Water Margin people

Chapter 1070 Continuous slashing and blowing up

"Look first!"

Sun Li looked at the battle situation and said, he had seen the look in Sun Lei's eyes, which meant urging him to get out of the battle quickly.

Lu Junyi and Du Bo fought more than 50 moves with no outcome.

Next to him, Mu Hong was beaten repeatedly by Shi Xiu. Shi Xiu's fearless fighting style made Mu Hong very uncomfortable. What Mu Hong cared about most was his life.

Dong Ping fought very actively, but his target was not Shi Jin. Instead, he kept looking at Sun Lei. The person he wanted to take revenge on was Sun Lei.


Dong Ping caught the flaw in Shi Jin's moves. Shi Jin's three-pointed two-edged sword was very heavy, and he dodged it when he struck it.

However, Dong Ping did not attack Shi Jin, but directly killed Sun Lei.

"You're brave enough!"

Sun Lei looked at Dong Ping who was coming to kill him and sneered.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

There was a rapid sound of bowstrings, and an overwhelming rain of arrows shot at Dong Ping.


Dong Ping didn't expect that the enemy was so prepared. His heart was splitting, and he waved his guns desperately, trying to block the overwhelming arrows.

"Can you stop it?"

Sun Lei sneered, no matter how he swung a pair of steel spears, they couldn't compare to a shield.

Dong Ping's spear was like robbing wheat straw, pushing away the arrows one after another. Two or three times in a row, he was finally hit by the arrows, and soon he was shot into a hedgehog.

"How dare you assassinate His Majesty, you deserve to die!"

Lu Fang and Guo Sheng looked at Dong Ping who was shot to death and said coldly, they are the deputy envoys of the Forbidden Army. Now that they are out on an expedition, they are responsible for Sun Lei's safety.

"This Dong Yicheng really thought he was Guan Yunchang!"

Sun Lei sneered. Dong Ping was obviously overwhelmed by anger and wanted to rush into the battle and kill people.

"General Dong!"

Song Jiang felt his heart bleed. Why did Dong Ping fail before the battle even started?
Mu Hong on the other side saw that Dong Ping was killed, and his heart had already lost all will to fight. He did not dare to kill Sun Lei directly like Dong Ping did, but he was determined to kill Shi Xiu in front of him today.

Mu Hong knew very well that he could not defeat Shi Xiu in a short period of time, so Mu Hong had a wrong idea.

"Let you know how powerful I am!"

Mu Hong put one hand into his clothes and grabbed a bag of lime powder in his arms. This was a street trick he used to do when he was a bully in his early years.

Shi Xiu narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw Mu Hong's behavior. He was not from a high background and had been fighting on the streets since he was a child. What dirty tricks had he not seen before? Just seeing Mu Hong put his hand into his clothes, he knew something was wrong.

"go to hell!"

Mu Hong roared, and suddenly swung out the hand holding the lime powder, and sprinkled the white lime powder directly into Shi Xiu's eyes.


When Lu Zhishen saw Mu Hong using lime powder, he was furious. The enemy actually used such a despicable move in public.

Shi Xiu was also shocked. Even though he had been prepared, he never expected that Mu Hong would use lime powder in public.

Shi Xiu reacted quickly. The moment he saw the lime powder, Shi Xiu fell forward. He wanted to fall off his horse. He knew very well that lime powder was terrible. If his eyes were sprinkled with lime powder, he would be blind.

Shi Xiu rolled forward and directly avoided the lime powder. Mu Hong saw the danger and swung his sword to kill Shi Xiu, but Shi Xiu went towards the ground and the sword missed again.

"Get down!"

Shi Xiu slashed the leg of Mu Hong's horse with one knife.

The war horse howled in pain and fell down, and Mu Hong was also thrown off the horse.


Seeing Mu Hong fall to the ground, Shi Xiu stepped forward and chopped Mu Hong to death without waiting for Mu Hong to react.


Lu Junyi's expression changed greatly. He looked down upon Dong Ping and Mu Hong, but they still had some martial arts, but he didn't expect that both of them were killed by the formation. Lu Junyi had already wanted to retreat at this time. Dong Ping and Mu Hong were both dead. If Shi Jin and Shi Xiu came to kill them, he would fight one against three.

"Thieves don't want to be so rampant, Sun Li is coming!"

At this moment, Sun Li roared and rode out into battle with a spear.

When Sun Li saw Dong Ping and Mu Hong dying in battle again, he knew it was time for him to appear.

When Shi Jin and Shi Xiu saw Sun Li coming to kill him, they both waved their weapons to meet him.

Sun Li fought one against two, waving the steel gun in his hand, and actually suppressed Shi Jin and Shi Xiu.

"Shi Jin's martial arts skills!"

Li Zhong felt very uncomfortable when he saw the majestic Shi Jin on the battlefield. He remembered that he passed by Shijiazhuang when he was traveling in the world, and when he saw Shi Jin was young, he casually handed Shi Jin two flower sticks, which was regarded as Shi Jin's master.

But now that Shi Jin was the Minister of War of Qi State, and he was a powerful figure on the battlefield, Li Zhong felt a little ashamed of himself. He just felt that he was too embarrassed to see Shi Jin again.

"elder brother!"

Mu Chun cried loudly, his only support brother died.

"You two, go and help General Sun!"

Song Jiang looked at Guan Sheng and Hu Yanzhuo beside him and said, Dong Ping and Mu Hong are dead. He has suffered too much loss today. Now that Sun Li is going to fight, if there is another shortcoming, he can't explain it.


Guan Sheng and Hu Yanzhuo also knew that the situation was not good, so they rode forward to help Sun Li.

"No, General Sun, be careful!"

Wang Huan suddenly shouted, and he saw a row of artillery launched from the opposite side.


Sun Li didn't expect it to be artillery, and he was so frightened that he thought it was going to be blown up with explosives, but he didn't expect it to be bombarded with artillery.

"Don't worry, Brother Ling Zhen is doing it himself!"

Shi Jin looked at Sun Li, smiled and whispered, and then left quickly with Shi Xiu.

"Don't worry? Don't worry. Why are you running?"

Sun Li cursed in his heart, these two people ran faster than rabbits.

Before Sun Li could evacuate, Ling Zhen fired a shot at Sun Li's side, and the huge air wave directly lifted Sun Li off his horse.

"I rely on!"

Sun Life was flying in the air with these two words in his head.

"General Sun!"

Everyone on the Song Army side saw Sun Li being blown away, and they all shouted anxiously.

Sun Li couldn't help himself at this time. His head was still buzzing from the explosion just now. He couldn't react at all and could only fall heavily to the ground.

"Save General Sun quickly!"

Everyone roared and rushed forward to snatch Sun Li back into the formation. They ran back in a swarm regardless of the military formation.

"It won't blow up to death!"

Sun Lei looked at Ling Zhen beside him and asked, the sound of the shot just now was quite powerful, it was very bluffing.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the shot just now had a larger amount of gunpowder, no shrapnel, and the shell was made of paper. It was just like a big firecracker, but it looked very powerful. Sun Li was probably injured by a fall! He will be fine if he lies down for two months. ”

Ling Zhen said with a smile.

"Injured by a fall? That's okay!"

Sun Lei said with a smile, breaking a few bones is not a big deal, just take care of it, but this is just what he wanted.

"Tong Guan's side has captured Zhongshi Dao, and the Western Army must be in chaos now. Today, they killed two of Song Jiang's men, injured Sun Li, and disabled the eight governors a few days ago. Now Tong Guan's men are nobody!"

Sun Lei said with a smile, Tong Guan brought a lot of people, but it was a pity that they were too mixed.

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