"Your Majesty, should you ask Tong Xiang to come back first with some troops?"

An official from the Privy Council told Zhao Ji that the main force of the imperial court was now attacking the Liangshan bandits, and the entire Song Dynasty border defense was in a state of emptiness.

"We'll wait until the good news comes back in a few days!"

Zhao Ji waved his hand and said, the top priority now is to destroy the bandits.

"Your Majesty, would you like to use Zhongshi Dao? Zhongshi Dao has been stationed in the northwest all year round. He has a high reputation and is familiar with the terrain of the northwest. He will definitely be able to break the siege of Taiyuan."

Liu Kai left the class and spoke.

"How brave, how dare you intercede for the thief!"

When Zhao Ji saw that Liu Kai wanted to plead for Zhongshi Dao, he was furious and glared at Liu Kai fiercely.

"Aren't you the guardian of Zhending Mansion? Okay, now I'll make you the deputy envoy of Xuanfu in Hedong! You can set off for Hedong!"

Zhao Ji pointed outside the palace and shouted, Liu Kai is also a military general. Since he is so active, he should be sent directly to Hedong.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Liu Kai helplessly clasped his fists and saluted and retreated. He was not afraid of going to Hedong, but he knew that his ability was not as good as cultivating a teacher. If he wanted to solve the urgent problem in Hedong quickly, he would need a cultivator.

As soon as Liu Wei's incident came out, no one dared to speak. All the ministers saw that Zhao Ji was angry now, and he might become a punching bag if he was not careful.

The court meeting ended in silence, and the officials left with deep thoughts.

in the prison.

"Go in!"

The Suwei Imperial Army imprisoned Wanyan Gao, Wanyan Xiyin, and Wanyan Zongjun in cells.

On the other side, Zhong Shidao was watching all this, and he also recognized these people as envoys from the Kingdom of Jin.

"It seems that Jin Guo has taken action!"

Zhong Shidao murmured, with the virtue of the Song Dynasty, to be able to imprison the envoy of the Jin Kingdom in the sky prison, it must be that both parties have completely turned against each other.

"Uncle, this Emperor of the Song Dynasty bullies people too much!"

Wanyan Zongjun gritted his teeth and said to Wanyan Gao.

"Be calm and don't be impatient, then Zhao Ji won't dare to touch us!"

Wanyan Gao was not afraid, he sat in the cell with a smile, looking like he was sure of victory.

"Uncle, we have all been thrown into the sky prison!"

Wanyan Zongjun emphasized.

"If you can lock us up today, you will have to ask us out tomorrow!"

Wanyan Gao said with a smile that the army of Zhao and Song could not defeat their Jin army, and they would have to sue for peace in the end.

"When the troops come to the city, I want Zhao Ji to kneel in front of me like an ox or a sheep!"

Wanyan Zongjun said ferociously.

"One day!"

Wanyan Gao smiled and nodded.

"Prime Minister, over there..."

Wanyan Xiyin suddenly stopped Wanyan Gao and Wanyan Zongjun, and pointed to a cell not far away, which was Zhong Shidao's cell.

"Old General Zhong, I didn't expect to meet here! This can be regarded as a friend in prison!"

Wanyan Gao looked at Zhongshidao with a smile and said, Zhongshidao didn't give him a good look in the past, but now both parties are in prison.

"Who are your friends?"

Zhong Shidao looked at Wanyan Gao coldly and said, he did not want to have anything to do with the Jurchens.

"Haha, you are already in prison, how can Old General Zhong still be so angry?"

Wanyan Gao looked at Master Zhong and said.

"You are Jurchens, and I am a minister of the Song Dynasty. Although I am in prison, I am different from you!"

Master Zhong said coldly.

"What's the difference? How can you, the number one traitor of the Song Dynasty, have the face to criticize us!"

Wanyan Zongjun pointed at Zhongshidao and cursed. During this period, the news that Zhongshidao had betrayed the imperial court had spread throughout Tokyo, and even they knew about it. "Betrayal is our own business. What does it have to do with you Jurchens!"

Master Zhong said coldly that he wanted to deliberately make these Jurchens angry.

"Haha, General Zhong, it turns out you really betrayed the imperial court! What benefits did Sun Lei give you?"

Zhang Bangchang's voice sounded.

Zhong Shidao looked at the cell door and saw Zhang Bangchang, who was dressed in official attire and was walking with several servants.

"General Zhong, you finally admit it!"

Zhang Bangchang walked to the cell door of Zhongshi Road and said.

"What does it have to do with what you all believe in, whether I believe it or not?"

Zhong Shidao glanced at Zhang Bangchang and said, he didn't want to pay attention to such a servile and charming person.

"The difference is huge. Your Majesty is kind. As long as General Zhong truly repents, Your Majesty will be given a lighter sentence."

Zhang Bangchang smiled and said, it's a pity that Master Zhong ignored him.

"Prime Minister Wanyan, is the Kingdom of Jin really going to fall out with me, the Song Dynasty? Then the snipe and the clam will fight for the fishermen's profits. Do you also want to watch the Liangshan bandits become bigger?"

Zhang Bangchang looked at Wanyan Gao and asked.

"Master Zhang, it depends on whether you ask or the Emperor of the Song Dynasty asks!"

Wanyan Gao thought for a moment before speaking.

"What you did in the Kingdom of Jin is not honest. Your Majesty is very angry. I just came to see Wanyan, Prime Minister of the Kingdom!"

Zhang Bangchang looked at Wanyan Gao with a smile and said.

Wanyan Gao looked at Zhang Bangchang with squinted eyes. He understood the meaning of Zhang Bangchang's words, that is, the emperor would not ask him in person, and Zhang Bangchang would convey everything.

"Master Zhang, in fact, our Jin country does not want to be an enemy of the Song Dynasty. Our common enemy is Sun Lei of the Qi Kingdom."

Wan Yangao looked at Zhang Bangchang and said.

"That's what you say, but it's true that you broke Daizhou and besieged Taiyuan Prefecture. You just started the war without declaring it!"

Zhang Bangchang looked at Wan Yangao and said.

"There is a misunderstanding here. It was not our original intention to attack Taiyuan Mansion. We just wanted a place to station ourselves. Otherwise, we would go deep alone. With Sun Lei's Qi State in front of us and your Song Dynasty behind us, how could we dare to come?"

Wanyan Gao continued.

Zhang Bangchang frowned and thought. He didn't understand military matters, but it sounded interesting.

"Shameless, the two countries have formed an alliance, why don't you just say so if you want to borrow a road? Breaking Daizhou and besieging Taiyuan Prefecture, how can this be a borrowed road?"

Seeing that Zhang Bangchang was about to be fooled, Zhong Shidao immediately spoke out. He also understood what happened just now. The Jin Kingdom had entered Hedong Road in an undeclared war.

"That's right, why don't you say hello? If you want to use the passage, just say no directly?"

Zhang Bangchang also realized that the Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty had formed an alliance, and it was normal to use the road to fight during the war. But now the Jin Kingdom was fighting undeclared and wanted to capture the Song Dynasty's city.

"I don't know the problem here. After all, I am in Tokyo! If Mr. Zhang wants to know, you can go to the front line and ask. This is my token. They will treat you with courtesy!"

Wanyan Gao saw that he was unable to deceive Zhang Bangchang because of his mastery, so he could only take out a jade seal from his arms and hand it to Zhang Bangchang.

Zhang Bangchang took the seal, bowed to Wanyan Gao and left.

"It seems that since you can't beat Sun Lei, you want to beat me, Da Song!"

Zhong Shidao looked at Wanyan Gaodao. From just a few words, he could already analyze the situation in the north. The reason why the Jin Kingdom betrayed their faith must be that the attack was not going smoothly. Otherwise, why not attack Yanyun directly?

"Old man, I think you are looking for death!"

Wanyan Zongjun glared at Master Zhongdao.

"The more angry I am, the more it proves that I guessed it right!"

Master Zhongdao spoke with conviction.

"Whatever you think, you are just a traitor to the Song Dynasty! No one will believe what you say."

Wanyan Xiyin said coldly.

"There are many smart people in the court. Who do you think you can deceive?"

Master Zhong said nonchalantly.

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