All the nine states in the north of the mountain were occupied by the Jin State; Jincheng was destroyed, and the Jin State army approached Yuguan.

The news was like a gust of wind, spreading across the Central Plains in an instant.

Tokyo, Gendake.

"Then the music and the dance!"

Zhao Ji laughed and raised his glass to drink. The news of Liangshan's defeat made him very happy. He had been celebrating in Genyue for several days.

"Your Majesty, Liangshan has been defeated. Should we station troops north to prevent unexpected events?"

Li Gang cupped his fists and spoke to Zhao Ji.

"What are you prepared for? What kind of trouble can those thieves make?"

Zhao Ji waved his hand nonchalantly. In his opinion, Liangshan's demise was imminent.

"Your Majesty, even if Liangshan is defeated, the aliens from the Jin Kingdom will have to guard against it! What's more, Liangshan's defeat is strange!"

Li Gang continued to say, Wanyan Gao has not come today, so there are some things that must be reported first. When Wanyan Gao comes, these words will not be appropriate.

Although Li Gang distrusts the Kingdom of Jin, since he is not of my race, his heart must be different. But after all, the two sides are still in an alliance, and speaking out rashly may lead to hostility between the two countries.

"What are you talking about? You have read the military reports. Those thieves can't defeat the Kingdom of Jin!"

Zhao Ji took a sip of wine and said, "There are detailed military reports on the war in the north. It's not just hearsay. Everything can stand scrutiny. The Liangshan bandits just can't defeat the Jin Kingdom."

"Your Majesty, there is no problem with the military report, but after so many battles, what else has the Jin Kingdom achieved besides the empty city? How many enemies have been killed? This battle looks fierce and fierce, but in fact it is just a small taste, let alone the muscles and bones, and even the skin. It wasn’t hurt either.”

Li Gang saluted and said that he had been studying the war in the north recently. He had carefully analyzed that Qi seemed to be in a mess, but in fact it had no losses.

This is weird. Since ancient times, conquering cities and territories has been one of the main tasks. Killing the enemy's main force is the foundation. If the enemy cannot be effectively reduced, no matter how many cities and land there are, it will be nothing.

"Do you insist on spoiling my fun today?"

Zhao Ji slammed the table angrily, and Li Gang's good mood was ruined.

"Report, your majesty, General Sun Li of Guide has returned injured, and the commander-in-chief of Seed Master Dao has been taken away..."

A eunuch quickly ran into the palace to report to Zhao Ji and presented a military report.


When Zhao Ji heard this, he was furious. He waved his sleeves and swept the wine and fruits on the table in front of him to the ground.

"Let them come over!"

Zhao Ji became even more angry after reading the military report. The Jin Kingdom had been victorious in consecutive battles, but their side was defeated again and again. They even found out the traitor Zhong Shidao.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is a stratagem by the enemy. The Zhong family has been loyal to the Song Dynasty for generations, and General Zhong has been guarding the border for many years, protecting his family and country, and has worked hard and meritoriously. He cannot be a traitor!"

Li Gang immediately spoke up.

Zhao Ji, however, was cold-faced and unwilling to listen, and asked the eunuch to summon all the ministers to discuss the matter.

The injured Sun Li and Dai Yi's Zhongshi Dao were quickly brought into Gen Yue.

"How did you do this?"

Zhao Ji looked at Sun Li, who was bandaged and "seriously injured" and his face was ashen. He also expected Sun Li to kill everyone and destroy the Liangshan bandits.

"The general is incompetent, please punish him!"

Sun Li was in pain and wanted to get up to plead guilty, but he felt like he had been wrapped into a rice dumpling, and his body was covered with injuries, so he couldn't get up at all.

"Forget it, let's recover!"

Zhao Ji was upset and couldn't blame Sun Lidu for being like this, so he could only wave his hand and say.

"You! I treat you well, but you dare to betray me. What crime should you deserve!"

Zhao Ji pointed at Zhongshi Dao next to him and roared.

"Your Majesty, all of this is a plan by the enemy to alienate you. I have never betrayed Your Majesty!"

The teacher said.

"A plan to divorce? How do you explain this letter?"

Zhao Ji took out a letter and threw it viciously in front of Zhong Shidao. This was sent together with the military newspaper.

"What else do you want to explain? This is not your handwriting?"

Zhao Ji said coldly, he is a master of calligraphy. You can see through this note at a glance. The words on the letter are definitely written by Zhong Shidao.

"Your Majesty, I never wrote this letter!" Zhong Shidao picked up the letter from the ground. He finally saw the letter, which contained some secrets of this army.

"You still dare to quibble? The handwriting is yours, and the seal is also yours. Are you telling me that this letter was not written by you?"

Zhao Ji pointed at Master Zhong and shouted.

"Your Majesty, no matter how stupid I am, I won't use my official seal for such superstition!"

Zhong Shidao pointed to the official seal on the letter and said.

All the officials present also looked over. The letter paper not only had the signature of Zhongshi Dao, but also the official seal of Zhongshi Dao. The handwriting and official seal could not be faked, they were both genuine.

But just because it is true, this makes it even more acceptable. A secret letter that secretly communicates with the enemy is already deliberately signed, and it is also stamped with one's official seal. Isn't this looking for death?

"No matter how you argue, this is irrefutable evidence!"

Zhao Jiqu didn't want to think too much. The Jin Kingdom had a great victory, but the Song Dynasty suffered a disastrous defeat. Someone must be responsible for the defeat, and Zhong Shidao must bear all this.

"I'll put you in jail, and then I'll interrogate you in person!"

Zhao Ji waved his hand and asked the guards to leave Zhong Shidao behind.

"Your Majesty, I didn't expect that the enemy actually bribed General Zhong!"

Wanyan Gao cupped his fists at Zhao Ji.

"I have no way to control my subordinates, and I am making the country laugh!"

Zhao Ji looked at Wanyan Gao and said, the big reason why he just angrily criticized Master Zhong was just to show off to Wanyan Gao.

"Your Majesty, the Song Dynasty is a vast territory, and there are tens of thousands of officials under your command. There are always those with ulterior motives in people's hearts. However, your Majesty's intelligence work is good. The traitors who were buried so deeply have been discovered."

Wanyan Gao said with a smile.

"Haha, the traitor will show his fox tail sooner or later!"

Zhao Ji said with a smile.

"By the way, Prime Minister Wanyan, now that Shanbei Jiuzhou has been captured, I don't know when to attack the enemies at Juyong Pass?"

Zhao Ji looked at Wanyan Gao and asked, now most of Liangshan's army in Yanyun are at Juyongguan.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, our Kingdom of Jin will soon attack Juyong Pass, and we will definitely kill these bandits."

Wanyan Gao said with a smile that the battle in the north went very smoothly. Qi was not as powerful as they thought. The victories in Shanbei Jiuzhou and Jincheng gave him great confidence.

"Good good!"

Zhao Ji was overjoyed. If the war in the north goes well, then Sun Lei will definitely send more troops to the north, so that Tong Guan will have a chance to capture Liangshan.

The banquet started again, and Sun Li, who was seriously injured, was sent back to the mansion.

"Junior brother, are you really hurt?"

Luan Tingyu looked at Sun Li who was covered in bandages and couldn't believe it. Leshi sat next to Sun Li and kept wiping her tears.

"Go get some refreshments!"

Sun Li sent his wife away directly. Leshi wiped her tears and went to the back hall.

"His Majesty said he was going to stage a cruel trick!"

Sun Li helplessly raised his bandaged arm.

"That's good, at least we're out of the front line!"

Luan Tingyu knew from Sun Li's look that the injury was not serious. Since it was a flesh-and-blood trick, he would definitely suffer some physical pain.

"By the way, does your Majesty have any orders?"

Luan Tingyu asked in a low voice.

"Yes, His Majesty asked us to keep up with Zhao Ji and the princes!"

Sun Li said, this is the task Sun Lei gave him, and of course it was also the task given to Luan Tingyu.

"Do it directly?"

Luan Tingyu's eyes flashed with murderous intent, as if he was ready to kill Zhao Ji's family directly.

"No, directly assassinating him is of no use. Those ministers can elect one of them as emperor if they choose one from the royal family."

Sun Li immediately shook his head. If it was murder, they would have done it long ago. (End of chapter)

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