures in the universe!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the figure in the crack!

However, there was something that surprised them even more.

That was the next move of the great sages of the underworld.

All the great sages in the underworld joined forces to cast spells, and together with two extreme weapons, they even summoned a phantom!
That phantom, whose face could not be seen clearly, had a stalwart body, was full of brilliance, and illuminated the endless starry sky, exuding a supreme aura that was almost no less than the corpse of the Tailing ancestor!
After this phantom appeared, holding two extreme weapons, it directly rushed into the crack.

Afterwards, the corpse in the crack started to move, erupting with an even more horrifying power, which made the starry sky tremble, thousands of Taos emerged, and the roar continued!
"Emperor Tailing resurrected?"

When the people around saw this scene, they were all shocked. This feeling, as if there is really a living emperor walking in the world.

That kind of aura is too terrifying, too vast and boundless, above all living beings in the world of mortals, it is an aura that belongs exclusively to the Supreme!
"What are the phantoms summoned by those great saints in the underworld? Don't tell me that there is a living emperor in the underworld!"

When everyone looked at the phantom that penetrated into the crack, they also felt trembling.

If there really is a living emperor in the underworld, they can sweep the heavens of the Lost Realm!

Even if it's just such a phantom, holding an extreme weapon, it can be said to be invincible in the world, and no one can stop it.


It was soon discovered that the method of the great sages of the underworld cannot last long, because these great sages need to pay a certain price to summon this phantom.

Moreover, some kind of channel needs to be maintained so that the power of this phantom can continue to descend.

"Stop them!"

There was a great sage who wanted to stop the underworld, so he made a bold move with the ultimate emperor's soldiers.

But the underworld obviously still has preparations. They still have one extreme weapon that they haven't used. In addition, they opened the channel to let the immortals of the underworld lower their power, and they can also use part of their power to activate the extreme weapon.

In the end, the great sage was blasted back and almost fell.

In the crack, there seemed to be a battle between Xuying and the corpse of Tailing Ancestor, and clusters of blazing brilliance exploded inside, extremely bright and dazzling, making it impossible for anyone to look directly at it.

"This is the supreme battle!"

Someone sighed in shock, feeling the fluctuations, trembling all over, and trembling in the soul.

People in the world have never seen such a scene at all, and this kind of fluctuation can only be caused by that kind of supreme person.

At last.

Xu Ying seemed to suppress the corpse, and then took out a special coffin and put the corpse in it.

Afterwards, the phantom also dissipated.

All the great saints in the underworld have also reached their limit, and they can no longer maintain the power channel of Xianjun.


Their mission was finally completed.

The great sages of the underworld left with the coffin that sealed the corpse of the ancestor Tailing.

A light gate opened somewhere in the starry sky, and all the creatures of the underworld entered the light gate and then disappeared directly.

The powerhouses of the Lost Emperor Star and the Heavens are also difficult to stop.

This battle is over!

The Starry Sky Ancient Road still suffered heavy losses, and countless lives were killed or injured.

Several Peerless Tianjiao died, even the Great Sage fell.

The few Supreme Daoists who died of the peerless Tianjiao were furious, but it was difficult for them to take revenge on the underworld.

The power of the underworld has been mysterious since ancient times, and it is powerful and terrifying!
Even the great emperors who invaded the underworld in the past all failed, and there seemed to be nothing they could do about such places.

The major powers summarized the situation.

It is also possible to guess that the Jifu's action this time is aimed at the corpse of the Tailing ancestor.

Moreover, the underworld also obtained the corpse of the Tailing ancestor as they wished, and I am afraid that it will become even more terrifying.

When people summed up the situation of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

The situation in Fengwu City also made them feel shocked!
"Quansheng beheaded two great sages of the underworld, and defended Fengwu City?"

A human saint was shocked when he heard the news!

In this sudden attack of the underworld, almost all the city gates that were attacked on the Starry Sky Ancient Road were captured.

Even the great sage had to run away, or he would be bombarded and killed by the great sage of the underworld.

In the end, Fengwu City was defended?

Quan Sheng used the Holy King Xiu as a counter to the Great Saint, and he still used one against two, and directly killed the other party?
"Human Spring Saint, is he so powerful?"

A sage king of all ancient races was also shocked.

But soon, there was also news from the Bahuang Sect that Fang Quan's soul lamp was extinguished, confirming that he had fallen!
When the news came out, most people in the human race felt sorry.

And some forces other than the Ancient Ten Thousand Clans and the Lost Emperor Star felt fortunate.

"Fortunately, fortunately, he was cursed by the underworld, so he died in the end."

An arrogance of the ancient myriad races said happily.

This Human Race Quansheng is so powerful, but it actually makes them, the arrogance of the golden age, feel great pressure.

Because this human spring saint has more and more the invincible demeanor of overwhelming life.

Its cultivation speed is also extremely fast, just the time it took from the saint to break through to the saint king can match the record of the ancient emperor.

He walked in front of all the peerless arrogances, and according to this, he will inevitably touch that supreme realm faster than the arrogances.

If this is the golden world, the one who finally proves the Tao and becomes the emperor is not the arrogance of the golden world, but a figure from the previous era.

The arrogance of the Golden World would become a joke.

"Master! Are you really... dead?"

Qin Xiu came to Fengwu City at this time, with a bit of sadness on his face, feeling the remaining fighting spirit here, he still couldn't accept it.

To be honest, although he is also a peerless genius, he is expected to prove the Tao in this golden world.

But in his heart, he already had a faint feeling that it would be his master who would finally prove the Tao and become the emperor.

But if it was really his master who became the emperor, he would be very happy and hoped that his master could reach that step.

He even hopes to compete with Master for the opportunity to prove the Tao in the future.

"Brother Fang Quan, what a pity!"

The Great Sage Zhu Shuangqian of the Yongle Dynasty also said with deep regret at this moment.

In fact, he is also very optimistic about Fang Quan, and even has a somewhat similar feeling, feeling that Fang Quan has a slight chance of becoming an emperor.

Moreover, Fang Quan's strength was beyond his expectation, but with such strength and talent, he did have the attitude of proving the Tao and becoming an emperor!

"Could it be heaven's jealousy? The characters of the previous era were not allowed to testify, so they were killed?"

The Great Sage Zhu Shuangqian frowned and said, trying to figure out the secret.


In fact.

Fang Quan is not dead, he is currently retreating in a certain barren starry sky to suppress the curse.

However, he actually died once, at least for a moment his own vitality was wiped out.

But he survived the past and reshaped his vitality, almost no less than living out his second life.

He closed this time.

That is, 200 years have passed.

When he came out, he directly broke through the realm of the great sage, and digested the curse, accumulated a lot, and broke through several small realms in one breath.

He is not too far away from the quasi-emperor realm.

(End of this chapter)

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