I am building a fairy garden on earth

Chapter 233 4 Sea Dragon Palace

Chapter 233

Xu Boqing curled his toes, then seemed to think of something, raised his eyebrows and asked back: "Then according to my sister-in-law, what is the meaning of my pseudonym 'Xu Genshuo'?"


Ao Lan came to see the embarrassment of the cheap little uncle, and held back a smile in her heart, but she didn't expect him to kick the 'ball' back...

Seeing him pretending to be serious, she seemed to have thought of something she was ashamed to say, her cheeks were on fire, and she said lightly, "This is your alias, sister-in-law doesn't know what it means."

After all, seeing that the cheap little uncle had a smile on his lips, as if he was watching her own joke, she quickly changed the topic, and said in a reproachful voice: "Dragon Palace is here, don't be confused next time."

Seeing his sister-in-law's beauty that suits both happiness and anger, Xu Boqing's thoughts seemed to drift away, and he subconsciously said: "It's so beautiful..."


Ao Lan sounded suspicious, seeing him looking at her, she couldn't help but panic, she hastily shifted her gaze elsewhere, and said dully: "Don't... don't talk nonsense."

"But it's so beautiful..."


"Sister-in-law's Dragon Palace is brightly lit, the whole body is blue, and dragon beads hang on the eaves of the palace, lingering and full of strange flowers; the tide surges and the silver mountain fish enters the cave, and the snow waves turn over and leave the abyss..."

Xu Boqing sighed, then changed the topic, and laughed teasingly: "This situation, this scene, and this Dragon Palace are hard to find in the world. Isn't it beautiful?"


Ao Lan saw that it was her own Dragon Palace that she praised instead of herself, and when she thought of her attitude just now, she couldn't help but feel hot, and a sense of shame gushed out of her heart.

Seeing the smothered smile on the cheap little uncle's cheek, she was both ashamed and annoyed, but she couldn't get angry, so she could only grit her silver teeth lightly and say, "It's quite beautiful."


Xu Boqing also knew that he was dragging to a certain extent, and added a sentence pointingly: "People are more beautiful~"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for his sister-in-law to respond, he strolled into the Dragon Palace in a familiar way, like a curious baby, looking here and there.

Seeing this, Ao Lan followed up with a soft snort, and introduced the various palaces and halls of the Dragon Palace, as well as various beautiful things.

The clam girl and fish girl in the palace had already prepared the food and drinks. They saw a man sightseeing in the Dragon Palace, and his Dragon King was still introducing him. The two talked and laughed like a couple of golden boys and girls. It is surprise.

Although the Dragon Lord is kind, he is a real dragon after all, and he is not angry and pretentious on weekdays. They have never seen their Dragon Lord treat others so gently and pleasantly, especially outsiders.

"Who is that person?"

"I haven't seen it, it doesn't seem to be our aquarium."

"Extremely, even the Dragon Lords from all over the world have come, and we have never seen our Dragon Lord receive him like this."


All the clam girls and fish mothers hid in the corner and talked about it, and the most discussed one was who was the man in the moon white gown.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Seeing this, the plump female clam manager reprimanded her, and said meaningfully: "That person is a distinguished guest at the banquet of the Dragon Lord, and he is also a living true immortal, how can you talk about it?"

"Yes Yes Yes…"

"What are you going to do?"


Xu Boqing took a rough tour of the Dragon Palace, saw the mountains of coral and jewels, the fish playing in groups, and the swaying algae. He couldn't help sighing: "Sister-in-law, this Dragon Palace is really a fairyland on earth."

"This is going to make my sister-in-law..."

Ao Lan shook her head and said, "My sister-in-law has only lived in the Tongtianhe Palace for five hundred years, and the Four Seas Dragon Palace has been passed down for countless years. That is the real paradise."

Her voice paused, as if thinking of something unsettling, she said with a sense of loss and self-mockery: "Compared to that, what is the Dragon Palace, sister-in-law?"

"Dragon Palace of the Four Seas?"

Xu Boqing raised his brows when he heard the words, and faintly felt that his sister-in-law's mood seemed to have changed when she talked about the Four Seas Dragon Palace, so he asked tentatively: "Sister-in-law doesn't seem to have a good impression of the Four Seas Dragon Palace?"

"Not really..."

Ao Lan shook her head, with some hesitation in her expression...

Immediately thinking of the cause and effect between Xu Boqing and his uncle and sister-in-law, they can be regarded as his own family, and he said bluntly: "All living beings are in various forms, the world is too big, and there are too many dragons. If there are harmonious and kind people, there will naturally be rude and vulgar ones." .”

"Brutal and uncouth..."

Xu Boqing murmured with his eyes slightly moving, and then asked: "The Four Seas Dragon Palace doesn't care about those rude and vulgar people?"


Ao Lan jokingly said: "Most of the dragons of the four seas are relatives, so push forward, maybe the parents and grandparents are still the same family, the relationship is intricate, and naturally there are not a few people who refuse to obey the discipline.

Moreover, the four seas are boundless and boundless, even if the Dragon Palace of the four seas wants to manage it, it can't manage it..."

"I see…"

Xu Boqing nodded thoughtfully, then seemed to think of something, and asked solemnly: "Sister-in-law, do you still recognize the cause and effect of uncle and sister-in-law with Boqing?"

When they first met, Ao Lan once said, "My husband's family died young, and I still have a son. If I don't come out to pick up the burden to make a living, I'm afraid that both my mother and I will starve to death."

And just now when she mentioned the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, she had a sullen look on her face, and what she said later as "the arrogant and vulgar ones" is self-evident...

In the mundane world, the bullies who bully the neighbors and dominate the market are those who are orphans, widows and old people, but Ao Lan and his wife, who are orphans and widows, and their son is still autistic. If they have not been harassed by the so-called rude and vulgar people, why would they get angry? ?

Ao Lan couldn't understand what he said, but seeing his serious face, she also responded seriously: "Of course I admit it."

"Just admit it..."

Xu Boqing nodded slightly, and then asked again: "The uncle and sister-in-law can be regarded as a family?"


Ao Lan frowned and nodded, "Of course."

"Since we are a family, let's not talk about two families..."

Xu Boqing pointedly said: "Boqing has been wandering around the mundane world all year round. Although his cultivation base is not very deep, he still has some brute force. He knows several real immortals and Buddhas."

His voice paused, and then he said seriously: "If there are people who don't have good eyesight and come here to make trouble, sister-in-law, as a dragon king, it is inconvenient to come forward, so you may as well tell me.

I am not an aquarium, and I am not related to them, so it is easier to deal with them. "


Ao Lan's expression was a little dazed upon hearing this...

She has practiced for thousands of years, and said that she spent most of her time in Dragon Palace, but her experience is not shallow, so she can naturally hear the meaning behind what this little uncle said.

More than 800 years ago...

At that time, she was still in the body of a dragon, and she was already pregnant and waiting to give birth, and her husband's family wanted to gain dragon energy for the unborn child and deepen the foundation of fortune, so they chose to forcibly transform into a dragon.

I never thought that when I walked into the water, there would be too much movement, and I would cause too many murders. Afterwards, the thunder calamity would add to my body, and it happened to be discovered by the celestial masters. After a big battle, I finally died under the thunder calamity.

After giving birth, she found out that her husband's family had passed away...

Orphaned and widowed, they are often harassed by dragons from all over the world, coveting...

And Ao Lan also has a strong personality. Her husband's family died young, and she didn't want to become a subordinate of those "evil neighbors", so she stepped forward to pick up the burden.

Not only did it grow up the child, but it also turned itself into a dragon, which made those "evil neighbors" with ulterior motives calm down.

But that's just a pause...

And after hearing Xu Boqing's "parenting theory" last time, she also realized that her son was more than 800 years old before she knew it, and she had been doting on her for more than 800 years.

After returning to the palace, he cruelly drove Ao Xing out of the palace to practice in the world. On the one hand, he hoped that he would become a talent, and on the other hand, he also hoped that he could take on the burden of the family.

At least…

Don't let people bully you?

But now, even my own son didn't understand the difficulties, but the brother-in-law I knew did understand, and what he said was full of favoritism...

Over the past 800 years, she has been coveted, harassed, and feared by her own race, but this is the first time she has experienced the feeling of being favored by others...

That kind of genuine and unfaltering care made her feel sour on the tip of her nose for a while.

"Thank you Boqing for your kindness."

She pursed her lips, smiled calmly and said: "Before transforming into a dragon, there were some young people who disturbed me, but now there are no ignorant people who dare to come here to make trouble."

"Nothing, there is proof."

Xu Boqing shook his head, and said seriously: "Sister-in-law is not only the lord of the Dragon Palace, but also Susu's godmother and my sister-in-law. My elder brother died young, and others bullying my brother-in-law is no different from bullying me?"

There was a pause in his voice, as if he had thought of something, and then he sighed and said: "I only hope that when it is useful, my sister-in-law can remember that there is a little uncle named Xu Boqing in her natal family who is not an outsider."

"Hehehe, there is someone in my mother's house..."

Ao Lan couldn't help laughing out loud when she heard the words, gouged him out and said, "Since we are a family, why would my sister-in-law cheat on you?"

"Hahahaha, that's fine~"

Xu Boqing also laughed dumbfounded, and said: "I'm not afraid that my sister-in-law will ask me for help, but I'm afraid that my sister-in-law will see me out if something happens."

"Alright, alright."

Ao Lan pointed at the palace, and then said with a teasing smile: "Sister-in-law, do you still remember the taste of the fish that Boqing steamed last time? Since you are here today, why don't you try the flavor of this Dragon Palace?"

"Hahaha, it's extremely extreme."

The host and the guest looked at each other, and they all sat down at the banquet with a knowing smile.

The heart-to-heart talk just now has drawn into the relationship between the two of them invisibly, and now they are accompanied by delicious food and wine, and the interest is even stronger.

Fine wines and fine wines are divided into cups, and the fine wine and jade dew make the face bloom.

nothing more than this...

Both of them are people with a deep heart, chatting and talking, and the host and guest have a good time.

Ao Lan has practiced for thousands of years, is a true dragon, and is the master of the Tongtianhe Dragon Palace, so her experience is extremely deep;

As for Xu Boqing's two lifetimes, especially after experiencing the information explosion in his previous life, he can talk about everything...

One second you are still immersed in the macrocosmic rules of the evolution of heaven and earth, and the next second you can fall into the animal instinct of the ecological system. From the central nervous system to the lower three roads, it seems to be three feet, but in fact it is thousands of feet.

Although the words are far-fetched, but when you think about it carefully, there is some truth in it, retelling some jokes from time to time, which makes Ao Lan happy and angry at the same time...

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Xu Boqing didn't forget what happened, he hesitated after seeing the atmosphere in place, and then asked: "Sister-in-law, can I take the liberty to ask you something?"


Ao Lan's face also showed a little crimson, and seeing his preoccupation, he pretended to be displeased and said: "Bo Qing, you said just now that one family does not talk about two families, why are you meeting with sister-in-law now?" ?”

"Sister-in-law's lesson is that I punish myself with a drink..."

Xu Boqing shook his head with a wry smile, picked up the wine glass and drank it down, and then said: "Sister-in-law, don't blame me, I actually came here today to ask about something."

"That's right."

Ao Lan smiled slightly, picked up the wine cup and leaned against her thin lips to take a sip, then smiled and said: "Seeing that you came in a hurry, I guessed that something happened, if you want to ask anything, you can ask."

"Sister-in-law's eyes are like torches..."

Xu Boqing thought about his words and asked, "Sister-in-law, do you know about the bursting of the Fushan Weir on the Qianling River?"

"Fushan weir burst?"

Ao Lan was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then she frowned and said, "I've heard about the Fushan Weir, but I really don't know when it burst..."


Xu Boqing's pupils shrank when he heard this.

The Qianling River is a tributary of the Tongtian River, and the Fushan Weir broke its embankment and the water spread violently, submerging the land of the three prefectures. Ao Lan, the master of the Dragon Palace of the Tongtian River, didn't know it! ! ? ?

"No! The Fushan Weir has burst!??"

Ao Lan seemed to realize something, and looked at Xu Boqing with a stagnant breath. The two looked at each other, and most of the alcohol dissipated...

Not right! !

 Thank you for your concern...

  It's been more than a week, and I'm really sorry everyone.

  A few days ago, I was spinning continuously, and there was a problem with my body turning.

  The lumbar disc compresses the nerves, and the pain is so painful that the eyes are black, and the waist is bowed when walking, let alone sitting, and it hurts lying down.

  Painkillers don't help either...

  In the past few days, I have been looking for someone for acupuncture, massage, and plastering, and I finally feel better.

  It is still in treatment, and it still hurts when sitting, I can only do my best to restore normal updates...

(End of this chapter)

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