Water Margin people

Chapter 1039 The Recruitment of the Golden Man

Liaodong, Liaoyang Prefecture.

The ice and snow have almost melted, the temperature is gradually warming up, green trees are sprouting, and green grass is emerging.

"Quickly, take the war horse to graze."

Wan Yanchang looked at the crowd and said that they had already prepared the weapons and food, and they were just waiting for the war horses to be fat and strong enough to start the battle.

"Capital, Your Majesty has sent an order!"

A soldier ran over and handed a letter to Wanyanchang. Wanyanchang looked happy and quickly took it and read it.

"Haha, those Song people agreed!"

Wanyanchang laughed and said that Wanyangao's mission to the Song Dynasty was a great success. Not only did he ask for a large amount of coins from the Song Dynasty, but he also visited two gateways in the north.

"Du Tong, why do we just need these scraps and just swallow Yan Yun up?"

Wanyan Zonghan asked in confusion, their Jin country now has strong soldiers and horses, fighting the Liao Kingdom is just like playing, but the Song Dynasty is being beaten by the Liao Kingdom, they are like strong men beating the dying man of the Song Dynasty, why should they look at each other? face.

"The Song Dynasty is not worth mentioning, but Sun Lei of Qi State is very troublesome! You all participated in last year's war, you should know that their fighting ability is no worse than ours!"

Seeing that everyone was unhappy, Wan Yanchang shook his head and said, they suffered heavy losses in the battle at Yanyun last year.

"They are just relying on conspiracy and tricks. If we really fight head-on, those southerners will be our opponent!"

Wanyan Yinshu can speak.

"Is this really so? Failure is not terrible, but not admitting failure is terrible! The Song Dynasty never admits failure, and always thinks that it is the strongest in the world."

Wan Yanchang looked at the crowd and said, although the Kingdom of Jin was established not long ago, they were more pragmatic and that was why they were able to overthrow the rule of the Liao Kingdom.

Wanyan Yinshu still wanted to argue, but he didn't say it. They lost. This was the fact. Whether it was a head-on battle or a conspiracy, the result was the most important.

"Du Tong, do you want to go to Jincheng and have a look?"

Jin Wushu opened his mouth and said.


Wan Yanchang thought about it, where was the only way to enter the Western Liaoning Corridor.

"Now that Sun Lei has evacuated almost everyone, only three old men are left over there. I have inquired about these three people. They are not Sun Lei's men, but Song Dynasty officials who surrendered to Sun Lei."

"Now that Sun Lei has enfeoffed all the ministers, only these three people are left to guard in the north. These people may be dissatisfied. If we recruit them, these three people may agree."

"What's more, we have formed an alliance with the Song Dynasty. The southerners are the most pedantic. Since these three old men have been officials in the Song Dynasty all year round, they must be heading back. We agree to act as guarantees to ensure that they return to the Song Dynasty to serve as officials after the war. Why don’t they get out and kneel down to surrender?”

Jin Wushu opened his mouth and said.


Wan Yanchang and others began to think about it, but they had not thought about it so much.

"Those three people should be Zongze, Zhang Shuye, and Liu Fa, right?"

Wan Yanchang said.

"Yes, Zongze was the magistrate of Dengzhou before and was captured by Sun Lei in Dengzhou. Zhang Shuye was the magistrate of the counties around Liangshanbo and was defeated and captured by Sun Lei. Liu Fa was a general of the Western Army and was later captured by Xixia. He was Sun Lei exchanged it for Xixia general Li Liangfu!"

Jin Wushu opened his mouth and said.

"This is the only one that is difficult to handle, Liu Fa!"

Wan Yanchang nodded. In his opinion, Zongze and Zhang Shuye were easy to convince. Both of them were defeated and captured, and they should want to return to the Song Dynasty.

Only Liu Fa is more troublesome. Liu Fa fought with Xixia and was defeated and captured. Sun Lei has been replaced by Xixia general Li Liangfu. This is a life-saving grace. Liu Fa is afraid that he will not rebel.

"Du Tong, these three people often change their defenses. The three of them will rotate between Jincheng and Yuguan. Recently Liu Fa went to Yuguan, and now Jincheng is Zongze and Zhang Shuye."

Jin Wushu struck the railway while it was hot.

"Okay, go get in touch and see what these two people mean!"

Wan Yanchang nodded immediately.

Jin Wushu took the order and left, which made others envious. Now Jin Wushu may come out on top before the war begins.

Jin Wushu led a group of cronies on horseback to leave Liaoyang Mansion and headed all the way to Jincheng.


Zongze and Zhang Shuye were in front of a huge sand table.

"It is said that there is actually a road here. From here through a mountain forest, you can take the Beijing Road and go around to the back of Huanglong Mansion!" Zhang Shuye pointed to the rolling hills on the sand table and said. This information was obtained from some merchants in Liaodong. of.

"Have you passed the examination?"

Zongze asked.

"No, our people can't get through! But there are marks on the merchants' maps, so they should be true!"

Zhang Shuye shook his head and said.


Zongze nodded and said, if it is on the map, it cannot be fake.

"Report, there are dozens of enemies on horseback approaching quickly!"

A soldier came to report.

"Now that the weather is getting warmer, will the enemy start a war?"

Zhang Shuye looked at Zongze and said, the temperature has risen rapidly recently, and it is time to start a war.

"No, it's impossible to mobilize troops if we don't respond at this time! We have to wait for at least a month!"

Zongze shook his head and said, although the ice and snow have melted, after a long winter, both the food and the horses are very tired.

The two of them didn't speak anymore. They were just dozens of riders, maybe the enemy's sentry riders, so don't pay too much attention to them.

"Report, general, the enemy is calling for formation outside the city, and they want the general to go out and talk!"

After a while, another soldier ran in to report.


Zongze and Zhang Shuye both frowned.

"It seems we guessed wrong. This group of people came here with a purpose! Let's go and have a look!"

Zong Ze said.

Above Jincheng, Zongze and Zhang Shuye looked at Jin Wushu outside the city with puzzled faces. Yue Fei was not in the city now.

"What is this guy doing?"

Zhang Shuye looked at Jin Wushu who was sitting on a chair outside the city. At this time, there was a clay stove on the table in front of Jin Wushu, and something was cooking on it.

"General Zong and General Zhang, would you like to come down and have a chat?"

Jin Wushu looked at Zongze and Zhang Shuye on the city and shouted loudly.

"Go, go and see!"

Zongze is naturally not afraid of Jin Wushu.

"Are we avoiding suspicion?"

Zhang Shuye is a little worried. There are only two of them here now, and none of the Liangshan generals are here. Going out of the city to talk to the enemy like this will easily alienate them.

"Nothing to shy away from!"

Zongze shook his head and said, Sun Lei knew very well that such a simple divorce plan would not be of any use.

The city gate opened, and Zongze and Zhang Shuye led a group of soldiers out of the city.

"Haha, we haven't seen you two old generals for a long time. Please sit down!"

Jin Wushu stood up politely and cupped his fists at Zongze and Zhang Shuye.

"Are you following Cao Mengde's example of making green plum wine?"

Only then did Zhang Shuye see clearly what was being cooked.

"Haha, it's funny. I've been studying the Three Kingdoms period of the Central Plains recently. I admire Cao Mengde very much. I'm showing off today!"

Jin Wushu said with a smile.

"Don Shi Xiaozhen! You are worthy to be compared with Cao Mengde!"

Zongze looked at Jin Wushu with disdain. He did have the manpower, but it was just like that. Compared with Cao Cao, it was a huge difference. (End of chapter)

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