Water Margin people

Chapter 1065 Disability

"Chen Zhu!"

Seeing Chen Zhu's miserable appearance, the other seven soldiers and horse supervisors all opened their eyes with anger.


Duan Pengju, the military commander of Suizhou, Wu Bingyi, the military commander of Chenzhou, Han Tianlin, the military commander of Tangzhou, Li Ming, the military commander of Xuzhou, Wang Yi, the military commander of Dengzhou, Ma Wanli, the military commander of Ruzhou, and Ma Wanli, the military commander of Songzhou Zhou Xin and the seven others rushed out, vowing to kill Du Bo to avenge Chen Zhu.


Zhang Qing, Xu Ning, Shi Xiu, and Shi Jin rushed out to cover Du Bo.

"Kill them!"

Duan Pengju saw that there were not many people coming and gave a low drink.

In an instant, an arrow came through the wind, and without waiting for anyone to react, it headed straight for Duan Pengju.


Yang Keshi and others behind found the arrow and shouted a warning.

Duan Pengju was half a beat too slow to react, and by the time he realized it, the arrow had already arrived in front of him.


Duan Pengju's mind was blank now, there was only one word, but his body could not complete the teleportation, so he could only turn away to hide. The arrow aimed at the chest was dodged by more than an inch, and it broke through the armor and shot him directly. Shot through the shoulders.


Duan Pengju screamed in pain and fell off his horse.

"Armor-piercing arrows!"

The faces of the remaining six people were full of fear. They were wearing armor to protect themselves from arrows this time. Duan Pengju's armor was so easily broken by arrows and penetrated the bones of his shoulders, which showed how terrifying the enemy's arrows were.

Knowing that there were armor-piercing arrows, the remaining six people no longer dared to be so careless. They were all vigilant and prepared for a sneak attack by cold arrows.

"Are you all here to die?"

Du Bo looked at the rushing people with cold eyes, flipped his snake spear eight feet long, and then jumped on his horse to kill them.

When Wang Yi and Han Tianlin saw Du Bo coming to kill them, they swung their spears and killed him. The other four people went to block Zhang Qing, Xu Ning, Shi Xiu, and Shi Jin.

Du Bo arrived first, and when he saw someone who dared to block him, he swung his snake spear suddenly. Wang Yi and Han Tianlin felt their eyes blurred, and they couldn't even see clearly the enemy's moves.


There were two more screams, Wang Yi and Han Tianlin covered their arms in pain, and their arms were also cut off.


The remaining four people turned pale when they heard the screams. They had just fought, and four of the eight of them had already been killed.

"General Sun, do you want to fight again?"

Wang Zhen looked at Sun Li and saw that four of the Eight Great Soldiers and Horses had already been killed. If the fight continued like this, all eight of them might be killed in front of the formation.

"It's too late for Ming Jin now!"

Sun Lei shook his head slightly.

The remaining four soldiers and horse supervisors have already fought against Zhang Qing and others.

Ma Wanli faced Xu Ning, and they only exchanged a few moves. Xu Ning hooked his sickle in the shoulder, and one of his arms was directly cut off.

Li Ming slashed at Shi Xiu with his sword, but Shi Xiu's swordsmanship was even more impressive. He cut off Li Ming's arm with just one blow.


Chenzhou Military and Horse Supervisor Wu Bingyi was frightened at this time. The enemy had negotiated and wanted to break their arms. They were determined to be no match for the enemy.

"Want to run!"

Shi Jin slashed at Wu Bingyi who was running away from his back. He deliberately missed it by three inches and struck Wu Bingyi on the shoulder with his sword, and the whole arm was chopped off.

Seeing that he couldn't fight and couldn't escape, Zhou Xin, the only remaining governor of Songzhou, felt fierce in his heart and suddenly attacked Zhang Qing, preparing to fight his way out.


Zhang Qing took out a small stone and hit Zhou Xin. Zhou Xin had long known that Zhang Qingfei was a master of locust stones. This time he specially wore a face shield, and his body was well protected.

But the stone that Zhang Qing popped up this time was only the size of a soybean, and it went in through the air hole on Zhou Xin's nose on his mask.


Zhou Xin screamed, and blood flowed out of his face armor, dripping continuously. In a moment, the armor on Zhou Xin's chest became bright red.

The damage caused by a stone the size of a soybean is limited, and it would not bleed so much under normal circumstances, but the nose was an accident, and the bleeding here was extremely severe.

Zhang Qing took advantage of Zhou Xin's dazed moment, stepped forward and stabbed Zhou Xin's arm in half.

The brief battle only lasted a while, but all eight soldiers and horses from the Song Dynasty fell off their horses with broken arms and screams, and became useless.

Although Duan Pengju's arm was not broken, an arrow pierced his shoulder, shattering his shoulder blade, and his arm was effectively useless.

"Ming Jin!"

Sun Li immediately ordered the ringing of gold, and the five military formations that had been deployed began to gather together, and the military formations became extremely tight in an instant.

"I'm going to get the situation back!"

Lu Junyi was furious. The eight soldiers and horses had mediocre martial arts skills. If they were crippled, it was because they were not good at their studies, but they could not lose face.

"Master, don't go!"

Yan Qing held Lu Junyi tightly to prevent him from acting impulsively.

"Where are you from? Why do you always speak for that Sun Lei!"

Lu Junyi glared at Yan Qing angrily.

"Master, something is wrong now. How has the Qi Kingdom ever fought such a bloody battle against a general? He was brutal but not killed? Also, the other generals didn't even show up for battle!"

Yan Qing immediately explained that the entire army, hundreds of generals, all saw the difference in Qi State now, and only Lu Junyi foolishly thought it was the same as before.

Only then did Lu Junyi calm down. He had not fought against Sun Lei once or twice. The bloody cruelty this time really made him gain experience.

"Their ferocious nature has finally been exposed!"

Lu Junyi thought he had seen through everything, but people like Sun Lei finally couldn't pretend anymore.

"Master, where is this pretense? Now that Liangshan has become the state of Qi, the first battle of the imperial commander's personal expedition will naturally be a big one."

Seeing that Lu Junyi had misunderstood again, Yan Qing started to explain. In the past, Liangshan still needed reputation, but now that it has established a country, since it starts a war, it must use thunderous means to show the power of Qi.

"General Zhong, today's enemy is different from before!"

Han Shizhong whispered to Zhong Shidao that in the past, the Liangshan generals would either behead them in formation or point them to the point, but today they were directly beating them severely, with extremely cruel methods.

"General Sun, why not camp on the spot!"

Zhong Shidao looked at Sun Li and suggested that his morale was now low, which was not conducive to fighting again.

"Okay, set up camp!"

Sun Li naturally had no objection. He was in a panic now. All eight governors were disabled. How could he explain this to the court?

"There shouldn't be any of this in the bitter meat plan!"

Another idea suddenly came to Sun Li's mind. Sun Lei asked him to perform a painful trick, wouldn't it be because he was preparing to make him "disabled"?

Seeing the Song army building a camp, Sun Lei waved his hand, and the army retreated five miles to set up a camp, leaving behind the Eight Chief Inspectors who were still wailing on the ground.

"He was beaten so hard today that the faces on the other side turned pale with fear."

Sun Lei looked at Du Bu and smiled and said, Du Bu was very ruthless today, and he immediately suppressed the other side. No one from the eight major governors dared to rescue the fallen eunuchs.

"Your Majesty, this is our first battle in Liangshan, so naturally we have to fight beautifully, but Tong Guan was careless and only sent these eight guys."

Du Bo said, the eight chief inspectors just now were not enough to watch.

"Tong Guan knows our strength. If he only sends these eight people to fight, he is probably planning to lose!"

Sun Lei nodded and said, this was not the first time he had dealt with Tong Guan. Both parties knew each other well, and Tong Guan was not without real masters.

(End of this chapter)

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