Water Margin people

Chapter 1092 Sophistry

Chapter 1092 Sophistry


"Report, Your Majesty, urgent report from Taiyuan! The Jin army is surrounding Taiyuan!"

A soldier rushed into the hall and shouted.

"What? Taiyuan!"

Zhao Ji almost lost his seat.

All the ministers were also shocked. Taiyuan was an important town in the east of the river.

"Where is Yanmen Pass? Why is there no news?"

Zhao Ji looked at the officials of the Privy Council and shouted, a few days ago it was only the Jin soldiers who invaded Daizhou. In his opinion, Daizhou had Yanmen Pass natural danger and the Jin soldiers could not enter the east of the river at all, but now the enemy has arrived at the gate of Taiyuan City.

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Jin has invaded our city and we should immediately mobilize a large army to expel it!"

Xu Han came out of the class to give some advice on the matter.

"Where is Cai You? Where is he?"

Zhao Ji naturally knew that he should mobilize a large army to conquer, and he had already asked Cai You to go.

"Your Majesty, Cai You is still in Huazhou!"

An official next to Cai Jing said as he left work.

"Huazhou? What is he doing? After three days of walking, why are he still around Tokyo? Go tell him that he must arrive at Taiyuan Prefecture within five days!"

Zhao Ji was furious. Cai You was still in Huazhou, which meant he hadn't left at all in the past few days.


Immediately a chamberlain went to give instructions.

"Go and call Wanyan Gao!"

Zhao Ji shouted to the chamberlain again, this time he no longer called Wanyan the Prime Minister, and the Jin soldiers surrounding Taiyuan Mansion were starting a war with the Song Dynasty.

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Jin.

Luan Tingyu had doubts in his eyes. The Jin Kingdom mission had been unusually quiet these days, and even the newly arrived Wanyan Zongjun only went out occasionally.

"Is something going to happen?"

Luan Tingyu guessed that there is always silence before the storm.

"General, over there!"

A soldier pointed to the end of the street, where a group of soldiers appeared. The whole street became chaotic, and the vendors and passers-by on the street gave way.

"Suwei Imperial Army!"

Luan Tingyu's face was full of doubts. The Imperial Guards were the emperor's personal guards. They were usually by the emperor's side and rarely left the palace.

"Quick, line up!"

When Luan Tingyu saw the Suwei imperial army coming towards the Jin embassy, ​​he immediately ordered the soldiers to line up.

"Are you Luan Tingyu?"

An armored officer looked at Luan Tingyu and asked.

"The last general is Luan Tingyu!"

Luan Tingyu clasped his fists very politely, saying that when the emperor approached, it was like seeing an official, not to mention that the Imperial Guards represented the emperor.

"Is Wanyan Gao in the embassy?"

The officer pointed his riding crop at the Jin embassy and said.

"Yes, they are all in the back hall!"

Luan Ting has a good idea.

"Go in!"

The officer ordered to the imperial guards beside him, and a group of soldiers rushed into the embassy.

"What happened?"

Luan Tingyu looked at the officer and asked, does he want to take action against Jin Guo? Coming to the embassy in broad daylight and arresting people like this can no longer be alleviated.

"That's not what you should ask!"

The officer glanced at Luan Tingyu and said coldly.

Wanyan Gao, Wanyan Xiyin, and Wanyan Zongjun were quickly brought out, followed by a group of Jin people.

"Take the three of them away! Keep an eye on the rest. One of them is gone, so why bother?"

The officer pointed to the other Jurchens and said to Luan Tingyu, while he himself took Wanyan Gao and the others to the palace.

Wanyan Gao and the other three were taken all the way to the main hall. This time, the officials looked at them with a somewhat unkind look.

When Wanyan Gao saw this situation, he knew something had happened, but he didn't show any signs of panic and just looked at everyone with a smile.

"Wanyan Gao! Do you know your guilt?" Seeing that Wanyan Gao was still smiling, Zhao Ji became furious and slapped the table and shouted.

"Your Majesty, what does this mean? Have I ever committed a crime?"

Wanyan Gao looked at Zhao Ji and saluted.

"Are you still pretending? Your Jin army has surrounded Taiyuan Mansion. Do you want to start a war with me, the Song Dynasty?"

Zhao Ji looked at Wanyan Gao and shouted.

"Taiyuan Mansion? This...I don't know!"

Wanyan Gao looked confused.


Zhao Ji gritted his teeth and looked at Wanyan Gao.

"Your Majesty, there is actually a reason for this!"

Wanyan Gao looked at Zhao Ji and saluted. He stopped pretending. It was obviously impossible for him to say that he didn't know anything about the Jin army's siege of Taiyuan Mansion.

"You admit it?"

Zhao Ji looked at Wanyan Gao.

"Your Majesty, you should know that our Jin army attacked Juyong Pass. In the battle for several days, more than 30,000 people were killed or injured, and the valley was almost filled with corpses!"

"But even so, we still cannot pass through Juyong Pass and cannot attack the main force of Qi. If we continue to fight like this, even if our Jin army is exhausted, we will not be able to enter Juyong Pass."

"So, we go south and enter Hedong, so that we can go through the Taihang Mountains and penetrate directly into the rear of Qi."

Wanyan Gao looked at Zhao Ji and explained.

"Hmph, since it's a borrowed road, after entering Daizhou, you can go east and take Jinpoguan to Yizhou, why do you have to go south and besiege Taiyuan Prefecture!"

Sun Fu, a member of the Zhongshu family, immediately pointed out the problem in Wanyan Gao's words and wanted to borrow it, but he didn't go to Taiyuan.

"Jinpo Pass is in ruins, Yizhou is in the hands of Qi State, and every move of my army is watched by Qi State. What is the difference between this road and Juyong Pass?"

"Only from Taiyuan Mansion to the east, into Zhending Prefecture, and then north can we defeat Qi!"

Wan Yan Gao opened his mouth and said.

"You still want to attack me in Dingzhou? Then do you still want Baoding Prefecture?"

Zhao Ji gritted his teeth and said that the siege of Taiyuan Mansion was already unacceptable to him, and this Jin man actually wanted to enter Zhending Prefecture.

"Your Majesty, don't get me wrong, we have only one goal, and that is Qi!"

Wan Yangao looked at Zhao Ji and emphasized. He also knew that his excuse was somewhat untenable, but now he could only say it bravely.

"I think you are annexing our Songzhou city under the pretext of suppressing thieves."

Zhao Ji looked at Wanyan Gao and said coldly.

"Your Majesty, the State of Qi and our State of Jin have sworn hatred. We sincerely form an alliance with the Song Dynasty to deal with Qi!"

Wanyan Gao saluted.

"That's enough! You're talking about Qi State. What Qi State? It's a puppet country of thieves and bandits!"

Zhao Ji couldn't stand it anymore. Wanyan Gao spoke very strangely today. He kept talking about Qi Guo, which made him a little angry.

"Pull him out and put him in jail!"

Zhao Ji yelled at the guards, who stepped forward and took Wanyan Gao and the others out. Wanyan Gao did not beg for mercy, but just left with a smile.

"Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Jin is so ambitious that it may have long wanted to annex our Song Dynasty city. We should mobilize more troops and expel them quickly!"

Li Gang saluted Zhao Ji when he left work.

"Where are the soldiers and horses?"

Zhao Ji looked at the officials and saw that Tokyo now had no troops to mobilize.

"Your Majesty, there are still some soldiers and horses in Guanxi, and there are also soldiers and horses in Chengdu!"

Someone immediately left work and said.

"Chengdu is too far away. When they send troops to Taiyuan, the entire Hedong will be gone!"

Someone objected again.

"Assemble the Kansai troops and horses!"

Zhao Ji immediately made the decision. The closest troops and horses that could be mobilized were the garrison of Kansai.

"In addition, send an order to Tong Guan to quickly defeat the enemy. If there is no success, engage in military law!"

Zhao Ji looked at Li Bangchang again and said that there was no good news coming back from Tong Guan, and he was no longer patient.

(End of this chapter)

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