I just want to make money

Chapter 197 Lin Juren

Chapter 197 Lin Juren

The next day.

Lin Yi got up.

The peaches are carefully served.

Although he was tossed so hard last night that he almost passed out, but when he woke up, he loved the person in front of him even more, and felt sad to see Lin Yi leaving.

"My lord, do you still want to visit Mitao in the future?"

Lin Yi pinched her cheek.

"It's rare to see a beauty like Yang Yuhuan like you, and I will definitely come to see you in the future." Said and walked away, Mi Tao followed closely and saw you off.

You can meet two people on the way.

It was the oiran Ruyan and his maid last night.

Seeing Lin Yi, Ruyan felt a little annoyed when she remembered the voice from last night. It was this person who made her sleep badly in the middle of the night.

But because of Lin Yi's handwriting, she now likes it more and more, so she ran into Lin Yi here, so she couldn't help but say hello.

"Ruyan has met Mr. Lin." After speaking, she bowed slightly.

"It's Miss Ruyan, what a coincidence, I don't know how you chatted with that young talented Mr. Shen Jing last night?" Lin Yi said with a smile.

Ru Yan's face was a little dark.

"That Young Master Shen didn't agree to the promise last night."

Lin Yi was taken aback.

"Escaped orders?"

Ruyan had never heard of the word evasion, but she instantly understood the meaning, "Yes, Mr. Shen escaped the order."

Lin Yi chuckled, "Why is this so? It's too shameful not to fulfill the contract. How can he play in the brothel again in the future."

Ruyan didn't continue this topic, but talked about another thing: "Mr. Lin, your handwriting is round and beautiful, but with a strong character, which is really the only good handwriting that Ruyan has seen in her life. Ruyan also loves to write. I don't know May I ask Mr. Lin for advice?"

"Ask me, no problem. You go back first. I'll see my classmates before I go to you." Lin Yi agreed.

"That's waiting for you like smoke and tea," the woman said.

Lin Yi was amused, others wanted 200 guan for a cup of tea, and a fool shouted 1000 guan, he didn't need to spend money, and he begged himself to go.

When Lin Yi came to the main hall, he found that his classmates were all sitting in the hall drinking tea. Seeing Lin Yi, he quickly stood up, "Dongyang, we are all waiting for you."

Lin Yi smiled and called the manager to settle the accounts. The eight of them spent a total of 20 yuan last night, which would be [-] RMB in modern times. I swallowed my saliva.

When they came to rush for the exam, it would be good to bring twenty or thirty pennies with them, which was enough for a month's expenses and travel expenses. Unexpectedly, last night, each of them spent a month's living expenses.

"It's really costing Dongyang." Someone said embarrassingly.

Lin Yi waved his hand, "It was agreed that I would treat guests, well, you go back to study first, I just met Miss Ruyan on the way, and Miss Ruyan invited me to drink tea and chat."

Several classmates gave thumbs up together.

When I came to the backyard again, Ruyan's maid, Hanxiang, was waiting at the door. When she saw Lin Yi coming over, she quickly saluted and led Lin Yi into Ruyan's small courtyard.

The small courtyard was quiet and elegant, much better than the courtyard where Lin Yi lived last night. In the room, Ruyan was wearing plain casual clothes and was cooking tea on a small stove.

Lin Yi felt that her dress looked better than yesterday's gorgeous dress, mainly because it was comfortable.

Lin Yi sat across from him unceremoniously.

"The tea is ready, Mr. Lin please taste it." He poured a cup for Lin Yi with his hand pot.

Tea in the Song Dynasty is very different from modern tea. The tea in the Song Dynasty is called tea soup, and the production is very cumbersome. First, the tea leaves are ground into powder, and auxiliary materials are added, such as white pine nuts, walnut meat, various petals, spices, Medicinal materials and so on, there are more than a dozen processes before and after, and finally brewed into tea soup.

Because of the variety of combinations, various tea soups of different flavors have been derived. Ruyan is a master at clocking, and even has her own special tea soup, which can only be drunk at her place.

Lin Yi took a sip and nodded.

Then put it down.

to be frank,
Not used to drinking, don't like to drink.

Pan Jinlian prepared this tea soup for him when he was at home, but he didn't like to drink it, so he made green tea himself and drank it.

The two started chatting, and Ruyan asked: "The poem yesterday, although the language is straightforward, I read it with a feeling of sympathy. I don't know why it is so. Can Mr. Lin help my family solve the confusion?"

Lin Yi thought for a while,

"If I tell the story behind this poem, maybe you can understand it better." Lin Yi said.

"Please tell me, my lord." Ruyan said in a requesting tone.

this woman,
He is also a master at seducing men.

It's just that it doesn't show like peaches, you can feel it with your hands, her seduction is more advanced, and it gradually enters your heart like a thread.

Lin Yi told the story of "you and me".

of course,

Now this story is falsified by Lin Yi.

To put it simply, there was a poet in the Southern Dynasties who married a smart lady from a great family. At first, the two were very affectionate. Later, when the poet saw other people with multiple concubines, he also became interested and shared his thoughts with his wife.

The wife doesn't cry or make trouble, just say husband, I only have you in my heart, this heart will never change, when we first got married, we were only fifteen or sixteen years old, how loving we were, and we even secretly played with clay and made clay figurines, what do you say It was the two of us, and later the clay figurine broke, so we put the clay together again and made it again, and you said that now you have me in you and you in me.

He also told me that in the future we will live under the same quilt and die in the same coffin.

After the madam finished speaking, the poet came to his senses, and never mentioned the matter of looking for his concubine again.

"I made this poem just after hearing this little story, so when reading this poem, I have to look at it from the perspective of that lady." Lin Yi said.

Ruyan listened to the story, her expression was a little dull, obviously she had been brought into the story, a tear fell from the corner of her eye for a long time.

"After listening to Mr. Lin's story, I feel that this poem has become so beautiful in an instant. Thank you Mr. Lin for clarifying the confusion." Ruyan bent slightly.

The two chatted for a while, and Ruyan asked Lin Yi if he could write one or two more characters, so that she could learn from Lin Yi's handwriting.

Come to the desk.

The servant girl spread the paper with incense, and rubbed the ink with her wrist like smoke. Lin Yi picked up the pen and thought about it, and began to write.

At first, Ruyan thought that Lin Yi would write one or two poems of predecessors, but she didn't expect to read the beginning, and found that she hadn't seen it.

Heart moved.

Could it be that the new words failed, and I unconsciously began to read them in my mouth.

"If you don't love lovesickness in your life, you will love it, and you will hurt lovesickness.

The body is like floating clouds, thoughts are like flying catkins, and breath is like gossamer.

There is a scent of emptiness here, hoping for a daughter-in-law.

When the syndrome comes, it is exactly when, when the lamp is half dim, when the moon is half bright. "

Ruyan can naturally understand the meaning of this poem. The girl suffers from lovesickness, unable to extricate herself, her emotions are ups and downs, she can't love her, but she suffers the most from lovesickness at night.

Ruyan was insane for a moment.

beautiful words,

Straight to the deepest part of the heart.

After writing the poem, Lin Yi didn't wait long, took his leave and left like smoke, watching Lin Yi's back disappear for a long time without looking away.

In the next few days,

However, Lin Yi stayed in the inn obediently, focusing on reading and preparing for the imperial examination, but he did not expect that the two poems Lin Yi gave to Ruyan were adapted into songs by a woman, and would be sung for several nights in a row.

Someone asked whose word it was, and Ruyan naturally told her, "This is the poem of Mr. Qinghe Lin Yilin."

Lin Yi's name spread all of a sudden in Enzhou City.

In the past, when people heard my song, they would think it was too straightforward, but after Ruyan tactfully told the story, the lyrics immediately became grand, and felt very artistic, so it should be written like this.

Although it is common for people in this era to prostitute and take concubines, they still yearn for the most sincere love in their bones.

Pure and beautiful.

It is everyone's pursuit.

Someone saw the original manuscript written by Lin Yi in Ruyan's residence, and was immediately shocked by the exquisiteness of Lin Yi's calligraphy. When the news spread, more people went to Ruyan's place. Besides chatting with the beauties, they wanted to see Lin Yi's calligraphy Poetry and words.

Lin Yi smiled slightly when he heard the news, and looked, the effect had begun to appear, but he was still not satisfied. That night, he came to the home of a storyteller, and lured the storyteller with money, making the storyteller obedient Kneel down and swear to the Lord.

the next day,
This storyteller started to tell the story of Lin Yi's gifted scholar and Baihua Pavilion's beautiful woman in restaurants and teahouses, and let more common people know about it for a while, and his two poems were also widely circulated.

engage in marketing.

Lin Yi was born in a major.

Moreover, he is not as lofty as a so-called literati, and he can be ashamed of everything he does.

A few more days.

Finally came the day of the state exam.

Lin Yi got up early and walked towards the examination room with the test box. Several of his classmates, Mao Zhu and Yang Nandou, had already arrived.

People came out of the yamen to knock on the gong and shouted, and asked everyone to line up, and then they could enter the arena after checking their belongings. Now it is the Song Dynasty, and the inspection is much simpler than that of the Ming Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, they really stripped their clothes. , Now that the literati have a high status, they can't do that kind of degrading thing.

Finally entered.

First, they paid homage to Confucius together, and then met with the chief examiner. The imperial court stipulated that the state examination should be presided over by the general judge. The general judge stood on the high platform and read the rules of the exam, how to punish cheating, and other regulations.

The exam lasted for three days.

The first session is the Three Ways of the Great Classics, and one each of the Analects and Mencius.

The second session consisted of a poem and a fu, and sometimes a test of lyrics.

The third session is a poem on history and a policy on current affairs.

To put it bluntly, argumentative essays accounted for most of the points, which is also the result of Wang Anshi's reform of the imperial examination.

Every time a paper is issued, Lin Yi starts to think carefully after reviewing the questions carefully. He has the ability of photographic memory and can quickly construct an article in his mind. Revise.

This way of doing the questions is countless times faster than writing a little bit of revision on the draft paper. Lin Yi answered the questions seriously, although he dare not say that every question is brilliant, but it is definitely above the standard.

He writes in standard Zhao style lower case, with neat and beautiful fonts, steady brushwork, majestic yet beautiful, dignified yet agile, which is pleasing to the eye.

Lin Yi's writing is very steady, without making a single mistake or omission.

As for poetry, it is mainly to test rhymes and solve problems. For example, let you use "heart" as the rhyme to write a poem with seven characters and six rhymes.

"The Holy Lord inherits the depths of the lake, the mysterious transformation of the universe and the fusion of Yao's heart, and the thick and thick rotation of the yellow jade, and the bright and bright light of the day."

A very vulgar poem, but the rhyme is absolutely right.

Three days finally passed, even if Lin Yi was in good health, not only did he feel tired, let alone those helpless scholars, some of them were even carried out.

Many people have servants and maidservants to pick them up.

Lin Yi was alone.

He didn't go back to the inn, but came directly to Baihua Pavilion, and shouted as soon as he entered the door: "Where is Mi Tao, let him come and receive you."

When Mi Tao heard that Mr. Lin was coming, she ran out in a hurry, and when she saw Lin Yi, she burst into a smile, "Mr. Lin, you are here. You just finished the exam, right?"

All the other women also came out to see Lin Yi. Now that Mr. Lin's reputation in Enzhou had spread, and Mi Tao described it to his sisters afterwards, they knew that Mr. Lin was not only talented in writing, but also in good health, with extraordinary talents, and more Let these sisters be fascinated.

"Well, I just finished the exam and haven't showered for three days. I feel uncomfortable. Boil water to take a bath and go to the backyard." Lin Yi ordered.

"Okay Mr. Lin, I'll get someone to prepare it quickly." Mi Tao quickly responded.


You can live comfortably anywhere.

So what if there is no book boy and maid.

The service in this brothel is more professional.

in the bathroom,
Mi Tao wiped it carefully and served her attentively. Lin Yi took a hot bath comfortably, changed into a loose robe, and lay on the bed very uncomfortable.

Ruyan's servant girl came back and told her daughter that Mr. Lin was here.

"where is it?"

Ruyan's originally lazy expression immediately revived.

My sister loves to be pretty.

love talent like smoke,

Lin Yi has everything, and Ruyan naturally has a good impression of Lin Yi. It can be said that she has met the most tempting man in all these years in the industry.

one day in a dream,

I also dreamed of the scene where I met Lin Lang, and I felt very sweet when I woke up.

Hearing that the maid said that Lin Yi was here, she was naturally happy.

"It's next door. I asked Sister Mi Tao to take care of her. She said she just came out of the examination room and hadn't showered for a few days. Let Sister Mi Tao take care of her."

Ruyan paused after listening.

"Hanxiang, help me to dress up." Ruyan sat down in front of the dressing table.

Hanxiang hurried over to help.

But just as she combed her hair and put the hairpin in, she heard a babbling sound from the next door, and she knew it was from the peaches. in the box.

"Sister, don't you dress up?"

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear the sound? That man like a cow might have to toss about for a long time."

After tossing the peaches.

Lin Yi felt comfortable from the inside out.

Tell the steward here, "Go and get the salute from my inn, and the inn will also be refunded. I lived in this small courtyard before I left."

The person in charge was naturally happy. This is a rich and powerful customer, so he must take good care of him. He ordered someone to do it immediately, and brought all of Lin Yi's salutes in a short time.

As for the small courtyard, Lin Yi appointed Mi Tao to serve her, and Mi Tao was overjoyed.

The next day,

Ruyan asked Hanxiang to invite Lin Yi, Lin Yi went to the appointment, said with a smile: "Others want to drink a cup of tea from Miss Ruyan, but they need 200 guan, I saved another 200 guan."

Ruyan looked at Lin Yi.

"Mr. Lin, if there is a woman who is willing to commit herself wholeheartedly to you, are you willing to treat her wholeheartedly?"

Lin Yi didn't think about it.

"I don't want to."

Ru Yan was taken aback by this answer.

Because she felt that as long as she was a man, she would not answer like this, but the man in front of her just said that, and said it so simply and definitely.

"Why not?" Ruyan was dissatisfied.

Lin Yi chuckled, "I'm a flirtatious person, and now I have a few maidservants in my family, and I have a lot of good friends. I will marry a wife in the future, and I will be tempted when I meet a beautiful woman. How can I be single-minded? Since I can't, I never promise."

"Can your poems?"

"Poetry is poetry, and people are people. You can't tell your character from poetry." Lin Yi said.

Since this meeting ended,

Ruyan never invited Lin Yi again.

Lin Yi is also too lazy to play emotional games with women. He thinks that Mitao is very good, and he can use it as soon as he likes it. There is no need to have too many worries and restraints.

Three days later.

It's time for the announcement.

Wake up in the morning,

Mi Tao waited on Lin Yi to wash and dress, and kept saying, "Young master must be in high school this time, I have a hunch."

"Haha, if you win, I will give you a big red envelope." Lin Yi said with a smile.

Lin Yi went out after breakfast.

side yard,

Ruyan was also looking forward to it, thought for a while and called a servant: "Go outside the examination hall and see how many people are on the list this time, and who is there. Copy the list back."

The servant hurried off.

Lin Yi came outside the examination institute, many people had already gathered here, several of his classmates were also here, and when they saw Lin Yi, they immediately greeted him.

Several people chatted about the exam questions.

Finally, the gate of the examination institute opened, and the guards began to post the list, and people crowded forward, wanting to see it immediately.

When the list opens,

The crowd suddenly cheered.

"I got it, I got it, I'm on the list."

But more people are frustrated.

"Hey, I don't have my name, so I can only fight after three years."

Lin Yi and a few classmates also squeezed in, and suddenly Li Ying called out, "I saw Brother Dongyang, Brother Dongyang, you are No.3, No.3!"

Several classmates congratulated each other.

But the next few people were frustrated because their names were not on the list.

This is normal,

cream of the crop,

There are less than 2000 candidates in Enzhou.

There are only [-] people on the list, and they have mediocre qualifications, so it's their turn.

For No.3, Lin Yi had already prepared in his heart. He was pursuing a stable character in this exam, and there was nothing too brilliant or brilliant about it. However, in his state, he was the easiest to get on the list.

"Students, don't be sad. If you can't do it this time and fight again next time, why don't I invite some of you to enter the Baihua Pavilion again?" Lin Yi suggested.

The mood of several people suddenly improved a lot.

"It's a foregone conclusion, it's useless to be sad, it's better to cheer up." Someone said.

"Yes, if you drink two more glasses tonight, you'll be fine."

Go back to Baihua Pavilion.

A large group of girls rushed out and congratulated Lin Yi High School, "Mr. Lin, Lin Juren, I'm so happy, I want to give out red envelopes to celebrate."

Lin Yi smiled.

"Red envelopes, small things."

After talking, she went back to the house, took out a bag of silver from the house, handed it to Mi Tao and said, "Each girl has a small ingot, and the rest of the maids and servants will send a hundred coins."

Small ingots are one or two.

Everyone immediately cheered.

As for Mi Tao, Lin Yi promised to give her a big red envelope and a big ingot of ten taels of silver, and Mi Tao happily accepted it.

That night,

Lin Yi and a few classmates got together again in Baihualou. They had a lot of trouble that night, and when they got up the next day, they forgot all about their failure in the imperial examination.

The next day they discussed going home and asked Lin Yi if he would return. Lin Yi said that he would stay in Enzhou for a few more days. Candidates who are on the list for the first time always get together, so we can take care of them."

Indeed it is.

At noon of the same day, Lin Yi received an invitation card. This time, Xie Yuan Qiugu organized a party for the state examination. The candidates of the same year were natural friends, and Lin Yi readily accepted the invitation.

Ford House.

The best restaurant in Enzhou city.

Opened a table in the private room on the third floor.

Sixteen undergraduate candidates gathered together. Da Song passed the state examination and was called Juren, while No.1 was called Jieyuan. However, this Juren is not a lifelong candidate, but a qualification to participate in next year's provincial examination.

If you pass the provincial examination again, you will be eligible to participate in the palace examination. If you fail the examination, then the qualification for juren will be lost, and you will need to re-examination for juren status after three years.

From this we can see the difficulty of the imperial examination in the Song Dynasty.

And if you pass the provincial examination and take the palace examination, it is basically a certainty that you can become an official, because the current palace examination does not recruit people.

Back then, a candidate named Zhang Yuan entered the palace examination and was rejected. Zhang Yuan felt resentful and ran to Xixia. Regarding the regulations for appointing officials.

To avoid brain drain.

After everyone got to know each other, Xie Yuanchou smiled and said to Lin Yi: "Brother Lin has become famous in Enzhou recently, and everyone knows that those two poems are quite talented."

Lin Yi waved his hand.

"Love and love, it's a joke."

Afterwards, what everyone talked about most was naturally next year's provincial exam, researching who the examiners are, what their preferences are, the latest current affairs and politics, what questions the court will ask, etc. It is actually no different from the modern exam.

After the banquet, everyone met again in Jeju, the provincial capital of spring.

Lin Yi walked to Baihua Pavilion, thinking that he would return to Qinghe in two days, but when he walked along a road, he heard the sound of shouting and drinking from a wide doorway, obviously a group of people were exercising.

Lin Yi looked up at the plaque.

"Enzhou Yuquan Gym".

Great Song,

In addition to the prosperity of literature, martial arts are also popular among the people.

After all, fighting for years and surrounded by powerful enemies, the people are eager to increase their force to save their lives in a precarious situation.

Therefore, many martial arts schools have emerged among the people.

There are corner clubs, championship clubs, Yinglue clubs, martial arts associations, etc., almost all major cities have them. The so-called corner clubs are sumo wrestling clubs, championship clubs practice crossbow shooting, and Yinglue clubs teach spear sticks. The most famous martial arts clubs are It belongs to Zhujiazhuang.

I heard that there is also the Jingcheng Yuquan Gym in Beijing, which is a government-run organization. What is going on with the Enzhou Yuquan Gym?

Could it be the local branch of the Imperial Boxing Gym in Beijing?
Lin Yi has been practicing boxing and kicking kung fu, but a large part of it is what he reads from the books, and the memory of the original body, but the original Lin Yi hired a boxing master, and he can only be regarded as a third-rate boxing master. After all, Qinghe It's just a local county, and it's impossible to have too clever masters.

He has always had the idea of ​​finding an expert to learn martial arts.

In order to learn martial arts, he competed with those bandits and bandits to steal skills, but those guys' martial arts are mediocre. He has the blessing of physical strengthening, and his strength, speed, endurance, and reaction are far beyond ordinary people. Those people are not his opponents at all.

So you can't learn anything from them.

Seeing this 'Enzhou Yuquan Gym' now, Lin Yi was delighted to see Lie Xin. He wondered if there were any good masters here. If there were good masters, he would be happy to spend a sum of money to learn some real kung fu.

Thinking of this,

Lin Yi stepped into the Enzhou Yuquan Gym.

(End of this chapter)

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