Water Margin people

Chapter 1094 A messy Tokyo

"So what if you know?"

Wanyangao suddenly spoke. Wanyangao stood up and walked to the cell door, looking at Master Zhongdao in the cell not far away.

"Can your Song Dynasty defeat our Jin State or Sun Lei's Qi State?"

Wan Yangao looked at Zhong Shidao and said, he doesn't have to pretend anymore, and he doesn't have to pretend in front of a prisoner.

"You finally took off your disguise!"

Zhong Shidao looked at Wanyan Gao. Wanyan Gao had always pretended to be very good and seemed to really want to promote the friendship between the Jin Kingdom and the Song Dynasty.

"There are only four of us in this cell now, there's no need to pretend!"

Wan Yan Gao opened his mouth and said.

"You Song people are too weak. It would be a waste to have such a rich land in your hands. Only I, the Jurchen Warriors, deserve this land!"

Wanyan Gao said unceremoniously.

"You are talking nonsense!"

The teacher said.

"Haha, you can't even defeat the Liao Kingdom, so what can you do against our Jin Kingdom? If you obey honestly, I, the Jin Kingdom, can still give you some benefits after annexing you!"

Wanyan Gao laughed. He saw the weakness of the Song State. They could easily occupy this kind of country.

"You will not succeed!"

Teacher Zhong's eyes are determined.

"Haha, you can't say that. You are also a general of the Song Dynasty. You know the situation of the Song Dynasty better than I do!"

After Wanyan Gao finished speaking, he sat down on the haystack and ignored the cultivation method.

"Old man, I will kill you one day!"

Wanyan Zongjun looked at Master Zhong fiercely.

Tokyo, Jin Embassy.

"What are you guys doing?"

Luan Tingyu looked at the newly arrived group of Imperial Guards holding their fists in the air.

"You can leave, we will take over from now on!"

The visitor said in a cold tone.

Luan Tingyu heard the unkindness in the tone, and considering that Wanyan Gao and others were taken away by the Suwei Forbidden Army, he did not dare to ask any more questions and left with them.

Luan Tingyu took people directly to the mansion of General Guide.

"Junior brother, what happened in the court?"

Luan Tingyu asked directly.

Sun Li told everything that happened in the court.

"The Kingdom of Jin has invaded Taiyuan! Will you come to Tokyo?"

Luan Tingyu's face was shocked, this was something he didn't expect.

"I don't know, Zhao Ji has already sent Cai You to lead troops to Taiyuan, and today he asked Liu Kai to go too!"

Sun Li shook his head and said. At this moment, he was extremely glad that he was injured. If he hadn't been injured, he would most likely be the one leading the troops to Taiyuan Mansion now. The Jin soldiers were brutal, and the Song soldiers sent were all local soldiers. The fighting ability is quite impressive.

"Perhaps all this was expected by His Majesty!"

Sun Li raised his still bandaged arm and said, he knew the fighting situation in the north. How could the Qi army be defeated by the Jin country and lose the city and territory? This should all be a strategy to lure the enemy deeper.

"Can Cai You defeat the Jin army? The Jin people are quite powerful in combat!"

Luan Tingyu asked.

"What does this have to do with us? Tong Guan definitely can't beat him!"

Sun Li said nonchalantly, he was following Sun Lei wholeheartedly now, how could the Song Dynasty have nothing to do with him.

"General Luan, His Highness Prince Kang invites you to come over to discuss matters!"

A soldier ran in and reported to Luan Tingyu.

Luan Tingyu did not dare to delay and immediately went to Prince Kang's Mansion.

"You know everything?"

King Kang looked at Luan Tingyu and asked.

"I know everything! I didn't expect the Jin people to be so ambitious that they invaded our Song Dynasty city!"

Luan Tingyu said.

"You have a good relationship with Wanyan Gao, right?"

King Kang looked at Luan Tingyu and asked.

"Your Highness clearly knows that Luan Tingyu is loyal to the Song Dynasty!" Luan Tingyu immediately knelt down to King Kang and expressed his loyalty. He was a three-faced spy. Now that the Jin Kingdom has lost power, he cannot be implicated.

"Get up. I have no intention of doubting you. It's just that you have been responsible for the security of the embassy and should be familiar with Wanyan Gao."

King Kang looked at Luan Tingyu and asked.

"It's quite familiar!"

Luan Tingyu didn't know what King Kang wanted to do, so he could only speak vaguely.

"Isn't this king treating you well?"

King Kang looked at Luan Tingyu and asked meaningfully.

"Your Highness' kindness will be remembered forever!"

Luan Tingyu immediately expressed his loyalty.

"It's good that you know. I have some things that I need you to do. Are you willing?"

King Kang looked at Luan Tingyu and said.

"Your Highness's orders will be fulfilled!"

Luan Tingyu replied.

"Okay, in a few days I will arrange for you to meet Wanyan Gao in the prison, and you can help me bring a few words there. You must keep this matter secret, and you can't tell anyone who asks!"

King Kang looked at Luan Tingyu and said.

"Yes, Your Highness! The general doesn't know anything!"

Luan Tingyu said immediately.

"Okay, you are a smart man, and I will not treat you badly!"

King Kang nodded with satisfaction.

Luan Tingyu, who came out of Prince Kang's Mansion, suddenly didn't understand who he was. He understood what Prince Kang said just now. This was to test him. If he did well, he would be Prince Kang's confidant from now on.

"Everything is on my head!"

This thought came to Luan Tingyu's head, and everyone's attention seemed to shift from Sun Li to him. He was already a triple spy, and now he had to become a confidant of King Kang. This identity was too much.

At this time, Shi Qian, Lehe, Ma Lin, Cao Zheng, Sister Gu, and Sun Xin also met in Tokyo.

"Things are wrong in the city!"

Cao Zheng said to several people.

"I just heard that the Jin Kingdom is besieging Taiyuan Mansion, and many wealthy people have begun to pack up their belongings and prepare to flee!"

Lehe said that he often visited the homes of wealthy officials and gentry, and learned more information.

"Ready to run?"

Sun Xin asked in surprise, this is Tokyo, the most prosperous place in the world.

"Well, these people originally had the intention of fleeing south. Now that the Jin Kingdom has invaded Hedong Road, Tokyo is likely to become the front line."

Lehe nodded and said, the war in Puzhou has caused a lot of depression in Tokyo, and now the Jin Kingdom's move south has become the last straw for those people.

"It's not that easy to let them go."

Ma Lin said, Tokyo is the capital and it is impossible for people to move around at will.

"We don't have much information recently. We can't contact the Jurchen right now. I'll contact Sun Li and Luan Tingyu!"

Shi Qian said, there is not much valuable information in Tokyo recently, so now we can only rely on Sun Li and Luan Tingyu.


Puzhou, Fan County.

"What, the power of holding the corner has been broken! Are you still asking for help? We haven't even defended it for a day yet!"

Tong Guan roared angrily. Not long after he came to Fan County, the news of Yang Weizhong's defeat and Wang Zhen's request for help came.

"Tong Xiang, the enemy is so ferocious, I'm afraid Zhencheng won't be able to defend it for long!"

Xin Xingzong looked at Tong Guan and said.

"I know the truth, what plan do you have to defeat the enemy?"

Tong Guan looked at everyone and asked, but no one answered him. If there was a way, why would they hide in Fan County?

"They're all trash!"

Tong Guan was furious.

"The decree has arrived!"

At this moment, a shout sounded.

Tong Guan and others' expressions changed, and without caring about anything else, they walked outside and lined up to welcome the arrival of the imperial edict.

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