Water Margin people

Chapter 1096 Du Chong

Chapter 1096 Du Chong

It's getting late.

A rare flame ignited in Zhencheng, and soon the aroma of the food spread. This was the first time Zhencheng had cooked on such a large scale in several days.

"Brothers, let's have a good meal today, and tomorrow we will fight with the enemy! Protect our home and country, and our loyal soul will last forever!"

Wang Zhen held the wine bowl and looked at the soldiers and said.

"Protect your home and country, and your loyal soul will last forever!"

The soldiers also shouted in unison, and the sound spread to the outside of the city.

Listening to the neat and resolute shouts, Wang Zhen felt greatly relieved that his morale was still there and the battle could continue.

The soldiers were eating hot meals, laughing and laughing, and seemed to be ready for the decisive battle.

"We will fight Sun Lei tomorrow! It is a blessing to die for the country!"

The grower said with a smile and a wine bowl.

"Haha, let's go together!"

Yang Keshi, Wang Huan and others also raised their wine bowls and said.

Only Liu Guangshi's face was a little pale, and his attitude of looking back at death was a bit difficult for him to accept. He didn't want to die fighting here, or in other words, he didn't want to die fighting at all.

Everyone was drinking happily, it seemed that it was not a meal before the decisive battle, but a celebration banquet.

A soldier hurriedly walked to Wang Zhen and others.

"General Wang, General Yang, Prime Minister Tong has urgent orders!"

The soldier handed an order to Wang Zhen.

"Well, urgent order?"

Wang Zhen frowned. What they needed was Tong Guan's support, not any orders. They were ready to fight desperately and could not complete any orders.

Everyone looked at Wang Zhen, and they were also curious about Tong Guan's orders.

"The Kingdom of Jin invaded Hedong Road and besieged Taiyuan Prefecture. Tong Xiang ordered us to quickly lead our troops to gather in Fan County to prepare for the final battle with the Liangshan bandits!"

After Wang Zhen read the order, he said in a low voice.


Wang Zhen's words sounded like a thunder in everyone's mind, making everyone unable to react for a moment.

"Jin Bing entered Hedong Road?"

Xu Jing's expression changed drastically. He was the military governor of Taiyuan Shangdang and had been responsible for the defense of Hedong Road. Now the Jin Kingdom has actually surrounded Taiyuan Prefecture.

"What should we do?"

All the generals were panicked. Just now, their blood was boiling and they were looking forward to death. This news was like a basin of ice water, which directly froze them into ice cubes.

"Excuting an order!"

Yang Keshi said in a low voice, they can't die now, something happened in the north, and they have a lot to do.

"Gather the army and evacuate to Fan County quickly!"

Wang Zhen nodded and ordered, now they are no longer fighting with Sun Lei, but they have to consider the overall situation. Now that the golden soldiers are besieging the city in the north, they cannot die easily.

The army who were eating and drinking suddenly heard the gathering, and they all looked at each other in shock. There was no drum sound for gathering, but only verbal orders. This was not in line with the rules of the army.

But soon the soldiers started to move, because the generals in the army took action.

In the confusion of the soldiers, the army left the city from the north gate of Zhencheng and headed towards Fan County.

The army marched all night and arrived at Fan County at noon the next day.

"All sit down!"

Tong Guan looked at Wang Zhen and others who came back and waved. He didn't bother to ask Wang Zhen and these people what strategies they had to defeat the enemy. In his opinion, a group of guys who were beaten by the enemy and asked for help could have any good strategies.

"Tong Xiang, how come Taiyuan Mansion is besieged by the enemy?"

Xu Jing looked at Tong Guan and confirmed, he really couldn't believe that Jin Guo had already reached Taiyuan Prefecture.

"This matter has been explained by imperial edict. The Kingdom of Jin suddenly changed sides. Your Majesty urges us to defeat the enemy quickly and then return to Tokyo to obey orders!" Tong Guan looked at everyone and said.

"Tong Xiang, there are many of us. If we directly fight the enemy, I don't believe that we can't defeat the thieves. I will be the vanguard in the end!"

Lu Junyi stood up and clasped his fists at Tong Guan to ask for a fight. They tried every strategy, but the result was a disastrous defeat. In this case, it was better to fight head-on. They still had an army of 300,000 people, so there was no reason they couldn't defeat him.

"The bravery of a reckless man! Do you know the power of thieves' weapons? This place is backed by Liangshan, and the thieves fight locally. In large-scale field battles, we have no advantage at all!"

Liu Guangshi immediately denied it. He couldn't defeat him even if he relied on the city. He still thought about hedging in the wild. Wouldn't this be a way to die? When he thought of the enemy's artillery and gunpowder crossbows, there was no chance of winning in a head-on attack.

"Then what do you say?"

Lu Junyi couldn't bear it anymore and glared at Liu Guangshi and asked, a defeated general dared to refute him like this.

"Stop arguing! I'm asking you about something serious!"

Seeing the tense situation between the two, Tong Guan immediately scolded them. What time had it been and these people were still in the mood to quarrel.

"Tong Xiang, Tianzhang Pavilion is waiting to be controlled, and Du Chong, who is staying in Kaide Mansion, wants to see you!"

A soldier came in to report.

"Du Chong? Let him in!"

Although Tong Guan was confused, he nodded and prepared to meet Du Chong.

Since Liang Zhongshu lost the Daming Mansion last year, there was one less gate in the north of Tokyo. The emperor accepted Du Chong's order to stay at Kaide Mansion and become the new north gate of Tokyo.

Kaide Mansion is south of Daming Mansion, across the Yellow River from Puzhou. Tong Guan originally thought that Fan County could not hold it, so he crossed the river to Kaide Mansion, but he did not expect that Du Chong came first.

"Du Chong, who stayed behind in Kaide Mansion, paid homage to Tong Xiang!"

As soon as Du Chong came in, he paid homage to Tong Guan. Tong Guan was a popular person around the emperor, a person who was worth less than ten thousand people.

"You don't have to be so polite. Mr. Du came to our army for business?"

Tong Guan looked at Du Chong and asked. He was very annoyed now and was in no mood to chat with Du Chong.

"I heard that the Jin soldiers from the north were besieging Taiyuan Prefecture, and that Tong Xiang was blocked by the enemy in Puzhou and could not escape, so I came here to offer my advice."

Du Chong smiled and saluted Tong Guan.

"I forgot, you are Zibi Han Xin! Tell me if you have any plans!"

Tong Guan was overjoyed when he heard this, and then he remembered that Du Chong often compared himself to Han Xin, saying that a handsome minister should not sit on the throne and should take risks as a matter of course.

"Children are smiling at each other!"

Du Chong was not modest at all, he actually admitted it like this.

"You don't have the guts to compare yourself to Han Xin!"

Some people were unconvinced on the spot. Han Xin was a soldier, so why should Du Chong, a civil servant who had never led soldiers, compare himself to himself?

Tong Guan didn't stop him when he saw this. He wanted to see what Du Chong was capable of. He had led troops. Although his record was not very good, he really understood how difficult it was to lead troops in battle. He also had some doubts that Du Chong was not serious. Talent and practical learning.

"Generals, are you worried about how to retreat from the enemy? I have a plan that will prevent the enemy from moving an inch for half a year!"

Du Chong looked at everyone with a smile and said.


"Don't be ashamed!"

Everyone was even more dissatisfied when they heard this. They had personally experienced how terrifying the Liangshan army was, but the person in front of them dared to say so.

"Tell me, what can you do?"

Tong Guan became interested. Half a year was what he needed urgently. If he could trap the enemy for half a year, he would be able to give an explanation to the emperor.

"It's summer now. I asked the local old man that it will rain heavily recently, and it will rain continuously. The water of the Yellow River is surging. If we divert the water of the Yellow River south, Liangshanbo will turn into a vast ocean in an instant. By then, the enemy will be Drowning, we don’t even have time to collect the body!”

Du Chong smiled and clasped his fists at Tong Guan and told him his plan.

(End of this chapter)

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