Water Margin people

Chapter 1064 The First Battle of the Founding of the Nation


"Report, one hundred thousand enemies are attacking!"

A soldier ran into the lobby shouting in terror.

"Are you coming!"

Tong Guan looked to the east. He thought that Sun Lei would come, but he didn't expect that Sun Lei would directly send [-] troops and start a decisive battle.

"Gathering drums!"

Tong Guan immediately ordered to the soldiers beside him.

The sound of gathering drums soon spread throughout Puzhou City, and the generals everywhere rushed to Tong Guan's mansion.

After the three-tone drum, the hall was filled with generals in armor.

"Sun Lei is coming with an army of [-], who will lead the attack!"

Tong Guan looked at everyone and said.

"Tong Xiang, the last general invites you to fight!"

Tong Guan was a little disappointed when he saw it. He was not a general of the Western Army but Chen Zhu, the military commander of Zhengzhou. He was one of the eight military commanders he transferred to conquer Liangshan.

"Are you sure?"

Tong Guan looked at Chen Zhu and asked.

"Suppressing thieves for the country is your duty!"

Chen Zhu said righteously.

"In that case, you lead ten thousand troops and prepare to fight!"

Tong Guan waved his hand and said, since someone wanted to give it a try, he was not going to stop him.

Sun Li on the side was secretly happy to see someone so brave.

"I can still be happy for a few more days!"

Sun Li felt happy in his heart, but then he felt bitter again. The order Sun Lei gave him this time was not easy to fulfill.

"Bitter meat trick! Why do you have to do this?"

Sun Li looked at the sky outside. The bitter plan meant that he would be beaten, and it would definitely not be light.

"General Sun!"

Tong Guan's shout pulled Sun Li out of his thoughts.


Sun Li hugged Tong Guan with a fist.

"General Sun is the deputy commander-in-chief of the army. Why don't you lead the troops to suppress the formation?"

Tong Guan looked at Sun Li and said, he didn't want to show up for the first time, but the army couldn't do it without someone in charge. Sun Li, the deputy commander, was the only one who could push him out.


Sun Li did not refuse. He could hear Tong Guan's earnest intention and knew that Tong Guan did not want to fight.

"Okay, General Sun leads an army of [-] troops! Generals... go wherever you can. Don't leave my army behind!"

Tong Guanyi waved his hand and said.

Tong Guan was annoyed that things never went as he wanted. He wanted to wait for the enemy's main force from the north to set off from Tokyo, but the emperor was urging him three times a day, and he really couldn't delay it any longer.

Sun Li quickly gathered his army, and all the generals followed him.

"General Sun, do you have any plans?"

Zhong Shidao looked at Sun Li and asked in a low voice.

"A strategy? The enemy suddenly attacks, what strategy can I come up with! What's more, the terrain around here is flat, even if I want to use a strategy, I'm not allowed to use it!"

Sun Li smiled helplessly and shook his head. Tong Guan had never convened everyone to discuss military affairs before, so he didn't think about this. On the contrary, the news of the "bitter flesh trick" sent to him by Sun Lei made him sigh for a long time.

"Old General Zhong, you have fought against Qi several times, but do you have a plan?"

Sun Li looked at Master Zhong and asked.

"I don't dare to talk about the strategy, but I just have an idea. There are plains outside Puzhou City. It is not easy to deal with the enemy. In my opinion, we can form a five-army formation!"

Zhong Shidao said, their frontal combat power is definitely not as good as the Qi army, so they can only make up for it by relying on military formations.

"Forward, left wing, right wing, center, apse?"

Sun Li murmured, although the formation of the five armies sounds simple, the actual formation is still very particular. The most important thing is the distribution of each service.

"General Sun, please look!"

Zhong Shidao took out a picture, which was the diagram of the five armies he had drawn.

"Okay, let's follow General Zhong's arrangements!" Sun Li took the picture, looked at it, and handed it to Zhong Shidao, who was going to let Zhong Shidao arrange the military formation.

Huhe Town.

"This is where I was ambushed last time!"

Looking at the ruins of Huhe Town in front of him, Song Jiang was so angry that half of his hands were injured here.

"I'm going to kill Sun Lei!"

Dong Ping and Mu Hong roared angrily. When they saw the ruins, they remembered the original explosion.

Sun Li remained silent. He was a little scared. What if the plan was to get bombed? He had seen the tragedy in Huhe Town back then, and he knew very well the horror of dirty bombs.

"Report! We are less than ten miles away from the enemy!"

The sentry came with a fast horse to report.

"Arrange on the spot!"

Sun Li immediately ordered that ten miles was already a charging distance, and the formation must be formed in advance.

"Vengeance! Revenge!"

Dongping was sharpening the blades of his spears with each other, and Mu Hong was also wiping his sword with a cloth. The two of them kept chanting the word revenge.

"We must kill Sun Lei this time!"

Deng Long and others also had murderous looks on their faces. They were all seriously injured last time, and they all wanted revenge this time.

"Yes, kill Sun Lei!"

Kong Ming and Kong Liang also shouted. They were not thinking about revenge, but thinking about getting promoted and getting rich. If Sun Lei was killed, they would all be rich and prosperous.

"Everyone, keep your voices down!"

Song Jiang couldn't stand it anymore.

"Today's first battle is against the eight governors!"

Song Jiang reminded everyone that since someone in the army has asked for the first battle, others cannot snatch it.

"Those trash!"

Dong Ping glanced disdainfully at the Eight Chief Supervisors in the distance. He used to be the Military Superintendent of Dongping Prefecture.

Soon, the Liangshan army also arrived.

"Your Majesty, the formation of the five armies is well organized!"

Zhu Wu recognized the opposing military formation at a glance.

"Someone talk to me! Tong Guan, why are you hiding!"

Sun Lei shouted as he rode out of the battle with a smile.

"You are so noble as a child, how can I come to see you!"

Sun Li rode out of the battle and replied, but his words were far less powerful.

"So it's you. You were the one who led the troops to invade our territory last time, right?"

Sun Lei looked at Sun Li with a smirk on his face, which made Sun Li feel scared, and a bad feeling arose spontaneously.

"You bunch of dog officials, who dares to fight!"

Du Fu walked out from Sun Lei's side at this time, waved the eight-foot-long snake spear in his hand, glared at the entire Song army formation and started shouting.

"I'll kill you!"

All they saw were white robes and silver armor, green horses with tassels, and Chen Zhu, the military commander of Zhengzhou with a big sword, charging out on horseback.

"court death!"

Du Bo looked coldly at Chen Zhu, who was charging towards him, and swung his Zhangba snake spear to kill him.

Chen Zhu was eager to perform meritorious deeds and raised his machete high, as if he wanted to chop Du Bo with one blow.

But Chen Zhu underestimated Du Bu, and saw that Du Bu blocked Chen Zhu's full blow with a casual swipe of his snake spear.

Chen Zhu couldn't believe this either, but he didn't react slowly. He sheathed his sword and was about to strike again.

"Do you still want a second chance?"

Du Bo sneered, and had already swung the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand, and the sharp edge directly passed through one of Chen Zhu's arms.


Chen Zhu howled in pain. He could no longer hold the sword in his hand and fell to the ground together with his severed arm.

Du Bo did not kill Chen Zhu, but quietly looked at Chen Zhu on the horse with his face twisted in pain.

The painful howl spread across the battlefield, and everyone watched. The Song Army's formation became colder and colder as they watched, and their momentum dropped by [-]%. This was more brutal than killing a general.

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