Chapter 234
"The money, manpower, and material resources spent on repairing the Fushan Weir are incalculable, and they can be said to be unparalleled in the mundane world."

Ao Lan pondered for a while, as if recalling something, and then said: "When the Fushan Weir was being repaired, I had a feeling and went away. I remembered the merits of it for thousands of years, and I also secretly helped to stabilize the water, and now the embankment has burst. ?”

"I never thought there would be such a relationship..."

Xu Boqing put down the wine cup in his hand, and asked pointedly: "However, the Fushan Weir broke the embankment and flooded the land of the three prefectures of Daliang, causing countless casualties. As the master of Tongtianhe Dragon Palace, my sister-in-law doesn't know about it?"

"It's the fault here..."

Ao Lan frowned and said, "Let me do the math."

After all, she twirled her fingers to cast a spell...

Suddenly, she seemed to have sensed something, stood up excitedly, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "The incident of the Fushan Weir's breach was covered by clouds and mist, and the secrets of heaven were mixed up. Maybe someone cast a spell to block the secrets of heaven!"

"Shield the secret..."

Xu Boqing murmured with his eyes narrowed, and then asked: "Sister-in-law is a real dragon, so she can't figure out the reason for this?"

"The technique of divination is mostly to spy on the secrets of heaven..."

Ao Lan glanced at him, and said: "Just like Boqing's fortune-telling, the secrets are not revealed, and there is chaos. Don't say forget it, you can't see it clearly."


Xu Boqing was a little dazed when he heard the words...

Immediately, he thought that he had had some opportunities, presumably due to good luck, and muttered thoughtfully: "So that's how it is."

Ao Lan saw that he was a bit stunned, and said seriously: "The incident of the Fushan Weir breaking the dike is like this, either it is Tian's murderous intention, or there is an expert to take action!"

Her voice paused, and she sat down again and asked, "Boqing, this matter is not trivial, can you explain it in detail?"

"Right on my mind…"

Xu Boqing didn't hide it either, and recounted in detail the shock of the Liang court caused by the burst of the Fushan Weir, the follow-up treatment, and what he saw and heard during his fugue.

When she heard that her uncle was an official in the ordinary dynasty, Ao Lan looked a little weird; when she heard that he advocated disaster relief and was the minister who ruled the world, a look of relief appeared on her face.

Afterwards, she was a little surprised when she heard about the rise of disasters and epidemics in the three prefectures, the death of the city god of Yingtian Mansion, and the abandonment of celestial masters.

When she heard the sound of the dragon chant that Ben Boerba and Baboerben said, as well as some guesses from her brother-in-law, she had a faint look of evil on her face.

"Dragon chant... Dragon chant..."

Ao Lan frowned and muttered: "The inland is no better than the whole world. Although there are many dragons, I am the only one who can truly transform into a dragon. Where does the dragon chant come from?"

"That's exactly what I'm wondering about..."

Xu Boqing shook his head and said: "When I first heard about this matter, I was also at a loss. Thinking that my sister-in-law is Fang Longjun, I thought of asking about it."


Ao Lan seemed to have thought of something, and asked with a half-smile, "Do you suspect that I moved the Fushan Weir?"

"When I first heard about Dragon Yin, I did have this thought."

Xu Boqing nodded slightly, and then changed the topic and said: "Then he thought of his sister-in-law Lan Xinhui's high-quality, noble character, and she would never do such a thing, so she gave up such thoughts."

"A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall..."

Ao Lan's eyes moved slightly, and then she pointedly said: "You come here alone with such a big face, aren't you afraid that it was me who broke the Fushan Weir?"

"Not afraid!"

Xu Boqing filled himself with wine, drank it all and said with a smile: "Even if my sister-in-law really did it, then I don't believe that my sister-in-law will kill me to silence me; if my sister-in-law really wants to silence me, I will kill you again." why not?"

He paused, and then said in a teasing tone: "It's Xu's honor to die under sister-in-law's hands~"


Ao Lan heard the sincerity in his words, she gave him a white look like a morning glow, and said angrily, "You are slick, you have no shape."

Xu Boqing smiled indifferently, and said, "It turns out that it wasn't my sister-in-law."

"It really isn't me."

Ao Lan shook her head and said after some hesitation, "But it's related to the dragon genus. In addition, there may be some unknown secrets hidden behind this matter."

"That's what I thought too."

Xu Boqing agreed, and then asked tentatively: "I heard from my sister-in-law about the Four Seas Dragon Palace earlier, and the Fushan Weir disappeared with the sound of dragon chant. Is it possible that it was done by the Four Seas Dragon Clan?"

"It's possible."

Ao Lan pondered for a while, then sighed and said: "The Qianling River is a tributary of the Tongtian River, and it is also the place where I passed through when I transformed into a dragon. Now the Fushan Weir broke its embankment and flooded the land of the three prefectures, causing countless deaths and injuries. , I have an inescapable responsibility for this matter.”

She paused, and then said: "Bo Qing might as well accompany me to investigate, maybe we can find some clues."

"As it should be."

Xu Boqing nodded slightly to show his approval.


The two looked at each other, turned into two ray of light and left the palace.

Waiting until the area of ​​Jiangling Prefecture...

Ao Lan thought of the rising spirit of plague that my uncle mentioned earlier, and a gleam of light appeared in her beautiful eyes. Although she couldn't see the so-called 'breath of plague', she could still see that some people who had suffered from floods The local weather is obscure, not like normal...

Seeing this, Xu Boqing also knew that his sister-in-law must have used some means, and asked, "Can sister-in-law see any abnormalities?"


Ao Lan shook her head and said, "I'm a little curious, how did Bo Qing see that 'disaster spirit'?"

"Don't hide it from my sister-in-law."

Xu Boqing pointed to his own eyes and said: "My eyes are different from ordinary people since I was a child. They can see the appearance of all things and show their own cause and effect. It can be regarded as a kind of accompanying supernatural power."

"Tsk, there is such a miracle."

Ao Lan couldn't help being speechless, and said with a sigh: "You can see the appearance of all things, and you can show your own cause and effect. The difference in Boqing's eyes is really envious of others."


Xu Boqing just smiled when he heard the words, and then he seemed to think of something, and said solemnly: "There is more than this pair of magic eyes in us that can envy others. Review one or two."

"The sister-in-law will wait and see."

Ao Lan also knew that this cheap little uncle of hers had extraordinary knowledge and skills, so she subconsciously regarded him as a real fairy.

The method of attracting thunder and calamity and the art of breathing fire when we first met;
The method of manifestation at the second meeting;
Then to today's fugue technique and companion magic eye.

This little uncle's methods can be said to be endless and changeable. Now that he is so confident, he naturally has a little more expectation...

The two fell from the clouds and stopped beside the ruins of the Fushan Weir.


Ao Lan frowned and looked around, and said softly: "The Fushan Weir was born at the right time. It is nearly a thousand feet wide and tens of feet high. It is like lying on a mountain to block the river and store water. It is difficult to move it away as a whole."


Xu Boqing nodded slightly, and asked, "Did my sister-in-law see any clues?"

"There is the sound of dragon chant, but there is no dragon energy left here."

As Ao Lan spoke, she flicked her sleeves lightly, and the rushing river water floated up. The river water seemed to condense into a mirror, but the mirror surface was full of chaos, and no picture appeared.

She shook her head, and the mirror formed by the river water also disintegrated and re-merged into the Qianling River. Then she sighed and said, "The secrets of heaven are mixed up. If you can't see clearly, you can't count."

Xu Boqing nodded thoughtfully, waved to the river, and said, "Come out."


At the bottom of the river, two fish monsters, one green and one red, hid their heads and tails, hiding behind a stone, and it was Benboerba and Baboerba who were waiting here...

Originally, when the two of them saw the master coming, they wanted to come out and act like a good boy, but when they saw that there was another person next to the master, when they felt the aura, the two of them almost lost their courage and were afraid to show up.

Now hearing the master's call, the two fish monsters knew that they could no longer hide. After exchanging glances with each other, they hid their heads and shrank their necks and rushed out from the bottom of the river.

When they got to the shore, they bowed their heads, and at the same time they kowtowed, "Ben Bo Er Ba (Ba Bo Er Ben), I have seen the master, and I have seen the lady."


(End of this chapter)

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