Water Margin people

Chapter 1079 Retreat from the enemy

"Block that guy!"

Wanyan Zongqian roared. He had just arrived on horseback and saw Wanyan Zongwang being knocked off his horse by Li Kui. He was about to be struck to death with an axe. He quickly took off the noose on the saddle and rescued Wanyan Zongwang.

"Want to run?"

Li Kui waved his ax and chased after him.


The soldiers and horses who came to support Wanyan Zongqian rushed towards Li Kui to stop this brutal man.


Xiang Chong and Li Gun arrived with their troops, one on the left and one on the right. The Tuanpai players blocked Li Kui's left and right sides to prevent the enemy from surrounding him.

"Kill the enemy!"

Li Kui buried his head and rushed, his eyes fixed on Wanyan Zongwang who was being dragged away.

The golden soldiers were blocked by the regiment players. The golden soldiers suffered heavy casualties due to the impact. The regiment tokens of Li Gun and Xiang Chong were the latest ones. The regiment tokens are rectangular and can be stood on the ground to use force. There are two inches of tiles distributed on the surface of the regiment tokens. The long iron cone, this kind of group card is no longer a simple shield, but a murderous weapon.

Li Kui swung a pair of axes like a murderous whirlwind. Wherever the ax passed, there were stumps and broken arms. The Jin army's formation was torn open by Li Kui alone.

"Kill him! Kill him!"

Wanyan Zongwang, who was being dragged along, yelled. He felt uncomfortable now. The ground near the mountain was mostly gravel. The armor on his back and buttocks were worn out, and now he was in burning pain.

The Jin soldiers roared and rushed forward, but Li Kui's heavy armored infantry was like a torrent of steel, directly crushing all invading enemies.

"We can't fight like this, Tie Fu Tu!"

Upon seeing this, Wan Yanchang in the distance immediately ordered to the soldiers around him. The cavalry should have the advantage over the infantry, but the enemy infantry encountered this time was protected by heavy armor and had regiment cards. hand.

In this case, the light cavalry without sufficient charging distance could not gain momentum at all, which prevented the light cavalry from exerting its full strength. The result was that it was like falling into a quagmire, unable to extricate itself, and was wasted by the enemy in vain.


Tiefutu immediately rushed out in formation, and the heavy armored cavalry ran up, and the whole earth seemed to shake slightly.

"Tie Niu, retreat!"

When Bao Xu saw the enemy's heavy cavalry charging towards them, he immediately reminded Li Kui.

"What are you afraid of? Kill!"

Li Kui became murderous and continued to swing his ax to kill the Jin army in front of him.

Those Jin soldiers dared to come forward when they saw Li Kui coming to kill them. Li Kui's murderer who killed people on sight had already scared them out of their wits. At least a hundred people died in Li Kui's hands in this battle.


The Jin army roared that they did not dare to fight Li Kui. The heavy cavalry from the rear had already come. They were now in the middle and had to retreat quickly.

"Let's go. If we don't leave, it will be too late."

Bao Xu swung the Sangmen heavy sword and slapped Li Kui's head hard. The Sangmen heavy sword slapped Li Kui's iron helmet and thought for a while. Li Kui's head was shocked and he was dizzy, and then he woke up.


Li Kui also saw the heavy armored cavalry coming from a distance, and shouted at the soldiers around him. They could deal with the light cavalry, but they could not stop the heavy cavalry.

"Don't retreat, entangle the enemy!"

When Wanyanzong saw the enemy retreating, he yelled at the soldiers.

But the soldiers were indifferent. They had seen how fierce the enemy was, and the heavy cavalry from the rear was also coming to kill them. If they didn't leave at this time, they would only end up being crushed.

"Are you OK?"

Wanyan Zongqian got off his horse and looked at Wanyan Zongwang who was still lying on the ground unable to get up.

"My back is hurt!"

Wanyan Zongwang bared his teeth and the pain on his back made him unable to move.

Wanyan Zongqian quickly checked the injury, and what he saw was a bloody patch. There were blood marks from the stone on his back to his buttocks, and a blood stain was left on the ground where he was dragged.

Li Kui led his army to quickly retreat behind the ruins of the Great Wall.

Seeing that the enemy retreated into the bunker, Tiefutu did not dare to rush forward and retreated in a roundabout way.

"Hey, trash!"

Li Kui stood on the remaining beacon tower and laughed arrogantly. “Hit me!”

Wanyan Zongqian was furious when he saw this, and directly asked his soldiers to launch trebuchets and cannon-rock carts to attack.

Stones and explosive packets were thrown towards the ruins of the Great Wall, and there was another burst of masonry shattering and dust flying.

"Fight, keep fighting, blow it up for me!"

Wanyan Zongqian did not let the soldiers stop this time, but continued to attack. He wanted to blow up the barrier in front of him, leaving the enemy with nowhere to hide.

Wan Yanchang also came forward with the main force.

"Capital, this group of thieves is very cunning. They don't dare to fight head-on. They only dare to hide behind the ruins!"

Wanyan Zongqian looked at Wanyanchang and said.

"How's the injury?"

Wanyanchang first looked at Wanyan Zongwang who was lying on a stretcher and being treated.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief has not injured any muscles or bones, but the flesh wound is very large and it is on the waist. I'm afraid it will take some time to recover!"

The doctor spoke.

"Du Tong, I must kill that guy!"

Wanyan Zongwang roared through gritted teeth. His roar touched the muscles on his back and affected the wound. He grimaced in pain.

"Let's recover first!"

Wan Yanchang shook his head.

"This Qi army is really difficult to deal with. They never fight us head-on and just give up when they get along. This is really troublesome!"

Wan Yanchang frowned as he looked at the ruins of the Great Wall that were being bombarded and said, since Wuzhou to here, the enemy has never fought them head-on.

"Du Tong, it seems like the enemy is going to defend Juyongguan. We might as well go around to the victory gate!"

Wanyan Zongqian said.

"No, you also know what happened to Wan Yanzhong last year. The road is winding and narrow, and you can't pass the carriage frame or transport the equipment. It's too dangerous to go deep alone!"

Wan Yanchang shook his head and said, if they just want to enter the five states of Shannan, then they can definitely go to Yanshan like last year.

The bombardment continued for a while, and the already severely weathered Great Wall had been flattened. When the dust dispersed, except for the mess on the ground, no trace of the enemy could be seen anywhere.


Wanyan Zongqian's face was ashen.

"It seems that we have gone. The next time we may fight at Shangguan!"

Wan Yanchang looked at the valley and said, Juyong Pass can be divided into four sections. The Great Wall entering the mountain is the north entrance. Twenty miles deep there is a dangerous place called Shangguan. Twenty miles further is Zhongguan (Juyong Pass). A dozen miles further is Xiaguan (South Entrance), which is the exit of the entire Juyongguan Valley.

"I'll lead the troops in right now!"

Wanyan Zongqian said.

"No hurry! Clean the battlefield first!"

Wan Yanchang shook his head and said, they had nearly two thousand casualties in today's battle, and it was getting late, so it was easy for the enemy to ambush them when entering the pass.

"Go and report to Your Majesty that our attack has been frustrated!"

Wan Yanchang said to the soldiers beside him again.

"Capital, we just have a small setback, there is no need to report it to His Majesty!"

Wanyan Zongqian was anxious. Since the war this year, their Jin country had won consecutive battles. He was unwilling to admit this defeat.

"If you lose, you lose! There is nothing to hide! Maybe Your Majesty already knew this would happen!"

Wan Yanchang shook his head.

"What? Your Majesty already knew it!"

Wanyan Zongqian asked in disbelief.

"If our attack is not frustrated, how can the army enter Daizhou openly? We can't fall out with the Song Dynasty yet. A reasonable excuse is very important!"

Wan Yanchang said meaningfully.

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