Chapter 624 The game is broken

The two bid farewell to the Mohist disciples and continued to wander the streets.

It was discovered that in Jiangzhou City, some textile workshops and perfume workshops had already started construction.In response to the call of the imperial court, the Mohists are also stepping up efforts to repair official roads.

It is planned to let every village in Jiangzhou realize roads.

One whale falls and all things live.

After the fall of the giant Liu family in Jiangzhou, the Mo family used all the confiscated wealth for people's livelihood.Part of the money is distributed to the common people, and part of the money is used for construction.

Jiangzhou prospered instantly.

The small fish and shrimps that swam over were all feasting on the edge of the whale fall, and they were very happy to eat.

If in the previous feudal dynasties, such as the Tang and Song dynasties, if a giant like a whale fell down.It will be swallowed by another Big Mac in one gulp, and the little fish and shrimp will not be able to eat even a trace of nutrients.

Zhu Yuanzhang used Qin Yu's "Building a country with Tao", the situation is completely different.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Erhu left Jiangzhou City, planning to visit remote mountainous areas in private.

The lives of the people in remote mountainous areas can truly reflect the level of governance of the Mohist school.

"Old man, Jiangzhou is now governed by the Mo family, do you know?" Zhu Yuanzhang and Erhu came to a remote mountain village, which is said to be the poorest village in Jiangzhou.

At a ferry, Zhu Yuanzhang asked a villager.

"I know." The old man said, "The Mohist school is simply a life-saving bodhisattva!" "The Mohisthism is indeed a thousand-year-old school, the best among a hundred schools of thought."

"Is the Mo family really that good? Why don't we believe it?" Zhu Yuanzhang said deliberately.

"You don't believe that no one can force you." The villagers said flatly, "However, there is no semicolon other than the Mohists who can send relief money to the people with their own hands, and who have worked so hard to send it from thousands of miles away. "

"As an official of the imperial court, he is as close to the people as brothers, without any pretensions. Apart from the Mo family, I can't find anyone else."

"It seems that you have really received the money?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

"Of course." The villager said.

"If you haven't received the money, who will speak well for the Mo family behind their backs?"

"It's really good if the people say that the Mo family is good behind their backs."

The two visited several villages again and found that the situation was the same.The Mo family distributed the money given to the people by the court in place.

The Mohists passed Zhu Yuanzhang's test perfectly.


Zhu Yuanzhang and Erhu walked to the top of a big mountain. It was already the morning of the next day, and Zhu Yuanzhang looked up at the bright sunrise in the sky ahead.

Standing for a long time!

A rush of blood surged into my heart, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang roared up to the sky.

"It's broken!"

"It's broken!"

He kept talking.

"Your Majesty, what broke the situation?" Erhu asked puzzled.

"The feudal dynasties in Chinese history have never lived longer than 300 years. All dynasties seem to have entered a cycle and entered a 300-year curse." Zhu Yuanzhang said.

"The people of Huaxia are also in a nightmare, suffering unspeakably."

"But today, the Ming Dynasty has broken, and the Ming Dynasty has stepped out of the cycle,"

"Out of the curse!"

"And the proof that the Ming Dynasty got out of the curse is Jiangzhou!"

"With the living example of Jiangzhou, who said that the Ming Dynasty had no civilization?"

In Zhu Yuanzhang's current mood, Zhao Jinmai and Bai Jingting found Aunt Guo, and it was not in a hurry.

"Why?" Erhu asked.

"Jiangzhou has no land annexation, Jiangzhou has no high and low, Jiangzhou has no unnecessary oppression!" Zhu Yuanzhang said, "Jiangzhou now is like a natural ecological environment that conforms to the way of heaven. The Mohists do things for the people, relying It is the law, not the idea, and they have the pressure of a wolf to survive as a wolf."

"The way of heaven lasts forever!"

"Mr. said that natural ecology has never died from the moment it was formed until now."

"In other words, if all the states and counties of the Ming Dynasty were like Jiangzhou, then the Ming Dynasty could last for hundreds of millions of years!"

"A dynasty with hundreds of millions of years!?"

"Just like nature, live the same life as the heaven and the earth, and shine with the sun and the moon."

"We Chinese people have always paid attention to the unity of man and nature, and have been pursuing the unity of man and nature. Combining the structure of human society with the way of heaven, we have achieved the unity of man and nature!!!"

"The emperor is wise!" Erhu said.

"It's Mr. Qin's sage." Zhu Yuanzhang said,
"It is also his idea to establish the country with Tao and let the various schools of thought govern the region." Zhu Yuanzhang said, "Jiangzhou is just an experimental field. In the future, the various schools of thought will govern larger places and provinces."

"Each has its own style."

"Of course, they can't violate the "General Law of Ming Dynasty""

"Let's go, let's go back to Beijing!"



Inside the government office.

On the opposite wall, there is a portrait of Mozi.

"My lord, the Mohists have now gained the approval of the people of Jiangzhou." A Mohist disciple came in to report.

"Master Juzi, the people of Jiangzhou live a prosperous life and live and work in peace and contentment." Not long after, another disciple came in to report.

"Master Juzi, someone has come to send an order saying that the emperor has already come, and he is visiting privately in Weifu. He is very satisfied with the current situation in Jiangzhou." Another female disciple came in and said.

The giant respectfully painted Mozi's portrait, after burning three sticks of incense.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Master Mo Zi, have you heard everything?" Fu Buqian said in a trembling voice as he faced the portrait, "The Mo family finally realized their wish to govern states and counties in the Hongwu Dynasty more than 1000 years later."

"And it's not badly managed."

"This proves to the world, to the people of the world, that Mohism's ideology is feasible."

"Use the facts to prove the feasibility of the Mohist theory!"

"Woooooo..." Hearing Lord Juzi's prayer to the sage Mozi, all the Mohist disciples were so excited that they almost shed tears.They knelt down and cried bitterly.

More than 1000 years.

More than 1000 years.

The Mohists finally realized their value.

Let the ideas of this academic school last forever.

You must know that during the Spring and Autumn Period, even Mo Di himself did not have the opportunity to govern the prefectures and counties.

But now, Mohist disciples can put Mo Di's thoughts into practice.

Also received good results.

If Mo Zhai had a spirit in heaven, he would see the current situation of the Mohist school and see that the disciples of the Mohist school have really governed Jiangzhou with his theories.Mo Di was probably so excited that he lifted the coffin boards.

"More than 1000 years!"

"More than 1000 years!"


Mohist disciples muttered to themselves,
Mohism was suppressed by successive feudal dynasties for more than 1000 years, and they were also suppressed for more than 1000 years.

Now turned over,
Raise your eyebrows!

That feeling is really hard to describe in words.

Those who have not personally experienced it cannot understand the excitement in their hearts.

Apart from kowtowing to the portrait of the ancestral sage Mozi, they seemed to have no other way to vent their feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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