Water Margin people

Chapter 1071 The seriously injured Sun Li

Sun Li, covered in blood, was rescued by soldiers and returned.

"What to do? General Sun is seriously injured!"

A group of generals returned to the camp and looked at the unconscious Sun Li, discussing anxiously.

"Send General Sun to Puzhou first!"

Wang Huan made up his mind. Sun Li was "seriously injured" and could no longer delay.

"It's better to go back with the army, Sun Lei will probably make a surprise attack!"

Song Jiang quickly said that they had lost this battle again, and according to his guess, Sun Lei was serious this time, and the war would never be hasty.

"Well, everyone goes back to Puzhou!"

Wang Huan nodded. He didn't want to go out and fight Sun Lei like this, so retreating was just what he wanted.

After everyone discussed it, they immediately led the army back to Puzhou.

The whole Puzhou was in chaos. Sun Li was defeated miserably and returned seriously injured. This was beyond everyone's expectation. Sun Li's previous battles with Liangshan were evenly matched.

"General Sun!"

Tong Guan was panicked when he saw Sun Li lying on the stretcher in front of him. He never expected that Sun Li would also be defeated and seriously injured.

"The childlike appearance will eventually lead to incompetence!"

Sun Li looked at Tong Guan weakly. He only felt pain everywhere on his body now. This time, the injury was really serious.

"Military doctor, how is General Sun's injury?"

Tong Guan looked at the military doctor next to Sun Li and asked.

"Tongxiang, General Sun's external injuries are not serious, but his internal organs were injured by the enemy's artillery. He also has several fractures and needs to rest for a long time!"

The military doctor bowed and reported that Sun Li's injuries were all internal injuries and he needed to rest.

"Does that mean General Sun can't go to war?"

Tong Guan looked at the military doctor and asked.

"Tong Xiang, I'm afraid General Sun won't be able to ride a horse again in the past few months!"

The medic had to answer.


Sun Li looked at Tong Guan apologetically.

"General Sun, it's time to rest and relax. You don't have to worry about the war anymore!"

Tong Guan looked at Sun Li and said, since Sun Li can no longer play, it is better to speak more beautifully.

He had already found out how Sun Li was injured. He was blown away by the blast of the shell, so he was lucky that he didn't die.

"By the way, General Sun might as well go back to Tokyo to recuperate and report to His Majesty on the situation on the front line."

Tong Guan rolled his eyes and said, "Sun Li is so miserable. If he goes back now, the emperor will definitely be more pessimistic about the front line, so he will not push himself anymore. Even if he has no results in the future, as long as he is undefeated, it will be regarded as meritorious." .

"Thank you Tongxiang!"

Sun Li said with a look of tears of gratitude.

"General Sun was injured while fighting for the country. I will write a letter to explain the situation to Your Majesty!"

Tong Guan comforted Sun Li with another word, which also comforted the others.

Many people were implicated in this fiasco, and people are now panicking. Tong Guan has just won the Zhongshi Dao. At this time, the Western Army has great opinions, and he must win over these people.

"Thank you Tongxiang!"

Everyone who retreated in defeat saluted Tong Guan and thanked him.

Everyone dispersed, leaving only Tong Guan sitting in the hall with a gloomy expression.


Tong Guan cursed in a low voice.

"Tong Xiang, that kind of teacher doesn't know good from evil, what should we do?"

Xin Xingzong looked at Tong Guan and asked in a low voice.

"Isn't Sun Li going back to Tokyo? Let him take Zhongshi Dao back with him."

Tong Guan said.

"Tong Xiang, if you send Zhongshi Dao to Tokyo at this time, he will probably get away with it!"

Xin Xingzong said that he knew very well what kind of virtues there were in Tokyo. The Zhong family was a family of officials and the family had a lot of energy. As long as they were willing to spend money for activities, getting away with it would not be a problem.

"It's not that simple! This is treason!"

Tong Guan sneered.

Soon, Master Zhongdao was brought up from the dungeon and put into a prison car.

"General Zhong!" When the generals of the Western Army saw Zhong Shidao, they immediately surrounded him, but were blocked by Tong Guan's soldiers.

"What are you doing? Do you want to rebel?"

When Tong Guan saw that everyone was here for the prison car, he immediately scolded them.

"Tong Xiang, General Zhong is dedicated to serving the country. He cannot be a traitor. This must be a plan by the enemy to alienate him!"

The generals of the Western Army all defended Zhong Shidao.

"Everything has its own discretion. Is obstructing official duties something you should do?"

Tong Guan continued to scold everyone. He had to take down all the generals of the Western Army today, otherwise the army would not be able to command.

"You are all officials of the Song Dynasty. You should be dedicated to serving the country. Now that the war is imminent and you have not made any achievements, why are you still hanging around here?"

Tong Guan pointed at the generals of the Western Army and yelled.

Everyone lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at Tong Guan, nor did they dare to speak again. Tong Guan's words were very clear. In the army, military merit is what counts. They have not done meritorious service now, so it is useless to say anything.

"General Zhong, go back and explain it properly. Your Majesty is not that unkind!"

Tong Guan looked at Master Zhongdao in the prison car.

"Tong Xiang, now that the war is going badly, you just want me to take the blame! Why bother to accuse me?"

Zhong Shidao looked at Tong Guan quietly, and he no longer covered it up. Tong Guan had always wanted to get rid of him, and now he was even more unscrupulous.

"The truth is that you are the conclusive evidence! You are having an affair with a thief. The letter is right here. What else is there to say?"

Tong Guan took out a letter from his arms and waved it. Shi Dao just glanced at the words on the envelope, and his face immediately turned pale. Those words were his handwriting, but he had never written such a letter. letter.

"take away!"

Tong Guan burst out laughing. This letter was the ironclad proof. Without this letter, he really wouldn't be sure of winning the Zhongshi Dao.


Datong Prefecture.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Wanyan Zonghan led his soldiers and horses to greet Wanyan Wu's return from begging at the city gate.

"The enemy is gone?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai glanced at Wanyan Zonghan and his voice was a little gloomy. He had left more than 3 troops behind, and the purpose was to let Wanyan Zonghan leave behind the enemies of Datong Mansion.

"Your Majesty, the enemy has taken the opportunity to escape..."

Wanyan Zonghan quickly reported the situation in detail.

"You mean the enemy suddenly withdrew?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai asked with squinting eyes.

"Yes, there was still fighting at first, but the enemy withdrew overnight!"

Wanyan Zonghan confirmed.

"How could this happen? Aren't they going to fight us?"

Wanyan Loushi asked in confusion. The Qi army was quite tough before he left.

"No, the enemy is going to run!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai immediately thought of a possibility.

"Report, Your Majesty, the commander-in-chief of the East Route, Wan Yanchang, has captured Wuzhou."

A cavalryman came from the east to report.

"Wuzhou was also captured?"

Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Lou were overjoyed.

"Did the enemy suddenly withdraw?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai suddenly asked.

"Yes, a few days ago Wanyandu led the army to storm the Dama Mountains. They did not enter the Dama Mountains for three consecutive days, but just yesterday the enemy suddenly withdrew."

Soldiers report.

"Sure enough! This evacuation was planned by the enemy a long time ago. They want to abandon Kyushu in the north of the mountain!"

Wanyan Wu said.

"What good does it do them?"

Wanyan Loushi asked in confusion.

"Benefit? We only gained nine empty cities, and the enemy only lost nine empty cities!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said, this is equivalent to using nine empty cities to trap them. (End of chapter)

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