Water Margin people

Chapter 1073 The Wei clan of the big family

North of Huanglong Mansion.

A group of aliens dressed in ancient monster skins were heading towards Huanglong Mansion.

"General, this is the team. Look at them. They have animal skins, bone clubs, stone axes, and leather shoes. Aren't they just savages! These must be extremely remote alien races!"

The soldiers pointed at the group of aliens at the bottom of the mountain. These people were all wearing animal skins and looked uncivilized. This was the best target.

"What do you know! This group of people probably can't even speak the Central Plains dialect. What can you ask? How can we enter the city if we can't ask about the situation?"

Yue Fei shook his head and said, the group of people in front of him is indeed suitable, but they are also very inappropriate. The more barbaric they are, the harder it is to communicate.

"There's a situation! Hidden!"

Yue Fei suddenly shouted in a low voice to the soldiers around him, not far away a group of foreigners were rushing towards them on horseback.

The new alien target is obviously the alien on the original road.

"Stop, you despicable Dashiwei people, what shame do you have to go see the Great Sage of the Kingdom of Jin and the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty!"

The new aliens are better equipped and dressed than the previous Wei clan.

"Under the orders of the Great Sage of the Kingdom of Jin and the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, we will go to Huanglong Mansion to attend the Naadam Conference!"

A very old man wearing tattered sheepskins rode out and said.

"The Naadam Conference is only for you despicable people to attend. If you are wise, hand over your gifts and go back to Beihai!"

The alien blocking the road drew out his knife and said fiercely.

"The Naadam Conference is the most solemn conference in the grassland. All grassland ethnic groups can participate. If you dare to rob my family's gifts, you are not afraid of being blamed by the Khan of the Kingdom of Jin!"

The old man pointed at those people and scolded them angrily. The tribesmen behind him also drew their weapons and glared at them one by one.

"The momentum is good, but this equipment is really different!"

Yue Fei was watching a show on the mountain. The weapons of the newly arrived aliens were obviously more sophisticated. They were all equipped with fine iron weapons, while the big-room Wei people he faced had bone clubs and stone axes, just like a modern army facing savages.

"The Wei Clan of the great family, the Naadam Conference."

Yue Fei kept thinking about these two words, and his intuition told him that the opportunity had come.


The new alien races had obviously been murderous for a long time, and they rushed forward to kill them.

"General, what should we do?"

The soldiers looked at Yue Fei. They were the ones who wanted to take action, but someone else got there first.

"Take a look first and let them dog eat dog!"

Yue Fei, however, was not in a hurry to take action. The poorly equipped foreigners below were shouting in a very strange language, which was different from the various languages ​​in Liaodong.

"Protect the gift!"

Only the old foreigner among the Wei clan in the big room still knew some words, and he shouted to command the clansmen.

"You have good fighting skills!"

Yue Fei looked at the battle situation in the distance and said, the powerful Wei people are not bad at fighting, and they are not afraid of death. Although they are only wearing animal skins and holding only bone clubs and stone axes, they are not very fierce when fighting. Fear of death.

"Horned bow!"

The old foreigner from Da Shiwei roared again, and the tribesmen around him immediately took out a Zhangjiao bow from the animal skin bag on the ox cart behind him.

"This is the real horn bow!"

Yue Fei's eyes lit up when he saw it. Jurchens and Khitans also used horn bows, but those horn bows were nothing compared to the ones in front of him.

The horned bows in front of me are about five feet long, with shiny black bow bodies and bow strings made of animal sinews, all of which indicate that they are truly powerful weapons.

The dull sound of the bowstring sounded, and the arrow accurately knocked the enemy off his horse.

"Bow and crossbow!"

The new aliens also roared and took out their crossbows. Their crossbows were made of wood.

Yue Fei watched for a long time. Due to their numerical disadvantage, the group of barbaric aliens could only rely on their carriages to defend. Furthermore, their arrows were almost exhausted, and their horned bows were almost useless.


Yue Fei gave an order, and the special forces in the mountains and forests took action quickly.

But all this happened in the dark. The special forces descended the mountain and were not noticed by both sides of the war. The only movement was that the trees on the mountain swayed slightly and made a "rustling" sound. The special forces quickly moved to the edge of the woods, and they already had hand crossbows in their hands.

There was a dense sound of bowstrings, and short crossbow arrows were fired at the approaching enemy like locusts.

A burst of screams sounded, and the aliens fell off their horses one after another.


Yue Fei led his men to fight out, killing hundreds of people in front of him with three strikes and five strikes.

All this happened so quickly that the aliens didn't even have a chance to react.

The trapped foreigners looked at everything in front of them in horror, not knowing who was coming.

"Which of you can speak?"

Yue Fei looked at the remaining aliens and shouted.

"We are from the Dashiwei tribe, and I am the leader, Alan Hua!"

The old man wearing old sheepskin walked out from behind the carriage and said shakily.

"Da Shiwei tribe? You are also here to attend the Naadam Conference, right?"

Yue Fei looked at Alanhua and asked.

"Yes, we came all the way from Beihai just to attend the Naadam Conference and offer blessings to His Majesty the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin!"

Ah Lanhua put her hand on her chest and bowed before speaking.

"How dare you, the old, the weak, the sick, to participate in the Naadam Conference where warriors gather?"

Yue Fei looked at A Lanhua. He just remembered what the Naadam Conference was.

Naadam is a grand gathering on the grassland, usually held by the strongest tribe, and all tribes in the grassland can participate. At the conference, warriors from each tribe will compete in horse riding, wrestling, hunting and other skills, and finally the warrior of the grassland will be selected.

At the same time, the Naadam Conference is also a grand trading event for all tribes in the grasslands. All tribes will trade goods at this conference.

"This warrior, our Da Shiwei tribe is not strong, but our tribe also has many rare treasures. This time we are not here for a competition, but for trading!"

Arlando bowed and saluted again.

"What treasures do you have? What do you want to exchange for?"

Yue Fei asked.


Alan Duo looked at Yue Fei warily. These treasures were collected by their eldest brother Wei over many years.

"Who are these people in front of you?"

Yue Fei pointed at the corpse on the ground and asked Alan Duo.

"These are the Nanshiwei people! They are the more powerful Shiwei tribe, and they look down on our big Shiwei tribe!"

Alan Duo said, Nan Shiwei lives in the grassland near the south, where the water and grass are lush, while their elder Shiwei lives in the North Sea, where it is covered with ice and snow for most of the year.

"Then have you seen us snatch your things?"

Yue Fei spoke again.

"That's not true!"

Alan Duo shook his head.

"In that case, what if you show us the things? How about I trade with you?"

Yue Fei waved his hand, and the armors, weapons and treasures of the Nanshiwei people were brought up.

The tribesmen behind Aranduo almost drooled when they saw those iron tools.

"Master Warrior, we just want to exchange for some iron pots, kitchen knives, cloth, salt, and tea leaves would be the best!"

Alan Duo wiped his saliva and said.

Yue Fei saw Alan Duo's inexperienced look and saw him constantly wiping his saliva, and he already knew in his heart that these wealthy people in front of him were local leopards.

(End of this chapter)

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