Water Margin people

Chapter 1038 Into the Interior

Chapter 1038 Into the Interior
"Gather everyone together to discuss matters!"

Sun Lei ordered to Deng Fei, since he already knew what Tokyo was going to do, he should prepare countermeasures.

"The kids are waiting for you to get a snack!"

Li Qingzhao came over and looked at Sun Lei and said.

"Okay, let's celebrate!"

Sun Lei nodded and went to the cafeteria with Li Qingzhao.

Liangshan, Tianqi Hall.

"Your Majesty, the situation is now very clear. Tokyo has colluded with the Kingdom of Jin and is preparing to join forces to deal with us Daqi!"

Zhu Wu opened his mouth and said.

"The question is why Wan Yan Gao suddenly appeared! He has been secretly communicating with Tong Guan, and Tong Guan is so tight on guard, but now he lets Wan Yan Gao wander around Tokyo!"

Ruan Xiaoer said, Wanyan Gao's sudden appearance must have some agenda.

"He should have negotiated with Tong Guan! He thought no one in Tokyo knew him, but he didn't expect Brother Shi Qian to be in Tokyo!"

Xu Guanzhong said, if Shi Qian hadn't gone to Liaodong with him, pretending that the Song Dynasty envoy had met the Jurchen high-level officials, and happened to be in Tokyo at this time, Wanyan Gao would really be able to swagger through the city and be known to five people.

"This is God's will!"

Qiao Daoqing said with a smile, God was really helping Liangshan, Wanyan Gao was actually met by Shi Qian.

"They are just discussing that if they join forces to deal with me, Da Qi, the vassals of the Jin Kingdom are not good people. Now that the Song Dynasty is weak, the Jin Kingdom is afraid that the lion will open its mouth and take a lot of benefits."

Gongsun Sheng said, the foreign races in the north have always coveted the wealth of the Central Plains.

"Tell Sun Li that it's time for him to take action."

Sun Lei looked at Zhu Wu and said.

"What's there to investigate? After a fight, everything will be clear!"

Lu Zhishen said, the most troublesome thing is that the Song Dynasty and the Jin Kingdom join forces, so the best and worst plan is to go to war directly. With the war, any conspiracy will be exposed.

"The great monk is right, just one battle will be enough. I will be the vanguard, go to Tokyo and capture the Birdman!"

Li Kui immediately said in a loud voice.

"You still want to go to Tokyo? I'm going to send you to Liaodong!"

Sun Lei looked at Li Kui and said.

"That's a good feeling! Thank you brother!"

Li Kui was overjoyed and worshiped Sun Lei. Compared to Tokyo, he preferred to go to Liaodong. Although Tokyo was close, it might not allow random killings, and he would be tied up in a fight, so he went to Liaodong to play, and when he saw the feudal lord, he would go to Liaodong. If you chop or kill the wrong person, no one will care.

"Your Majesty, Wanyan Gao showed up in Tokyo so arrogantly, did he do it?"

Li Zhu said that he was sure to go to Tokyo and kill Wanyan Gao.

"No need, let them be proud for a few days."

Sun Lei shook his head.

"Gongsun Sheng, Li Kui, Bao Xu, Xiang Chong, and Li Gun will go to Xijin Mansion tomorrow!"

Sun Lei said.


Several people immediately took the order.

"Call those people!"

Sun Lei shouted outside the hall again.

Soon, Zhou Zizhi and the two of them walked into the main hall.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Several people did not dare to maintain their identities when they met Sun Lei. They were just scholars and only had some reputation in Shilin. Sun Lei was now the emperor. If they wanted to gain a foothold in Qi, they must surrender to Sun Lei.

"Have you guys decided whether you are willing to serve as an official in Yanyun?"

Sun Lei looked at Zhou Zizhi, Ge Li Fang, and Lu Benzhong kneeling below. He originally thought that Zhou Zizhi was the only one, but later Ge Li Fang and Lu Benzhong also came with him.

In fact, these three people are all the same type of people. They have some talents, but they have been reading the Four Books and Five Classics for too long, and they have become a little dull. They may not be able to keep up with the rhythm of Qi State, but they can still serve as local officials temporarily. These people are more than conservative. , not enough progress.

"Your Majesty, it is truly a blessing for the world that Yanyun has finally been recovered after hundreds of years. We are willing to participate in this grand event!"

Zhou Zizhi saluted. "Okay, now I will appoint Gongsun Sheng, the minister of Dali Temple, as the general manager of Yanyun's march and take charge of Yanyun's affairs! You and I will go to Yanyun with him!"

Sun Lei said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The three of them immediately saluted, and then saluted Gongsun Sheng.

After discussing the matter, everyone dispersed.

The news that Qi State was preparing to send more troops to the north this time spread like wildfire. There were already many people in the trapped camp, and everyone had the same temperament as Li Kui, so they gathered with great fanfare near the waterfront.

The gathering of the army naturally attracted the common people to serve as officials, and the spies from Tokyo were also hidden among them. When they saw the army gathering north, they immediately sent the news to Puzhou.

"How is it? How many people are there in total?"

Zhu Fu looked at Wu Yong and asked.

"Twenty-three! That's quite a lot. Some of them are Ouchi masters from Tokyo!"

Wu Yong said with a smile. During this period, he had carefully sorted out Liangshan City, and he had found out all the details of the spies in Tokyo.

"Oh, good job!"

Sun Lei's voice sounded.

"His Majesty!"

Zhu Fu and Wu Yong immediately saluted outside the door.

"It's all because of His Majesty's good leadership!"

Wu Yong smiled and flattered him.

"Stop flattering!"

Sun Lei sat down with a smile.

"Tell me, if you have any new plans, you need me to come over to tell you!"

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong and asked. Wu Yong wrote to him, saying that he had a brilliant plan, but he did not explain it in the memorial, which was clearly a betrayal.

"Your Majesty, I have become familiar with the manager of Da Song Dynasty in Liangshan City. A few days ago, that person was trying to attract me, and I thought this was a good opportunity!"

Wu Yong looked at Sun Lei and said.

"Absorb you in?"

Sun Lei narrowed his eyes and looked at Wu Yong. It seemed that he had underestimated Wu Yong. This guy seemed to be born to do this. When he was asked to check the enemy, he was almost infiltrating the enemy.

"Your Majesty, those guys are stupid and don't dare to get close to Liangshan. They secretly gather information in the city all day long, but the information collected in this way is really limited, so I pretended to be a storyteller. They saw that I was very popular as a storyteller and was very popular on the streets. You can eat well, but you want me to help you find out information, and they even offered me ten guan a month!"

Wu Yong said with a smile.

"Ten guan of money is quite generous!"

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong and smiled and said, although Wu Yong said it simply, those spies were extremely cautious. Wu Yong was able to gain the trust of those people, which shows that he put his thought into it.

"Your Majesty is laughing!"

Wu Yong smiled.

"It's up to you! It's up to you to get to that point!"

Sun Lei nodded and said that the reason why Wu Yong came to him was simply to get some help. If he wanted to penetrate into the enemy, he needed to give the enemy all the information.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wu Yong saluted with great joy.

"I heard that many people have come recently?"

Sun Lei looked at Zhu Fu.

"Your Majesty, more than [-] people have arrived in recent days, and they have begun to disperse to various places, but many people want to stay in Liangshan City!"

Zhu Fu opened his mouth and said, Liangshan City is so prosperous that it has now surpassed Tokyo. People naturally want to stay when they see it.

"Tell them that Liangshan City will not give them land, nor the surrounding areas, but other places will give them land and be exempt from taxes for three years."

Sun Lei thought for a while and said, he wanted to stay in Liangshan City just because of the prosperity here, but prosperity does not belong to everyone. Most of the people who fled were farmers. They could only farm and could not stay in Liangshan City. .

(End of this chapter)

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