Water Margin people

Chapter 1086 Night Attack

Although the gunpowder crossbows were powerful, they were far inferior to the artillery in quantity and power. This made the defenders on the city breathe a sigh of relief. As long as the bombardment was not as indiscriminate as before, they could handle it.

"The crossbow is ready!"

Wang Zhen watched the enemy getting closer and closer, and waved his hand to signal the crossbowmen to prepare.


With a loud roar, bows and crossbows rained down from the city.

The defenders on the city should have been able to fight extremely easily due to their superior terrain, but the constant explosions of gunpowder crossbows prevented the defenders on the city from concentrating on fighting.

"These people are not prepared to attack!"

Yang Keshi finally saw the enemy's intention. The enemy just didn't want them to rest or repair their fortifications. Those ladders and rush vehicles had no intention of moving forward.

"I should have thought of it a long time ago, Sun Lei is not the kind of person who can fight bloody battles!"

Wang Huan sighed and said, now they are led by the enemy, and if they continue to fight like this, they will become tired soldiers.

There were constant shouts from below the city, which made the defenders on the city dare not be careless and could only concentrate on defense.

From morning to now, the defenders on the city have not dared to relax for a moment. This kind of concentration consumes a huge amount of physical strength and energy.

The siege continued until sunset. The Qi army retreated and the artillery came forward again.

Seeing the rows of dark muzzles again, a look of despair finally appeared on the faces of the defenders on the city.

"After the artillery fires, the infantry charges, and after the infantry charges, the artillery fires, that's it!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

The bombing continued until dark, and the Qi army retreated. Soon there was smoke from the cooking pots, and bursts of delicious food filled the air.

The Song Army who had been guarding Zhencheng for a day had their stomachs growling with dissatisfaction. They were hungry and tired and just wanted to eat something and fall asleep.

"Quick, let the reserve team come up! Change the shift!"

When Wang Zhen saw the appearance of the soldiers, he immediately ordered that the soldiers must be fed and rested now, so as to ensure that they have sufficient fighting strength tomorrow.

"Damn it, these thieves don't even want to attack the city. How can Zhencheng be able to stop them if they continue to attack like this?"

Liu Guangshi gritted his teeth and said that even after waiting for a day, the enemy did not actually set up a ladder to attack the city. Without a ladder to attack the city, he would not be able to actually kill the enemy.

"Tonight I will lead people to attack the camp!"

Yang Keshi looked at everyone and said.

"Attack the camp?"

Wang Zhen frowned for a while.

"Sun Lei is the best at these strategies. Will he fall into the trap now?"

Wang Huan said.

"Fire, fire!"

The soldiers who had just entered the city pointed to the outside of the city in fear. At this time, piles of bonfires were lit outside the city, illuminating the entire battlefield.

"No, they will also attack the city at night!"

Wang Zhen looked at the bonfires with a somewhat ugly expression. The bonfires were the prelude to attacking the city.

The artillery was pushed out again. An hour later, the barrel had cooled down.

In the dark night, the artillery spewed fiery snakes again, and there was another fire above Zhen City. The soldiers who had just entered the city were so frightened that they immediately hid behind the bunker.

Linpu County.

"Report, general, the enemy has been attacking Zhencheng!"

A soldier reported to Yang Weizhong.

"General Yang, we have to send troops. If this continues, Zhencheng will be unable to stop us!"

Han Shizhong looked at Yang Weizhong and said.

"Send troops and attack the enemy's rear at night!"

Yang Weizhong nodded and said, they did not leave the city during the day, they were waiting for the attack at night, and their target was the baggage behind the enemy's rear.

In the dark night, tens of thousands of troops fought out of Linpu County and headed east.

"Han Shizhong and Wang Yuan, you bring 20,000 troops to Huhe Town. The enemy's baggage must be there."

Yang Weizhong said to Han Shizhong and Wang Yuan, while he, Zhao Ming and Li Ming led an army of 20,000 towards Sun Lei's army.

Attacking the enemy's rear can make the enemy retreat, but the top priority now is to relieve the siege of Zhen City. If not, Zhen City may not be able to defend tonight. The two armies will separate soon.

"There are enemy supplies in Huhe Town. The enemy must be heavily guarded, right?"

Wang Yuan looked at Han Shizhong and asked.

"should be!"

Han Shizhong shook his head and said that he had never been able to see through Sun Lei, and he was not sure about this night attack.

The army advanced slowly, all the way to the outskirts of Huhe Town.

"No, why are there no guards at all? It's pitch dark in the town!"

Han Shizhong immediately stopped the army. Something was wrong with the situation at hand. No matter how arrogant the enemy was, they would not be defenseless. There was something strange about Huhe Town.

"I can't see anything clearly in the pitch black!"

Wang Yuan also frowned. They came to attack at night and did not dare to light torches. They relied on the thin moonlight to move forward in the dark. But now Huhe Town is also pitch black. If it were not for the moonlight reflected by the Huhe River, they might all be dead. The location of Huhe Town cannot be found.

"General, do you want to fight or not?"

All the generals looked at Han Shizhong and Wang Yuan.

"let's hit!"

Wang Yuan looked at Han Shizhong, he was already here, how could he go back to pay the bills if he didn't fight?

"If you don't fight, if there is a problem, withdraw!"

Han Shizhong firmly shook his head in denial. The taboo in fighting Sun Lei was that the situation was unknown.

"Withdraw? Where to withdraw?"

Wang Yuan looked at Han Shizhong in confusion. Their mission was to attack Huhe Town.

"Go to the enemy's rear, there must be an ambush in Huhe Town!"

Han Shizhong said.

Yang Weizhong led his army to the rear of Qi's army.

"General, the enemy is still attacking the city!"

Li Ming pointed to Zhen City, which was ablaze in the distance. They had heard from scouts during the day that the enemy's siege was very fierce, but only after seeing it with their own eyes did they know how terrifying the enemy's siege was. This was not an siege, it was about razing the city to the ground. Flat ground.

"Can Zhencheng really be defended?"

Zhao Ming couldn't hide the worry on his face. He really didn't know what to do if he was in the city at this time.


Yang Weizhong did not hesitate at all, and immediately led his troops and began to charge. He must make the enemy confused and cannot let the enemy continue to attack the city like this.


In the dark night, a burst of war drums sounded, and several fire dragons on the ground suddenly ignited and rushed towards the enemy.


Lu Zhishen, Wang Jin, Wu Song, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng, Zou Yuan, Zou Run and others led the army to kill the enemy along the fire dragon.

"Meet the enemy!"

Yang Weizhong saw that the enemy was already prepared. Although he was uneasy, he still led his troops to fight. He had to stop the enemy from attacking the city.

The two armies rushed together, and the Qi army, which had been well prepared, directly blocked Yang Weizhong's army.

"Kang Jiong, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Lu Zhishen laughed loudly and looked at Yang Weizhong. Yang Weizhong's original name was Kang Jiong. Kang Jiong was the grandson of Kang Baoyi, who was deployed by the Bing Dynasty. Kang Baoyi was captured. Kang Jiong fled back to the Song Dynasty and changed his name to Yang Weizhong. He joined the Western Army in his early years and regained the northwest territory. The city of Pingxia was established, which shocked the northwest and became famous.

"Ruda, you traitor!"

When Yang Weizhong saw Lu Zhishen, his teeth were almost broken. He hated traitors the most.

Yang Weizhong waved the sword in his hand and attacked Lu Zhishen directly. Lu Zhishen also waved his water mill Zen staff to meet him.

Yang Weizhong was not bad at martial arts, and for a while he and Lu Zhishen were inseparable.

Above Zhen City, the defenders also saw the battle in the distance, and their morale was greatly boosted when reinforcements arrived.

Yang Keshi immediately wanted to lead his troops out of the city, but the Qi army in front had no intention of stopping. The artillery continued to bombard them indiscriminately, making the city defenders unable to raise their heads and unable to leave the city.

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