I just want to make money

Chapter 198 Finding a cure for stroke hemiplegia

Chapter 198 Finding a cure for stroke hemiplegia

Walking into the Enzhou Yuquan Gym, there was a group of people shouting and practicing boxing in the courtyard. Although it was already late autumn, they all showed their strong bodies with bare arms.

Someone saw Lin Yi coming in, and seeing Lin Yi dressed as a scholar, came over and asked, "I don't know why this young master is coming to the Yuquan Gym?"

"I plan to learn martial arts, so come in and have a look." Lin Yi said.

Although most scholars these days are powerless, there are also a group of people who practice literature and martial arts without falling behind. For example, Xin Qiji is famous for his articles. He dared to charge 50 people into an army of 5 to kill traitors.

This person thinks that Lin Yi is the kind of rich man, and it can be said that they are most willing to receive this kind of rich son, because the boxing gym also needs to make money to make a living. This kind of son is rich and pays high tuition fees.

"My lord, please wait a moment, I will report to the owner of the hall." He said hurriedly.

Lin Yi looked at the martial arts practitioners in the courtyard, some were practicing boxing, some were practicing sticks, some were practicing archery, Lin Yixin thought it was all right.

After a while the man came back, "My lord, please come with me to meet the owner of my house."

Lin Yi followed along.

In the hall of the main room, a middle-aged man with a handsome face stood there, and there were three middle-aged men beside him, and at the top seat, sat a hale and hearty old man with a gray beard.

Lin Yi walked into the room,

Several people looked at him.

"This is our owner, Li Xianwei, the owner of the library." The young man who led Lin Yi in introduced him.

Lin Yi hurriedly clasped his hands together, "I've met Master Li, my name is Lin Yi, my name is Dongyang, and I'm from Qinghe. I also practice some basic kung fu on weekdays. I came to Enzhou today and want to study in your Yuquan gym. Is it possible?"

The gym owner looked Lin Yi up and down, "You are in good shape, but you are a little thinner. I don't know what you have practiced?"

"I have dabbled in fists, feet, knives, guns and sticks, and I have also practiced bows and arrows." Lin Yi replied.

"I just heard you say that you have words, but you are a scholar?"

"I just passed the exam this time."

Several people in the room were stunned, and someone behind said: "I remembered, Lin Yi, this state test is No. 3."

The museum owner was a little surprised, "Since you have already passed the Juren examination, why don't you continue to study literature."

In this era, the status of literati is much higher than that of martial arts. Whether it is from the court or the people, this concept is deeply rooted. A small civil servant dares to point and scold the general. No matter how high the status of the general, he dare not easily offend the literati.

have to say,

It is also the tragedy of an era.

"I want to learn literature, and I also want to learn martial arts." Lin Yi said.

Why did he come to this world? It’s not for the exam to raise a scholar. He came to learn skills. The imperial examination is just a ladder for him to make money. The skills he learns are his own.

The curator Li persuaded him, so naturally he didn't persuade him anymore.

"Since that's the case, our Enzhou Yuquan Gym naturally welcomes it. In this way, if you show how you have practiced before, I can also formulate your exercise plan and designate a master to teach you." Li Li said.

Behind Li Guanzhu, there are several masters of Yuquan Gym.

Masters of fists, knives, guns and sticks, and bows and arrows are all here.

When everyone came to the compound, Li Guanzhu stood on the stage and shouted, "Everyone have a rest, make room for Mr. Lin to show off his martial arts."

Everyone stopped immediately and gathered around, looking at this guy in a scholar's robe curiously, wondering if such a person can also kung fu.

Someone in the crowd whispered that this is the new Juren who passed the exam this year, and everyone was even more surprised, Juren, why would he come here to practice martial arts when he is so good at not going to study, compose poems and visit brothels.

In my heart, I don't think Lin Yi will have any kung fu, maybe it's just some fancy punches and embroidered legs.

Lin Yi took off his clothes.

The book long robe is too inconvenient to move at all.

Someone next to him took it.

He took off his underwear again, revealing a body of strong tendons and well-defined muscles, which surprised many people.

I didn't expect that it looked thin, but there was meat in it.

I am afraid it took a lot of hard work to get this muscle. Many people here are not as strong as Lin Yi.

The originally contemptuous heart has subsided a lot.

On the steps, several masters of Yuquan Gym came out to watch, and the old man with gray beard was also among them. He looked at Lin Yi with great interest. Lin Yi rushed to the masters on the stage and clasped his hands together, and then practiced boxing and kicking.

For him, the role of punching and kicking is mainly to warm up.

hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo

Several punches were fierce, and the boxing master couldn't help but nodded, and said to Li Guanzhu and several other masters: "Although I can't tell what type of punch it is, it is very fierce, and the killing moves are one after another. Without any pretentiousness, this set of moves is most suitable for the military."

After warming up,

Lin Yi first used a set of stick techniques, and then a set of spear techniques. The gun stick master praised: "I can't see the way, but the moves are powerful and have a strong killing intent. It looks like they have been polished, even if I fight with them. Against each other, I dare not say that I won on the gun stick."

When Lin Yi picked up the hundred-jin stone lock with one shot, everyone in the courtyard was shocked.

Master Li asked himself that he was born with great strength, and he was also skilled in spears and sticks, but he couldn't even use the skill of lifting a hundred catties of stone locks with a spear.

Then, Lin Yi took out a few weapons from the weapon rack and practiced them one by one. Even a mace weighing seven to eighty kilograms, Lin Yi could easily wield it.

"Excellent strength, this is natural divine power, such a good root, it's a pity not to practice martial arts." Master Li said tut-tsk.

At last.

Lin Yi came to the archery area, picked up a bow that was one and a half stone, and shot at the target. Every arrow hit the bull's-eye without any deviation.

The people were even more shocked,

There is even this one-handed marksmanship.

The people present kept shouting hello.

At the beginning, they were not optimistic about Lin Yi, but now after Lin Yi rehearsed, they found that they were looking at people behind the door. This scholar obviously has extremely high martial strength, and with his natural supernatural power, not to mention students, even their instructors are also No one is Lin Yi's opponent.

The gray-bearded old man looked at Lin Yi with more and more admiration in his eyes.

Lin Yi finished training.

Putting back on his robes, he came up to the curator, cupped his hands and said, "Master Li, Lin Yi has little knowledge, please give me your advice."

Everyone was a little dazed, taking off their robes, they were a warrior, and putting on their robes, they immediately turned into scholars, which made them feel a little uncomfortable.

Master Li replied, "Lin Juren, even if you put your kung fu on the battlefield, you are still a strong general. The most I can wait is to point out some deficiencies."

Lin Yi didn't expect the owner Li to say this, and said: "There must be my teacher for three people. I practice alone, and there are always things that I can't. I came here to learn the shortcomings."

When Li Guan was mainly speaking, the old man with white beard said: "You are a good seedling, you can shine with a little polishing, brother Lin, is he willing to learn martial arts with the old man?"

The curator Li next to him was surprised, "Teacher, do you want to accept disciples?"

The old man nodded, "Seeing such rough jade, I am really happy to see it."

Master Li looked at Lin Yi and said, "Let me introduce to Lin Juren, this is my teacher, Shaanxi hero Zhou Tong, who used to be the highest boxer in the Royal Boxing Gym of the Imperial Academy, but now he is too old to teach anymore. It’s a blessing for you to be seen by the teacher.”

Lin Yi was shocked.

He had naturally heard of Zhou Tong's name.

Rumor has it that Zhou Tong once taught in the Imperial Boxing Gym in the capital, and there are few rivals in martial arts in the world. Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, Shi Wengong, Wu Song, and Yue Fei are all his apprentices.

In fact, not only them,

Many officers in the army have learned martial arts in the Imperial Boxing Gym in the capital. Zhou Tong can be said to be full of peaches and plums. When Lin Yi heard Zhou Tong's name, the first thing Lin Yi thought of was not his kung fu, but if he could learn from Zhou Tong, what would happen in the future? With this relationship alone, many generals can be easily won over.

Lin Yi cupped his hands to Zhou Tong, "Lin Yi has met Master Zhou Tong, I have heard of Mr. Zhou's name, but I never expected to see him here today."

The old man's respect for Lin Yi was very helpful.

"Would Brother Lin agree to my proposal just now?" Zhou Tong asked again.

"Naturally, Lin Yi is willing to worship Master Zhou as his teacher, and please accept his disciples." Lin Yi bowed and begged.

What happened next naturally followed suit.

in the living room,
Under the witness of Li Guanzhu and several martial artists, Lin Yi formally became a teacher and became Zhou Tong's personal disciple from then on.

Originally, Lin Yi came to pay homage to Master Li, but now the two have become brothers and sisters.

At the end of the apprenticeship, Lin Yi asked Zhou Tong, "Teacher, why are you in Enzhou?"

"I can't stay idle all the time. While I'm still in good health, I go around Yuquan gymnasiums and give advice as much as I can. It's a waste to bring things underground when you die," Zhou Tong said.

"Teacher, what else do you need to do here? If there is nothing wrong, I would like to invite you to stay at home for a few days, so that I can ask for advice every day." Lin Yi said.

"Qinghe County, yes." Zhou Tong nodded.

Lin Yi was overjoyed.

"Then I will pick up Master tomorrow, and we will take a boat to Qinghe."

Saying farewell to the master and several senior brothers, Lin Yi returned to Baihua Pavilion, called the steward and said, "Go to the canal and help me hire a good boat. I will return to Qinghe County tomorrow. Also, call a carriage to wait at the gate tomorrow morning." on."

The steward took the money and went to do it immediately.

Back in her small courtyard, when she told Mi Tao that she was planning to go back to Qinghe tomorrow, Mi Tao was very reluctant to part with her, but she knew her identity, and she had no right to say anything at all, but she served her more attentively at night.

The next day,

The carriage stopped at the entrance of Baihua Pavilion, and the servant loaded Lin Yi's salute into the carriage. Mi Tao reluctantly saw him off. At the entrance, Lin Yi took out a pearl necklace from his pocket.

"This is for you as a souvenir."

This string of pearl necklaces is worth dozens of strings at least.

The women around who came out to see him off were all envious.

Mi Tao held the necklace and shed tears. She knew that it would be difficult to see Mr. Lin again in this life, and it would be difficult for herself to meet such a man in the future.

Who said that Ji Zi is ruthless, but the fate has not reached the depths.

Lin Yi got into the car, and the coachman drove the carriage away, heading to the Yuquan Gym. On the third floor of Baihua Pavilion, in front of a window, Ruyan watched the carriage go away.

Sighed lightly.


It may be a lifetime to miss it.

When the carriage came to the Yuquan Gym, Zhou Tong was already ready, the owner of the gymnasium Li and others came out to see them off, Lin Yi bid farewell to everyone, and left with the teacher.

There was a boat waiting at the pier, and the two boarded the boat and settled down.

"Teacher, you can go to Qinghe in two days." Lin Yi said.

Zhou Tong nodded, "There's nothing else to do, let's have a chat. I watched you practice martial arts that day, and I had some thoughts in my mind."

"Teacher, what do you say?"

"Your basic skills can be said to be very solid now. In addition to your natural supernatural power and super fast reaction, you have achieved today's achievements. However, in some places, you have practiced carelessly. It seems that you have not been taught by a famous teacher?" Zhou Tong asked.

"When I was young, my father hired a boxer from the county, and naturally there was no school to talk about. Later, I just practiced randomly and figured it out by myself." Lin Yi said.

Zhou Tong was a little surprised, "With your own thinking, you can practice this kind of skill. I have to say that you are really a prodigy in martial arts."

"I see that you have big problems with using force, force, and energy. It can be said that you only rely on brute force. If you encounter someone who is worse than you, you can naturally solve it with three moves and five moves. But if you encounter someone with similar martial arts as you , after a long time, flaws will be exposed, and they will be broken by cleverness, and blindly using brute force will not last long."

"You don't know how to breathe out, do you?"

The method of breathing and exhaling?

Lin Yixin asked if there really was such a thing, and if he learned it, would he be able to release his internal energy and external energy like in the movie.

"Teacher, I don't know the method of breathing and exhaling."

"Well, I will teach you this later. I have a breathing technique called 'Little Zhoutian Operation Method', which can adjust breathing and move Qi and blood. Ordinary people have practiced it, and it can increase their strength by one or two times if it is advanced. And endurance, you must know that fighting on the battlefield is often not over in a short time, strength and endurance are very important."

Lin Yi nodded.

"Teacher, if you practice to the highest level, can you release your true energy and hurt the enemy?"

Zhou Tong looked at Lin Yi, "What's the matter with letting out your true energy, does farting count?"

I didn't expect the old man to be quite humorous.

Lin Yi also laughed.

"Nothing happened on board, I'll teach you the kung fu of breathing, exhaling, qi and blood transfer first. Have you read anything about the acupoints of the human body, but do you know which acupoints are in the body and where are they located?" Zhou Tong asked.

If Lin Yi doesn't understand, he has to teach him from the beginning.

"I know that the human body has a total of 361 acupoints, including eight extraordinary meridians and twelve serious meridians, and there are also some extraordinary acupoints."

Zhou Tong said, "You give pointers to yourself."

Lin Yi started to count all the way down from Baihui, every acupoint was tapped clearly, Zhou Tong was very satisfied, knowledge in martial arts is also very important, if you teach a fool, the master will be very tired.

"Okay, now I will teach you the method of breathing and breathing."

Then he explained to Lin Yi while moving, and after explaining it once, he asked, "How much do you remember?"

"I remember it all."

Zhou Tong was surprised, "Don't tell me you have the ability to never forget?"

"Almost, in short, the memory is not bad."

Zhou Tong was even happier, any teacher would be willing to accept such an apprentice.

"You do it again and I'll see."

Lin Yi followed what Zhou Tong said. In fact, the so-called breathing method is also recorded in Taoist books a lot, but when reading the book dryly, Lin Yi is afraid of making mistakes, and many key tricks are not recorded so clearly in the book. Otherwise, why do you need a master, so I have never dared to practice.

Now with the guidance of the master and the proof of knowledge, Lin Yi quickly got started.

Zhou Tong was very satisfied.

"Okay, now I will teach you the method of blood circulation."

Zhou Tong explained in great detail this time, how to move piles every day, how to control them with thoughts, and how to walk with internal strength.

Lin Yi memorized everything.

Zhou Tong asked him to repeat it, and Lin Yi said it word for word.

"Okay, then I will use my internal force to guide you to walk through the meridians. You record the route in your heart, and then you think about this route in your heart, push it with your mind, and return to the dantian after doing a circle. This will strengthen the dantian. In the future It can be obtained from Dantian when needed."

The more Lin Yi heard it, the more mysterious he felt.

But he absolutely believed it.

He thought that he had seen all the more mysterious ghosts, gods and demons before, so the mere internal skills were nothing.

Zhou Tong pressed his palm against the two big acupoints on Lin Yi's back, and then Lin Yi only felt a force enter his body through his palm, and then swam through his meridians.

a circle,
two circles,

three circles,

In fact, Lin Yi memorized the route after only one lap, and told the teacher that he had written it down. Zhou Tong continued to run it for two more laps, and asked him to write down the feeling of running.

Feeling is more important than route.

After three laps, Lin Yi looked at the old man again, his forehead was covered with sweat, which shows that this kind of exercise must have been exhausted.

"Teacher, take a rest." Lin Yi poured Zhou Tong a glass of rice wine and handed it over.

The old man drank the rice wine, let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "It's okay, but you have written everything down?"

"I remembered it all."

Zhou Tong smiled and said, "You really have outstanding aptitude. Among the disciples I have taught, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, Shi Wengong, Luan Tingyu, and Sun Li are all considered to have outstanding aptitude, but compared with you now, they are far behind. In the future, you Definitely better than them."

Lin Yi knew who the people the old man mentioned were the most powerful people in the Water Margin.

"Teacher, I have something to ask." Lin Yi asked.

"Ask." The old man took another sip of the rice wine.

"Teacher, can this method of internal energy operation help others treat stroke and hemiplegia?" After saying this, Lin Yi looked at the old man eagerly.

Zhou Tong smiled: "If you talk about the treatment of stroke hemiplegia, this qi and blood movement method is indeed effective. Stroke hemiplegia is a disease of qi and blood stasis. No birth, if the stagnated Qi and blood in the meridians are flushed away with internal force, the effect of treating stroke can indeed be achieved."

"Combined with acupuncture and moxibustion, the effect will be even better."

Lin Yi was overjoyed after hearing this.

Finally found a way to treat my mother's hemiplegia.

No matter how difficult this is, when I return to the real world, I must practice this "Little Zhou Tian Carrying Method" and then treat my mother.


The master said that it would be better with acupuncture.

Looking back, I started to learn Chinese medicine by myself. It is definitely better to find the best Chinese medicine of this era to learn than to explore by myself.

(End of this chapter)

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