Water Margin people

Chapter 1085 Indiscriminate bombing


The Qi army formed a formation outside the city, and rows of artillery were aimed at the walls of Zhencheng.

After a night of reinforcement on the Zhencheng city wall, the entire city wall already has the feel of a copper wall and an iron wall.

"How is it? Are you confident?"

Sun Lei looked at Ling Zhen. If he could break Wang Zhen's defense, then Liangshan's artillery would be invincible.

"I will try my best!"

Ling Zhen saluted.

The artillery soon started spitting out tongues of flame. Ling Zhen did not bombard the city walls with explosive shells at the beginning, but instead used solid shells of different calibers to bombard the fortifications on the city wall.

After several rounds of fighting, Ling Zhen finally explored several gaps in the enemy's defense.

"There must be bed crossbows hidden in those places!"

Ling Zhen said with certainty that the defense on the city wall was very targeted. The outside of the sand and soil bags were bricks and stones, and there were logs on the outside. There was enough buffer, which made it difficult for artillery shells to break through the defense.

But there can't be such a strong fortress on the city wall. If it is a piece of iron, where can we attack from? Although defending the city focuses on the word "defend", it must also be able to defeat the enemy when it attacks, otherwise the city will still be difficult to defend.

"Change to shells and aim at those places!"

Ling Zhen immediately ordered to the artillerymen around him.

"Boom boom boom!"

One after another, the shells landed near the bed crossbow shooting holes just tested.

The power of the explosive bombs was so great that sawdust flew into the air and dust and smoke rose. The shooting holes were directly blown open, and gaps in the iron-clad defense were instantly exposed.

"Quickly, move the bed crossbow! Move the shield forward and strengthen the defense!"

Wang Zhen roared and commanded. He did not expect that the enemy would discover the weakness of his defense so quickly.

Wang Zhen was helpless. Facing the artillery fire, he could only hide behind the bunker and suffer the bombardment. However, he did not dare to withdraw the bed crossbow. Once the enemy retreated, they would use trebuchets to attack at close range. The power of the trebuchets to drop bombs was far greater than that of the enemy. The artillery is big.

"It's okay, our defense is strong enough, the enemy can't break it!"

Liu Guangshi said with confidence that he had watched the construction of this defense last night. He had guarded all night yesterday to guard against the enemy's sneak attack, but the enemy did not show up all night, leaving him to watch the construction work all night.

The bombing continued, and Ling Zhen targeted those gaps for bombing. As long as the shells could penetrate the gaps, they could destroy a section of the defense.

"If the explosion continues like this, I'm going to blow up this turtle's shell!"

Ling Zhen said with a smile.

At this moment, shields appeared at the gaps, and they blocked the gaps with flesh and blood. Sandbags and logs quickly blocked the gaps.


This was the moment Ling Zhen was waiting for. The artillery didn't listen. The trebuchet had been pushed out. The explosive packets were directly put on the trebuchet, and the explosive packets were thrown onto the city wall one by one.

"Boom boom boom!"

A huge explosion sounded on the city wall, the solid defense line was blown into the sky with dust, and the logs outside were blown everywhere.

"This is how war is fought!"

Sun Lei looked at the siege battle with satisfaction and said with a smile, this is the war he likes, suppressing fire, covering the attack, and finally cleaning the battlefield.

"What's the point of this? In the end, the battle depends on the person. Whoever can persist to the end will win!"

Lu Zhishen has a different view. In his opinion, equipment is just an external force after all.

"When I fought with the Xixia people in the past, I fought like this. It looked powerful, but in reality it was not. You just blew the city wall down, but in the end they would still fight you in the streets. It was a battlefield like a meat grinder."

Lu Zhishen pointed at Zhencheng and said, even with such indiscriminate bombardment, the enemy still has no intention of retreating, and it is likely to turn into a street fight in the end.

"Haha, then I will blow up the whole city!"

Sun Lei laughed. Street fighting is always scary, but how can there be street fighting if there are no alleys?

"You just rely too much on equipment. It will take several days to blow down the city wall. How much gunpowder do you need? If the enemy is anxious, they will attack at night and continue to defend during the day! Puzhou is close to Liangshan. If it is further away, the gunpowder will not be able to support it!"

Lu Zhishen still shook his head. He still insisted that in war, people are the main force and equipment is the supplement.

"It makes some sense!"

Sun Lei rubbed his chin in thought.

"What do you mean it makes sense? It obviously makes sense!"

Lu Zhishen puffed his beard and glared, war was no joke. "The equipment is not powerful enough, otherwise I will show you what it means to be wiped out in ashes!"

Sun Lei smiled, manpower was very small in front of the atomic bomb.

The bombing continued, and the addition of trebuchets caused the city to wander. The logs covering the outside had long since disappeared, and all the stones underneath were flying away, revealing the last layer of sand and soil bags.

"Bed crossbow shot!"

Seizing the opportunity to change ammunition, Zhong Shizhong commanded the bed crossbow to counterattack.

The bed crossbows of the Song Dynasty were really no joke. The crossbow arrows accurately hit the trebuchet. The thick crossbow arrows hit the trebuchet, and four or five trebuchets collapsed.


Ling Zhen shouted and urged.

"General, the barrel is red and needs to be cooled down!"

The soldiers replied to Ling Zhen that they had been bombarding them all morning, and the artillery was already overwhelmed. Watering could not be done at this time, otherwise the barrel would be damaged.

"Where are the prepared artillery pieces?"

Ling Zhen asked through gritted teeth.

"The preparations have come in handy!"

The soldiers reported back.

"Damn it, it was so close!"

Ling Zhen gritted his teeth. If he could fight for two more hours, Zhen City would be destroyed.

"Trebuchet, back off!"

Although Ling Zhen was unwilling to do so, he still ordered the trebuchets to retreat. It was time for the enemy to use their crossbows.

"Your Majesty, minister..."

Ling Zhen apologized to Sun Lei, but was stopped by Sun Lei.

"It doesn't matter, we played well and the tactics worked out."

Sun Lei said with a smile that although they have always had artillery in the army, they have always been used as surprise troops. This has resulted in the artillery never being integrated into the military formation. This is also because there has never been artillery in the thousands of years of war.

"It's up to you next."

Sun Lei looked at Lu Zhishen and Wang Jin beside him and said.

"Shield chariots, shield soldiers, and crossbowmen come forward!"

"Get ready first!"

The sound of trumpets also sounded in the midst of shouts.

The shield cart was pushed out, and the shield soldiers gathered around the shield cart to cover it. The crossbowmen were behind it, and at the back were the soldiers who were in armor and carrying ladders, pushing the charging cart.

"Bow and crossbow!"

Wang Zhen roared when he saw the enemy army coming to kill him.

The crossbowmen on the city were on alert, and the dust-covered cauldron at the back was found. They immediately set up the pot to boil water. Others found wood and lit it, preparing to throw it into the city.

"Bed crossbow, release!"

Seeing the enemy entering the range of the bed crossbow, the commander immediately ordered to shoot.

Unfortunately, the shield chariot naturally restrains the crossbow. The thick crossbow arrows cannot harm the shield chariot, nor can it hurt the enemies behind the shield chariot.

"You're not the only one with a bed crossbow!"

Shi Jin roared, and the bed crossbows fixed on the carriage began to fire at Zhencheng.

"fight back!"

There is no fear among the masters, who can be more powerful than their crossbow.

It's a pity that Qi's bed crossbows are no longer just crossbow arrows. The crossbow arrows are filled with gunpowder and explode when they hit the city wall.


The master was shocked. He did not expect that the enemy's crossbow would explode.

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