"Mo family, I hope you will continue to work hard!" Zhu Yuanzhang said to the Mo family from a distance after entering the city of Yingtian Mansion, "Govern Jiangzhou well and set a good example for other schools of thought."

"Because it won't be long before we go back to our country and vigorously promote the Mohist model."

But in Jiangzhou, the Mohists are doing a lot of economic construction and improving people's livelihood at the same time.It is also gradually realized, so that Jiangzhou has the characteristics of Mohism.

What are the unique characteristics of Mohism, a thousand-year-old school and one of the representatives of the contending schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn Period?Is their academics suitable for governing the people?
Mozi founded Mohism in the pre-Qin period.And put forward the views of "universal love", "non-attack", "admiration of the virtuous", "advocacy of the same", "Tianzhi", "Minggui", "non-life", "non-joy", "festival burial" and "festival use".

Take universal love as the core, and use frugality and honoring the virtuous as the fulcrum.

Created a set of scientific theories with outstanding achievements in geometry, physics, and optics.Mohism had a great influence in the pre-Qin period, and it was called the two "big schools" together with Confucianism.

The contention among a hundred schools of thought during the Warring States period was known as "non-Confucianism and Mohism".

The first feature: both love and non-aggression.

Mozi's theory of "non-destiny" and "universal love" is in opposition to Confucianism's "destiny" and "love with gradations".

It believes that "officials are not forever expensive, and people are never cheap", and requires that "the hungry get food, the cold get clothes, and the tired get rest."Many of them have simple materialism.

The so-called universal love includes the meaning of equality and fraternity.Mozi asked monarchs and ministers, fathers and sons, and brothers to love each other on the basis of equality, and to love others is like loving oneself. He believed that the phenomenon of the strong and the weak, the rich bullying the poor, and the high and low in society is because people in the world do not love each other. due to.

The so-called non-aggression is a war against injustice.

Mohists believe that in order to prevent unjust wars, one must first become strong.So all Mohist disciples practice martial arts.Only when one's own martial arts is strong can one stop other people's evil deeds.

For this reason, the Mo family held many martial arts training classes in Jiangzhou.

The second characteristic of the Mohists is Tian Zhi Ming Gui.

Tian Zhi, the Mohists believe that Tian has personality, noble and intelligent, generous but not virtuous, and its wisdom lasts for a long time, so you should use the sky as the yardstick to measure your behavior.

This is naturally similar to Taoism.

Ming ghosts believe in the existence of souls after death.If someone kills civilians out of anger, he will suffer the revenge of the soul.

It’s not like Confucianism who doesn’t believe in ghosts and gods. If you don’t believe in ghosts and gods, you will do bad things without restraint. Anyway, after doing bad things, you won’t be retaliated by evil spirits. It’s better to do more.

Shangxian means respecting the sages.

Mozi's "Shangxian Pian" said: For example, if you want to have all the scholars who are good at archery in your country, you must be rich, honorable, respectful, and praised.

It means that the imperial court should fully respect those capable sages, making them rich if they are rich, enhancing their status if they are expensive, respecting them if they are respectful, and honoring them if they are praised.

Non-music means to abolish those worthless actors and flashy music.

Shangxian and Feile can be summed up in one word: respect scientists and reduce the income of film and television stars.

Festive burials, frugal use, is to advocate the abolition of high betrothal gifts, and funerals are arranged wantonly, and the graves are danced.

Still the same: It is advocated that the book is the same as the text and the car is on the same track.

"Your Majesty, through Jiangzhou and his party, the more the general comes into contact with the Mohists, the more he thinks the Mohism is great." Er Hu said.

"Of course the Mohism is great." Zhu Yuanzhang said, "During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the common people were not Confucianists but Mohists. If Confucianism did not cater to the feudal aristocracy at that time, do you think Mohism would not be able to develop?"

"If it was Mohism instead of Confucianism that developed in the first place, it must be China's luck! Even any of the hundreds of schools of thought is a thousand times better than Confucianism."

"The Chinese nation went astray at that time."

"If you don't go astray, my Han family will be invincible in the world!"

"Fortunately, now the emperor has broken it back again." Er Hu said.

"Some people say that Confucianism became what it is today through the evolution of countless emperors, and became a tool of the rulers, so Confucianism is actually innocent." Zhu Yuanzhang said, "But in fact, it is a kind of Melons reap melons, sow beans reap beans, only the seeds of poisonous weeds can grow poisonous weeds."

"It can be seen from the core of Confucianism and the restoration of Zhou rituals."

"The essence of Zhou Li is to restore the ranks of the Zhou Dynasty, and the universal love of the Mohists is precisely to promote equality, which is the opposite of Zhou Li and slavery."

"It can be said that if Confucianism hadn't catered to the nobles, it would have been abandoned by the common people long ago."

"If the common people won the victory instead of the feudal nobles..."


The successful case of the Mohist governing Jiangzhou quickly caused a sensation in the Ming Dynasty!

The rest of the schools were excited when they heard the words: Mohism can do it, so can we!

"The only thing we need to do now is for the emperor to give us a chance."

"When we were operating in various provinces, it was difficult because there were feudal nobles intertwined. However, the emperor was decisive and gave the Mo family a clean 'Jiangzhou!'"

"Your Majesty, we also need a 'clean' place to show off our ambitions."

"If you want to get a clean place, you have to..."

"If you want to get rid of a thousand-year-old cancer and a thousand-year-old disease, you must bleed, and you have to bleed a lot."

"I heard from the dean that because of the influence of the Central Plains Dynasty, the Japanese Bushido is more terrifying than the loyal emperor preached by our Confucianism. However, when an earth-shattering event happened, their Bushido spirit disappeared..."

The success of the Mohist School has made all schools of thought full of confidence.

Some people with lofty ideals who really loved Daming saw hope again.

It seems to have seen, descendants of Yanhuang, full of bright future.I saw a successful example of building a country with morality.

Some people cheer, others cry.

"What Emperor Zhu actually killed Liu's family and ransacked all of Liu's family, as well as the prefect of Zhao?" In Yingtian Mansion, a speaker of a nobleman's expression froze after hearing the news.

Said to the peer next to him.

"This person is indeed a murderous monster!" Another person said, "Working with a boss like Zhu Yuanzhang is simply bad luck for eight lifetimes."

Although he said so in his mouth, he didn't mean to give up his position to others at all.

"Since working with Zhu Yuanzhang is bad luck for eight lifetimes, you fucking gave up the position to me." The servant next to him cursed secretly in his heart.

Although he was cursing in his heart, his face remained calm, "Not only are you unwilling to give up your position, but you even sharpened your heads to play on it. Is this what you call unlucky?"

"The Ming Dynasty has been established for five years, and I have never heard of it. There is a big official who voluntarily gave up his position to others."

"Except for some idiots."

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