I just want to make money

Chapter 141 Consortium

Chapter 141 Consortium
New York Times: "Tyco may have serious commercial fraud, company executives embezzled company property, fraudulent turnover, fabricated annual financial reports, etc. This newspaper will follow up and report on further situations."

New York Financial News: "According to people familiar with the matter, from 2002 to 2005, Tyco made more than 300 acquisitions at a cost of about 85 billion US dollars, but 90% of the acquisitions were "unclean". The whistleblower claimed that the company's president , chief financial officer, and a number of executives participated in stealing US$1.7 million from Tyco in the name of an acquisition project, illegally made US$4.3 million in profits by selling the company’s stock, and falsified the company’s financial information.”

CNN News Channel: "During his tenure as president, President Dennis paid himself a large salary and bonus, 2000 million a year. After Dennis quickly "get rich", he lived a luxurious life, including beach villas, Fifth Avenue apartments in Manhattan, and luxury worth 1500 million US dollars. Yachting, a $2000 million art collection, three Harley luxury motorcycles and a helicopter, Dennis spends $70 a year on the maintenance of his luxury yacht.

But he did not pay the bill for all this. According to the whistleblower, these expenses were reimbursed by Tyco, but Dennis himself was the owner.

Last year, Dennis held a luxurious birthday party for his wife Karen in Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea. The party imitated the festivities of the ancient Roman Empire. A large number of actors and models dressed as gladiators and Roman beauties sang and danced by the swimming pool.

Famous singers were invited to sing, and the seaside barbecue, hunting and diving lasted for 4 days. The carnival cost 210 million US dollars, all of which were reimbursed by Tyco.

When the CNN TV news channel reported, it also included a large number of photos and videos, including photos and videos of Dennis' mansion, yacht, and birthday party.

Dennis's wife's birthday party, even Lin Yi saw it as extravagant, and I have to say that rich people really enjoy it.

Although he has hundreds of millions of funds in his hand, he really doesn't know how to spend them.

Yahoo News also reported on the Internet, and it was the most direct. It directly posted a small essay written by Lin Yi, with a sentence below, "The original text of the Tyco incident report letter, this website does not make any comments. It is understood that The Ministry of Justice, the FBI, and the Taxation Bureau have also received the report letter, and the content is more detailed, waiting for the official notification."

There are so many news media reports, which can be described as overwhelming. Many people were shocked after reading it. Some people were angry with the greed of these executives, and some people realized that Tyco might be in trouble this time, especially their stocks.

Stocks fell for several reasons.

Major changes in the outside world, such as wars, natural disasters, etc., market downturn, poor business management, decline in reputation, and corporate scandals, including problems with executives and financial fraud.

Wall Street was the quickest to react.

In the morning, Tyco's stock price was still on the rise. When the news came out at noon, Tyco's stock turned around and began to fall in the afternoon. Although it did not plummet, it already showed that the market was worried about Tyco.

close in the evening,
Tyco's stock fell by 1.7% percentage points, which is a 3% drop from the highest point. You must know that this is a company with a market value of 30 billion, and [-]% means that [-] billion US dollars have been evaporated.

And that's just the first day's reaction.

After all, the news has not been confirmed, and no one can say whether it is fake news or not.

Naturally, Tyco received the news as soon as possible. President Dennis felt cold after reading the news report.

He feels bad.

Everything was under his control before, and the internal operation, as long as no one digs deep, will never be discovered, but there is no perfect scam in the world, unless the scam is true, once everything is connected and investigated, it will definitely can detect the problem.

At this time, the chief financial officer hurried in, with an anxious face on his face, "Dennis, we must find a way to suppress this matter, otherwise, once the board of directors takes action, the problem will be serious."

"Don't I know!" Dennis said angrily.

But the question is how to suppress it now, with so many news media reporting, let them withdraw and declare that their report is wrong, he can't do it.

"Hold a press conference as soon as possible to clarify the content of the report, and if you can clear the accounts, clear them immediately," Dennis said.

"It's impossible to wipe out the hundreds of millions of accounts." The chief financial officer said.

"Then think of another way. Don't tell me that it's impossible. If things come to light, you won't be able to run away." Dennis yelled at the chief financial officer.

The chief financial officer looked resentful, turned his head and left.

Dennis lit a cigarette, took two puffs and threw it out fiercely, cursing, "Who the hell spread these things out, damn it, what should we do now."

the next day,
Tyco held a press conference.

Fifty or sixty media companies came.

An executive general manager of Tyco came to the stage and issued a statement saying that the contents of the news reports were all fake and deliberately smeared Tyco. They asked the news media to delete the previous reports immediately, and at the same time they would call the police to pursue criminal responsibility for framing .

After Tyco clarified, Tyco's stock stopped falling, and Marty hurriedly informed Lin Yi, "Boss, Tyco's stock has stabilized."

Lin Yi watched Tyco's clarification press conference, and smiled lightly, "The stars clarified that many of them have overturned, and Tyco is not far away from overturning."

close in the afternoon,
Tyco's drop of 2.56% throughout the day is not small but within the acceptable range, after all, the news has not been confirmed.

at night,

Lin Yi turned on the computer and looked around on Tyco's network again, and found a lot of good things. This time it was not internal data accounts, but some chat records on the employee's intranet.

"Haha, good stuff."

Lin Yi cut some chat records.

Open the mailbox.


Sent to several media.

the next morning,

A number of media reported that "Tyco's internal chat records were leaked. Several middle and high-level executives said in the chat that the board of directors had sent a financial company to Tyco to prepare for an account check, and the chief financial officer was temporarily suspended from his duties."

This is a big sign.

Even the board of directors does not trust the president and management, which means that there may be a big problem inside Tyco.

Just today,
Tyco's shares fell sharply, down 5.8 percent overall.

the next day,
More news came out that the board of directors restricted the rights of many managers within Tyco's internal management, including President Dennis. Now Dennis can no longer sign any documents related to financial management.

Tyco stock fell sharply again.The day's decline reached 7%.

In fact, this is just the beginning.

Two days later,
The official finally responded, and the FBI began to formally investigate Tyco. At the same time, the Internal Revenue Service also stated that it would send people into Tyco.

These are definitely two blockbusters.



Shareholders and institutions who bought Tyco's stock finally couldn't sit still, and began to sell one after another, and Tyco's stock began to fall wildly.

Watching Tyco's stock fall precipitously, Marty cheered excitedly, "It's great, I've witnessed history."

"No, strictly speaking, you made history." Lin Yi said with a smile.

in history,
Because of this case, Tyco's stock price fell by more than 70.00% within half a year. Many executives including the president Dennis and the chief financial officer were sentenced. Although the management was changed later, Tyco never recovered. Large group mergers and acquisitions.

right now,

The bomb has gone off.

There will be nothing else for Lin Yi.

You just need to keep an eye on the stock market to see when it is appropriate to close your positions. These can be handed over to Marty. After all, the whole process may take three to four months.

A few days ago, he received a call from Tommy. The Miami bar has started to open, and it is not bad and has initially entered the right track.

Lin Yi returned to his room in the hotel, took out the phone to contact Hussein from the space, and received several text messages as soon as the phone was turned on.

"Has it started yet, I see a change."

"Very violent."

"I'm afraid a super company will be crippled this time, you guys are really amazing."

"It's time for a phone call."

Lin Yi smiled,

The phone connected after only two rings.

"Lin, I'm watching the news, haha, it's very lively now." Hussein said with a smile.

"It seems that you made a lot of money this time." Lin Yi said.

"not us."

"After I received your call, I also contacted a few friends to work together. We have about 3 million US dollars in total."

Lin Yixin said,
Ten times of 3 million, that is, leveraged 30 billion US dollars.

No wonder Tyco's stock price dropped a lot at the beginning, and it shipped 30 billion within a week, which shows that these people have a lot of energy, and it is very likely that these people have their own short-selling institutions.

"Lin, we want to hear your opinion, how far do you think Tyco can fall, and when should we ship it?"

This is the biggest reason why Hussein sought out Lin Yi.

Lin Yi thought for a while,

"I think Tyco will drop by at least 50%. We analyze that the ideal situation can reach about 70%. As for when to ship, it depends on your own judgment." Lin Yi said.

"Lin, when will you come to Dubai, I'll buy you a drink." Hussein said with a smile.

"I'll be there when it's over."

"Well, then I will entertain you warmly."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi put the phone back in the space, and put the electronic equipment in the space, which can completely isolate external signals, and is absolutely not afraid of being tracked by anyone.

All that remains is to wait.

A Native American estate.

Several major shareholders of Tyco are all here, and everyone's face is very bad. In just 5 days, Tyco's stock price fell by more than 17%, and the stock price evaporated by nearly 200 billion, which made shareholders very angry.

"I have already investigated. Before Dennis and the others were exposed, someone made a large amount of short selling. The amount was very huge. This incident was definitely premeditated."

"Dennis and the others should indeed be punished, but we can't let Tyco's stock price continue to plummet. We must find a way to stop it and replace the new management as soon as possible. It’s just that there is corruption and fraud in the management, and there is no problem in the operation. It is still the top company in the world. Tyco has always had a stable, high-profit manufacturing business and a rich product line.”

"Also, find out those short sellers. They must be behind this matter. Even if they make money, they will die."

"I will notify the "company" and ask the company to help solve the trouble. The FBI and CIA will find out those guys. I believe there will be a way to make them spit out the money and go into the coffin naked."

Lin Yi's actions,

Draws out the backer.

Move the money of the American consortium,
Not so easy.

The president and congressmen are under their control, not to mention some investors.

(End of this chapter)

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