Water Margin people

Chapter 1072 The Great Victory of the Jin Kingdom

"Your Majesty, I will take people to attack Juyong Pass right now!"

Wanyan Zonghan also understood the enemy's intentions, and he would not be willing to be trapped by the enemy.

"That's right! As long as we break the Juyong Pass, everything will still go as we thought!"

Wanyan Loushi also said that capturing Yelu Yanxi gave him great confidence, and this year is the time for them to enter the Central Plains.

"Juyong Pass is not like Datong Prefecture or Wuzhou! The mountains there are twists and turns, and our cavalry cannot spread out. A hundred thousand troops can't do anything to that magnificent pass!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai shook his head and said, the terrain of Juyong Pass is not something that even a million troops, let alone a hundred thousand soldiers, can be absolutely sure to win.

"Oliyan, Nianhan! You two led [-] troops, marched into Daizhou, captured Yanmen Pass, and marched south to Taiyuan Prefecture!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan and said.

"Your Majesty, let's go directly to Hedong!"

Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan were overjoyed and went south to Taiyuan. This step was no worse than marching into the Central Plains. Taiyuan was an important town in the east of the river.

"Yes, with the war going like this, there is no need to cover it up. We Jurchens are not willing to just crawl on ice and sleep in the snow in Liaodong! The prosperity of the Central Plains also belongs to us."

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan immediately saluted.

"Qi State is playing tricks on us, so let's have fun with them!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, where is Juyongguan?"

Wanyan Loushi asked again.

"I will personally lead the troops without giving the enemy a chance to react!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said, there are Wanyanchang, Wanyan Zongqian, Wanyan Zongwang and an army of [-] in Wuzhou.

"Your Majesty, where is the Liaoxi Corridor?"

Wanyan Zonghan pointed to the east. There were still many soldiers and horses on the Liaoxi Corridor. He felt that since he wanted to focus on the east road of the Song Dynasty, it would be better to transfer Jin Wushu and Wanyan Yinshu here.

"Well, I'll give them the order then!"

Wanyan Wu Qingbuy then remembered that there was a troop of soldiers and horses over there in the Liaoxi Corridor.



There were violent explosions, and the originally tall city wall was now in dilapidated condition.

"Crossbow, release!"

Liu Fa waved his sword and shouted commands while standing on the city wall.

The soldiers relied on the bunker to fight back with crossbows, and the gunpowder crossbows hit the enemy's shield cart.

"Boom boom boom!"

The gunpowder crossbow exploded when it hit the shield vehicle, but the modified shield vehicle did not fall apart due to the explosion.

"Jincheng can't defend it any longer!"

Zongze looked at the overwhelming enemies outside and sighed.

"You take the others and leave first, I will defend Jincheng to the death!"

Liu Fa looked at Zongze and said.

"What are you talking about? How can I keep you here? Jincheng is just an empty city. Just leave it to them. Let's go to Yuguan and kill the enemy as usual!"

Zongze said, he would not leave anyone behind.

"It's a pity that we have few soldiers. If we had more soldiers, why would we be so wasted by the enemy!"

Liu Fa said bitterly.

"This is Liaodong after all, and the enemy's supplies are far more convenient than ours. Fighting here puts us at a disadvantage!"

Zongze looked at the overwhelming enemies in the distance.

"But this is fine. This battle has damaged the enemy's foundation. After this battle, Liaodong will not be able to recover within a few years!"

Zongze sneered again. Jin Wushu had recruited all the people from hundreds of miles around. The result was that the spring plowing was wasted, the autumn harvest was insufficient, and there were not enough reserves. Many people could not survive this winter. Amidst bursts of violent explosions, the charging enemies were repulsed and the battle came to a halt.

"Damn, it's almost there!"

Jin Wushu was furious. After a long period of consumption, part of Jincheng's wall had collapsed. Now they only need to rush in to resolve the battle.

"Let's take a rest first, the soldiers are tired too!"

Wanyan Yinshu said, the frenzied attacks and bombing of their soldiers during this period were also very hard. Now that victory is in sight, it is time for the soldiers to take a breather.

"The entire army rests! Launch a general attack in an hour! Take Jincheng in one fell swoop!"

Jin Wushu ordered to the soldiers.

Above Jincheng, Zongze and Liu Fa saw the enemy retreating to rest, and knew that this was the calm before the storm. When the enemy came back, they would launch an unprecedented fierce attack.

"time to go!"

Zong Ze said.

"Evacuate the entire army and burn everything that cannot be taken away. Not a single arrow can be left to the enemy!"

Liu Fa ordered to the soldiers around him.

After a period of bloody battles, Jincheng's soldiers were also elite and quickly gathered the few equipment in the city.

"There are so many city defense equipments, but now there are only so few left!"

Liu Fa looked at the sparse arrows and crossbows and sighed. The supplies that Jincheng stocked up at the beginning were enough to support a war, but now the supplies have been exhausted.


Zongze did not hesitate at all. He gave the order and led the army along the Liaoxi Corridor to Yuguan.

Jin Wushu and Wanyan Yinshu, who were resting, discovered that the enemy was about to leave, and pursued them with their troops. Unfortunately, the overtired army could not catch up with the enemy.

"Damn it, these bandits will run away if they can't be defeated!"

Jin Wushu was furious, he was so close to defeating the enemy and winning a great victory.

"Forget it, it's not bad to win Jincheng!"

Wanyan Yinshu said, with Jincheng they can enter and exit the Liaoxi Corridor at will.

"Come here and write to your Majesty that Jincheng has been captured, and the next step will be to attack Yuguan!"

Jin Wushu said to a soldier beside him.


Outside Huanglong Mansion.

Yue Fei was waiting for someone to hide in the mountains.

"General, there are no people around for dozens of miles!"

Several soldiers came back to report that they were hiding in the mountains outside Huanglong Mansion.

"General, how do we fight?"

A kind of special forces are eager to try. The enemy's capital is right in front of them, and there is not much defense. Isn't this a God-given opportunity?

"How can it be so easy to fight? Although Huanglong Mansion is empty, we have seen in the past few days that there are many guards! If we are really discovered, the outcome is still a matter of victory or defeat!"

Yue Fei shook his head and said, now that he is deep behind enemy lines, he must be careful every step he takes.

The so-called "emptiness" of Huanglong Mansion is also compared to the tightly defended city. In fact, as the Kingdom of Jin, there are many guards in Huanglong Mansion.

"I heard that a sacrifice will be held in the city recently! Why don't we dress up as aliens and sneak in?"

someone suggested.

"Huh? You have a good idea!"

Yue Fei's eyes lit up when he heard this. The most important thing now was to sneak into Huanglong Mansion.

"General, we don't understand the foreign language, how can we get in?"

Immediately some people objected. Clothes and other things were easy to deal with, but the language couldn't be helped. They couldn't learn it in three or two days.

"We can't do it, then find someone who can't do it either!"

Yue Fei touched his chin and said mysteriously, there are many foreign races in Liaodong, and because of the vast terrain of Liaodong, those foreign races are very scattered, and they may not have seen each other for decades. (End of chapter)

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