"What should I do?"

Luan Tingyu didn't understand. Zhao Ji was a romantic emperor and had more than twenty sons.

Also entitled to inheritance are Zhao Ji's brothers and nephews, all of whom are descendants of Shenzong.

"It's just the two of us who can't stand this much."

Seeing that there was no one else, Luan Tingyu continued to speak.

"How many can you see?"

Sun Li was also helpless. The Zhao and Song royal family were extremely large and bloated. It was impossible for them to control everyone even though they had only three heads and six arms.

"Okay, I'm relieved that you're okay!"

Luan Tingyu immediately said goodbye and left.

Just after leaving the General's Mansion, Luan Tingyu encountered King Kang's carriage before riding his horse out of the street.

"Meet His Highness Prince Kang!"

Luan Tingyu quickly dismounted and saluted King Kang.

"Did you just come out of the General's Mansion?"

King Kang opened the curtain and looked at Luan Tingyu and asked with a smile.

The relationship between Luan Tingyu and Sun Li is not a secret. Many people in Tokyo know it. Now that Sun Li has returned home seriously injured, it is reasonable for Luan Tingyu to come to visit.

"Yes, General Sun was seriously injured and now he can only stay in bed to recuperate!"

Luan Tingyu replied.

"It seems that the rumors are true. Since General Sun is recuperating, I won't disturb him. You can just send the gifts!"

King Kang said to the guard next to him, and the guard took the order and went to the general's mansion with the gift.

King Kang lowered the curtain and the carriage continued to move forward. Luan Tingyu understood and followed the carriage honestly to a quiet hotel on the edge of the inner city.

"General Luan, please sit down and have a drink!"

King Kang poured a glass of wine and said to Luan Tingyu with a smile.

"Thank you, His Highness Prince Kang!"

Luan Tingyu sat down quickly.

"You haven't been back to the Left Behind Department for a long time!"

King Kang looked at Luan Tingyu and said.

"General Mo has been monitoring Wanyan Gao during this period!"

Luan Tingyu explained.

"But I don't know anything yet!"

King Kang held the wine glass and squinted at Luan Tingyu. No matter what Luan Tingyu was doing, reporting was very important and must be emphasized on this point.

"His Royal Highness King Kang, the general has been really busy recently. He went to the left-behind department twice, but His Highness was not here!"

Luan Tingyu said, he didn't dare to tell others about the important matter.

"Then I was wrong?"

King Kang had an inexplicable smile on his face, which made Luan Tingyu feel scared.

"The general doesn't dare. It's all the general's fault."

Luan Tingyu quickly admitted his mistake.

"Tell me, what information do you have?"

King Kang asked directly without being too entangled.

"There is nothing unusual about Wanyan Gao, but Wanyan Xiyin often goes out. Their information came from the caravan..."

Luan Tingyu talked about the information he learned recently.

"Well, you did a good job! These are rewards for you!"

King Kang was very satisfied and took out a piece of gold and threw it to Luan Tingyu.

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Luan Tingyu pretended to be surprised and caught it.

King Kang asked some more questions, and Luan Tingyu answered them one by one. In the end, King Kang was very satisfied, and Luan Tingyu said goodbye and left.

Luan Tingyu returned to the Jin Kingdom Embassy, ​​but as soon as he came back, he found something was wrong. There were many strangers outside the embassy, ​​and these people even brought weapons.

"Who are you?"

Luan Tingyu touched the sword on his waist with one hand and looked at the strange strong men warily. He was responsible for the security of the Jin Kingdom embassy. These strangers must find out where they came from.

"General Luan, don't get me wrong!" Wanyan Xiyin heard the movement and ran out with a smile.

"These are our warriors from the Golden Kingdom!"

Wanyan Xiyin pointed at the new strong men and introduced them.

"Jinguo people?"

Luan Tingyu looked at the new group of people in surprise. There were more than a hundred people, each of them was powerful and obviously carefully selected.

"Why didn't I know? Prime Minister Wanyan never said anyone would come!"

Luan Tingyu looked at Wanyan Xiyin and asked.

"Why do you, a southerner, know about our Jin country?"

A strong man looked at Luan Tingyu with an unkind expression.


Luan Tingyu was angry. This new Jurchen warrior didn't give him any face. If he didn't get angry, how would he deal with himself in the future? Wanyan Gao was trying to win him over, and it was difficult to negotiate terms without face and dignity.

When the Jurchens saw this, they were holding weapons and ready to fight.

"What are you doing! Put away your weapons!"

When Wanyan Xiyin saw this, he also shouted angrily and showed his momentum.

"General Luan, these people don't know the identity of the general. General, don't take it seriously!"

Wanyan Xiyin looked at Luan Tingyu and said, Luan Tingyu also put away his weapons.

Enter the embassy.

"Let me introduce you. This is my deputy commander of the Jin Kingdom, Wanyan Zongjun, the fifth son of my Emperor Taizu!"

"Zong Jun, this is Luan Tingyu, the general of the Song Dynasty. He is now responsible for the security of the Jin Dynasty embassy. He is one of our own!"

Wanyan Xiyin introduced both parties with a smile.

"One of our own? I don't think so!"

Wanyan Zongjun looked at Sun Li disdainfully, he didn't trust the Song people.

"The fifth son of Jin Taizu?"

Luan Tingyu's face changed slightly. This person came with a high status. This kind of person suddenly appeared in Tokyo, which showed that the Jin Kingdom had made big moves recently.

"Forgive me, General Luan. General Wanyan fought with the resentful Liao army back then and was seriously injured. Those who injured him were Central Plains people! Moreover, His Majesty Taizu was also killed by you Central Plains people..."

Wanyan Xiyin smiled and explained that Wanyan Zongjun was resentful towards the people of the Central Plains.

"Forget it, since the embassy has guards, I'll take my leave!"

Luan Tingyu waved his hand and said.

"If General Luan is here, how can this embassy be without General Luan!"

Wanyan Xiyin knew that Luan Tingyu was angry and quickly stopped him.

Finally, under Wanyan Xiyin's persuasion, Wanyan Zongjun led someone to take charge of the inner palace, while Luan Tingyu led someone to take charge of the outer palace.

Luan Tingyu saw that Wanyan Gao hadn't come back yet, so he took people directly to the outer mansion, not intending to meet Wanyan Zongjun.

"Jiang Jun, why do you do this to a Song Dynasty person? These Song Dynasty people are the most cunning and must not be trusted!"

Wanyan Zongjun looked at Wanyan Xiyin and asked. He really didn't understand why he wanted to leave a Song general in the embassy.

"This man is our chess piece. After all, this is the Song Dynasty Tokyo, not our Huanglong Mansion. If you want to do anything, you have to rely on these Song people."

Wanyan Xiyin shook his head.

Soon Wanyan Gao came back from Genyue, and Wanyan Zongjun visited him in person.

"Why did we send you here? But there are changes in the north!"

Wanyan Gao saw Wanyan Zongjun and immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Your Majesty has an order for Orliyan and Nianhan soldiers to enter Daizhou, enter Yanmen Pass and capture Taiyuan Mansion!"

Only then did Wanyan Zongjun tell the news.

"Ah, attack Taiyuan Mansion!"

Wanyan Xiyin's expression changed. This was different from the original plan. The original plan was to attack Juyong Pass, but now he was attacking the Song Dynasty.

"It seems that Qi State is not simple. Isn't Juyongguan difficult to defeat?"

Wanyan Gao thought for a moment and then asked, he is now in Tokyo and the Jin Kingdom is attacking Taiyuan Prefecture. His situation is very dangerous. People like Da Song Dynasty may attack him at any time.

"Uncle Mingjian, the enemy is very cunning. Those born in the Year of the Rabbit will turn around and run away when they see something wrong. The winding mountain roads in Juyongguan are not easy to fight. Your Majesty thought of taking Taiyuan Prefecture first, and then crossing the Taihang Mountains to take the enemy's retreat."

Wanyan Zongjun nodded. (End of chapter)

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