Water Margin people

Chapter 1078 Li Kui goes to battle

"The whole army is on alert!"

Wan Yanchang ordered to the army that something was wrong. If the scouts didn't come out, it meant there was a problem above the north entrance.


Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zongwang immediately commanded the army to form a guard.

"Do you want to fight directly?"

Wanyan Zongqian looked at Wanyanchang and asked.

"The enemy hasn't even seen it, how can we fight?"

Wanyan Zongwang frowned and said, "If you want to fight, you must know where the enemy is. Now you don't know whether the enemy is at the mountain pass or behind the mountain. How can you fight?"

"Go with another team of scouts, be careful!"

Wan Yanchang waved his hand, and another group of scouts rode towards the north entrance.

This team of scouts was extremely careful, holding loud arrows in their hands.


When Xiang Chong and Li Gun saw the scouts coming in, they killed them again.

"Grudge, kill more than ten or twenty at a time! How long will this last?"

Li Kui was very dissatisfied. The enemy sent a team of scouts at a time. Such a small number of people was not enough to fill his teeth.

"Tie Niu, don't worry, you will kill him later."

Bao Xu reminded.

"Why are you so verbose!"

Li Kui said irritably, he just wanted to kill for a while.

Wanyanchang waited for a while, but still didn't see the scout coming out, and he was already sure that there was an ambush at the mountain pass.

"The army forms an array! Kill!"

Wan Yanchang directly ordered that it would not be scary if the enemy ambushed. The terrain of this mountain pass was not particularly dangerous. The Great Wall had been in disuse for a long time, so it would not be difficult to attack.


Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zongwang roared and commanded the army to rush away.

"Trebuchets, crossbows, artillery carriages!"

The Jin army pushed out all the equipment and attacked the broken Great Wall.

The adobe bricks of the Great Wall that had been abandoned for many years had long been weathered. The bricks were turned into powder under the blast of trebuchets and cannonballs, causing dust to fly for a while.

"Ha ha!"

Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zongwang burst out laughing when they saw this. How could such an obstacle stop them.

"No enemies?"

Wan Yanchang frowned and looked at the battlefield. So far, he had not seen the enemy show up, which made him full of doubts.

"The army is advancing slowly!"

After another bombardment, Wan Yanchang still had his doubts in his heart, but still let the army move forward. No matter what, they had to go into the mountains and kill Juyong Pass.

Wanyan Zongqian and Wanyan Zongwang commanded the army to move forward slowly. They pushed the shield cart forward carefully, guarding against the enemy behind the ruins of the Great Wall.

"There's really no movement?"

Wanyan Zongqian and others became more and more puzzled. The shield car on the front line had been pushed to a distance of less than fifty steps from the ruins of the Great Wall. This was a distance where a charge could be launched.

"No, if there's no one, what's going on with the scouts?"

Wanyan Zongwang had already climbed onto the trebuchet and was looking at it from a distance.

Behind the ruins, there was a mass of darkness filled with heavily armored infantry. Li Kui held a pair of axes tightly in his hands.

"Fifty steps! Forty-five steps! Forty steps!"

Li Kui looked at the enemy getting closer and closer and muttered softly.


When there were only twenty steps left, Bao Xu gave an order, and the soldiers immediately pulled the rope. “Boom, boom, boom!”

The ground beneath the feet of the Jin Army exploded open, and the violent air waves directly lifted the surrounding Jin Army away. The steel balls and iron caltrops that flew out with the explosion turned the surrounding Forbidden Army into bloody men.

Wanyan Zongwang, who was looking far away from the trebuchet, was also affected by the air wave. The trebuchet shook, and Wanyan Zongwang lost his balance and fell down.

"The enemy has an ambush, Ming Jin!"

Wan Yanchang, who was further away, could see clearly that the enemy had buried gunpowder in the ground and was waiting for them to pass by. However, their attention was all behind the Great Wall and they did not expect that the enemy had buried gunpowder outside.


Li Kui had already led his troops to fight out, and the black heavy-armored infantry rushed straight out from behind the ruins of the Great Wall.

The Jin army had just been bombed, and now they were dizzy. Their ears were ringing and their eyes were filled with stars. Even though the sound of ringing gold had already sounded, they did not react.

Li Kui didn't care about these dumbfounded enemies. He swung his ax and slashed. Xiang Chong and Li Gun followed closely, and Bao Xu led the army to make up for the leaks at any time.

"Kill, block the enemy!"

When Wanyan Zongqian saw the enemy appear and start massacring the Jin army, he immediately led his soldiers to kill them.

"Kill kill kill!"

Li Kui didn't care whether the enemy was coming or not. He protected himself with iron armor and swung his axe, killing everyone he saw.


Wanyan Zongqian led his men to kill them, but his army was made up of light cavalry, and their charge speed could not rise at all. They were knocked over by Li Kui's heavy armored infantry upon impact.

"Cover, retreat!"

Wanyan Zongqian discovered that the enemy was different. His spear could not break through the enemy's armor at all, and could only leave a hair-like scratch. The enemy was like an iron lump, so how could he fight with it.

"Kill the enemy general!"

At this time, Li Kui had his eyes on Wanyan Zongwang, and swung his ax to kill him. There were four or five Jin soldiers along the way, and Li Kui took the opportunity to kill them directly.

"You deserve to die!"

Wanyan Zong was furious when he saw Li Kui being so cruel. At this moment, he saw that Li Kui had killed more than a dozen people, two of whom were his personal soldiers.

Wanyan Zongwang swung his spear and stabbed Li Kui. His marksmanship was very tricky. After many years of fighting, he knew that the enemy's armor could not be broken, so he came up with the idea of ​​a face shield.

Wanyan Zongwang rode down from a high position and aimed his gun at the eye sockets on Li Kui's faceplate. There were only two larger holes in the eye sockets on the faceplate, and the rest were made of fine mesh-like armor.

"You braided dog is looking for death!"

When Li Kui saw the enemy attacking his eyes directly, he did not dare to resist. He lowered his head and faced the ground without giving the enemy a chance. His hands were not idle either. He swung his ax to cut off the front hooves of Yan Zongwang's horse.

"go to hell."

Wanyan Zongwang raised the reins of the war horse, and the front hooves of the war horse were raised to avoid Li Kui's axe. Then he clamped the horse's belly with his legs, urging the horse to trample the enemy in front of him.

"Get off!"

However, Li Kui did not pause at all. His two axes were empty, and he used his legs to hit the horse in front. There were triangular pyramids on his helmet, and there were also triangular pyramids on his armor. This collision directly hit Wanyan Zongwang's horse. On the belly.

The war horse neighed in pain. The stomach was the most vulnerable part of the war horse. It was hit hard by Li Kui, a barbarian, and the triangular pyramid directly pierced several bloody holes in the horse's belly.

Wanyan Zongwang did not expect that someone would collide with the war horse. The horse was injured and went crazy, throwing him off the horse.


The war horse was about to fall down in pain, and it was about to fall on Li Kui. Li Kui's brute force broke out and he directly pushed the powerless war horse over.


Li Kui swung his ax towards Wanyan Zongwang who fell to the ground.

When Wanyan Zongwang saw Li Kui, who was covered in blood, coming to kill him with an axe, he waved his spear as if he was seeing a fierce ghost, trying to force Li Kui back.

But Li Kui swung his ax and knocked Wanyan Zongwang's spear away.

"go to hell!"

Bloodlust flashed in Li Kui's eyes, and he was about to kill Wanyan Zongwang with just one move.

At this moment, a noose flew towards Wanyan Zongwang and directly caught one of Wanyan Zongwang's arms. The rope pulled Wanyan Zongwang back, and Li Kui struck the air with an axe.

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