I just want to make money

Chapter 142 Jailbreak in Progress

Chapter 142 Jailbreak in Progress

Lin Yi turned on the computer and checked the news in the United States. Now the major news media in the United States are almost headlined by Tyco. Suddenly, a piece of news hidden in a corner attracted his greater attention.

"8 criminals escaped from Fox River Prison in Illinois today. After a long period of premeditation, they dug a passage in the prison to escape. Many of these 8 criminals were sentenced to life imprisonment. They are very dangerous felons. Illinois has reminded the surrounding people , Beware of escaped criminals invading your home."

Behind it are photos and details of each offender, including their previous crimes.

And in the last paragraph of the article, Lin Yi unexpectedly discovered his own name.

"Fox River Prison in Illinois is the prison where the super-felon 'Lin' was once held. Up to now, 'Lin' is still at large and is wanted in the United States, ranking among the top ten most-wanted super-felons in the FBI."

After reading the news, Lin Yi's first reaction was that Michael and the others finally came out. That guy must have suffered a lot in prison during this period, but his character should have been tempered.

Lin Yi has watched the whole season of "Prison Break" and knows all the plots. The next step is Michael and his escape.

This time is particularly difficult.

Lin Yi decided to help them.

In fact, Lin Yi also has his own ideas for helping them. The plot of the whole drama is actually about the "company". An analyst who later betrayed the organization and escaped, and it happened that the vice president’s younger brother needed to hide because he was involved in money laundering, so he created a fake murder case. The body Lincoln saw in the parking lot was not the vice president’s younger brother, he had already been hiding stand up.

And everything behind this has the FBI involved.

Originally, in cases like this, the death penalty would not normally be imposed and would be executed immediately. However, in order to lure Michael's father to rescue him, the death penalty was imposed. Unexpectedly, it was Lincoln's younger brother Michael who came.

Lin Yi helped them, on the one hand because he liked Michael while watching the drama, on the other hand he wanted to find out Michael's father, Michael's father had some information about the consortium in his hand, Lin Yi hoped to get something useful from him .

He is going back to America now.

After talking to Marty, Lin Yi immediately bought a plane ticket, but instead of going back to Miami, he flew to Helena, Montana.

The two brothers Michael and Lincoln tried their best to get two toy guns. They planned to use the toy guns to scare the prison guards into robbing the court and rescue Lincoln's son Lincoln Jr.

Someone wrongly accused Lincoln's son, Lincoln, of murdering someone. Lincoln was arrested and will be tried in court today. The two planned to learn from Lin Yi and come to a courtroom robbery.

this move,

It is not without inspiration from Lin Yi's previous actions.

Just when the two came near the courthouse, a figure appeared in front of the two brothers. The two brothers were taken aback when they were blocked, thinking that someone had discovered the clue. After all, the two are now the most wanted jailbreakers in the United States.

Lincoln raised his head to see who was coming, and was suddenly surprised.

"Lin, is that you?"

After all, the two chatted in the same yard for a few days.

Michael also recognized Lin Yi at this time.

he was surprised

Lin Ke is a super criminal who is most wanted in the United States, but he did not expect to dare to appear here.

"I saw the news that you escaped, and I saw the news that your son was arrested. I guess the FBI might use your son to lure the two of you into the bait. I happened to be nearby, so I came to ask you if there is anything you need. Help." Lin Yi said.

Michael was surprised by Lin Yi's analysis ability. If the FBI had this ability, I believe the two of them would have been arrested by now.

"Indeed, we need weapons. Can you find them for us, Lin, and quickly, the court will be held in half an hour." Lincoln said anxiously.


Lin Yi pulled out two Glocks from his body and handed them to the other party.

The two brothers were pleasantly surprised.

With the real guy, it's much more practical now.

They had just come out of prison, and they couldn't get real guns for a while, so they had to use toy guns, but toy guns were not threatening at all when they encountered emergencies.

"Is there still a need for this?"

Lin Yi took out a grenade.

The two brothers were surprised that there was such a thing, and Michael quickly took it.

"My car is right outside. If you succeed, I will meet you outside." Lin Yi said.

This time the two were even more surprised.

Along the way, the two had a hard time. They had nothing to eat or drink, and they bought something to hide. Before coming to the court, they went to the tool store to buy things, but they were reported as having lost their car.

Today is a public hearing,
The audience walked into the gate of the court, and Michael told Lincoln to follow the crowd. When passing through the security gate, Michael pulled his hat, while Lincoln scratched his head, blocked the position of the surveillance camera with his hands, and covered half of his face.

Instead of following the crowd into the lobby, the two walked into the bathroom.

they are waiting,

Wait for the son to go through and get ready to do it immediately.

Originally, the two were going to start from the elevator, but now that they have weapons, they don't need it. They are going to grab it hard, so that they can escape faster.

The prison car drove into the gate of the court and stopped at the entrance of the backyard. A prison guard took Little Lincoln out of the car. The FBI senior agent Ma Hong, who was in charge of tracing Lincoln and Michael's prison escape case, greeted Little Lincoln at the door.

The three walked into the hall together.

Michael poked his head out in the bathroom and saw Little Lincoln being pushed over, and the two quickly followed behind the three.

The FBI agent felt something was wrong, and just as he was about to turn around, he was pressed against his waist by a guy, "Don't move, I will shoot if you move."

Mahone immediately raised his hand.

The gun on his waist was searched by Michael.

On the other side, Lincoln also stared at the prison guard behind him, and took off the pistol from his waist before the prison guard could react.

The two guys were taken away, and they immediately behaved obediently and dared not move.

When little Lincoln saw his father and uncle, his face was full of surprises. Lincoln found the key from the prison guard, unlocked his son's handcuffs, dragged his son and said to walk quickly, and the three ran quickly outside the court. The FBI agent was furious. His face was livid.

He drew another gun from under his leg and gave chase.

"Bang bang bang bang~!"

FBI agents fired from behind, scaring the three of them to the ground, Michael raised his gun and shot back randomly, taking out grenades from his body.

He didn't want to kill,
But obviously the other party didn't want to let them go.


Bite open the grenade bracelet with his teeth, Michael threw the grenade out, and it rolled around for a while. When FBI agent Mahon saw the grenade, his eyes were tearing apart in fright, and he flew to the side suddenly.


The grenade exploded.

There were fireworks.

It took Mahone a moment to look up.

But Michael and Lincoln had already run out of the court, and he chased them out, watching them get into a car.

Call the police immediately.

He is a senior FBI agent with high authority. He can report his number and password and can temporarily mobilize a large number of police officers.

"A black Chevrolet with the license plate number 'F10EWC'. Two escaped prisoners from Fox River Prison and a new retrial prisoner are in the car. There are three people in total. The incident occurred in the state court. Send someone to track and intercept it immediately."

The dispatch desk immediately contacted a nearby police car.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa~~~!

Suddenly, sirens blared in the city.

FBI agent Mahon quickly ran to his car, instead of getting into the car, he opened the trunk, pulled out a big guy from it, and took several magazines.

He got in the car and threw the rifle into the passenger driver, and drove in the direction where Lin Yi and the others were fleeing.

The three of Michael got into Lin Yi's car, and Lin Yi immediately started to drive away quickly. Little Mike looked at the driver and said in surprise, "Dad, this is Lin, right? I read it right, he is Lin?"

There is no fear in the tone, only surprise, just like seeing an idol.

"Am I so famous now?" Lin Yi asked with a smile.

"You are very famous. Many of our classmates are talking about you, and they all think you are so handsome. Many people keep the videos of fighting and killing people in the prison. There are also court trial judges and Turner Manor interrogating Turner and his son. You are even more handsome."

Little Lincoln looked at his father, "Dad, I didn't expect you and Lin to be good friends."

Lincoln said a little proudly: "The two of us were once held alone in a place where only the heaviest prisoners would enter."

Depend on,
It's also showing off.

Lin Yi drove very fast, but the police's reaction was not slow at all, and a helicopter appeared in the sky after a while.

Lin Yi glanced at the helicopter and knew that it would not be so easy to escape. When the helicopter appeared, Michael, Lincoln and his son also became nervous.


Under the guidance of the helicopter, several police cars suddenly rushed out from the side road and rammed towards Lin Yi's car. Lin Yi slammed the steering wheel, and the car came out in a perfect S shape, just dodging the police car.

And the police car didn't brake quickly, and slammed into the trash can on the side of the road, knocking the big trash can into the sky.

A few more police cars caught up next to him, and a city chase started. Lin Yi used top-notch driving skills to prevent these police cars from touching him.

On the road ahead, several police cars were parked side by side, blocking all the roads. The police got out of the car and held their guns, waiting for Lin Yi and the others to come over. As long as they didn't stop, they would shoot immediately.


Lin Yi found the situation ahead,

He made a 180-degree circle on the spot and drove towards the way he came from. He was originally chasing two police cars, but the two police cars felt that the opportunity had come, and ran into Lin Yi's car side by side. They were only ten meters away. At that moment, Lin Yi slammed the steering wheel again, and drove towards the crosswalk next to him.

The car jumped onto the crosswalk, drove tens of meters at high speed and jumped back to the road, but the two police cars couldn't turn their heads to continue chasing for a while, and even blocked the road for the police cars chasing, making them a little flustered.

But as long as the helicopter overhead was there, Lin Yi and the others would still be unable to escape. This was a big trouble. Lin Yi parked the car on the side of the road, took out a Barrett from the car, and shot it into the sky.


The shot hit the belly of the helicopter accurately, and the helicopter pilot was terrified.


Lin Yi shot again,
Mastered with his shot.

The shot just hit the glass of the plane.


The windshield of the cab shattered, and the pilot dared not stay any longer. He pulled the joystick violently, and the helicopter flew into the distance.

the plane was injured,

He could only fly back to base.

The three people in the car were shocked by Lin Yi's hand, and they said in their hearts that they were so amazing, they deserved to be 'Lin'.

"Barrett's big plane, it's amazing!" Little Lincoln said in admiration.

Lin Yixin said,
If it weren't for the reluctance, I would have taken out the stinger directly.

Lin Yi drove two more streets and stopped on a road. Michael and Lincoln in the car were puzzled.

"Change the car." Lin Yi said very simply.

The three got out of the car quickly,

I got into a white commercial vehicle on the side of the road.

Lin Yi drove away.

On the road, a police car roared past their car, but they didn't know that several people had already changed to a new car. Seeing this scene, the nervous Michael and Lincoln and his son were relieved.

Finally temporarily safe.

(End of this chapter)

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