Water Margin people

Chapter 1040 Rejection


When the soldiers around Jin Wushu heard Zongze's words, they immediately drew their weapons and shouted, Zongze dared to humiliate Jin Wushu like this, they couldn't bear it.

"Get out!"

Jin Wushu didn't show any anger. Instead, he waved his soldiers back.

"You two, even if I am not Cao Mengde and you two are not Liu Xuande, then it is always okay for us to sit down and have a drink! Please!"

Jin Wushu looked at Zongze and Zhang Shuye and said.

"Hmph, sharp mouth!"

Zhang Shuye said coldly, Jin Wushu was just beating around the bush and scolding the two of them as inferior to Liu Bei and had no right to laugh at him.

The three sat down.

"Tell me what you have to say!"

Zongze looked at Jin Wushu and asked directly.

"I want to recruit two of you!"

Jin Wushu also spoke directly.

"wishful thinking!"

Zhang Shuye looked at Jin Wushu coldly,
"Haha, don't refuse in a hurry! You can surrender to Sun Lei, why can't you surrender to our Daikin! Don't worry, you two, my treatment at Daikin is definitely better than that given by Sun Lei, and I won't neglect you two."

Jin Wushu said with a smile, he planned to start from Sun Lei's failure to canonize the two people in front of him.

"You two don't have to worry about me deceiving you. My Daijin is different from the Qi Kingdom of Sun Lei's Caotai team. My Daijin has a broad mind and is open to all rivers. You can go and ask. Officials from the Liao Kingdom in the past are still serving as officials in our Daijin." !”

Seeing that Zongze and Zhang Shuye didn't respond, Jin Wushu immediately added that in his opinion, Sun Lei was too stingy. He had already established a country, and he didn't wantonly enfeoff officials to win over people's hearts. He only enfeoffed his own people. This was the way to die. .

"You think we care about official positions?"

Zongze and Zhang Shuye laughed. They were both old. They had seen too many things and had already passed their youthful and vigorous years.

"I know you two don't care about official positions, but whatever you do, you should be in that position! This is not greed for fame, but a kind of recognition!"

Jin Wushu shook his head, he didn't want the two people in front of him to misunderstand.

"Haha, then I'm afraid you will be disappointed!"

Zongze decided directly.

Although they surrendered to Sun Lei, at least they were from the same clan. It could be said that they were helpless, or they could be said to be good birds choosing a tree to live in. However, surrendering to a foreign clan would be considered a traitor.

"You two still look down upon our Jurchens!"

Jin Wushu said, the Southerners are very arrogant and think that they are superiors, while other tribes are barbarians. It is more difficult to subdue a Southerner than to defeat a Khitan warrior.

"You know this very well! We don't want to be infamy for forever!"

Uncle Zhang has a good idea at night.

"Haha, well said!"

Jin Wushu smiled and clapped. As long as people want something, they will have weaknesses. If they don't want to be official, they just want fame.

"You can rest assured about this!"

Jin Wushu poured a glass of wine for Zongze and Zhang Shuye each and said.

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Shuye looked at Jin Wushu and asked.

"You want a posthumous name? We, the Kingdom of Jin, can help you realize it. Don't refuse in a hurry! It's not my official name of Jin, but of Song Dynasty! How about a formal official name of Song Dynasty? What do you two think? Sample?"

Jin Wushu opened his mouth and said.

"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Shuye looked at Jin Wushu and said.

"You formed an alliance with Tokyo? What benefits did they give you!"

Zongze's face darkened. He guessed the reason. If a foreigner like Jin Wushu dared to give them the official names of the two rebel generals of the Song Dynasty, he would definitely be able to speak in the Song Dynasty. "Haha, yes, I can keep the official positions of two second-grade lieutenants!"

Jin Wushu laughed and said that he had checked before and found that Zongze was just a small general judge, and Zhang Shuye was just a county magistrate. The second-grade Taiwei was an extremely high official position.

"What benefits have they given you!"

Zongze's voice turned cold.

"It's nothing. They want to deal with Sun Lei and want our help, so they will give us several states..."

Jin Wushu said with a smile.

Zongze and Zhang Shuye looked gloomy. To the west of Juyongguan is the gateway to Hedong, and from Jinzhou to Yingzhai is the gateway to Hebei. The two major gateways in the Central Plains were handed over to others. Isn't this an open door to welcome thieves?

"You two, think about it. The official position of Taiwei of the Song Dynasty is for our Emperor of the Jin Kingdom to ask for it, but it requires a lot of price."

Jin Wushu said with a smile.

"Empty talk is like taking away the Liaoxi Corridor from our hands and marching into the Central Plains?"

Zongze looked at Jin Wushu and said with a smile.

"Haha, it's not empty talk. Our Kingdom of Jin never lies. There will be an imperial decree from the Emperor of our Kingdom of Jin. You can rest assured now. Even the Emperor of the Song Dynasty must give face to this imperial decree."

Jin Wushu said with a smile, of course he knew that the two old men in front of him were not easy to deceive, but the emperor of the Song Dynasty would not fail to give Jin Guo this face because of the two lieutenants' merit.

"I guess we don't have to talk anymore!"

Zongze stood up and said, Zhang Shuye also stood up with a gloomy face.

"You two, are you not satisfied? If you have any conditions, just ask for it!"

Jin Wushu looked at the two people and said, he thought the conditions were not enough, but in his opinion, this was already a very high condition.

"There's nothing more to say!"

Zongze and Zhang Shuye took the people away directly.

"Two old guys are still waiting for a price from me?"

Jin Wushu gritted his teeth as he watched the two people walking away.

"Those stupid guys! They are just like Shi Jingtang!"

Zhang Shuye said with a sullen face, the people in Tokyo actually ceded land like this, it was so servile and contemptuous, and what was even more hateful was that they gave the door to a foreign race.

"I didn't expect that Tokyo has become like this. If it weren't for Sun Lei, the Jin people would probably go south to the Central Plains! They dare to cooperate with these ambitious people. How stupid!"

Zongze's face was also ugly. The Jin Kingdom didn't seem to want much. All the good places in the Qi Kingdom were allocated to the Song Dynasty. The Jin Kingdom only got some leftovers, but the problem was that these "leftovers" were strategically important places. The country wants these places and is preparing to go south to the Central Plains.

"How can you see the trash in Tokyo? Even if they see it, they probably pretend they don't know."

Zhang Shuye said, in fact, he knew why Tokyo was like this. There were many smart people in Tokyo, but now the biggest enemy in Tokyo was Qi State. The existence of Qi State made it difficult for them to sleep and eat well. Now they are in urgent need of medical treatment.

Liaoyang Mansion.

"What, two old guys are so shameless?"

Wanyan Lou's room was furious when he heard that Zongze and Zhang Shuye refused to surrender.

"Are they not satisfied with the conditions?"

Wan Yanchang looked at Jin Wushu and asked. They had received news that Sun Lei was sending troops to Yanyun one after another. They must seize the Liaoxi Corridor before Qi completed the defense of Yanyun, so that they could gain the initiative.

"They didn't even ask for any conditions, they just left! They were probably playing hard to get!"

Jin Wushu thought for a while and said.

"Hard to play?"

Wan Yanchang frowned and thought.

"I will go there in person in two days. Sun Lei has added more troops. It seems that he also knows that we are preparing for a war!"

Wan Yanchang took out a piece of information and said, they must hurry up. (End of chapter)

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