Water Margin people

Chapter 1095 Street Fighting

Chapter 1095 Street Fighting

"Tong Xiang, Your Majesty has a decree. The army must defeat the Liangshan bandits today and send back the good news."

The chamberlain didn't care about etiquette, and said directly when he saw Tong Guan leading people to line up to greet him.

"Retreat today? This..."

Tong Guan's face froze. Now he was being beaten by the enemy. The enemy might come to kill him tomorrow. How could he fight off the enemy today?

"Tong Xiang, the Jin army has invaded Hedong Road and is now besieging Taiyuan Mansion. Your Majesty is waiting for Tong Xiang's army to return in triumph to relieve the siege of Hedong!"

The chamberlain handed the imperial edict to Tong Guan and told the truth.

"What? The Kingdom of Jin invaded Hedong County!"

Tong Guan was even more surprised, and the expressions of the generals next to him also changed drastically. It was obviously them and the Jin Kingdom who were attacking the Liangshan bandits, so why did the Jin Kingdom suddenly switch sides and attack them?

"Tong Xiang, it's better to retreat from the enemy earlier. Your Majesty is still waiting for Tong Xiang to return!"

The chamberlain looked at Tong Guan and said.

"The minister leads the order!"

Tong Guan held the imperial edict in both hands and bowed in the direction of Tokyo. No matter whether he could do it or not, he had to do everything to save his face.

"The chambermaid invites you from the back!"

Tong Guan said to the waiter.

"Thank you, Tongxiang. I'll be here soon. Your Majesty has been in a bad mood lately, so I'd better go back and resume my duties as soon as possible!"

The chamberlain smiled and refused. Along the way, he also learned about the situation on the front line. He was losing consecutive battles and the enemy might come over at any time. He didn't want to stay here for a long time, so it would be safest to go back to Tokyo.

"Come here, send the chambermaid off!"

Tong Guan waved his hand, and immediately a soldier came out with a plate of gold and silver. He still needed the servant to go back and say a nice word.

"Thank you Tongxiang!"

The waiter's face turned into a smile, and there was a lot of gold and silver on the plate.

After seeing off the servant, Tong Guan's face turned gloomy again. The emperor was urging him hard, and this time the Jin Kingdom was in trouble and there was no room for him to delay.

"These damn golden dogs are treacherous!"

Tong Guan cursed fiercely. Jin Guo's sudden defection disrupted his plan, which would force him to fight Liangshan.

"Invite everyone to discuss matters!"

Tong Guan saw that everyone bowed their heads and said nothing, knowing that these people had no choice but to give an order.

"Tong Xiang, where is Zhencheng?"

Xin Xingzong asked.

"Withdraw it, what's the use of guarding it any longer!"

Tong Guan said irritably, in this situation there is only a decisive battle, and there is no need to defend Zhencheng.



The artillery fire continued.

One layer of Zhencheng's city wall has been blown flat. There are many potholes on the city, and there is no flat land left.

"Sun Lei is really going to blow the city wall down!"

Wang Zhen gritted his teeth and said, the bombing has not stopped in the past two days, and there are not many people standing on the city. Now the Liangshan army can take Zhencheng with just one charge, but the Liangshan army does not charge, but bombing.

"If this continues, tomorrow the city wall will be less than one foot!"

Yang Keshi looked at the mess around him and said, This battle was too frustrating. Sun Lei did not fight with them, but relied solely on artillery bombardment.

"Let the soldiers withdraw into the city and start a street fight with Sun Lei!"

Zhongshizhong said that the city wall had been destroyed, but he was unwilling to give up Zhencheng.

The artillery gradually stopped. Wang Zhen knew that the enemy's gun barrels were overheated again and would rest for two hours, and then there would be another burst of bombing.

"Kaicheng, let all the civilians out!"

Wang Zhen looked at the soldiers around him and ordered that Tong Guan has not sent anyone to support him so far. Now their only choice is to fight in the city. They will not retreat even if Zhen City turns into ruins.

Everyone looked at Wang Zhen and nodded. Civilians would only hold them back in the city, and they were officers and soldiers and could not kidnap civilians.

The gate of Zhencheng opened quickly, and a large number of civilians ran out in panic.

"Stop those people!"

When Wang Jin saw that the enemy had released the civilians, he immediately led his army to stop the civilians. There were probably soldiers hiding among these people. If they were allowed to run around, it would probably cause chaos. “This is going to be a street fight!”

Lu Zhishen frowned and said as he looked at the civilians running out of the city. At this time, Zhencheng had become a place of death. Entering it would be a meat grinder.

"I'm not going to have any street fight with them!"

Sun Lei shook his head. There were many ways to win, so there was no need to act recklessly.

There are not many civilians in Zhencheng, and many people have fled before.

"Your Majesty, there are no spies inside!"

Wang Jin will report soon.

"It's normal. Wang Zhen and Yang Keshi are not people who play this kind of conspiracy. Of course, they also know that this kind of little trick is useless to us."

Sun Lei nodded.

"Your Majesty, do you want to besiege the city?"

Shi Jin looked at Sun Lei and said.

"No, the siege is too slow. They must be defending to the death. Let's break through at one point. Remember to push me flat when fighting. No interference is allowed. It doesn't matter whether it is burned or blown up. It doesn't matter if Zhen City is flattened."

Sun Lei looked at the crowd and said.

"Your Majesty, information from Tokyo!"

Lu Fang came over and handed a letter to Sun Lei.

Sun Lei opened the letter and read it, his brows wrinkled unconsciously.

"Look! The news has finally spread!"

Sun Lei handed the letter to Xiao Jiasui and others next to him.

"It looks like these troops will be evacuated soon!"

Lu Zhishen said, Taiyuan Prefecture is an important town in the east of the river, and Tokyo cannot fail to save it.

"It is possible to evacuate, but I'm afraid the crisis in Hedong cannot be solved."

Xiao Jiasui shook his head.

"The Kingdom of Jin only has an army of 40,000 people. Wouldn't it be easy to defeat them?"

Lu Zhishen said.

"Privilege Lu, if we can certainly expel the Jin Kingdom, it's hard to say that people like the Song Dynasty are here! Everyone knows the combat effectiveness of the Jin Army."

Xiao Jiasui shook his head and said that the Song Army's combat effectiveness was very poor, and it would be hard to say if it faced the wolf-like and tiger-like Golden Army.

"No way, there are still many Western troops in the northwest, and they still have combat effectiveness!"

Lu Zhishen had a different view. The combat effectiveness of the Western Army should not be underestimated.

"But the generals of the Western Army are all here. No matter how powerful the soldiers are, they can't resist the incompetence of the generals. The fact that Yanmen Pass in Daizhou was broken so quickly is the best evidence."

Xiao Jiasui shook his head and said, Yanmen Pass has not blocked the enemy, how can Taiyuan Mansion block the enemy?

"Let Lin Chong send out troops to cut off the Jin soldiers' retreat and prevent them from entering the Central Plains!"

Lu Zhishen immediately said that it didn't matter how they fought with the Song Dynasty, but they must not let the Jin soldiers in.

"It's not up to us. Lin Chong just opened the flying pigeon to send a message, and the Xixia people have joined the war."

Sun Lei shook his head.

"What? The Xixia people also got involved?"

Lu Zhishen's face darkened. He had been dealing with Xixia for many years in the Western Army.

"The place in Xixia is bitterly cold and surrounded by Gaochang, Uighur, Western Liao, Mongolia, Jin, and Song Dynasty. They have been coveting the Central Plains for more than a day or two."

Sun Lei nodded.

"Didn't they send more troops to the north?"

Lu Zhishen said, they have sent many more troops to the north.

"Then we have to set up defenses! Wait and see, we can't kill Taiyuan Mansion!"

Sun Lei shook his head and said, the Guanxi Fifth Road is so big, if Xixia really gets involved, they won't be able to completely cut off the Jin Kingdom's road.

(End of this chapter)

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