Water Margin people

Chapter 1091 Retreat from the enemy

Chapter 1091 Retreat from the enemy

"Array up!"

Li Kui woke up at this moment and yelled at the soldiers around him.

The Jin infantry who were preparing to surround Li Kui and other heavy armored infantry also retreated. They had already felt the shaking of the earth and knew that Tiefu Tu was coming.

"The enemy is finished!"

The Jin army shouted, and they retreated into formation, preparing to watch the Iron Buddha Tu trample the enemy into pieces.


Xiang Chong and Li Gun roared, and the three shield soldiers around them gathered together and put their shields together.

This kind of gathering of shields is not simply held together, but the shields are interlocked to form a solid triangular prism.


Bao Xu gave an order, and the soldiers put down their triangular prism "shields" and retreated directly.


Wanyan Zongqian, who was leading his troops to charge, was puzzled when he saw the black triangular prism shield formation. He had never seen this thing before.

"Be careful!"

Wanyan Zongqian warned the Tiefutu beside him. Although he didn't know what the enemy threw down, he knew at a glance that it was blocking him. Wanyan Zongqian, who had suffered too much, was already on guard.

The iron pagoda struck, and those triangular prisms were directly knocked away and started to rotate.

The spikes on the shields rotated and attacked the surrounding iron pagodas. The iron pagodas were also heavily armored, and these shields could not hurt them at all.

"That's it?"

Wanyan Zongqian sneered and shot away the triangular prism in front of him. These could not hurt Tiefu Tu at all.

"Fire arrows!"

Li Yan's voice sounded, and the crossbowmen immediately gave up their rockets, and the arrows rained down on Tiefutu.

There was a clanking sound, and the arrow was easily blocked by Iron Buddha's heavy armor.

"Haha, kill!"

Wanyan Zongqian laughed arrogantly. The defensive power of Iron Buddha was fully demonstrated at this moment. He wanted to let the enemy know how terrifying their Jurchen iron cavalry was.

Iron Buddha continued to move forward, constantly cleaning up the triangular prisms on the ground.

"Fire! General, there is fire on the ground!"

Someone shouted in a panic, and the war horses also neighed in panic. Animals are naturally afraid of fire.


Wanyan Zongqian then looked at the ground and saw the flames gradually rising, already threatening to start a prairie fire.

"This is... carbon!"

Wanyan Zongqian looked at the black ground. It turned out to be a layer of carbon. The rocket was blocked by the armor and fell to the ground. The flames directly ignited the carbon on the ground.

"rush out!"

Wanyan Zongqian yelled, if all the carbon burned, they would be roasted to death. It was impossible to retreat now, so they could only rush out.

"Go forward!"

Fengtai roared and led Mo Daoshou directly forward to form the formation.

The one-foot-long straight knife was sharpened on both sides, and the Mo Dao held high was shining with a cold light.


Wanyan Zongqian also saw the enemy's sword formation, but he was not afraid. He just urged the army to rush out quickly. In his eyes, Tiefu Tu was invincible.

It's a pity that the flames made the war horses uncontrollable. Even the iron pagoda cavalry with superb riding skills could not control the frightened war horses, and the triangular prism formed by those shields became a big obstacle.

With great difficulty, Iron Buddha finally rushed out, but its speed had slowed down to the point where it was impossible to see.


Fengtai roared and led the Mo Dao team directly towards Tiefutu.


Wanyan Zongqian was not afraid and commanded the army to fight hard.


Fengtai roared, swung the Mo Dao in his hand, and chopped off the Iron Buddha in front of him with one strike. The Mo Dao's terrifying armor-breaking ability directly split the Iron Buddha's armor.


Wanyan Zongqian couldn't believe that Tiefutu's heavy armor had been broken open.

The Modao team behind Fengtai also started chopping, but instead of chopping down the cavalry, they hacked at the horse's legs. Their strength did not dare to compare with Fengtai's.

A burst of screams sounded, and the iron pagoda in front fell down. “Kill the enemy!”

Wanyan Zongqian waved his spear to kill the enemy, but the spear in their hands was not as long as the enemy's sword. The enemy could cut them, but they could not attack the enemy.

The Mo Dao kept swinging, and the blade brought bursts of fire on the Iron Buddha's armor, and the Iron Buddha continued to fall.

The anxious battle prevented the Iron Buddha from attacking, and the army was crowded together, becoming like fish for a while.


Wanyan Zongqian directed the iron pagoda to circumambulate.

Lin Chong and Yuan Lang, who were fighting with the enemy, noticed the change in the battle situation, and they worked together to directly kill the enemies in front of them.

"Kill An Yanchang!"

Lin Chong and Yuan Lang led the army to kill Wan Yanchang.

Wan Yanchang was gathering his troops when suddenly he saw a fire breaking out in the camp.

"Our baggage and supplies!"

Wanyan Zongwang looked at the burning camp and roared. He was furious. These were the foundation of their army. Without them, how could they attack Juyong Pass.

"An enemy is coming!"

The soldiers pointed at the charging cavalry, all terrified.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Although Wan Yanchang was unwilling, he still issued the order.

"Capital! Why?"

Wanyan Zongwang looked at Wanyanchang.

"The camp is gone, the food and supplies are gone, this battle can no longer be fought!"

Wan Yanchang gritted his teeth and said that he didn't want to leave either, but the fire in the camp had already made the soldiers disorganized and had no fighting spirit. If this battle continued, the best they could do would be a miserable victory. This was not something they could accept.

The golden sound sounded, and Wanyan Zongqian, who was leading the tiefutu to break out of the encirclement, reluctantly led his troops to withdraw. The cavalry outside also quickly gathered towards the Chinese army.


Wan Yanchang did not hesitate at all, and withdrew westward with his army.


Li Kui, who was wielding an axe, wanted to fight again, but the enemy had already retreated. This made Li Kui very dissatisfied because he had not killed enough.

"You haven't killed enough yet?"

Li Yan looked at Li Kui with a smile. He now knew what a fighting madman was. Li Kui was a complete killing machine on the battlefield.

"I haven't killed enough with my ax yet!"

Li Kui waved his ax proudly.

"Let's go! It's not a good time to stay here!"

Bao Xu looked at Li Kui and said that the war was over and the army should not stay in this open place for a long time.

"The enemies are gone, what's there to fear?"

Li Kui shouted, "The biggest enemy has been defeated today, so what's the danger?"

"Why haven't Yang Zhi and Tang Bin come back yet?"

Lin Chong looked at the west and frowned and said, according to the plan, Yang Zhi and Tang Bin should lead their troops back at this time.

"Don't worry, they are both experienced and surrounded by elites. They will be fine!"

Yuan Lang said.

The army soon returned to Juyongguan.

Yang Zhi and Tang Bin didn't come back until the sun was setting.

"There's something new! A new army has appeared in the west, it seems they are Xixia people!"

Yang Zhi looked at Lin Chong and said what they found.

"What? Xixia people?"

Lin Chong's expression changed. Xixia people have always been timid and rarely participated in such unknown battles.

"Are you planning to act together with Jin Guo?"

Lin Chong touched his chin and said, there is only one possibility for the Xixia people to appear at this time, and that is to unite with the Jin Kingdom.

"This battle is getting more complicated!"

Gongsun Sheng also frowned and said, Xixia is not weak, and joining the war at this time is very detrimental to them.

(End of this chapter)

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