Water Margin people

Chapter 1074 Entering Huanglong Mansion

"Iron pot, kitchen knife, cloth, salt, tea leaves? All these things are available!"

Yue Fei waved his hand and said, these things can be seen everywhere in the Central Plains and are not worth much money at all.

"Where's that thing?"

Alan Duo was overjoyed when he heard this, but he still insisted on paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other.

"Then... give these knives to you first!"

Where can Yue Fei get salt, cloth and tea now? We can only deal with it first with the sword of the Nanshiwei people.

Aranduo looked at it for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement. He turned around and muttered a few words to the tribesmen. The tribesmen immediately took out a pile of animal skin bags, and then went to fight for the knives and armors.

Seeing the behavior of his tribe members, Alan Duo could only shake his head helplessly and open the animal skin bags himself.

Pearls, agates, turquoise, and bear skins were arranged in piles.

"that's it?"

Yue Fei glanced at it and ignored it. Although these things were cherished, their value was just that.

"Master Warrior, these are pearls from the North Sea, different from the pearls from the East China Sea and the South China Sea!"

Seeing that Yue Fei was disdainful of those treasures, Alan Duo immediately picked up a few and introduced them.

"Pearls are pearls, what difference does it make? Not to mention that your pearl is too small. South Sea pearls are as big as a fist!"

Yue Fei waved his hand and didn't want to look at it. Although the luster of North Sea pearls was okay, the particles were too small. Apart from the color and roundness, the most important thing about pearls was their size!

"Master Warrior, look at this!"

Seeing Yue Fei's disdain, Alan Duo angrily ran into the carriage and ran out holding a big deerskin.

"Look, Lord Warrior, this is the North Sea ivory!"

Alan Duo showed off several thick white tusks, thicker than an adult man's arm, and the longest one was over a foot long.

"Is this ivory?"

Yue Fei's eyes were opened now. The elephants in the Central Plains have long been extinct. Even if they exist, they are only small. This one is like a pillar, which is unheard of.

"Master Warrior, we want to give this to the Emperor of Jin first."

After showing off, Arandu wrapped the ivory in deerskin and said.

"It's such a waste to beg for Wanyan Wu, and he won't be able to give you any benefits!"

Yue Fei had already taken a fancy to those tusks. There were no elephants left in the Central Plains. The nearest elephants were over the South China Sea, and the elephants there were small and had small tusks. They were completely incomparable to the ones in front of him.

"Who are you!"

Alan Duo was shocked when he saw Yue Fei calling the Emperor of Jin by his first name. Only then did he realize that these people in front of him might not be attending the Naadam Conference.

"It seems like you are the only one among you big Shiwei people who understands the Central Plains language!"

Yue Fei looked at Alan Duo and asked.

"I... I went to Xijin Mansion of Liao Kingdom to meet the Emperor of Liao Kingdom in my early years, and learned the Central Plains dialect. This is the first time for these tribesmen to go south. They will not..."

Alan Duo replied.

"Okay, since you have been to Xijin Mansion, you should know that there is another powerful dynasty in the Central Plains!"

Yue Fei said with a smile.

"Central Plains Dynasty, you Central Plains people!"

Aranduo finally reacted, and he unconsciously held the weapon. In the stories passed down from generation to generation, they had a life-or-death relationship with the Central Plains Dynasty, although this was the first time Aranduo met the Central Plains people.

The wealthy Wei clan members around Alan Duo were still cheering and showing off the swords they had obtained. They could not understand what the clan leader was saying, but they were happy when they got the items.

"Don't be nervous, if I tried to take action, you would have died long ago!"

Yue Fei pointed to the surrounding soldiers. At this time, they had surrounded the Dashiwei people and occupied the commanding heights.

"What are you going to do?"

Alan Duo looked at Yue Fei in confusion. The Kingdom of Jin was currently at war with the Central Plains, and these Central Plains people actually ran near Huanglong Mansion.

"Give you a chance to submit to our Daqi Empire!"

Yue Fei looked at Alan Duo and said.

"Submit? The Great Qi Empire? The Great Qi Kingdom that defeated the Khitan Liao Kingdom and started a war with the Jin Kingdom?" Alan Duo looked at Yue Fei in surprise.

"You know too? It seems that your information is not closed enough!"

Yue Fei nodded and admitted.

"Last year, the Khitan's Yelu Dashi swept across the grassland and robbed many tribes. They almost went to Beihai. It is said that they were defeated by Qi State. Now they have gone to the west to establish a country."

Alan Duo said.

"Yelü Dashi? That's it!"

Yue Fei suddenly realized that he had heard that Yelu Dashi was going to the west.

"How about it? Submit yourself to me, Da Qi. Iron pots, cloth, salt, and tea are all trivial matters."

Yue Fei looked at Alan Duo and became seduced.

Aranduo's old face was full of tangles. He had longed for the prosperity of the Central Plains. If he could get help from the Central Plains, there would be no shortage of supplies in the future.

"You are too far away from us!"

Alan Duo finally shook his head and decided that the Central Plains was too far away from the Beihai.

"Don't worry about these things, I will definitely give you something!"

Yue Fei opened his mouth and said.

"What if I don't agree!"

Alan Duo looked at Yue Feidao.

"Then we'll deal with you, you'll never go back to Beihai again!"

Yue Fei smiled ferociously.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Alan Duo had no choice but to agree.

Yue Fei directly told Alan Duo his purpose. Yue Fei planned to bring a group of special forces into the city with Alan Duo, pretending to be a member of the family.

Although Aranduo was a little worried, he had already sworn on Beihai, so he could only choose to submit to Qi.

Yue Fei and dozens of people put on animal skin clothes and followed Alan Duo to Huanglong Mansion, while the rest hid outside the city.

The Oshiwei people were very cheerful, singing and dancing along the way, and they were not at all sad because more than half of their clan members had just died.

"You guys are quite open-minded!"

Yue Fei looked at Alan Duo and asked. Alan Duo was the only one in the entire Wei clan who could communicate verbally.

"The environment in Beihai is harsh, and life and death are very common! If we were always sad, our big family, the Wei clan, would be gone long ago!"

Alan Duo said.

Soon the team of the Wei clan was stopped by the Jurchens.

With Alan Duo to deal with it, the team entered Huanglong Mansion smoothly.

The Wei clan in the big room was a small clan, and was eventually placed in a corner of the outer city of Huanglong Mansion.

"Master Warrior, what exactly do you want to do?"

After setting up camp, Alan Duo looked at Yue Fei and asked. He really didn't understand why the Central Plains warrior in front of him came to Huanglong Mansion.

"Don't worry, I won't drag you down! As for what I want to do? You don't have to worry about it!"

Yue Fei said with a smile.

Alan Duo couldn't get anything out of the question, so he didn't worry about it anymore. People in Da Shiwei didn't like to worry about these things either. They just took it one day at a time, that's who they were.

In the next few days, Yue Fei followed Alan Duo around the Huanglong Mansion. He also inquired about the situation of the Naadam Conference. The real conference will not be held in two months. By then, all the tribes with names in the entire grassland will come. The Naadam Conference was the first grand gathering held by the Jurchens after the founding of the country. The Jurchens wanted to establish their status in the grassland.

"Two months? That's a long time!"

Yue Fei figured out that the biggest problem was how to place the soldiers outside the city.

(End of this chapter)

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