"Do you know why the Liu family was killed?" Suddenly, a person named Zeng Jing asked.This person is the backstage of the Liu family in Ying Tian Mansion.After hearing that the Liu family was captured by the emperor in Jiangzhou and the situation was irreversible, Zeng Jing directly sent someone to silence the Liu family's eyes and ears in Yingtian Mansion, cutting off all contact with the Liu family.

However, in front of other feudal nobles who were related to her by marriage, Zeng Jing was filled with righteous indignation towards the affairs of the Liu family, showing that she was full of justice.

With sophistication and sophistication, he was perfected by this old fox.

"I don't know." The crowd said one after another.

In fact, everyone present knew the real purpose of Zhu Yuanzhang's killing spree in Jiangzhou.

Because they are not only not stupid, but very smart.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang finally sent the Mohists to govern, and established Jiangzhou as a model... If the crowd can't guess this, they are not worthy of being feudal nobles and elite families.

Although they all knew Lao Zhu's real purpose, they all acted like they didn't know it at all.

"Why did Your Majesty want to destroy the nine clans of the Liu family? And because of this incident, he killed more than 1 'innocent' people in Jiangzhou." A feudal noble named Zhao Heshan asked.

"Afterwards, I also learned the cause of the whole incident. The main reason is that the Liu family offended the emperor." Zeng Jing said.

"The Liu family just offended the emperor, so they will be executed by the whole family?" Li Hua sighed, "And the entire Jiangzhou, more than 1 people died because of it!?"

"How about calling a companion like a tiger?" Zhao Shanhe said.

"Yes! Companion to a king is like companion to a tiger."

"In Emperor Zhu's eyes, human life is worthless."

Everyone in the crowd sighed.

"I also know why the Liu family offended Emperor Zhu." Zeng Jing said again.

"How did you offend?" the crowd asked one after another.

"That day, the emperor took Erhu to Jiangzhou Weifu for a private visit. He met two soldiers guarding the gate and wanted to collect their tolls." Zeng Jing said, "The soldiers want to charge 200 taels of silver."

"As we all know, the tolls collected by the local government are also to relieve financial pressure."

"However, Emperor Zhu was exposed because of this. He mobilized Lanyu's [-] troops overnight, ransacked Xiaobing's family, the whole family of Liu's family, and killed all the officials, big and small, in Jiangzhou!"

"A total of more than 1 people were beheaded."

"Heads are rolling and blood is flowing like rivers."


The crowd was dumbfounded: "Emperor Zhu, for a mere 200 taels of silver, you killed more than 1 people!?"

"This life, in his eyes, is not worth two pennies!"

The implication could not be more obvious:
Emperor Zhu is a tyrant,
Emperor Zhu is a murderer.

They said that Zhu Yuanzhang killed more than 200 people for 1 taels of silver, which is considered benevolent.Because they can completely fabricate the story that Zhu Yuanzhang killed more than 1 people for a steamed bun.

"Oh! Our Majesty..." Zeng Jing sighed, "How can I put it, although there are some industries, but the killing is too..." At this point, it seems that I can't bear to say any more.

"Working under such an emperor, you can only ask for blessings." Zhao Heshan sighed.

The implication is that they all feel that it is dangerous to work under Zhu Yuanzhang, and it is a terrible thing.However, the crowd did not mention a word about resignation.

Because if they dare to resign,
Zhu Yuanzhang really dared to agree.

It has been tried before.

After a few days,

A rumor spread throughout the streets and alleys of Yingtianfu: Zhu Yuanzhang killed more than 1 people in Jiangzhou because of two hundred silver coins.Therefore, a nursery rhyme was compiled, and the children sang it on the streets of Yingtianfu.

Feudal aristocrats, there are more scholars,

For them, making up nursery rhymes is simply a piece of cake.

At that time, there was a Fengyang Flower Drum song circulating in Fengyang, "Fengyang is a good place. Since the birth of Zhu Yuanzhang, there has been a shortage of nine years in ten years."

this song,

It is similar to the nursery rhymes first compiled by the nobles.

According to the "History of the Ming Dynasty", after Lao Zhu became the emperor, Fengyang has not been deserted for even a year... However, there are many relatives of Lao Zhu who are dissatisfied with the rewards given to them by the emperor...

Since nursery rhymes, rumors, spread in the streets and alleys.

A lot of people actually believed it.

And among the believers, there are still many ordinary people.

"The Mohists have already made achievements in Jiangzhou. It seems that our Legalists will follow suit. The Mohists are admired by the world. If the Legalists don't make any achievements, they will be ridiculed by the world. I'm sorry for Mr. Guanzi." The leader of the Legalists said.

Guan Zhong is called the last guardian of Chinese civilization, do you know what it means?

Because what Guan Zhong guarded was the legal system, the legal system he formulated at that time was very perfect.If Guan Zhong's legalist theory continues, this land has already entered civilization.

Later, Guan Zhong died of illness, and the legalist theory he advocated was submerged by the long river of history.

The advanced Legalist legal system was replaced by Confucianism.

Therefore, Guan Zhong is the last guardian of Chinese civilization.

"It's a pity that the Mohists are facing a clean Jiangzhou, but our Legalists are not facing the province." The scholar under his hand said, "Besides, Shaanxi Province is located in a remote place, with high mountains and far away from the emperor, and the feudal aristocracy is even stronger. more rampant..."

After the Legalists were assigned to Shaanxi by Zhu Yuanzhang, facing the powerful feudal aristocratic forces, they could only shrink back.If the theory put forward slightly violates the will of the local snake, it will be suppressed and even life-threatening.If they were not sent by the emperor, they were from Jixia Academy, the Legalists, a hundred schools of thought,
It has long been wiped out by the local feudal nobles.

If you switch to Confucianism, you won't...

Not only will they not destroy Confucianism, but they will also regard Confucianism as a saint.

The survivability of the two in the sewage ditch is not the same.

"As long as His Majesty is willing to give us soldiers, we will be able to manage this place well." The leader of the Legalist family said with a sudden look of concentration.It seems that the power of the feudal aristocracy cannot use reason to influence them.

It doesn't work to use tweeting orders, because they are all smart people.

Moreover, it is a centipede insect that is dead but not stiff, and it is a water bear insect with extremely strong vitality.

Only with knives and guns can change.



"Sir, tell us a historical story."

The carriages are rushing towards Qom, the capital of Persia.In the car, there were Abbas chief Bei Yang, Qin Yu, and Xu Da, among whom Xu Da said.

The journey is so boring,
Xu Da asked Qin Yu to tell him about history.

Bei Yang, on the other hand, listened to historical stories.

"Okay." Qin Yu said, instead of talking nonsense to them, he started talking directly, and said very casually, "The Three Kingdoms period was actually the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty."

"There is a prince named Lu Bu."

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