Chapter 143

Lin Yi drove out of the city. After driving for about ten minutes, a system prompt sounded in his mind, "Get 63 experience points."

Not many points, Lin Yi didn't care too much.

Continuing to drive, Lin Yi stopped at the parking lot of a supermarket in a small town next to the highway. Lin Yi said to the three of Michael, "I prepared a car here. You can drive that car and leave later."

The three of them admired it in their hearts, and said that this Lin was too careful in his work, and everything was planned in advance.

Lin Yi took out two stacks of banknotes from the glove box, "These are for you to use on the road."

Lincoln hastened to thank.

"What are you going to do next?" Lin Yi asked.

The three of them were at a loss.

They were thinking about escaping before, and later they were anxious to rescue Little Lincoln. They still have a secret, that is, an old guy in the prison hid 500 million before he went to prison. They are going to get the money out. As for Lincoln, they want to clear it. My own grievances, and Michael's idea is simpler, to escape to Mexico or Cuba first.

Lin Yi took out another mobile phone, which contained a brand new phone number, and said: "This phone number is for you, if you encounter something, you can call me, and, I learned something, the whole thing involves you father, I believe you will learn a lot after finding him, if your father has any ideas, you can contact me."

Lincoln answered the phone in a daze.

Michael took a deep look at Lin Yi, and he felt more and more that this Lin was very mysterious, as if he knew many things.

Transactions can't be rushed, and the other party must be willing, and Lin Yi doesn't have to get what old Lincoln has, so it should be arranged. As for the harvest, it depends on God's will.

The three got out of the car.

He got into another car prepared by Lin Yi in advance, waved goodbye to Lin Yi and drove away.

Things are over here.

Lin Yi thought for a while,

Drive to Montreal International Airport, ready to go back to Singapore, continue to stare at Tyco stock with Marty.

There are newsstands at the airport.

Lin Yi bought several newspapers.

In the newspapers, especially economic and financial newspapers, there are many news about Tyco. During this period of time, Tyco was in chaos, all kinds of news were flying everywhere, and the stock price fell like a roller coaster, which affected the hearts of countless shareholders.

Lin Yi came to the United States for four or five days,

Tyco's stock price fell by more than ten points. Although it can be seen that Tyco's board of directors has begun to implement the bailout policy, the effect is not very good, and it is still difficult to stop the downward trend. In fact, if there are no measures, the decline may be even worse than it is now. .

Lin Yi did a simple calculation,
Now he has shorted 4000 million, 10 times leverage of 4 million, and has earned 1 million US dollars.

Just as Lin Yi continued to watch other news, a text message notification sound came from his frequently used mobile phone.

Lin Yi picked up the phone,
Found out it was from Marty.

Lin Yixin asked if he was reporting on Tyco.

But when he clicked on the message, his gaze shrank.

Singapore Hotel,
Marty was looking at the computer screen, studying a set of data. In the past few days after Jack left, Tyco's stock continued to fall, and it fell by more than ten percent.

But occasionally there was a little rebound. Marty was analyzing the future direction of Tyco through the data, when the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Sir, room service."

A male voice came from outside the door.

Marty wondered, didn't he order room service?

He goes to the door.

I habitually glanced out through the cat's eyes, but found no one there. Ordinary people would probably open it to check, but Marty became very alert after the drug lord incident, and felt something was wrong in his heart.

He took two steps back.

Turn around and run to the computer.

People outside noticed Marty coming and backed away, knowing that they might have been exposed, someone kicked the door open.

Three or four strong foreign men rushed into the house.

Marty was already sitting in front of the computer, pressing a few buttons quickly without looking at the person rushing in.

"Stop him."

someone shouted.

The two quickly lunge at Marty, jerking him backwards, and the three of them roll to the ground while the other two grab the computer.

"Puff puff puff ~~~!"

At this moment, violent sparks burst out from several laptop computers, which were as brilliant as fireworks and burned instantly.

Lin Yi was cautious and installed a self-destruct device in the computer in advance, a trick he learned from Ah Sang.

The FBIs were very annoyed. They knocked on the door just to lure Marty away from the computer, but they were still destroyed by him. They probably will be punished when they go back.

Marty was pinned to the ground.

Someone came over and kicked him twice in the stomach to vent his anger, and Marty curled up into a shrimp in pain.

"Cuff him."

The two put Marty's hands behind their backs and handcuffed him.

Then he turned it over and threw it on the ground. Marty's hand happened to touch something. It was a Nokia mobile phone stuffed in his pocket. When he was arrested, he dropped it on the ground. Under the pressure.

Marty quickly clutched the phone in his hand.

The FBI began to search the room. Marty was sluggish and motionless in the corner, but his hands moved behind his back.

Relying on his familiarity with his mobile phone, he turned on the phone, found Lin Yi's text message, and quickly typed a few words blindly.

"Caught, FBI, computer data has been destroyed."

After sending it, I stuffed it under the carpet in the room.

The computer was burned, and all the information inside was lost, but there were still some paper materials, calculation papers and other things, and there was a lot of information on them, all of which were collected by FBI agents.

But there are still too few things, only a few words.

The team leader came to Marty's side, and he punched and kicked Marty, "Tell me, is there any backup data, who is your accomplice, is it Jack Sparrow, and who else."

Marty gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Marty was taken away in the end, and even the burned-out computers were taken, hoping that some useful data could be recovered from the computers.

Lin Yi received the message, although it was only a short line of words, but it revealed a lot of information, Lin Yi's hand was tightly clutching the phone.

When arranging the computer for stock trading, he was afraid of being traced, so he used many methods, so he was not at ease. He also built a self-destruct system in the computer, not the computer itself, but added a peripheral to several computers. It will be burned automatically when it is started.

less than a last resort,

Marty would never have sent these words, indicating that the situation was extremely urgent.

How to do?
Thoughts were churning in Lin Yi's mind. Now he knew very little information about Marty's condition, where he would be taken, whether he would be tried in Singapore or directly brought back to the United States, and where he would be taken when he was brought back to the United States.

Do you want to save him?

how to save.

Mainly because there is too little information.

Taking out the computer from the space and connecting to the airport network, Lin Yi began to search quickly. There was no information about Marty on the public information network at all.

Lin Yi wanted to hack into the FBI network, but he couldn't get in after several attempts. As a national-level violent organization, he must pay great attention to his own network security.

Think about it,
Use the secret chat software to send a message to Ah Sang.

"Ah Sang, a friend of mine has fallen into the hands of the FBI, can you help me find out about him?"

It didn't take long for Ah Sang to reply the message.

It's like this guy is in front of a computer 24 hours a day.

"Send a message from your friend."

Lin Yi hurriedly sent Marty's message.

About ten minutes later, Ah Sang sent a message, "The information you want has been packaged and sent to the email, and I copied another batch of information."


Lin Yi opened the secret mailbox, and there was a file package inside.

There are FBI internal chat records about Marty, and not only Marty, but Jack's identity has also been fully uncovered. Obviously, this operation between him and Marty has been found by the FBI.

Lin Yi didn't know how he leaked it.

But he never doubted the power of a country, especially Meilijia, a country that can monitor the whole world.

What they do can't be foolproof, but in the chat records, their guesses about the identities of Jack and Marty are just actors. After all, Jack was just a gangster before, and Marty was just an ordinary financial planner.

It is impossible for Tyco to have so much money for such a big event.

It still mentions about drug dealers, money laundering, etc., Jack was tracked down by drug dealers, and Marty was forced by drug dealers to launder money.

So they suspect that the people behind Jack and Marty may be drug dealers or other organizations.

Among the many information,

Lin Yi finally found a piece of useful information. A subordinate reported to the leader how to deal with the person who had been caught, whether to interrogate in Singapore or take him back to China. The leader's opinion was to take it back and asked them to send it to New York within a few days.

"New York."

Lin Yi discovered the most critical word.

If they were to bring Marty to the FBI base, Lin Yi would not be able to rush in and rescue Marty safely.

Lin Yi looked up and looked around.

Yes indeed,


Lin Yi hurried to the ticket counter, "I want a ticket to New York, the nearest flight."

"Last flight in two hours, first class only, price"

"I want it."

Lin Yi boarded the plane two hours later and arrived at the New York airport three hours later. Instead of leaving the airport, he put on a hat and mask and sat down in a corner. With his attire, others thought he had caught a cold.

Connect to the airport broadband, turn on the computer to check the flight information of the plane, write it all down, and the brain starts to analyze quickly.

The higher-ups asked the agents to bring Marty back to New York as quickly as possible. Lin Yi analyzed from the flight information that there would be about five more likely flights. There were direct flights from Singapore to New York, and there were other planes connecting to Singapore to New York.

Lin Yi wrote down all the time.

Every time a flight landed, Lin Yi would observe the situation at the exit, and waited for three flights in a row, but nothing happened.

Lin Yixin said that his analysis was wrong.

After all, his thoughts were only based on his own guesses, and others might come back by other means, such as flying to other cities and then taking a car to New York.

He has no other way,
Can only wait.

A fourth plane landed.

Lin Yi was sitting not far from the station exit, staring at the people coming out of the corridor. Suddenly, he found a group of people coming out of it, and there was a person pressing down among the four guys, and the person in the middle was the horse. pedicle.

And at this moment,
Three people came from the entrance. These people were obviously here to pick up Marty and his party.

The two groups of people were talking, and someone looked at Marty and said a few words, because Lin Yi couldn't hear what he said because of the distance, but Marty ignored the other party.

The man in the middle waved his hand.

Everyone took Marty out together.

Lin Yi stood up and walked forward. When he was more than [-] meters away from the opponent and walked to a concrete pillar, Lin Yi suddenly took out an assault rifle.

"Da da da, da da da, da da da da da da~~!"

Lin Yi held an assault rifle and fired fiercely at the agents without any mercy. Some were pierced by several bullets on the spot, and some rolled to the ground in fright. Marty instinctively lay down, but he was not afraid, but rather excited.


Jack must have come to save him.

"Bang bang bang~~!"

The agents who were not shot drew out their guns and fired indiscriminately in Lin Yi's direction.

Lin Yi dodged and hid behind the pillar, the bullets hit the pillar with crackling noises, Lin Yi flashed out from the other side of the pillar, and shot at the agents again.

The gunshots were loud.

The people at the airport screamed in fright.

Some people got down, some people fled, and the order at the airport became extremely chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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