I am building a fairy garden on earth

Chapter 231 Tongtian River Dragon Palace

Chapter 231 Tongtian River Dragon Palace

Xu Boqing explored at the bottom of the river...

According to historical records, Fushan Weir is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, and the whole body is made of stone. If the embankment breaks naturally, even if the river is so turbulent that it can wash away the stone, there will inevitably be some large stones left at the bottom of the river...

Moreover, the dike broke naturally, and the foundation of the Fushan Weir could not be completely damaged, and there must be some residues...

But as he entered the water, he found that the Fushan Weir seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Not to mention the remaining large stones, the foundation at the bottom of the river was gone!
He used his Celestial Eye to search around the bottom of the river, the more he frowns, the more doubts he has in his heart.

Could it be that, as the two fish monsters said, the Fushan Weir did not burst, but was moved away by the Dragon King! ?
Dragon King, Ao Lan is the closest to here...

And Ao Lan, as a real dragon, has profound and unpredictable abilities. She does have the ability to move Fushanyan away, but there must be a reason for everything to happen. Why did she move Fushanyan away?

The purpose?
Moreover, as the Dragon King of Tongtianhe Dragon Palace, she must have many water gods under her command, so it is impossible not to know how much murder this move will cause.

But if it wasn't her, then which side of the Dragon King moved the Fushan Weir?

No matter how hard he thought, Xu Boqing couldn't figure out the reason for this, so he searched the bottom of the river and returned to the surface of the river again.

The two fish demons also jumped out of the river following them. Although they are simple, they are not stupid. A few drops of the master's blood can make him enlightened, and he must be a master of immortality.

This thigh needs to be held tight...

Ben Bo Erba saw that the master looked a little unhappy, and he seemed to be looking for something at the bottom of the river just now, so he asked cautiously: "What is the master looking for, why don't you let the younger one do it for you?"

"I didn't find anything."

Xu Boqing shook his head, glanced at the two monsters, and asked, "Are you sure you heard the dragon chant that day?"

"The little one dares to lie to the master."

Ben Bo'erba nodded like a pounding garlic, and said: "At that time, the little one was red... Babo'erba really heard the dragon chant, the sound was extremely terrifying, and all the fish in the river were running out."


Babo'erben also echoed and said: "Both of us are from the Shui tribe. Although we have never seen the Dragon King or heard the dragon's chant, we can only feel chills in our bones when we hear that voice. We are definitely not wrong."


Xu Boqing nodded thoughtfully, and asked, "Besides the sound of the dragon chant that day, did you two hear other movements? Or saw other strange things?"


The two fish monsters looked at each other and shook their heads.

"At that time, I was scared out of my guts, so I didn't dare to look at it."


Xu Boqing pondered for a while, and said: "You two stay here for the time being, don't do evil, don't run around, if someone finds you, just hide."

He paused, and then said again: "On the premise of ensuring your own safety, you can write down the appearance of the future."


Ben Bo Erba seemed to have noticed something, and asked cautiously: "Master, are you leaving?"


Xu Boqing didn't hide it, and said bluntly: "There are a lot of things involved in this matter, I have to ask a friend about it."

"My lord, my lord..."

When Babo Erben heard that the master was leaving, he hurriedly said: "The younger one hasn't repaid his favor yet, why don't you take the younger one with you if the master wants to leave?"

"Yeah yeah…"

Ben Bo'erba also echoed and said: "Master, don't look at the little one's strength, but you can take it with you, run errands, make tea and other chores, right?"

"Want to follow me!?"

Xu Boqing glanced at them, and asked with a half-smile: "I'm going to ask the Dragon King for an explanation, and you want to follow?"


The two fish demons couldn't help shivering when they heard the words...

"Your practice time is still short..."

Xu Boqing shook his head, and said: "I have a disciple who will perform the post of water god in Qianling River soon, and a new water mansion will be built at that time. If you two can practice well here, I will find a job for you."

"Ah, this..."

Ben Bo Erba and Ba Bo Er Ben looked at each other, their faces were full of joy, then they knelt down on the water and said in unison: "Thank you, Master, for your kindness!"


Xu Boqing shook his head, then turned into a ray of light and soared into the sky.

Only two silly fish demons were left there giggling...

The Tongtian River traverses the Dongsheng Continent, with countless tributaries connecting the four seas. Even the Qianling River that flows through several countries is just a larger tributary of the Tongtian River.

There is a stone monument by the river.

There are three characters of "Tongtianhe" engraved on the stele.

And under these three big characters, there are two lines of small characters: "Across eight hundred miles, few people have traveled since ancient times"...

Xu Boqing could hear the roaring waves when he was still in the air, and when he saw the Tongtian River, which was as dazed as the sea, he had made enough mental preparations, and his mind was still shocked...

The moon is soaked in bright light, and the vast shadows float in the sky.

Lingpai swallows the sun and the moon, flowing through hundreds of rivers.

There are thousands of layers of turbulent waves rolling, and thousands of steep waves.

There is no fishing fire at the port, and there are herons sleeping in the sand.

Dazed like the sea, looking even more boundless.

He stood on the river to watch the scenery of Tongtian River, hesitated for a while and fell into the water. He wanted to visit his sister-in-law's house directly, but when he saw the bottomless river, he couldn't help but encountered another difficulty...

He predicted that the Tongtian River must be very wide, deep, long, and huge, but he really didn't expect it to be this wide, deep, and great!
And the two times I met my sister-in-law were gentlemen, and I have always been as indifferent as water. Although I said I was going to visit, I never asked for directions...

So now that I come to Tongtian River, I don't know how to get to the Dragon Palace!
There is a feeling of Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden...

Xu Boqing fled to the depths of the river, but he was also secretly anxious, when will he find it like this?
Suddenly, his eyes moved slightly as if he thought of something, and thought to himself: "Since it is the Dragon Palace, there must be patrolling shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the river. If I can't find the Dragon Palace, why not attract shrimp soldiers and crab generals and let them lead the way?" '

As soon as he said it, he flicked his sleeves, and the true energy in his body gushed out, the waves at the bottom of the river flowed, and the soft energy continued to spread outwards, and layers of waves were also set off on the Tongtian River...

He glanced around, and didn't know whether it was because the Tongtian River was too deep, too big, or because the movement was too quiet. He waved his sleeves and didn't wait for the patrolling shrimp soldiers and crab generals...

"Sister-in-law, offended..."

Xu Boqing muttered, and then his cuffs trembled slightly, and the 36 spirit beads that had not been refined flew out from the cuffs, and the light on the beads suddenly appeared, and then they quickly spun in all directions!
In an instant...

Ripples at the bottom of the river scattered in all directions, the sand and sand swirled in all directions, the water plants tumbling and dancing, and the river surface also set off bursts of monstrous waves...

The movement is more than ten times stronger than before!
'Should be able to sense this time, right? '

And at this time in the Dragon Palace of Tongtian River...

Ao Lan was dressed in fine clothes, resting her chin on her hands and dozing on the dragon bed. Suddenly, she seemed to sense something, and she woke up from her sleep with a slight frown...

Following one after another of ripples, it was as if an earthquake had occurred in the Dragon Palace. The tables and chairs were shifted, the cups and plates were overturned, and even the clam girl was shrunk into the two shells...

"Sir Dragon Lord!!"

A guard of the Dragon Palace wearing armor and holding a halberd but with a shrimp head rushed over in a hurry. Seeing that the Dragon King had been awakened, his feet were so frightened that his feet went limp. He knelt down and said tremblingly: " Someone cast spells in Tongtian River to cause chaos..."


Ao Lan stood up and waved her sleeves, the trembling Dragon Palace became quiet again, and then asked: "Do you know who is causing the disturbance?"

"Small... small I don't know."

Commander Xie Shou hurriedly said: "But Commander Xie and Bat Parade have already led troops to arrest him."

"Understood, let's go down."


The shrimp leader bowed and retreated...

Ao Lan looked at the ripples outside the palace, and murmured beautifully and slightly: "The movement is not small, I would like to see, who dares to make trouble in front of my Dragon Palace!!"

After all, she flicked her fingers, and the water in front of her seemed to condense into a mirror, revealing a picture...

And the image in that screen is the 36 spinning spirit beads, and Xu Boqing, the source of the movement.


 Been running outside for two days.

  The amount is a bit small, and the update is too late, I am really sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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