Water Margin people

Chapter 1059 Special Forces Departure


"Have you all rested?"

Sun Lei asked as he looked at the energetic special forces soldiers in the military camp.

"Always prepare for war!"

Yue Fei and his five hundred special forces shouted in unison. These were the elites of the Liangshan army. As soon as they shouted, a majestic momentum surged out.

"The momentum is good!"

Sun Lei said with a smile. From this momentum, it can be seen that everyone is full of energy and has been adjusted to the best condition.

"Your Majesty, you can go to war at any time!"

Yue Fei saluted Sun Lei with a proud look on his face and said, these special forces are his proud work.

"Has the summary of the last exercise been released?"

Sun Lei looked at Yue Fei and asked.

"No need to summarize, it's just a tie. If we really fight with real swords and guns, I can still win!"

Yue Fei opened his mouth and said.

"Master Lu, look at it. I told you not to let go. This tail is almost sticking up to the sky."

Sun Lei pointed at Yue Fei and said to Lu Zhishen.

"Haha, it's not like I'm letting myself go, everyone can't do their best!"

Lu Zhishen laughed and said.

"Look how clearly Master Lu sees!"

Sun Lei knocked on Yue Fei's head. This guy's head was just not clear.

"If this is really a fight, I have many means!"

Yue Fei said unconvinced.

"You are so stubborn! What means? What means? Master Lu just needs to be more ruthless. When you enter the mountain, he will burn the mountain with a fire. Where can you hide with such a small number of people?"

Sun Lei looked at Yue Fei and said.

"Then I can set fire too!"

Yue Fei was still unconvinced.

"You are the main attacker. Is it your turn to set fire? And you have fewer people. You can't set fire to a large army, right?"

Sun Lei looked at Yue Fei and said.

"What's more, in this exercise, your entire army was wiped out, and you told me that you won? You took people to Huanglong Mansion, but what if you just set fire to the Jin Kingdom Palace? Your team is gone, and the results are the same as the battle. You should be able to settle the loss, right?"

Sun Lei pointed at the five hundred special forces in the distance. These were the elites of the Qi State. In terms of value, they were at least worth the head that Wanyan Wu begged to buy. If the price was lower than this, it would be a loss. You know These 500 people are dispersed into the army and can bring out hundreds of thousands of elites within a year.

Yue Fei lowered his head in annoyance. He only saw the target, but did not notice the process. He was completely wiped out, while Lu Zhishen was only slightly injured, not even injured.

"You will be truly alone when you leave. The enemy will not be merciful to you. You want to harass you and run into the forest after a while? The enemy can't do anything to you, but they will set fire to the mountains! Burn them one by one until Burn you to death!"

Sun Lei looked at Yue Fei and reminded that going deep behind enemy lines is not as easy as imagined, and the enemy will do whatever it takes.

"If you want to go to Huanglong Mansion, I won't stop you, but you have to understand that if I let you go, I also want you to come back! If there is no return, then it is better not to go! Where is there no war?"

Sun Lei saw Yue Fei thoughtful and spoke again.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Yue Fei saluted solemnly.

"These people will go with you!"

Sun Lei pointed at the three people behind him and said.

"Your Majesty, this..."

Yue Fei immediately put on a troubled expression. His special forces did not want irrelevant people to get in.

"This is not a related household. These two are cooks and are proficient in cooking. This person is a doctor. Why don't you go out to eat and treat diseases? I specially selected for you those who are strong and can adapt to high-intensity combat."

Sun Lei looked at Yue Fei. From Yue Fei's expression, he knew that Yue Fei must have thought that he had entered the house.

"Haha, thank you Your Majesty! I didn't think carefully!"

Yue Feisan smiled and scratched his head. He really hadn't considered this. He had all elite soldiers and generals, so there was no problem in fighting. But with the army out, three meals a day were the most important, and headaches and brain fever were unavoidable.

"Okay, if you understand, let's go!"

Sun Lei nodded and handed a detailed map to Yue Fei. Zhang Shun's fleet was already waiting at the dock. "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Yue Fei took the map, saluted, and left with his troops.

"It's better not to teach me a lesson!"

Sun Lei watched Yue Fei leave and shook his head helplessly.

"Haha, young people are so frizzy!"

Xiao Jiasui said with a smile.

“I don’t know what the outcome will be!”

Sun Lei sighed again.

"Don't worry. Although he is irritable, his brain is not bad. Now that the Jin Kingdom has all its elites, it won't be a big deal!"

Lu Zhishen said, the current Huanglong Mansion is just an empty shell, but this shell will be quite strong and it will not be easy to pry it open.

"Is there any news from Datong Mansion?"

Sun Lei looked to the northwest and asked.

"Your Majesty, there is news from Datong Mansion that Wanyan Wu Qimai and his army have gone north. Combined with the news from Wuzhou, they should be heading towards Yelu Yanxi!"

Reported by Zhu Wu.

Wuzhou had already fought against Yelu Yanxi, and the Jin Kingdom already knew that Yelu Yanxi left Jiashan. For the Jin Kingdom, nothing was more important than destroying Yelu Yanxi.

"It seems that Yelu Yanxi is finished this time!"

Sun Lei smiled.



There were shouts of killing, and Wanyan Wu Qimai had already led his cavalry to catch up with Yelu Yanxi's troops.

Yelu Yanxi captured too many cattle, sheep, and horses this time. The 10,000+ livestock were driven very slowly.

"Damn it, why are all the Jin people here! Aren't they in Datong Mansion!"

Yelu Yanxi was in a hurry. He had planned to take the captured goods back to Jiashan to enjoy themselves.

"Your Majesty, the enemy is catching up!"

Everyone around Yelu Yanxi was in panic. They had already been frightened by the Jurchens.

"Let's go!"

Yelu Yanxi urged.

"Your Majesty, there are too many of these animals. Have they been abandoned?"

The soldiers under his command looked at Yelu Yanxi and said.

"Abandon it? What will we eat if you abandon it!"

Yelu Yanxi was so anxious that he didn't even care about the enemy's pursuit. Life in Jiashan was not easy. Xixia was not rich and could not give them much supplies. How could they not take away so much now that they had seized it?
"Your Majesty, we can't run away unless we give up!"

The generals spoke quickly, now life or death was at stake.

"Abandon...those sheep first!"

Yelu Yanxi looked at the army chasing behind him and knew that the situation was critical, but he was reluctant to take nothing with him.

"Quick, drive the sheep back!"

The generals immediately came in the late stage. Driving the sheep back not only increased the speed of the army, but also hindered the enemy's speed.

"Hunjun, take your life!"

With a roar, a general at the front of the Jin army roared.

"Yelu Yujian, you traitor!"

Yelu Yanxi saw clearly that the man was Yelu Yujian, the former royal family of the Liao Kingdom and the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Route Army.

"Hunjun, I will kill you today to avenge my two brothers!"

Yelu Yujian roared angrily. He saw Yelu Yanxi's imperial flag. At this moment, his eyes were red and there was only murderous look on his face.

The sheep rushed towards the pursuing Jin army, but Yelu Yujian acted as if he didn't see them and just led the army to kill them, as if those tens of thousands of sheep were the enemy. (End of chapter)

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