Water Margin people

Chapter 1060 The Besieged Yelu Yanxi

"Your Majesty, the hatred in Yelu Yujian's heart is great enough!"

Several soldiers whispered to Wanyan Wu Qingbuy.

"Haha, Yelu Yanxi unjustly killed Yelu Yujian's two brothers, and also wanted to kill him. Otherwise, why do you think the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Route Army of the Liao Kingdom voted for us and was so keen on destroying the Liao Dynasty? What a blood feud!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai smiled.

"Your Majesty, he is a Khitan after all!"

Someone immediately said that although the Jurchens said that they wanted to treat all ethnic groups equally, in fact they were very wary of all ethnic groups. Now in the territory of the Jin Kingdom, in addition to the Jurchens, there are also Khitan, Xi, Han, Bohai, and Liao people. The Jurchen, Shiwei, Darugu, Wura, and Tieli tribes are all untrustworthy in their eyes.

"Don't worry, his tribe will soon move to the ancient city of Daru next to Ningjiang Mansion. I will make him the Marquis of Daru!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai smiled and said that he had not relaxed his vigilance against foreigners, especially when Yelu Yu saw this talented Khitan.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Everyone laughed, Ningjiang Mansion was further north than Huanglong Mansion, and Daru Ancient City was a bitter cold place. This place was the most suitable place to arrange some distrustful Khitan people.

Yelu Yujian quickly led his troops to kill all the sheep. The speed of the army was slowed down a lot, and it would not speed up again immediately.


Yelu Yanxi was very worried when he saw that the sheep were only slightly blocking the enemy.


Yelu Yanxi urged loudly that they must get closer to Jiashan now. As long as they go to Jiashan, they will be safe.

"Let the cows go too!"

Seeing that he was about to be overtaken again, Yelu Yanxi could only grit his teeth and order to let the captured cattle go. He could go faster with only the horses.

The herd of cattle rushed towards the Jin army. This time Yelu Yu saw that he did not dare to be careless. The herd of cattle was no better than the herd of sheep. The sheep herd could be dispersed by a few cuts. If the herd of cattle went crazy, they could directly disperse their army.

The cows in front of them had all been stabbed by the Liao army, and now was the time to go crazy with pain.

"Go on both wings!"

Yelu Yujian immediately ordered the army to avoid the cattle.

The Jin army quickly divided into two groups and avoided the cattle herd. However, the cattle herd did not deliberately avoid the obstacles in front of them. Many Jin soldiers who were not eager to avoid were knocked into the air and trampled into pulp by the cattle herd.


Yelu Yu was in a panic when he saw that the mad cows had seriously slowed down their speed. He was helpless as he watched Yelu Yanxi's retreating army.

"Keep chasing!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai didn't look very good either. He was about to catch up with Yelu Yanxi, but was run away by the enemy again. How could he be willing to do so.

"Ha ha!"

Yelu Yanxi laughed as he walked away. He successfully got rid of the enemy.

"How many more seizures are there?"

Yelu Yanxi looked at the people around him and asked.

"There are more than 3 war horses!"

The generals reported.

"Okay, okay, that's enough! Let's go!"

Yelu Yanxi was overjoyed when he heard that [-] horses were enough for him to live happily for a year.

The Liao army headed west along the Yinshan Mountains. After a day's march, they were preparing to enter Jiashan.

"Report, there are enemies ahead!"

The sentry rider hurriedly reported back.

"What? Enemies? Where did the enemies come from?"

Yelu Yanxi was shocked. He was about to reach Jiashan. Where did the enemy come from?

Before Yelu Yanxi could react, Wanyan Lou's family had already led troops to appear.

"Yelü Yanxi, you have no way to escape. Dismount and surrender!"

Wanyan Loushi pointed at Yelu Yanxi and shouted that he did not want to kill Yelu Yanxi. A living emperor of Liao was far more valuable than a dead one.

"Just this few people? Kill them!"

When Yelu Yanxi saw that the enemy only had three thousand light cavalry, he immediately became murderous. He still had tens of thousands of troops here.

"Form up!" Wanyan Loushi immediately ordered. He was at a mountain pass and the terrain was narrow. His three thousand troops were enough to defend this place.

The two armies soon fought together. The Liao army had more troops, but its combat capability was far inferior to that of the Jin army. Due to the terrain, the advantage of large numbers could not be shown, and several waves of charges were blocked.

"Damn, go on!"

Yelu Yanxi was in a panic. There might be Wanyan Wu's pursuers behind them. If they were attacked from both sides, they would have no way to escape.

The fighting lasted for a long time. After all, Wanyan Lou's room had too few people and began to be unable to resist.

"Quick, harder!"

Upon seeing this, Yelu Yanxi immediately urged them. Wanyan Wu's begging place was no more than ten miles away from them.


At this moment, shouts rang out from further west.


Wanyan Loushi was startled, the ground began to shake, and a large number of cavalry rushed from behind.

"It's Xixia people! Reinforcements are coming!"

Yelu Yanxi also felt the shaking on the ground, and their reinforcements were coming.

"Western Xia people!"

Wanyan Loushi's face was ashen. He did not expect that the Xixia people would also intervene at this time. This situation was extremely unfavorable to them.

"Kill with me!"

Wanyan Loushi gritted his teeth and led the remaining army to kill Yelu Yanxi. The appearance of the Xixia people gave him no choice but to fight.


Yelu Yanxi did not expect that Wanyan Loushi would suddenly come to kill him, and was so frightened that he quickly asked his left and right people to escort him.

The Liao army hurriedly gathered towards Yelu Yanxi's central army, but due to lack of order, the army formations collided with each other, causing chaos for a while.


After seeing all this, Wanyan Loushi's desire to die suddenly changed. This was an opportunity.

The Jin army rushed into the Liao army's formation fiercely. The chaotic Liao army was killed so that people fell on their backs and screamed incessantly.

"Kill me!"

Wanyan Loushi, who was soaked in blood, was aroused with a ferocious aura. The Jurchen soldiers around him were full of murderous aura. They, the Jurchens, fought their way out of the Chuhe Store with less to defeat more.

The Liao army was instantly frightened when they looked at the crazy and bloodthirsty Jurchens, and they remembered the terror of the Jurchens again.

The defeat soon spread among the Liao army. No one was willing to fight the Jurchens. When they saw the Jurchens coming to kill them, they just wanted to escape.

"Those who run away from battle will die!"

When Yelu Yanxi saw that his soldiers had fled, he yelled to stabilize the morale of the soldiers. However, the result was just like when he personally conquered Liaodong, the soldiers did not listen to him at all.

"Capture Yelu Yanxi alive!"

Wanyan Loushi did not expect that the enemy in front of him was so unbearable. Knowing that the enemy was already exhausted, he had the idea of ​​capturing Yelu Yanxi alive.

"Let's go and join the Xixia people!"

When Yelu Yanxi saw that the enemy was coming to kill him, he did not dare to stay where he was for a long time. He took his trusted followers to bypass the enemy and find the Jurchens.

"Want to run?"

Wanyan Loushi stared closely at Yelu Yanxi. When Yelu Yanxi moved, he noticed it and immediately led his army to move there.


Yelu Yanxi looked at Wanyan Lou's room in front of him, blocking his way.


Yelu Yanxi knew that he could not escape, so he could only lead his followers to kill Wanyan Lou's room.

"Good come!"

Wanyan Loushi has been waiting for this moment. He is not afraid of facing Yelu Yanxi, but he is afraid of Yelu Yanxi running away.


The horn sounded, and the Xixia army had arrived at the mountain pass, trying to stop the fighting with the horn. (End of chapter)

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